DxD: Matsuda!

The one the only, Sun Wukong!

     Thanks for all the feedback you guys, also thanks for the reviews...I don't need five star reviews, but knowing you like my story is enough to make me happy! Thanks for reading!

     After I left him, Issei was charged full of [Tig Ole Biddies!] And rampaged on Cao Cao.........


     A large explosion shook the entire space while Kyoto in the horizon was engulfed by the gigantic demonic power eruption!...The energy continued to spread, surrounding the entire city with intense red light! As the bright light faded, nothing was left! The Cardinal Bishop's blast, Issei shot at the enemy, erased the entire scenery, and the artificial dimension began to show signs of distortion!

     I then tackle Yasaka and tell Saji,"You have done well friends! I will restrain her for now till the spell ends...Please take Saji to Asia so he can be healed, thank you Vritra!" The black flames receded and Saji was sent to my Bishop. Thanks to my fire immunity, holding Yasaka is only a physical battle due to not suffering from the Fox Fire. Well her bites are only hurting a small amount, and her tails are struggling with my many appendages!

     A loud sound began to rock the dimension, it’s the sound of space being sliced open. Looking up at the direction of the noise there was a hole being formed. Ah! It is old man Sun and Jade Dragon...took them long enough!

     "Georg, prepare the Dragon Eater ritual......." Cao Cao stopped midway in his words. He stared at the dimensional gap with a questioning expression,"Wait, that’s not Great Red! That’s, crap this is bad!"

     [Roar!] Appearing out of the dimensional gap was a massive slender eastern dragon, about 60 feet long. Exuding a green radiance as it gracefully flew in the night sky, it was quite a dreamlike sight.

     Cao Cao began to yell,"It’s the Mischievous Dragon, Yu-Long! The dragon king...."

     A tiny figure has leaped off the back of Yu-Long. The tiny figure completely ignored the height, and landed on the ground.

     Sun Wukong looks around and says,"What a massive flow of youkai Ki, as well as the flow of Domination. Due to these, the entire capital city is full of strange fluctuations." With an elderly male voice, he approached us slowly step by step. He was three feet tall, like a small child!

     His fur gave off a golden brilliance! A monk’s cassock gradually took form over his body. His face was all wrinkled, his skin was black. A monkey youkai! Carrying a staff-like weapon, prayer beads on his forehead, and wearing shades with a cyber design! He smiled with complete confidence while smoking a pipe. (A/N he has the LN, look not the anime!)

     "Hey, it’s been awhile, holy spear user. You damn kid finally grew up!" The monkey old man spoke to Cao Cao.

     Cao Cao smiled, almost closing his eyes,"The great Victorious Fighting Buddha, I wouldn’t have expected you to come. I’ve heard that you have been thwarting our efforts all over the world."

     Sun Wukong seemed unimpressed and says,"Kid, your pranks have gone too far. It wasn’t easy for me to get assigned to have talks with the kyuubi leader on behalf of the Heavenly Emperor, and here you go kidnapping her. There are heroes who become gods and then there are heroes whose descendants poison the world. Tyranny and domination only lasts a single generation, isn’t that saying correct? Cao Cao."

     "Poison? To be called poison by you, I am honored." Cao Cao treated this old man with reverence as they spoke.

     By the looks on their faces, the entire Heroes Faction seemed to be gazing at the monkey old man with great seriousness? Or should I say tension, it seemed like they were under heavy pressure.

     The Heavenly Emperor was Sakra? Then the one the kyuubi leader was going to negotiate with was this monkey old man? Crap I do not know who this Heavenly Emperor is..... Looks like my anime knowledge will end here mostly?! After the Bael match, I will be truly blind and I am nervous.... I guess it's good my gear powered up now before I lost my gold-finger knowledge!

     "Red Dragon boy, you worked hard. That’s a pretty good dragon pulse. However, you don’t have to push yourself any more. I am the reinforcements Azazel called for. Just leave everything to this old man. Yu-Long, I see the dragon over there has the kyuubi under control. So go mess with that Dimension Lost brat and ruin his plans!"

     Monkey old man Sun Wukong gave orders to the flying Yu-Long in the air. And then the dragon king Yu-Long expressed dissatisfaction,"Hey hey, giving orders to dragons just like that. Damn old man! Just getting here made me super tired! Anyway, what happened to the Vanishing Dragon's witch companion?!"

     First Gen puffed his pipe and told him,"You can eat your fill of Kyoto cuisine later. How’s that?"

     "That’s a promise, old man! You have to treat me to some delicacies later! Ah! Don’t look down on the dragon king mist user! I am very amazing you know?!"

     I yell in my draconic voice,"Old man and Jade Dragon, can you guys hurry! I am worried about her life force here!" Fuck really! Why can't these guys talk less and beat up assholes more? Getting kisses from an angry fox is not as awesome as getting them from her human form!

     Sun looks at Issei after hearing my bitching,"OK. Sorry to the red fellow, but I will punish Cao Cao’s descendant now."

     First Gen walked towards Cao Cao. Then Siegfried extended his arms, and launched a surprise attack at First Gen!

     "Siegfried! Don’t take him on! If it’s you......" Though Cao Cao tried to stop him, Siegfried happily rushed in! Hey look, Cao Cao has his own Xenovia! Bro I can relate...sigh.

     "Monkey boss! If it's Sun Wukong, then I have no objections to such an opponent????? "

     "Extend, staff." As he spoke calmly, the staff in First Gen’s hands rapidly extended in length, easily sending Siegfried flying like Team Rocket! *SMASH* With one hit, Siegfried was sent flying into a pile of debris.

     "You are not ready to be my opponent, young demonic sword user. Not enough strength in that waist. You’d better train again. Start with jogging." First Gen eyed Siegfried.

     The Dimension Lost user, George released the magic circle binding the kyuubi and extended his hand towards First Gen. It looks like compared to summoning Great Red, handling this monkey old man and Yu-Long was more important!

     "Capture and bind. Mist!" The mist from before began to surround Yu-long and the First Gen, then it gathered.

     First Gen chanted the spell, and then tapped his staff on the ground once,"By the justice of heaven, thunder sealing the dragon’s jaw. Prostrate upon the ground." The mist dispersed!

     Sun Wukong puffed on his pipe and said,"Your Sacred Gear training is very weak. You should enter into a dialogue with it like that red dragon over there, how’s that?"

     Cao Cao saw an opening and extended the blade of his spear, planning on ambushing First Gen. However with just one finger, Sun Wukong blocked the spear!

     Sun Wukong just looks at the child in front of him and says,"Not a bad attack. But only this, you’re still young. At the level that can be stopped by my finger, it is impossible for you to eliminate the other gods and Buddhas. Whether you or the mist user, neither gave a serious attack. Don’t underestimate me."

     Hearing the First Gen’s words, Cao Cao laughed,"Ha-ha, I see. That monstrous strength still exists... We keep hearing how strong you were in your younger days. But how is it now?"

     Thanks to George not keeping up his torturous spell, Yasaka went limp in my hold, so I lay her down on her side and reverted to my normal form and am standing by her eyes and nose. She is in bad shape. I try using my healing senjutsu on her........ I started to cast Youjutsu healing magic.....

     Siegfried picked himself up from the rubble and said to Cao Cao,"Cao Cao. It’s over. Sun Wukong is famous for stopping Khaos brigade operations numerous times. If we continue to attack recklessly, valuable talent may get injured. I was too naive. He is ridiculously strong."

     Hearing that, Cao Cao put away his spear,"Time to retreat eh. Choosing the wrong moment could result in grave injuries."

     The Hero Faction swiftly gathered in one spot, and George started activating a giant magic circle conjured under his feet. It was a transportation magic circle. Cao Cao left behind some words,"Let’s call it a day, First Gen, Gremory, as well as the Red Dragon, hope to see you next time." Fuck off and loose my number asshole....

     Looks like Issei is Boosting a dragon shot like in the anime........

     Sun says to Issei,"You will complete my mission? Sure, that’s fine. I’ll let you punish that kid. It will only be for a short while, but I will raise your power." He then taps Issei's gauntlet and infuses senjutsu.

     Issei angrily yells,"You think you can return without any punishment? This is my gift to you, your souvenir from Kyoto!"

     The dragon shot was going to be blocked by two of his members but just like in the show Issei curved the blast hitting Cao Cao on his head! The surprise attack hit Cao Cao right in the face!

     Raising his spear, Cao Cao began to chant powerful words of an incantation,"O spear! The true holy spear that even pierces God! Absorb the tyrant’s ambition sleeping within me, blessing and destruction will be--"

     Siegfried covered Cao Cao’s mouth and held him down,"Cao Cao! Stop chanting! It is too early to reveal the Balance Breaker of True Longinus [Truth Idea!]"

     These words made Cao Cao calm down and he took a deep breath. And then Siegfried said,"Retreat. Annihilation Maker Leonardo is also at his limits. At this rate, the outside members cannot bide time much longer. After all, we already gained a lot of valuable data, and obtained very good experience."

     The kyuubi leader had been stopped by Vritra, then Matsuda, and the recovered Saji.

     However, Yasaka did not return to human form, and currently her pupils were still grey and had not recovered consciousness. Looks like my healing is not enough...It would take me hours to heal her...But she wont even make it in time for my fucking [Second Stage] to be ready! Fuck you Cao Cao.......

     "Mother! Mother!" Kunou cried as she called for Yasaka, but there was no response.

     Sun Wukong was watching my failed healing and said,"Now what should we do? Though I can use senjutsu to remove the evil Ki presence, it will take a long while."

     Puffing his pipe, First Gen was considering other solutions. Then he thought of something, and looked in my direction.

     "Gremory kid. You seem to have a holy spell that can do everything but remove a curse, so why not use it on her...She will be right as rain after that?"

     I shake my head and say sadly,"Unfortunately, that shit Cao Cao forced me to use it to save my friend Issei, and I cant use it for another 40 minutes...And I don't think she can last that long.....I fucked up!" My heart is hurting looking at her dull eyes and I just pet her nose...This is just like in my dream realm..except I healed her there.... I think I am crying? All of our team gathers to see where we are....

     Near me poor Kunou is crying too,"Mother! Kunou is here! Please sing that song to me again! Please teach me to dance again! Kunou, Kunou will be a good girl from now on! I want to be with my mother... in Kyoto! I want to live together in Kyoto...!"

     I think and come up with a desperate idea....."Sun, I will try talking with Yasaka in my dream realm! Coriana I need your help....Send the three of us and Yasaka into my dream world! I don't know if this will help...But I can't do nothing!" Coriana smiles being happy to be needed and Kunou stops her crying not understanding what I would do...

     I place my hand on both Yasaka and Kunou, and then Coriana holds me and activates her dream power.....................

     When we can finally see we are in my dark nighttime dreamworld with all of us just as we were in the real world...The difference however is there is slight life in Yasaka's eyes just like when I saw her in my dream. Also it seems Georges mist also came with us and it is foggy.....

     Kunou seeing some life in her mothers face just broke out crying and making so many promises of being good if she wakes up. That is heartbreaking to watch....

     I look into Yasaka's eyes once more feeling dejavu,"I am sorry Yasaka....I really, really wanted to save you this time....If you can wake up on your own, please do! My healing magic is unusable right now....So I could only bring Kunou to see you.....I am a horrible man....I wanted to save you for a whole year and this is all I could do....Sorry!" I just give her a bow in shame.....

      Coriana says in shock,"George's dimension is becoming unstable so my power is ending very soon....." She warned the three of us.

     Shortly after the three people vanished from the dreamworld and Yasaka remained laying in her position.

     Yasaka then saw a slightly younger boy looking like the one that just left, with brown hair and eyes......The boy had come up to the injured fox and had a conversation with the dying fox....The young man cast his [Restoration] magic on the fox and it vanished from this world....The boy just ponders alone......

     I and my three companions have returned to the mist dimension and I shook my head to the group letting them know I failed.......

     Kunou was holding her mother and crying but she then stopped and felt something. A gentle golden light surrounded Yasaka. The kyuubi leader’s body began to glow, and slowly, shrank in size. The sound of a spectral fox could be heard by everyone....I am stupefied due to knowing this is my healing magic....[Restoration], what the fuck is going on?!?!

     As the light disappeared, Yasaka had regained her human form. She stood up as if she never had any affliction at all, and she just woke up from a pleasant nap.

     Kunou ran to Yasaka’s side. Jumping into her mother’s bosom, she cried continuously,"Mother! Mother!"

     Yasaka tenderly embraced Kunou, caressing her head,"What is it, Kunou? You’re always such a crybaby."

     Shit, I am crying from this scene, watching a mother and child be happy........Thanks past me!

     Yasaka then grabbed me and pulled me into a hug with her daughter....She then said,"Matsuda, thank you for saving me...When I was abducted, I saw you during my capture and knew you would come....I was knocked unconscious and that was where I met you in the castle!.....When I woke-up you three were in that dark space with me, and then you healed me...well your past self healed me after you left....Thank you for being my hero!"

     I was not able to enjoy this hug because my mind is not working well due to all this information......My gear's ability to cross time and space is scary!

     Confirming that Yasaka’s sanity has been restored, old man Sun announced the incident as having come to an end,"Well, no matter what, this incident has been resolved." And so, the fighting was over as the battle to rescue Yasaka ended.

This is the meeting in the dream world from chapter [Ascalon!] when Matsuda heals Yasaka....


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