DxD: Matsuda!

Little Red Riding-Hood, Elmenhilde Karnstein!

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    With the shelter to the east of the city and Issei going west and Kiba going south, I decided to head north of town!

     I decided to enter my Balance Breaker state since I was given a gift from my new Loli fan! So I mutter the words,"Balance Breaker, Satan Gold Vampire!"

     My fangs and other vampire traits emerge and the air around me becomes even colder. The part that always freaks me out for the first minute or so is when my heart stops beating and I no longer exhale steam, this is not from lack of breathing but the fact the air in the lungs matches the ambient temperature. My shadow from the moon is also gone. This is a sign that my soul has become my body and all of my senses are magnified.

     When I pulled out the vial of blood given to me from Bennia, I could not help but give out hearty laughter,"Ha ha ha! Love Potion #9! And she drew a cartoon Satan Gold with hearts over his head! Wow, her sense of humor is amazing!"

     I pop the vial open and down the contents! If Irina is like eating the food I ate as a happy child, then Bennia's blood is like eating cake off the belly of a long lost lover! Ahh the sensation of her inside me is amazing. While her powers run through me it is like the world slows down around me and only I can move at normal speed.

     I notice a massive Evil Dragon round the corner. It was chasing a man to eat him. I then step into the shadow next to the building and emerge from the shadow next to the running man.

     I then say,"Come out my old friend, Mjölnir!" And the space next to me warps and I grabbed the black handle of this adamantine hammer with magic symbology on it!

     I threw my hammer at the large dragon and it exploded in a shower of gore! I say,"Oh these dragons are far weaker than I expected! After fighting that masochistic dragon Grendel, I thought they would all be powerful."

     The vampire man knelt on one knee and said,"I thank you my Lord!" Oh my gear is telling me he sees me as a vampire like himself.

     I tell him,"There is a shelter at the east gate go there now." The vampire ran like his life depends on it, well if I was a stuck up noble it probably would. That guy was a reincarnated vampire like our devil pieces.

     Without looking I had the shadows from underneath the Evil Dragon, sneaking up on me, and it gets impaled by the many black spikes. This looks like Kiba's sword birth. As a vampire progenitor, I can control shadows and darkness like an angel controls light. It is also like how I use Earth Manipulation.

     I release many bats from my multiple dragon-like wings and they scout the area for me expanding my vision to about 500 feet in all directions. I use this information to throw my hammer at unsuspecting rampaging dragons. I also impale dozens of dragons with their own shadow, with my darkness ability remotely from my bats.

     About 15 minutes later when my blood ability was wearing off I noticed an unusual sight! A small woman I recognize is fleeing from four evil dragons and a powerful male vampire! This cloaked girl was none other than Elmenhilde Karnstein!

     I recall my bats and merge into the shadows to travel faster. When I get close I disperse my body into ten large black shadow wolves with glowing red eyes and rush to the scene!

     Elmenhilde Karnstein had been running from her squad for about 20 minutes now! When they first started attacking the castle her group of ten subordinates were still fine. But after some time had passed, something unimaginable happened! Four of the male members of her team transformed into massive Evil Black Dragons.

     One of her loyal male vampire members of a noble house started to laugh maniacally! The  man then pointed to the other five female vampires with her and he said,"Eat them but leave the noble woman for me!" To Elmenhilde's horror, the dragons obeyed him and murdered her trusted guards.

      The cocky man then walked towards her and said,"No more of your shitty rules, my toy! Now we serve better masters! That's right, the faction of the females are over, by now your Castle town should be gone thanks to all the dragons there! And thanks to you bringing all of your forces here, there is no one there to save your family! Oh what a pity little Elmenhilde! But fear not, I do not intend on killing you, no in fact I am going to play with you for a very long time, ha ha ha ha! Ufufu!" he then walks slowly at her....

     Sadly Elmenhilde knows she is not strong enough to fight all five of them alone, she is truly not in a hopeful position, keeping her life does not sound like a good reward considering the price she will have to pay for it. If only they had not been stubborn! How could they know there were so many pure-blood traitors! She had even considered this mad man as a possible consort. Now she sees his true face.

     Elmenhilde had tried flying a few times but the dragons would use their wings and tails to bash her back down for the hunter to continue his game! Finally she made it to the north west wall and found she was in an alley and there was no where to go, she had been herded here on purpose! With her back to the wall she faces her pursuers and puts on a proud and confident face, however inside she is in despair!

     The vampire man stands about 20 feet from his prey with a sarcastic look and says,"Elmenhilde I bought a dog leash and collar for you, my pet! After I make your body mine, I shall break you in real good or I might just break you! The only thing I might feed you is old fat humans that are not allowed to bathe! I will make you my obedient puppy, ha-ha!"

     Sadly his bravado was broken by the cry's of the four Evil Dragons helping him hunt! When he turns around he sees a pack of black shadowy wolves ripping the evil dragons apart like they were only made of paper with blood spraying everywhere.! His jaw was left wide open at this sight! When all ten wolves then turned their glowing red eyes at the man he backed up against a building, then he saw all the wolves merge together to form a tall vampire wearing all black and with glowing red eyes with a ring of gold around the red.

     The evil vampire stuttered at me,"W-Who are y-you! A-And whose side are you on?!" I can see from his hand movements he is calling for reinforcements, but this is good too! I don't have to run looking for them so they can come to me!

     I smile with my Punchable face and say,"I am the Big Bad Wolf and I came to see Little Red Riding-hood here, ha-ha!" I walk past the shaking vampire and walk to Elmenhilde.

     She looks up into my face and knows who I am but the amount of shock and disbelief in her eyes is priceless! Um but I am having an urge I don't think I should be, her neck is looking very erotic and my urge to bite her is huge?! Do vampires of this world feed off one another? Clearly the blood in her body is attracting me, even though her heart does not beat!

     She then asks,"Matsuda Gremory even though I sense some devil in you, you are clearly a powerful vampire? W-What are you?!" I smile with my fangs showing! I really have an urge to bully this noble racist vampire!

     My eyes grow in hunger and I ask her,"Do you truly want to know what kind of vampire I am?" I step in front of her as her back hits the wall but she then nods to me reluctantly.

     Then shocking both Elmenhilde and the noble vampire my ten vampire wings ejected and before she knew it she was held tightly in my arms from behind, then she realized I already had my fangs in her neck! My gear told me to bite her neck and taste her blood, not sure why but this won't hurt her one bit.

     The noble man was seeing Elmenhilde being held in this vampire's arms from behind her and she could not even see his movement, but he then noticed her face was blushing with an intoxicated look of pleasure while she tightens her legs together?

     At this moment a group of ten Evil Dragons had come to his aid and he shouted,"KILL THAT VAMPIRE NOW! HE IS OUR ENEMY!"

     All of a sudden my heart does not beat then let out a thunderous beat! THUD! It was only one beat but everyone in the alley could gently feel it!

     I put the small vampire on the ground behind me and told her,"Your blood was divine, now watch what it can do!"

     Elmenhilde behind me put her hand on her neck with some surprise and looked at me with emotions I was unaware of at the time!

     I take a deep inhale like I am planning on creating a breath weapon like a dragon would! But the damnedest thing was, while I inhaled, the blood from all ten Evil Dragons started to escape from there bodies uncontrollably! This made all the dragons squirm in pain and anguish as all their blood flew into my mouth all at once, this in effect killed all ten dragons!

     BURP! I cover my mouth and my eyes glaze over just a bit. I smile and say to the vampire all playfully,"Call them all to me, or I will behead you now! I am really really thirsty now! Mwahaha!"

     The noble vampire who is now on his knees shaking, is calling for help really fast, this puts a smile on my flushed face!

     I feel a tug from behind me and Elmenhilde tells me,"Please do not drink anymore dragon's blood, or you will get sick and pass out." I nod, it seems she might be helpful because I am a vampire right now?

     I am currently radiating a powerful Evil Dragon aura right now and my ten wings have become more dragon-like than before and I feel super strong right now.

     I ask Elmenhilde,"This vampire said he was going to play with you?! Does this mean it's alright if he dies?" Elmenhilde looks at the traitor and clenches her fist.

     She tells me with shame on her face,"He should die for his actions, but I think getting answers out of him would help us more." I nod to her and walk to the man.

     He tells me,"I called them so let me go! I won't do anything, just don't kill me! I was just joking with her! Take her for yourself then! Yes that's it make her your toy-"

     I grabbed his face, stopping his rubbish words and cast a holy spell called [Binding Chains]! It won't kill him but it's super uncomfortable and will stop his vampire abilities from activating. 

     I then throw him at her feet and say,"Take him, he is yours as a gift. I need to kill the incoming dragons and save this land."

     Elmenhilde then yells to me as I am flying high,"Thank you Matsuda Gremory for saving me!" Why is she blushing? Do vampires in this world blush?

     As I rose up into the sky I noticed that the entire city was enveloped in blackness. Oh this is Gasper's power! I see he has recovered? All of the Evil Dragons heading for me were then swallowed by the shadow creatures by his powers. Well it's not like I need to kill them personally. This is good for the little guy to flex his new strength.

     Then a shadow bat came to me and said in the deep voice, [Issei is fighting Euclid Lucifuge, and he also has Scale Mail on while he is fighting him!]

     I say,"Alright tell him I am coming!" I then use my familiars link with Issei to find him and I rocket in that direction!

Elmenhilde Karnstein

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