DxD: Matsuda!

Evolve, Satan Gold Dragon!

Here you can view his new form at anytime but if you want to wait till he announces it go for it!


     Cao Cao is a fucking DICK!

     He moves away with a winning smile on his face knowing I need to heal Issei.......

     Coriana asked if Asia should throw a heel, and I say no due to him just stabbing Issei again....It is obvious he wants my major trump-card used.....Fine i will use it!!!!!

      I tell Rose to get ready for Sun-Burst. I then say to Cao Cao as I stand next to the dying Issei,"Fine Cao Cao, you put me into check! But I will not let your mage see my spell being cast.....Second Stage!......[Sun burst]! chant chant chant...." While Cao Cao is unable to see me and I am casting my [Restoration] spell, I threw a fully charged Mjölnir at Heracles! When Rose saw the blinding light she then teleported to Asia's side.

     When Cao Cao could see clearly again, he saw me finish my spell and Issei got up like nothing happened! Cao Cao is smiling knowing I actually cast my one hour spell buff. But his smile froze when he heard my next words!

     I pointed in the direction of Heracles and then a hammer landed in my hand, and  I then said,"You have a phoenix tear on you, and your friend Heracles' heart will stop beating in less than 30 seconds if you don't use it on him!" Cao Cao sees a pair of legs comically sticking out of the large crater.....Yup that guy needs help stat!

     As Cao Cao decides he needs his powerful pawns alive he quickly leaves to tend to Heracles! I then mutter...[Balance Breaker: Satan Gold Dragon].

     As a golden light envelopes my entire body and enlarges, I take the form of my second life's [Mythic Ancient Gold Dragon from the Pathfinder Universe].

     Golden scales cover the body of this majestic western dragon, and a regal crest of horns arches backward above wise and piercing golden eyes. I am the same size as Tannin and Tiamat, I still retain my devil powers and ability's while in my subspecies Balance Breaker! This ability is called Dragonification like the devil clan Buné, in the anime if is the Rook of the Bael team, and Issei's future dragon forms!

     Issei's voice is heard as I speed fly over where Sig is under the effects of zero gravity!

     He says,"Damn it Matsuda! Your a fucking dragon! Thats fucking cool!" he gives me a thumbs up and runs to where Cao Cao went.

      As soon as my large Dragon form was 50 feet above Sig, my teammates scattered fast.....I opened my dragon mouth and inhaled deeply, and due to Sig being weightless he was being pulled up into my mouth! He was preparing to stab me but suddenly the suction stopped!

     *Brauuuuuhhhhh* A gout of gold and crimson flames blanketed him, worse yet when he hit the ground he noticed he was in a pool of one foot deep lava from the melted rocks!! I did not stay to see how he is going to escape this....I utter in a deep voice,"[Castling!]", and Xuelan finds herself flying over a molten pit with a burnt swordsman escaping fast like he was an ant on a stove top!

     I find myself face to face with Jean on top of her dragon's head looking speechless!

     My rumbling voice is heard,"Your fake dragon insults me whore!" Both of my claws and bite come down on the two....Jean escapes with her leg slashed and spraying out blood at an alarming rate!...Her dragon however was smashed to pieces and faded into light! I then roar loudly and say,"Team regroup! on me!"

     I then plummeted to the ground and I shook the earth! Well Cao Cao has recovered his big guy and his Knight is mostly cooked...while Jean is on the ground desperately trying to stop her bleeding! Cao Cao tends to her leg to seal it up with some magic to cauterize the wound....Hm that works too! Asia is healing everyone.

     I step forward and say,"Cao Cao, you wish to fight the Red Dragon and not interrupt your stupid ritual...So stop playing stupid games and have your duel with Issei and challenge yourself! I will sit and watch...If your piss ants join in on my team I will finish what I started! And yes I know you still have your balance breaker and Truth Idea, but is it worth it?!"

     Cao Cao smiles at me and says,"No one knows you are a dragon! Now I want to fight you even more.....But I need more data first....Are you a real dragon? I thought you were a devil?"

     "If you're wondering if your dragon eater can eat me? Then no I am 100% a Gremory devil......I just earned this form before you were born kid!" Out of everyone here both Rose and Coriana know whats going on with my dragon body and they look amazed.....Fuck I bet Coriana wanted me in the stupid vampire body I bet...wont happen!

     All of my teammates but Issei crawl up on my back and hold onto my spine and I fly up out of their close range...."Go ahead, I give my word to act honorably!" Plus my aura of good luck is affecting Issei.

     Cao Cao tells his comrades to go off to George, it seems he trusts me.....What a dumb ass! I also gave Issei the last phoenix tear, just in case.

     Issei is holding the gem of possibilities in his left hand and it is emitting a brilliant red light!!!!!

      Cao Cao noticed the light, and turned to look,"What is going on?"

     In my deep dragon voice I laugh and say,"That Cao Cao is going to be one of the most amusing sights you will ever see in your life! Now let Issei evolve and you will have a challenge to your non balance breaker state hah-aha! Summon Big O titty! ha-ha!" Everyone on my back is not sure what is so funny yet and Cao Cao is interested! I leave my ally's on the roof of one of the standing temples and slowly make my way to the big monster fight going on..........

     Amidst the light emitted by the jewel, something appeared. Those things gradually took on human form, one, two, they began to multiply. The number of figures multiplied, easily exceeding a thousand. and all of them are muttering,"Boobs....Breast....titty.....boobies!" Thousands on repeat! As the huge number of figures all chanted "Breasts!" in a low voice, they slowly and casually shuffled their footsteps, and entered some kind of formation. 

     "Breast zombies?" Cao Cao spoke softly.

     That’s right! They looked just like zombies! Clones from lingering memories arranging themselves in a circle, the breast zombies melted into the ground. Next, light moved about within the circle to carve out symbols in the center, forming a massive magic circle.

     Issei thrust his left hand into the air and yelled at the top of his lungs,"Summon, breasts!" Boom!

     The magic circle gave off a bright light, the word "BREASTS" spelt out in the magical script, and within the magic circle were even the characters for breasts!

     Something appeared in the center of the magic circle. With a flash of light, what appeared inside the magic circle was The crimson haired Kris Gremory!

     In the middle of changing her clothes? She was wearing only underwear. Noticing the change in scenery, Kris Gremory lifted her head to look around and got a big shock! Of course,"W-What is going on!? Honmaru Palace? K-Kyoto? Why are you here and why was I brought here? S-Summoned!? Eh? Eh?" Oh my god this is like the frigging anime! But instead of Rias it is Kris.....Damn I thought it would be Ruby!

     Issei was talking to his left hand confusing everyone but me,"Uh...?","P-Poke?" 

     Kris’s body began to shine with a golden light!

     She is now panicking while Issei is looking awkward,"W-What is it now!? I am surrounded by light!"

     Issei walked over to Kris, withdrew his helmet, and smiled,"Kris, please let me poke you in the breast." Smile......

     Kris says,"I don’t quite understand, but still, I get it!" She undid her bra! Issei then did the double poking motion on her glowing nipples!

     "This, this is! Aaaaahhhh!" Kris could not help screaming at this extraordinary feeling. As Kris’s breasts gave off light, she rose into the heavens and the whole space was illuminated with a pink glow! She rose into the sky and disappeared, the light and the magic circle vanished as well. 

     "What the fuck was that?!" Cao Cao was stupefied.

     What happened had exceeded the Hero factions comprehension! Of course! They wanted to summon Great Red but got Kris and her glowing breasts instead!

     With Issei's armor bursting with both light and power, everyone could hear Ddraig, [ I feel it too, partner... How nostalgic. This is my original aura. Unlike the power from Juggernaut, driven by extreme emotion, there is no curse or negative emotion. This feels like the time when I still had my material body, when all I cared was to simply fight the White One to determine the victor! ] Ddraig's voice was full of happiness and joy.

     Issei's voice was loud and proud,"After all, I’m just a Pervert!!! Let’s go! Boosted Gear!"

     Now that I know I don't have to babysit my stupid friend, I fly to the big monster battle to help restrain Yasaka! I hope we make it in time!

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