DxD: Matsuda!

Jade-slip of the Youkai leader!


     Our group finally returned to the real Kyoto and we were all picked up and carted away...Azazel was being over worried and had our whole group looked over by medical professionals and then sent to our hotel......Yasaka? Nope after our hug that I clearly did not get to enjoy...She was escorted back to her home along with her daughter. She did not confess her love to me or offer to devote herself to me. Deep in my heart I almost wanted that...but that is truly unreasonable!

     After the fight Sun Wukong and Issei had a private meeting about his gear. Then the First Gen came to me and apologized about Bikou. I ended up telling him it was alright and that he never caused me trouble and I thought he was a fun guy! I surprised Sun by asking him for his autograph! He laughed at me and said I was the first person ever to want him to sign something......What? Sun Wukong is a fucking legend man!

     When I got back to my room, I was told that Sona and Tsubaki had returned beforehand....Well I will be seeing her at her home in the Underworld for a week anyway!

     I was bombarded with many magic circles from all my girls and spent most of the night explaining what happened. Even Kuroka called to see if I was alright, but she acted like she was not worried...saying she missed calling me while half asleep.....she is cute!

     Grayfia was the first to call me and was relieved to hear my story and was surprised to find out that Yasaka had memories of the castle incident...Then I told her about my past dream of healing her. Grayfia just laughed at me and said,"Mat only you will cross time and space to pick up women! Hah-aha" I just pouted at her teasing.......

     Venelana and Rias told me not to be worried about the problems in my city. Everything was easily dealt with and all the damages were repaired.....Why do I think Rias blew up shit?

     Kalawarna came to my room to sleep with me for the few hours we got to sleep. She was surprisingly gentle last night?! It was the first time in a while she was so docile, I think it was because she heard we fought the True Longinus........

     About the battle.....I heard the one that was most injured was Aika who was hit by a surprise attack from the dragon Jeane made...apparently she did not expect it to fire blades from his wings......Damn that is how I died in the park!

     Asia however was able to keep everyone from dying....it seemed they did much better than the one sided beating I had seen in the show that one time.

     Kiba had a talk with Issei about training extra hard due to their new experiences and the next event to come.....the Bael rating game match!

     Our group's true MVP seems to have been Ingvild, using the water around the castle she continuously battered Jeane and her dragon using ten water dragons?!

     Saji was fine after the battle and only needed a good night's sleep.....His power is so badass that I don't know why he did not have more screen time in the show? His powers are fucking amazing!

     The next morning finally came to Kyoto...........................

     Kala woke me up with her trademark attitude,"Matsuda get your ass up, don't be a pussy and go shopping for souvenirs with your classmates...if you don't I will let sister Grayfia know you are slacking ha-ha!"

     I grumble and make my way out of the bed and complain,"Angels are supposed to be kind and sweet! You're a dominatrix!" I was rewarded with a laugh and a holy-charged pillow in my face as she left to go pack her things and get her students moving.

     Crap I was planning on having the hotel staff buy shit for me...sigh looks like she saw thru me?! looks like we will leave early this evening on the bullet train...Oh that's right! In the anime Serafall, Yasaka, and Kunou see off our group...hmm. Guess I should buy those two something and have Issei get a small token to hand to Kunou?!

     I meet up with everyone at the breakfast buffet set up four the students and we sit around talking about what we will be buying to take back as gifts. I personally don't understand what is so great about tourist souvenirs, but for some reason the devil women demand this stuff! I am whipped! It is all good, I will accept being henpecked to the hottest women in this world! They are all incredibly kind to me really.

     I remembered Aika's tough battle and whispered in her ear......"If you don't wear panties on the bullet train you might get lucky my dear!" Aika's glasses seemed to glow with anticipation and that creepy smile tells me she is saying yes!

     Oh a fun fact I learned about glasses wearing devils. They actually don't have bad vision anymore as devils, but instead have magical glasses with certain spells cast on them. This was explained to me long ago by Sona. This really surprised me. The magic glasses can help identify objects and creatures. They can tell distances and many other fun features as long as you don't mind the look. This tool was developed for the more intellectual devils that did not care about wearing glasses...interesting!

     While I was planning a train robbery on my Aika, like I was Billy the Kid, I saw Azazel wave me over to the teachers table. Over there you can see Kalawarna, Rose, and Kyouko.

     I go and sit in the open seat next to Kyouko, and say,"What's up Azazel?" I, of course like any good pervert, am rubbing Kyouko's plump thigh under the table!

     Azazel drinking liquor in the morning tells me,"Looks like the security net we set up did not catch many rats....Also everyone's conditions thanks to your healing when we got to the hotel last night, helped a lot of our allies that fought with the Hero faction....So the higher ups said to thank you." Rose is currently glaring at him for drinking but he ignores her.

     I just smile and say,"Just tell them they are welcome or something like that, I don't mind at all. So as far as my visions go Azazel...I can only see things that happen up till the end of the match between the Gremory and Bael youth match...After that, I can't help you with a whole lot....My father only gave me limited knowledge after that.....However...I don't know if this will help but the Khaos brigade is going to turn on the Infinite Dragon! I don't know how but the garbage she gathered can and will deal with her! Whatever they were going to use on Great Red is what they will use on her...They called it the Dragon Eater!"

     Everyone but Kyouko, froze at my words and put on serious looks....Of course it is because anything that can threaten those two beings is no joke, and it is in the hands of Cao Cao!

     Azazel sighs and says to me,"Kid, you are the only guy that can even kill my drinking mood......" He then closes his eyes in contemplation,"Alright I will let Sirzechs and Michael know about this!"

     I said a few more things about school related to the teachers and stopped molesting my PE teacher. I then collected my touring group and we went shopping at the Train center.

     Now that I must care about Irina's feelings, I made the group visit the Kyoto tower so she could be happy....

     At the observation center Irina came to me and gave me a happy hug and kiss on my cheek,"Matsuda, thank you for remembering my request! I am blessed to meet you!" She really should not thank me...if she did not confess, I was planning on not coming here, but I wont tell her that! I can tell she was holding back from thanking Heaven for letting us meet....But I guess this one time she would have been right?! Big G sent me here.......

     While we were collecting our things for the train ride back a hotel manager came up to me with the gifts I told them to get me. I have a gift bag for both Yasaka and Kunou here, and I had a child's red dragon hair clip made for Issei to give to Kunou.

     Inside Kunou's gift bag I just put in some of the Gremory products that are child appropriate. And for Yasaka I had a noble high-end kimono in the colors of black and gold, matching golden hair accessory hair pins with my Gremory seal on them. I remember in the anime she always had elaborate hair pins, and she is a princess of the Youkai so this should be good.

     As we were about to leave as a group I pulled Issei aside for a man's chat,"Issei my brother, I want to talk to you about a possible meeting we may have."

     Issei, knowing I am in serious talk mode, schools himself and says,"Matsuda, I know that look, is it bad?!"

     I shake my head and tell him,"No but because my best friend is dense when it comes to girls' feelings...I wanted to give you a heads up! That young girl Kunou may have a crush on you! Now just hear me out.....She is a young youkai princess and one day she will grow up to look just like her mother! But that's a way off."

     Issei seems a bit pissed and says,"Damn brother, I am not Motohama! I won't try to date a shorty kid!" I slap the top of his head before he gets loud.

     I hand him the child's hair clip and say,"Dumb ass I know your not a Lolicon fucker...But if she has feelings for you don't shoot her down...What I mean is her feelings are not romantic but more of a crush for a hero. Just give her this and promise her anything....You will need to protect her as a hero going forward. So man up bro!"

     Issei nods and says,"Oh, I get it like being a good big brother! I got you...Ya she really is a cute little girl, so I will do that!" Well he kinda got my words...sigh.

     I smirk and tell him,"That's right...Rias is really pissed you summoned her sister into a battle to poke her jubilees!" Issei just went white! I have not seen statue-mode for a while!

     Later our group finally made it to the train-station and the school was loading on board. I hear a young woman's voice coming from behind our group and I look to see who it is.....

     Serafall is walking with Yasaka and her daughter Kunou to us...I see many bodyguards further away like secret service agents.

     Serafall in her kimono says,"Glad we made it in time, I had to see off my brother!♪" She is bubbly as always! She then gave me an embarrassing hug...The servants of Sona just smile seeing my nervousness!

     Almost forgetting I had them, I picked up my two gift bags and handed them to the mother and daughter pair. Yasaka was super surprised.

     I scratch my head embarrassed and tell her,"Um, sorry I sometimes have visions that let me know things, and I thought you would see us off ha ha!" Seeing her out of battle is stunning me, I am blushing for no reason.....I thought I was immune to charm?!

     Kunou was surprised as well, but her mother just puts her hand over her mouth and giggles. Yasaka then reached into her sleeves and pulled out a small box and with two hands passed it to me?

     Yasaka said,"Due to events, I was unable to properly reward you for all of your efforts, so I give this to you...This is my personal seal that will allow you full access to all of Kyoto and into the Youkai city. This will also let you come and visit me any time. Let us exchange magic circles to coordinate our meeting in the future?!"

     The two of us touch our circles to copy the information and I say to her,"Sure, I come to Kyoto often for meetings, due to running the Gremory group...If you need anything from my family just go to the Sirzechs hotel and tell them you are my important VIP! I will let my people there know to assist you with anything!" She then smiles at me and we see her daughter talking with Issei......

     Kunou asked Issei,"Will you visit Kyoto again?" Issei looked at me in surprise then took out the hairpin.

     He then handed her the comb and said to her,"For sure and you can be our tour-guide again, here this is a small gift to remember our meeting!" Kunou took it happily. Yasaka looked at me in concern, and I just gave her a thumbs up, she then relaxed. After meeting the sinister Issei from my castle dream, anyone would be worried.

     Sadly I did not get to hug her or have a passionate kiss for saving her....But just the fact that she and her daughter are alright is good enough for me!

     We board the train and Kunou and Issei are waving...well I wave too ha-ha! Issei then says,"Fuck, Mat we forgot to ask Yasaka to show us her melons!" I smile at my idiot friend and smack his head, he just laughs knowing it would not really happen!

     The train ride back home felt longer than it should with so many things going on in my mind. Fortunately Aika proved she did not wear panties so I rewarded her with a Coriana style train ride!

     When I was getting ready to get off the train, I happened to be looking at the jade slip in my hands with the symbol of the nine tailed fox. I could feel the warm Ki in it.

     Azazel with some surprise on his face said to me,"Kid where did you get that?! That is the consort token given to the lover of the Youkai leader!" I just froze at Azazel's words and looked at him dumbly.........


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