DxD: Matsuda!

Good Knight!


     Ringing ♫•*¨*•.¸¸♪

     During my last class my phone rang, and I just looked at the teacher apologetically and went to the hall to answer the call. The only reason I broke the rules and took the call was I knew who the caller was and I did not want to miss it.

     "Hello, this is Matsuda, talk to me if you love me!" I put on my playful smile and waited for the other side.

     [Hello Matsuda, you told me to call if I needed your help.....] I love how she has a plain tone, like Koneko...So if you did not know her you would think she was strange.

     "Let me guess, Irina spent all of your money on a fake painting made by a schoolchild. And instead of robbing non-believers, you remembered me and would like me to fill your belly?" Why is Issei giving me a thumbs up in my mind? Oh, it's the belly filling comment!

     [Matsuda you are amazing to even know what happened, but I know you are very capable of such foresight! Yes we are currently in bad shape from not eating for a while and I would love it if you could show me your grace.]

     "Well I would love to spend time with you, so I will bring Issei to keep Irina busy, then you and I can spend some time together...What do you think?"

     [Matsuda, I shall let you make all the plans. I will do as you say. Thank you for everything you have done........I would like to repay you!] Damn she is cute!

      "No repayment is necessary, I help you because it makes me happy, and I like to pamper a pretty girl.....Plus between friends we should not keep a tally of repaying one another right? OK anyway I have to go so meet us on main street in one hour......I am glad you called bye!" I just walk back in and give Issei a lecherous thumbs up only my bro can understand and I see in his eyes he understood my meaning.....We pervs have a secret language we perform with our hands and facial gestures to relay covert lewd information!

     So I told Asia that Issei and I had some training to do and just hang with the ORC girls till I came back tonight. I and Issei left school in high spirits. I told him I hooked us up with two hot girls to have a meal with and I would have us split into pairs, so he can have alone time with his date. He was so excited! I did not have the heart to tell him his wallet was going to break under that glutton's belly ha-ha!

     Xenovia and Irina were both sitting on a bench waiting for our arrival and I waved to the two. I said to the pair,"Hi girls, it is good to see you again."

     "We are both thankful you have taken pity on the two of us, thank you." Xenovia just puts her hands together and so does Irina.

      "Hey Irina, Issei here was super excited to take you out on a meal.....He is a lonely guy and would like to talk about your old days together, so just have a meal with your old friend....I will take Xenovia to my favorite place to eat and then later we will meet back up!" Irina looks unsure about splitting up so I just say,"Or I can just treat Xenovia and Issei and you could wait at your church if the idea of spending time with your childhood friend is that bad?"

     "NO! I mean I would love to eat with Issei!" Yup the power of an empty stomach is all powerful! Issei gave me the secret thumbs up and walked off with his wallet sinker...

     "The devil's tongue has a lot of the power of persuasion......" Xenovia just gives me a small smile seeing through my actions.

     I just do a small cough and say,"I just wanted to have a nice date, so I would rather not be glared at the whole time by her if you get my drift."

     "Oh, I did not realize we were going on a date.....I have no experience on dates....I am afraid I do not know what I should do?" she just cutely ponders the situation.

     I extend my hand and say,"It is easy just take my hand and we will just walk to our restaurant and have a nice meal.....All you have to do is enjoy your partner's company, nothing really hard. As long as you enjoy the person you're with, the date is just that easy!"

     Xenovia just smiles then,"Then when the date ends we kiss right?" Wow she just goes right for the throat right away....She just never was able to enjoy life....she is pitiful.

     "Kissing is not mandatory on a date...that is optional if your partner moves your heart, if they do not make your heart flutter then do not kiss at the end, got it!" She just nods in the affirmative.

      I just took Xenovia to a nice burger joint and we sat in a secluded area on the back to enjoy some junk food. I figured a nice restaurant would not have suited her hunger level and junk food can make you happy with a nice variety. The guy taking the order was speechless at how much food we ordered.

     After the meal Xenovia and I went to a park to sit and wait for the other two to be done with their date.

     "Matsuda when we were in the trial, you said your father let you know about me and my story.....Can you tell me what happens to me after we finish the mission? Even if I die I want to know what path the future has taken?" She is looking at me seriously....damn the question is tough.

      "Well in that alternate story I was not the Pawn of Rias but instead it was Issei......When the mission ended you learned a truth about the world that branded you a heretic.....Then you begged Rias Gremory to become her Knight and she gladly accepted you in her peerage.......Now none of that is a fact, my existence has changed everything from your story......Now your future is yours to do as you like......but sadly, you have sealed your fate with the church by being with me.....I feel a bit sad for that......No matter which path you are on, the church rejected you. I am sorry." I just look at my feet and feel melancholy for her.

     "Was I happy as a devil?" She just asked a simple question but it felt like a big one!

      "Yes, you had friends and went to school...you fought and defeated evil. You pursued motherhood, and you fell in love. But for sure you were happier as a devil than a human!" I just told her my view of how she acted in the show...I was smiling thinking of her trying to rape Issei for baby-batter......

     "Did I know you in that life?" she shows no reaction to my tale so I just keep going....

     "Yes we met in my school, but I was just a human that did not even know about the supernatural.....My best friend was a devil and I had no idea......My old self was a pervert and I did not really amount to much....just a normal guy. You were a girl my other self could never get close too.....honestly I did not like my human self very much. He just saw women as a sexual object to be used........I did not like that me, at all! So I had a chance to change my destiny and I took it with no regrets! I thank my Father everyday for my life in this world......" I just look at the floating clouds passing by.

     "If I become Rias Knight will I be able to be by your side in this life?" I just got startled at her blunt question.........

     "No, I meant you can stay human and be by my side too if you want! Being a devil was just an option for you." Her brain works on its own wavelength!

     "How long does a devil live for?" Don't the exorcists know this?

     "10,000 years or so but battle will end most devils before their time comes....just like a human."

     "If I am a devil when we fight the leader, fallen angel, will our chance of victory increase?" Xenovia is hard to keep up with now I know why Issei complained in the anime ha-ha.

     "Objectively with a devil body and the Knights speed, your battle power would skyrocket, and I personally believe it would increase our odds of winning.......but it is unnecessary, we should be fine even without that!" I have this bad feeling she is making strange thoughts here.

     Xenovia looks into my eyes and says,"I Xenovia with my own free will choose to become Rias Gremory's Knight so I can be your Knight! Take me to her now and let me be happy!" She then puts her arms around me and begins to kiss me passionately! My brain can no longer think straight so I do what any horny guy would do in my situation....I put my arms around her and kiss her back! Thinking is for virgins!

     About fifteen minutes later we hear a girl cough loudly to break our pink world. Behind her is my cheerleader giving me a lewd grin and two big thumbs up....That is actually a funny picture those two are making ha-ha!

     "Xenovia I can't cover for you anymore!.....The church will kick you out for sure!" Irina is starting to cry a bit. Xenovia just stands up and hands Irina her holy sword of destruction and then smiles at her friend.

     "I am sorry Irina, I will be taking my happiness in my own hands....I will complete my mission....But it will be completed by the devil Xenovia of the house of Gremory!" she just gives her now ex-partner a warm smile.

     "Matsuda, I hate you! Why did you take Xenovia away from me!?"Irina is now crying and my heart feels bad for her....I am the worst!

     "Irina I am sorry for hurting you, I know you can not understand  why this is happening.......So I will fix things for you please wait a moment!" I know my identity will soon be known, so I will just make a small move now to try and ease Irina's heart a bit......So I open my circle to Heaven in front of the three, the followers of the church can recognize that the transmission is going to Heaven so the look in Irina's wide eyes is priceless.....when did a devil have the balls to speed dial Heaven?!

     "Hey there I am calling for business right now and have a member of the church present, so the personal questions will be for later. Yes I am fine. I need you to pass a message to Michal, tell him the exorcist Xenovia Quarta will be joining me as a devil in the house of Rias Gremory.....That's right, but what I need you to relay is that her partner Irina Shidou did everything in her power to stop Xenovia from leaving the church.....That's right! Yes I know and I did foresee this event.......I will, and tell him to not send anyone to interfere in the fight...We will deal with the fallen leader, Also tell him Azazel is not a part of this mess and he will help out.....I miss you too.....and kiss Sera for me. Yes I know I will be super careful! Worst case happens I will open a gate for you to save me.....I am kidding I promise I won't do that....Yes madam!! You too, bye!" I stop my call and look at the combination of confused and shocked faces......

     "Dont worry Irina your bosses will know you did well! And we will help to retrieve the fragments for you!" I just smile, and Xenovia looks even more enthralled while holding my arm...Damn she is like Asia. Church-girls are easy!!!!!

     "Y-You just called Heaven!!!! How, a devil can't call Heaven! That is impossible!" Irina just points at me like I killed God.

     Issei, just looks confused? "Bro, did you just call Heaven!?!?!?!?!" Poor guy, he probably did not really believe in it. Where does he think his headaches came from ha-ha!

     A moment later Irina's phone rang and she answered,"Yes....Yes.....I understand but.....Yes I understand........." She just looks like her soul left her as she puts her phone away.

     "Xenovia was just excommunicated, and I am to continue my mission as planned......They said I am not at fault and to just ignore this......I don't understand, how can you do this?!" She just looks defeated......

     I take the burner phone from Xenovia and hand it to Irina who takes it without fuss, then I say,"you will get all your answers when you become an angel in heaven! We will meet in the future and you will understand everything at that time....But for now you must be left in the dark OK! For now lets work together to stop the three way war. you have my number in there if you need help and here is some food money. Take it Heaven will forgive this."

     "Let us go back, you two!" I say this after watching the sad Irina walk away.......


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