DxD: Matsuda!

Demonic Power of Creation, Big Bang!


     Huh? Am I dead again? I look around, and I am floating in a black void, I seem to be able to move and see.....There is no light but for some reason I can see! I just stay calm and try to assess what is going on....I can feel my body full of life and I am naked?! OK let's look around........All I can see is nothingness, no air, light, or matter! It is an empty void, wait I feel something! So I fly or float in its direction.....................

     What I find just shakes me......It is Rias floating in the void naked and unresponsive! She is being consumed by the void of nothingness. No I can tell...this is her power of destruction! NO is her power consuming her...what can I do? I call out to her but she is not waking......I can see her body is going to fade by her own aura if nothing is done! I have seen this before, in the show...when she was going to burn her body while fighting Loki! Fuck is she fighting and fading right now? If I do not do something I won't be able to save her!

     Tears are flowing from my eyes......I can't lose her, we just fell in love! How can I save her, think you bastard! Rias I am so sorry I am helpless! Please forgive me......I do not know how to control your power of destruction?! I cant heal you with my healing magic and my other magic is useless.....Will you die in my arms...FUCK THIS! I just kiss her and hate myself for being unable to counter this power..........Wait! Rias's power of destruction is going out of control! I have the power of creation, can I manifest it to control her destruction!? I have yet to create my demonic magic.......Can I save her with creation?

     We devils can make any magic we can imagine! I already have God's power of creation in me.......PLEASE let this work! I won't let my wife die.........OK so let's think of it like Yin and Yang! OK I can imagine the destruction erasing all life, matter, and concepts!.....So my power has to restore all life, matter, and concepts! Imagine the cycle of life and death, creation and destruction.........Now I will make it the beginning of nothing! The Big Bang!

     While holding Rias, from Matsuda's body, a small bright light begins to fill the empty void and bring light to the darkness.......The power of creation is then forced into Rias limp body! The dreadful destruction power within Rias began to stabilize and calm......

     After a short while, Rias opens her eyes and looks into my eyes........."Why are you crying like a baby?" she then wipes my tear stained face....

     "Y-you were going to disappear on me........I can't lose you!" I just hugged her.......

      Rias looks around and notices the two of them floating naked in a void lit only by the power flowing out of Matsuda. She then smiles and says,"Oh I see I am dreaming! This is nice.....You are making me feel warm and comfortable!" She then gets a grin on her face and decides since it is a dream she can be a bit naughty and force herself on her lover. She would never be so bold when they were awake, so why not have a nice dream!

     I notice that Rias just wrapped herself around me and is getting excited for some reason and stimulating my body.....I am now wondering if this is a dream like I had in the castle and this is just a dream Rias......Oh to late she already sucked me in....wow she is being super aggressive......but why am I feeling the pain of her nails...and fuck did she just bite my shoulder! I feel my demonic power still flowing into Rias.....Is this Wuxia dual cultivation!!!!!!!!!!!

     At that moment when the two of us reached our peaks our opposite powers seemed to suck in everything and all the light and darkness flowed into our body's, Then the point of our contention a pinpoint of light suddenly erupted from our two body's in all directions exploding outward like the beginning and end of the universe!

     We both embraced one another in our afterglow and now we are floating in a galaxy full of stars, within the void of space......"This is so beautiful! I guess we made this with our love!" Rias just says this with a stupid smile on her face.....But I am in awe of this dream as well.......I just look at her and finish my dream with..."I love you Rias Gremory!" my consciousness just fades to black like any dream would end!


     I reach to hit the damn alarm, and then realize what is going on..........

      I am currently looking down at the hot redhead that has her nails in my back and is currently frozen while biting down on my shoulder, her beautiful blue eyes for realization and embarrassment. We are still both connected to each-other and can clearly feel we just climaxed in each other's embrace.....I too am realizing that dream was not totally false.....Rias's biting posture just proves that we had an interesting dream...must be my gear at work?! Rias let go of her mouth and then looked sad as she wiped the tears still flowing down my face......!!!

     "Matsuda what happened to us? And why are you crying?" She just holds me tight realizing that dream was not a normal one.

     "I-I thought you were dying, so I created my demonic magic to counter your power......I thought it was  a dream too......But I can feel my new magic......It is your opposite!" I just hold her tight and breathe in her scent.

     "Now that you said that....I can feel my demonic power is very calm and comfortable right now......I can probably use it with more control while feeling like this......Matsuda, do you know what you have done!?" She just forces my face to look into her eyes with a happy smile. I just look confused and shake my head a bit.

     "you just became my balance breaker! Now if you can use your power on me, I can probably  triple or more my power, and control! This is huge....In fact when my family finds out they have to accept you no matter what!!! I need you to be at my side forever!" She is strangling me at this point like I am a teddy-bear!

     "I used all of my demonic potential on this power...It is called, Demonic Power of Creation, Big Bang!" It definitely sounds epic, but I need to practice it....

     "Let's practice tonight! Also I can feel that the power boost you gave me is beginning to fade so it must be a buff type power." She has her training mode activated so nothing will stop her!

     "From what I can feel from my power it will launch a blast like yours but seems to be more effective against soul bodies and evil spirits, It also can break down nonliving matter to revive the environment around it......Feels like a cycle of life and rebirth. It will decompose a body into nature in essence......I can't erase anything like your power just change it or create new energy's" It is impressive.....but I can also tell it uses up large amounts of demonic power!

     "By the way, Rias, are you by chance hungry?" Rias just gives me a confused look, so I continue..."Just curious because you are taking a good bite out of me?!"

      Rias with disgrace in her face just says,"As your King I forbid you from ever talking about that again...y-you just forget it! It was an accident!" I just smile at her...I have already regenerated it anyway, but teasing her is so fun!

     Later at school.............................

     "Matsuda and Asia, we are inviting all the second year friends to go to karaoke in two weeks on Saturday! Make sure and tell our friends so we can have fun." Aika and Motohama are inviting us...I seem to remember this from the show.....Oh yes this is where the boys love crap started with Issei and Kiba ha-ha....Then the swim episode!

     Asia just says "I would love to and I will bring Matsuda too!" At this moment ass-hat Saji jumps in....

     "If beautiful Asia is going, count me in too!" Saji just came out of nowhere! Asia just stands closer to me to back away from him.....

     "Nice try Saji, while you're stalking Sona, Asia and I are already together so sorry...." Take my petty arrow to your guts fucker!

     "WHAT? Asia, you're also with Matsuda?!?" Asia just nods yes to Saji, and I see his soul leaving his body!

     "Saji, that's nothing! I saw Akeno try and rape my boy right in the woods.....He barely escaped unharmed!" Issei walks up and joins the kick Saji party.....but why is barely escaping a good thing?

     "How, why, he is not even handsome......I have twice the charisma!?" Asia just finishes Saji off with,"He is kind and loving, plus he knows how to make a woman feel good!" I won't correct her last part because she did not mean it sexually ha-ha! But Saji just starts to weep!

     A super cute voice with a flat tone says "Hey Saji, catch the ball!" Saji turns to face the voice of Koneko and then sees a flying ball that they use in dodge-ball. Saji was too slow to react to the hyper missile! Oddly the ball struck Saji right in the nuts...the sound of twigs and berries being destroyed echoed in the halls. Koneko just says,"I thought you were going to catch it!" She then winked at me and walked away! Little did I know that each of my girls were taking their anger out on him! If I knew I would have lit some incense for his bad luck!


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