DxD: Matsuda!

Gasper the Harem Lord?!

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     In the distance I can see three individuals, Issei in his True Queen form with some damage on his armor. I also see the enormous Gasper in his shadow form, standing at Issei's side. And across from them I see the old Scale Mail armor of the Boosted Gear. I can see some slight design differences but without a doubt it is a replica of the Boosted Gear! And based on what Gasper told me the person inside that armor is... Euclid Lucifuge!

     As I am flying at abnormal speed to them I also notice something new around Issei! Six palm sized Red Wyverns! They look like small remote controlled drones and are flying in front of Issei and seem to be a weapon of some sort?!

     I told Issei and Gasper to not alert him of me coming due to the insane speed I am traveling. Thanks to Evil Dragons, Bennia, and Elmenhilde, I have already entered Super Devil strength temporarily and am moving faster than Euclid can perceive me.

     While Euclid was thinking of his next move, he felt a pain in his back that almost shattered his entire body!

     I flew in and threw him a Super man punch, right in his back armor shattering his Scale Mail and making him spray blood from his mouth! It was not enough to outright kill him but even this bastard won't easily shake it off! I did this because back in the mall I personally felt the power of Boost many times and wont let him use it on me!

     As he tries to lift his half broken body out of the crater he created with his body, I say to him,"My beautiful, incredible, and loving wife Grayfia Gremory, told me to greet her brother very kindly the next time we met! So hello Brother-in-law! Now please go and fuck off mkay?!" Petty? This ass hole is bringing the world to ruin and making life hard on my wife! This can be considered as a positive greeting!

     Euclid Getting a good look at my new form is more surprised at my power than the sneak attack he just took! He says,"A devil, Evil Dragon, and a vampire with ten wings, how?!" Wow my first thought would have been yelling about a sneak attack but whatever!

     I tighten my fist with holy lighting and ask him,"Any last words before I put you into a coma? I cant kill you till we get the Grail back, but I can make your stay at the Holiday Inn Express, a comfy one, he-he!" Due to my vampire form, my normal Punchable face just looks like the face of a nightmarish creature of the night.

     Vali from the distance yells,“Rizevim! I’m not done with you yet!” We all look to see...

     The final boss Rizevim lands next to his battered subordinate, and he looks at the screaming Vali, then at me.

     Rizevim starts laughing,“The thing is, my grandson is really persistent. So let’s head back. The town is destroyed quite a lot already, so we are heading back, Euclid. So teleport us out of here by force~!” He then puts Lilith in between me and him knowing I can hit him. Fucker!

     Euclid nods to him and activates a teleportation magic circle in the air quickly.

     Gasper, not wanting to let him get away with the Holy Grail tries to attack him with his darkness, but it is ALL wiped away with no effect! Issei tries to stop the magic with Dragon Shot, but Rizevim just swipes his hand and nullifies the powers. When I go to make a move to stop the teleportation, I see Lilith stand in my way and I know I cant take her! And at that moment Vali lands to join in the fun...

     Rizevim swings his finger to the side and is making a mockery of us. The Sacred Gear Canceller!

     Lilith had looked at Issei for a moment in recognition of eating with him as well, before doing her job of blocking me, it seems she won't kill me just follow her orders to the letter.

     “Too bad♪. Since those powers have something to do with the Sacred Gears, it won’t work on me, you know? See-ya♪ So please support us from now on as we are going to cause a major terror! And I will be sure to bring the legendary Evil Dragons next time as well!”   Rizevim makes his declaration while he disappears into the teleportation light.

    Rizevim continues, “Oh, yeah. Our name. Our name is Qlippoth, nice name right? It’s the exact opposite of the 'Tree of Life Sephirot'. I named it since we are misusing the Holy Grail that represents the name of Sephirot. It also has the meaning of being the force of evil♪ Ciao!” Rizevim, Euclid, and Lilith disappear into the teleportation light. Lilith looks at me the whole time until she vanished......

     Vali shakes his body in rage due to the frustration and says to no one,“My dream is to defeat Great Red. Dammit. Is my dream the same as his then? No, I-I am different from him!”

     The agents that survived from the Tepes side and the Carmilla side are working hard in guiding the civilians to the shelter. At the underground shelter located further past the east-gate, the emergency squad that has it’s work mainly done by Asia, Rias, and Ingvild's teams are working hard at healing the injured civilians.

     Three hours later, the Occult Research Club along with Bennia and Rugal gathered at the main castle...........

     I go to find Azazel and see what he is dealing with. I see Azazel talking with two vampires I am familiar with, the woman that came to the meeting in Kuoh and Elmenhilde Karnstein

    Elmenhilde is sitting down on the floor exhausted; she seems to be talking with him about the events...

     She tells him as I walk up,“No, I can’t believe there are so many traitors and they turned into Evil Dragons, and now our homeland is... Then what am I supposed to do?”

     I say hello to the two,"Azazel and Red, how are you two doing right now?" Elmenhilde's cheeks turned a faint red and I missed the evil glint in Azazel's eyes...

     Azazel, like a car sales-man says,"Kid this is perfect timing! Miss Elmenhilde, this is the guy I told you about! The one with the special blood! We tested him and you will not only fully recover but you can day-walk for a time! He is even more potent than our Dragon over there!" He had pointed to Issei.

     I notice that it seems Azazel is trying to get her into the peace treaty so he is trying to get on her good side, well I kinda took blood from her? Maybe I drained her too much? My gear said she was fine though.....

     I shrug and say,"Sure, it's only fair after all, it's an equal exchange right?" I get on one knee and pull down my collar for her exposing my neck.

     Elmenhilde with her eyes wide open seemed to feel an attraction to my blood like I did hers and her eyes started to glow in hunger, yup I felt that too! Like a puppet that could not control herself she latched onto my neck and softly bit down. Actually it tickles more than hurts, and I won't mention the chub I got there either!

     The assistant behind Elmenhilde covers her mouth in shock at her young lady's actions, but why? She is slowly drinking like she does not want to waste a drop of my blood.

     Azazel tells me while I am a drink pouch,"Elmenhilde asked about your vampire form and I told her you were once a vampire and she was surprised! But damn kid I did not think you had the balls to straight up claim her as your own!" Wait, why is that fucker smirking? And what claims her as my own...

     Elmenhilde let go of my neck with a drunk look and a smile like a person on good drugs,"Your blood is the best I have ever tasted in my life! Ufufu!" Her energy level is over 9000 and she looks like she can take on Lilith!

     She holds out her hand and creates a spear of light with a gold color! She then looks around and closes her eyes then the entire castle town rumbles as everything made of Earth and Stone or Metal is reforged at an amazing speed and all the vegetation begins to bloom in the city as well! Wow she is using it like me in my [Second Stage]!

     Elmenhilde falls to her knees panting and smiles, then looks at me in both amazement and horror.

   She then stands and says to me,"I don't know what you are, but it seems we vampires have overestimated our own strength for far too long in an isolated bubble." She then gives me a curtsy.

     The event made the whole town go into an uproar about how the town mostly was restructured in less than a minute. The homes and buildings were not recreated accurately but the fact there are now usable buildings and homes was a vampire miracle.

     Azazel says,"Well Lord Gremory here is the son of god after all, ha-ha!" Both vampire women froze, oh looks like she knows nothing of me like I know nothing of her, well that's fair right?

     I wave my hand at the three and walk away and say,"Elmenhilde Karnstein, it was a pleasure to visit your country, good luck in the future!"

     I then see Issei, Gasper, Rugal, and Kiba talking and I join them. We then compare notes on what's been going on and how our battles went.

     Rugal tells us something interesting,"Well thanks to the full-moon, I was extra strong in my werewolf form! So I was able to go out swinging extra hard on those vampires and dragons!" he seems to be the type that loves battle.

     Issei gets mad at me and points,"How do you live with your dog shit luck! You get to save a Loli and I get that faker girly-man! Damn Matsuda I hope this bites you in the ass! No really I want to cry how fucking lucky you are, sob!" Why do I think the world cursed me for Issei's sake! I feel like I really will have this bite me in the ass! I just rubbed my neck where I was bitten.

     A vampire man walks past us and, he is the Head of the House of Vladi, and he looks at Gasper silently.

     Gasper declares it to him without stepping back,“I am the servant Devil of the Gremory! The Bishop, Gasper!”

     Gasper bows his head down and says,“Thank you very much till now. But I won’t be coming back here ever again. And I will also take Valerie with me.”

     His father says nothing and walks off ending their relationship!

     I put my hand on his head and said,"Those are fine Japanese words, and that's how the Gremory men should treat their women! Now let's see how we can help her."

     Standing next to the bed Valerie is on, Rossweisse asks,"So then why did he only take one Grail, why not all three?"

     Azazel who came to check up on our patient says to us,“I can only come up with the conclusion that he did that in order to make the Vampires take action or for political reasons, but maybe having just one of them was enough for him, he must have determined that using more than one of them will be hard to control. Judging from their words, even having just one of them will be capable of making it reach the Balance Breaker. Most likely during the time when Marius made Valerie use her power, only one Holy Grail was functioning. Valerie’s body won’t be able to endure using more than two of them, so Valerie must have unconsciously kept down her powers. Well, we will be finding out the truth from now on.”

     I move to Valerie and say,"Let me try a few things, [Restoration!]" After her body is fully restored I then cut my thumb and place it in her mouth.

     Everyone watched in anticipation, especially Gasper. A moment later I felt her mouth suction on my thumb after some of my blood entered Her. Her eyes then opened and she looked at me while she bit harder so that some more blood could be swallowed, due to my fast healing closing the wound she did this a couple times with a blush. Damn she is really drawing more, I guess she was hungry after all.

     She then removed my thumb from her mouth and wiped her mouth. I don't know if licking my thumb was normal or not though. Well no one could see that. Oh Koneko just pinched my side so nope at least one girl noticed.

     Valarie, still in a daze, says softly,"So good thanks Lord Gremory." Gasper then hugged her and she just smiled and pats his head while he sobs.

     After Azazel looks her over he says,"Seems your blood kid reacted with the remaining two Grail's and made them dominant Sacred Gears now so she can now move around and live life, but she is incomplete without the third Grail. This means she won't be able to live a normal life till she gets it back. She will probably need your blood till that time comes, then she will be free from the side effects of a part of her soul missing."

     Gasper says to us all,“I will become stronger than anyone and take the Holy Grail back. I will definitely save you Valerie and I want to start everything from the beginning. I will definitely save you Valerie. I definitely will!” Issei just pats his shoulder with a big smile.

     Valerie just pats his head like an older sister would! Shit wait till she meets his pregnant girlfriend, cough! Gasper the Harem Lord?!

     After everyone was celebrating a partial win, Issei asks Azazel about the other gear.

     Azazel tells all of us,“Also about the replica Boosted Gear that Issei mentioned. I can assume that they were able to pull it off by doing many reckless things such as using the Artificial Sacred Gear, the clone techniques, the power of the Holy Grail, and other kinds of techniques. As long as Ddraig resides in Issei, it won’t be possible for two Boosted Gears to exist. So it really must be a replica. Except, I can come to the conclusion that it will give out the power more than its specs show if the user is powerful. The Replica Sacred Gear’s basic potential won’t be able to surpass the original Boosted Gear.”

     Well I think this was an alright outcome considering the foes we faced! Now all of us are heading back to japan. The Brave Saints sent by heaven to save the other castle-town will stay and help the vampires and we are free to go home. I really want to hold my Sera right now! I need to hear "Dada" and see my angel grind her teeth in anguish! Well she is a daddy's girl! Don't want her growing up to be a stripper after-all!

     The sun is out and the vampires of the area have all fled to their underground chambers to hide from the sun and sleep. In the middle of the courtyard we watch Akeno, Rossweisse, and  Yubelluna set up the large-scale teleportation circle to help us get to japan.

     Elmenhilde Karnstein, the only vampire out in the sun right now is sending us off. She has been looking at me with a very complicated look and a blush. Shit did I accidentally get her attention? What happened to that bitch inside the ORC room that night? This girl could not have had feelings for me in only like five hours right?

     A sigh, breaks me from my thoughts and I look to Rias as she says,"A vampire of all things? Really Mat, how do you just step outside the house and make girls fall for you?"

     The transportation circle begins to light up......

     Azazel says to Rias,"Well he DID bite her under a full moon after all, hah-aha! And the best part is that she bit him back under the same full-moon, hah-aha!" Wait, why do I feel like Azazel screwed me somehow?!

     Rias just rubs her forehead and says,"Mat for a genius, you are a real idiot sometimes you know that?!" Um I feel insulted when my hot airhead calls me dumb!

     Before I could respond the circle lit up and we were on our way, but I did see the vampire girl blushing while watching me leave........

     And that my friends is how I promised myself to that damn vampire girl! Sigh, my luck is both amazing and shitty all at the same time!


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