DxD: Matsuda!

Evolve, Satan Gold ??????!


     At the station, we planned to take the next bus to Nijo Castle. Everyone was wearing the winter school uniform. Xenovia and Irina are wearing their sexy church combat outfit underneath, it will be easier for them to move once they take off the school uniform.

      Irina, Xenovia, Asia, Aika, and Ingvild were huddled together looking at the map on the station wall to see what bus routes to take.

     Xuelan, Rossweisse, Murayama, Kyouko, Coriana, and Kiba were sitting on the waiting benches.. Saji said his stomach hurt and ran to the bathroom, ha-ha!

     Issei was further away looking at something in his hand deep in thought....When I saw the red gem in his hands my gear wanted me to look at it! My soul or something in it was drawn to the gem.

     I walked to Issei and asked,"Hey buddy, my gear says that gem is important, what is it?" Issei looked ashamed and scratched his head.

     He then told me,"Before we left the hotel this gem came out of one of those molesters...It seems to be my lost potential?! What do you know about it, Mat?" I can't remember but I don't think his potential was a gem?!

     I tell him,"That woman in your gear will tell you when to use it. It will upgrade your promotion ability and will make all the four upgrade pieces conform to your power! I told you about this in the strategy guide....Also may I look at that gem?" Issei hands me the gem and I stare into it wondering what is going on?

     I feel my consciousness sink into my Eyes of Creation...........

     I find myself in the Amphitheater again with all of my past lives, but there was a man standing in a butler-outfit looking at me with a grandfatherly smile.

     I yell in shock,"HOLY SHIT YOUR STAN LEE!" I point accusingly at Stan!

     The man, no, Stan bows and says,"No young Matsuda, I am not Stan Lee but you can call me that if it makes you feel better! I am not alive or have a soul. I just have this appearance do to you viewing me as such, much like our Creator. I am the [Assistant AI] in your sacred gear that has followed you through-out your many lives. In your life as a soldier, I was a system for you before you were killed by a jealous love rival on the battlefield." He then waits for me to react.....

     I forget about that being murdered comment because it is irrelevant and ask,"So Stan, what are we doing here and why did this happen after touching Issei's potential gem?" Not sure how much time I have so I will keep it short.

     Stan Lee the AI answered me,"I have only come this time to help guide you in making an important choice....Your Eyes of creation is about to become a subspecies due to your determination of saving your lovers and family! Your potential was completed after coming into contact with young Issei's potential. I know you're in a hurry so I shall sum it up for you....." He then turns and points to all of the past lives and then looks at me.

     He said,"You do not have the memories of your lives but just like your Satan Gold form, your subspecies Balance Breaker, may copy the traits and abilities of one of your past lives. This will give you another second path to the Satan Gold you use. however this will be a one time event to decide the future of your gears development Matsuda!" The Stan Lee impersonator said.

     I look around and honestly there are a couple of good ones.....My first life, the ATG Cultivator, the God Thor, the dragon, the vampire, the Demon Lord, and even the Sith Lord! My other lives are not worth expanding on or I can do it already as a devil.......I then ask,"Stan Lee, can you give me your recommendations? I am not sure what path is the best for me, so help would be nice?!"

     Stan the man smiles and replies to me,"Well based on the current world you reside in, there are four optimal choices you have already thought of, but this assistant of yours thinks there are only two of the best ......" He looks around and points to the two he finds the best choices and smiles at me,"You wish to be a hero of your DxD world and those two are the best options with the best growth potential. What will you choose, young Matsuda?"

     I happily point to the life I want to pursue and say,"From what I know he is my best option, he and I have a lot in common, and this will shake the world!" I now have a really happy smile like my wish was granted!

     Stan Lee says to me,"Excellent choice young Matsuda, she will be very happy with that one for sure ha-ha, well we will not meet for a while so good luck!" Stan lee waves me goodbye and says one last thing as I leave my gear space,“Excelsior!!!!”

     As my vision returns I see Kunou on Issei's shoulders smacking his head?!

     Kunou is telling Issei,"I-I want to go save my mother! Please! Take me along! I beg you!" She is using the dreaded puppy-dog eyes and Issei caves.

     I hand Issei back his potential and Issei says to me,"Bro what's up, You look like your harem left you for a Yuri adventure?" Yes, we three perverts invented that saying long ago!

     I cheer up because it's actually a great thing,"Issei! Thanks to your perversion....I was able to unlock my Subspecies Balance Breaker! Seriously man, your sacred gear is absolutely amazing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart man!" I fist bump him and walk off to Coriana but...........................

     A light mist appeared from under our feet, at the same time, a smooth warm feeling penetrated my entire body. I yell,"ALL PAWNS PROMOTE NOW!"

     I find myself on top of a restaurant building, and based on the streets I see, I am south of the castle I must go too. I then activate my Satan Gold. It seems I did not go to the subway with the rest of my group or Issei. My mobile phone rang and it was Kiba, phones actually worked!

     [We’re at the Kyoto Imperial Palace. Rossweisse and Saji are here too. You?]

     I give him my position and tell him,"Go to the meeting place and wait for us to gather before heading in!"

     [Yes, understood. Have you contacted the rest of our group? I think they have also arrived in this dimension. We all seem to have been welcomed by our esteemed heroes.] The conversation with Kiba ended.

     I first called Issei and he confirmed he and Kunou were in the subway, I told him about the shadow guy and when Issei told me he did not know how to breath fire I just face palmed...He never trained with Tannin! So I told him to super boost Kunou's Fox Fire and that should cook him! I also told them to meet at Nijo Castle.

     I then hung up and called Asia. The church group seemed to be together. If Asia was alone, I would be so worried.

     Coriana told me she had everyone else with her except Ingvild. I had them meet at Nijo Castle as well.

     Finally I called Ingvild and she was hiding nearby and I went to get her. When we reunited she jumped into my arms and hugged me,"I was so worried about you, thanks for coming for me Matsuda!" While we were embracing a pair of filth disguised as human beings made their presence known.

A tall lanky man wearing bondage gear says to his partner,"Cid look, we found a pair of lustful devils pretending to show love, how disgusting!" He is holding two daggers.

     Cid the short fat guy in a lab-coat says back,"You can take the guy, I want to play doctor with the girl!"

     While holding Ingvild in my left arm I pull out Mjölnir and toss it into the fat guys nuts! He flew off down the street not to be seen again...then a moment later the hammer flew back into my outstretched hand and I said to the other guy,"I am sorry I did not hear what that guy said clearly, having Ultimate-class strength messes with your ears sometimes! I sometimes hear my opponents say very wrong things! So you have two choices in front of you....."

     I point Mjölnir where the fat eunuch went and say,"One go find and save your friend, or two stay and play catch with me! I will count to three....." Before I could even count the tall man sprints to wherever his partner went!

     I and my promoted Ingvild easily defeated a bunch of attacking hunters and finally reached the gates in front of Nijo Castle. As we walked towards the eastern gates we saw that everyone else had already gathered. It looked like everyone was attacked on the way here like we were.

     At the same time as we grouped up, the massive gates gave off a great heavy sound as it opened. Watching the opening door, Kiba chuckled,"Looks like they are waiting for us, and the performance is about to start." Kiba spoke as we entered,"Before he fell, the assassin I defeated said that Cao Cao was waiting for us at Honmaru Palace." We then all stepped in!

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