DxD: Matsuda!

You smell like Lilith!

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     As Rias and the rest were going to leave, a vampire maid entered and asked for myself, Rias, Gasper, and Koneko. Apparently Valarie wants a private meeting with us in the glass garden.

      Akeno, Kiba, Kris, and Issei would go and meet with Gasper's father instead.

     So our group of four were guided to the back garden area with artificial lights. Also white outdoor tables and chairs with many rose bushes dotted this indoor garden. Off to the side just sitting with his eyes closed was the Evil Dragon, Crom Cruach. In the center was Valerie sitting at a table with tea and refreshments ready with four empty seats.

     Valerie then greets with tiredness in her eyes,"Hello and thank all of you for coming on such short notice. Here please have some black tea and pastries." Gasper then sits to her right while Rias is on my left, with Koneko on my right.

     Rias then says to her,"It was no problem, we were happy to know you wanted to chat. This is my husband Matsuda Gremory and next to him is Koneko, his Rook and little sister." Koneko's eyes light up after that, but only she and I know it's because of the cakes and cookies on the table.

     I am a bit distracted because I am seeing a few dead people from the Human world standing and looking at Valerie. It is like the souls from the Spirit World are using Valarie as a TV to see what is going on around her. I hear some of them try to ask her questions.

     Koneko says to us,"I am sensing negative Ki around Valerie, Mat I assume you can see them?" I nod to them and they look worried as Val is answering their questions sometimes.

     I say,"Your highness, why don't we ignore the souls for now and finish with our discussion. So you were saying that you were the one who dressed up Gasper in your clothes?" Damn she is a Rotten Woman! (A/N Japanese term for female perverts, into boys love etc.)

     Val puts her hand on her face and smiles,"Who would have thought Gasper would still dress in girl's clothing, Ufufu!" I hate this girl already!

      For a while we talked about life in Japan and what Gasper had been doing ever since he became a devil. Val has really fallen in love with the way we live in Kuoh and wants to visit. Like a female protagonist, Rias invites her to go to Japan. I feel Gasper and Rias are too naive but I don't want to ruin their happy mood.

     While I observe the dead souls around Val I notice that they avoid touching the living, from what I can tell it seems to bother them when they touch a living soul. That's interesting, I saw one touch her shoulder and then their arm turned into smoke but then reformed a while later, so it's like a bad reception on the TV when they touch us. Also when a maid walked through the souls they would temporally fade then reform and look irritated from being diffused.

     Koneko, ignoring the cake on her fork, asks me,"Big Brother, are you alright? You are looking irritated?" Rias then looks at me too.

     I tell them,"Her Sacred Gear is uncontrolled and attracting many souls and due to my link with the Holy Relics, I unfortunately can perceive them. So I am increasingly bothered by being around them." Plus now the white haired woman with white eyes is now here watching me with an insane smile on her face like a psycho.

     At that moment all the souls vanish as Valerie's body-language shifts back into her puppet mode, as a piece of shit walks into the area with a punchable face.

     Marius Tepes says in a cheery voice,"Hello again everyone! Valerie, I heard you wanted to go live in Japan? Well if you want to go then wait a bit for the political affairs to settle then you can go with Gasper here." My gear tells me he is full of shit, but I did not need powers to notice this. In fact he sounds like Raynare did when she pulled out Asia's gear in the anime..... Oh shit, this guy has that look like, that it is what he is going to do to her!

     While I tried to hold in my anger after figuring out his goal, Crom Cruach opened his eyes to look at me in warning. Shit I forgot even Tiamat could sense my anger, so I calmed down. The Evil Dragon then closed his eyes.

     Gasper excitedly asks,"Really? That's great Valerie, we can go to Japan together!"

     Valarie then asks her brother,"But don't I still need to use the Grail brother?"

     Marius says,"It is not needed for you to use it anymore! So we will give you to your friends after some preparation." Ya to get the chopping block ready you dick!

     Rias scrunches her brows and looks at me and I shake my head no as if to say 'don't say anything'. She of course knows it is as she thinks, but with all of the Evil Dragons around we can do nothing.

     After a few more useless words we were then taken back to our room with gloomy looks. They are going to take her Grail and kill her then give us her body to take to Japan......

     Two days later....................

     It was nighttime and two groups of us went out in the castle-town with spy's watching our movements. Issei and Kris went out on a date together and I took five of my girls out as well.

     Rossweisse Is holding my left arm while I have Ingvild on my right arm. In front of us is the Church Trio laughing and giggling and looking around at all the stores and restaurants.

     Before we left for our group date, I cast some barrier magic on the girls to protect them from the cold. The snow around us is about half a foot deep.

     My gear has already warned me of the sneak attack that is coming my way but to not let the girls down I take it like a pro!

     Irina says to me,"Darling please accept my love!" And the laughing Irina threw a snowball into my face... I just sigh and smile at her nonsense!

     Asia and Xenovia nod to each other and simultaneously throw a snowball into Irina, then Xenovia says,"Here is our love too! hah-aha" Then a few more snowballs went flying and I blocked the ones that would hit Rose or Ingvild. Yes I blocked, with my face.....

     After the three calmed down, Asia asked Rose,"Big sister Rose,are you enjoying this place?"

     Rose says to us,“Of course. I’m a teacher from Kuoh Academy and all of you are my students. You can call this as my guidance. Coming into Romania is nothing more than an extracurricular lesson.”

     I tell her,"Rossweisse you can stop looking, there are no thrift stores here...." I feel her stiffening knowing I knew what she was really excited for. She deflated a bit knowing there were no bargains to be had!

     After a while the six of us decided to eat at a big restaurant. When we walked in we saw an unthinkable sight! At a table we see Issei, Kris, and Lilith eating a feast! When Kris saw us she waved us over, and we sat at the next table.

     Issei scratched his chin and said,"Well we kinda ran into her in the streets, and she said she was hungry. She was able to smell Ophis and Great Red on me, and well we are here!" I see a red dragon hair pin in her hair she did not have before, so I guess he must have bought it for her.

     After a while of trying to interact with Lilith we could see other than very basic communication she is very incomplete emotionally compared to Phis. Asia has been wiping off Lilith's mouth due to her not having learned table manners more than a small child.

     Lilith said to me,"You smell like Lilith..." Huh? It must be the blessing Phis gave me? I did not get a new body like Issei did .

     At the end of the meal Lilith stood up and told us that her boss needed her and she just left like that...........

     The 8 of us followed by our guards, returned to the castle and went to our guestroom. When we came back we saw that Azazel had returned after two days.

     I asked Azazel,"So what do you have to tell us?"

     He says,“I was researching the Sacred Gears possessed by the half-blood vampires. It seems like there are many half-bloods that are born with Sacred Gears lately. Though I don’t know the reason behind it.”

      Rias, concerned for her brother, asks Azazel,"Were you able to talk with my brother about who and what we are dealing with here?"

     Azazel says,“I reported to him about Rizevim just in case, but I still haven’t received any reply from the higher-ups of the Devils. What will happen if you add Rizevim to the situation when they were already in confusion due to Euclid being alive? It’s pretty much guaranteed that the situation over there is chaotic. So Sirzechs won’t be able to move even a muscle since he needs to come up with a countermeasure.”

     Then a magic circle belonging to the Sitri shows up on the ceiling and Bennia sticks her head out from it upside down! She then proudly asks me,[Hi Boss Satan Gold! Did you miss me?!]

     There is a cute scream,“Ahhhhh” belonging to a girl along with the sound of something crashing onto the floor. Elmenhilde who fell on her ass starts patting her hip. The next one is Rugal, but in his case, he landed perfectly. Finally, Bennia floats down from the ceiling.

     Elmenhilde came to report to us that her forces with the old King are about to assault this castle to defeat the traitor vampires. She also told us that they were going to use the Grail for a mass transmutation of all the vampires in the vampire country and that's why they are acting now. Gasper is freaking out due to knowing this act would kill Valarie and Rias tries to comfort the poor kid.

     At this moment a bright light shines into the room we are in and we look out to see..... There is a huge wall of light that is covering the castle!

     Azazel tells us,"This magic has the same markings as what we use to remove Sacred Gears, and this magic seems to be centered on the basement of this castle! I don't know how much time we have left but if we are going to do something we should do it now!"

     Elmenhilde asks Bennia to start the teleport magic circle once again so she can join her vampire forces outside the castle. So Bennia opens a gate for her to walk into... 

     “Ahhhh!” We all can hear her scream and a thud from the magic circle. Then the circle closed.

      Bennia then sticks her tongue out and tells me,"The place I connected her to is the ceiling of some other house. I saw you smile before Boss, so I did it again!" She then with a big smile puts on her reaper mask and is ready for a fight.

     I tell everyone,"Let's save Valerie! Let's stop the Khaos brigade! And let's stop the vampire's plans. I don't want anyone to die, and let's try to get back home soon!"

     Everyone replies,""""""""""YES!""""""""""

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