DxD: Matsuda!

I am back!

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     So Big G, have not updated you on what has been going on lately. But I am currently on the Gremory train to the Underworld for the winter break from school! So what has happened in the last month or so? Lots actually, but where to start.....

     OK first Kala is doing fine and no issues with the child! Take small wins when I can get them!

     Tsubaki and I went out on a few dates, pretty much have done everything a couple can do with their clothes mostly on! Oh and she and I did a midnight dip at the pool so she could show off the white bikini to just me! Damn that was a bit of a nose bleed for me, thanks to regeneration I kept my dignity! Tsubaki's fetish is that she likes to give me lap pillows while rubbing my head, and her huge breast rests on my head. I love life!

     Well flyer duty has FINALLY ended, when we get back! I will be doing real contracts. Also I got my, familiar with no real issue. But that bastard was annoying as fuck! I wanted to shove a holy lance in his rhyming mouth!

     So I got a really cool ass familiar too! No I did not get Tiamat, you old perv! Well at first a massive amount of beast swooped in on us to greet me, freaking out Ash Ketchum. My affinity kicked in and every beast, bird, and the like had to say hello to me. They were trying to all get me to pick them. I felt like Issei in one of his harem delusions!

     So the one I ended up choosing was the Great Sage Turtle! He is black all over with gold eyes, his shell is the size of a minibus with a head the size of a smart-car! He had a chinese character on his back that said 'SAGE'! On top of incredible defense and strength, he can shoot beams of water or ice, not bad I would say! He talks and is a bit perverted. But half of all familiars are all about sex. So to spite the bastard pet of mine, I named him [Roshi] it fits trust me, all he does is stare at Rias and Akeno's breasts while not fighting anything. I am ashamed!

     Sigh, after my talk with Rias that day, everything has been mostly normal, unless Sona is around then things get really tense! Rias will then grab my arm and say how happy she has me as her servant and the like....

     I am a little embarrassed for her to be honest, but I know if I do not let her vent, she will take it out on me! On top of that, thanks to her jealousy of me having Tsubaki as my woman, she and Akeno have started their 'accidental breast rubs' on me! I won't lie, I like it a lot, but I fear they do not truly mean it, not yet anyway. Akeno just does her best to fluster me, works about one out of four times though.

     Sona's peerage is also going to the Underworld but we will not be meeting her house this trip. Issei still has his bad luck in magic so no change from the show. Tsubaki told me about his progress and I gave her advice on how to train him....

     She told me the whole breast thing did the trick. It seems Momo has taken a liking to Issei and she um, lets him peek and stuff? Well I won't judge. I say if they like one another and it is free will, go to town! I was afraid he would have no motivation to get strong, but Momo is highly qualified for that role! Would he be, Momo-boating-it?!

     So I was given books on the Gremory territory, businesses, population, and maps of the area as well as more detailed information I will need to act presentable around her family. Meh it is easy and how many damn forks and spoons do you need at one damn time?

     At this point I am just sitting at the window looking at all the different noble lands of the underworld passing by and thinking to myself, when it's not an anime, it is very overwhelming to see. Sometimes I think about all my other past lives I erased and think they were either very bad, or I missed too many people. My heart is feeling phantom pain of loss of loved ones, I don't even know now......

     A rough lick by a small white cat and the head-pat of a super sexy Koneko, wake me from my melancholy. Wait she is NOT super sexy! Bad Lolicon! Burn in hell, oh never mind I am here!

     Meow [Big brother are you hurt again?] He is so fucking cute, not like pervs turtle!

     "Thanks Shiro and Koneko, I am alright now. Just lost in thoughts of days of old. ha-ha" I just smile at their care.

     "Don't get sad now we are about to arrive!" Koneko says as she picks up her Shiro.

     So I then take the chance to freshen up and change. Rias wants us in our school uniforms to show off to her parents, sigh.

     The group departs from the station and we are loaded up into a stretch limo. Yup it's a mix of medieval and  modern here. We will be driving for about 30 minutes so we have refreshments and I watch the scenery...

     Since I am the only first timer here, I thought I would be out of place in a world with no real sun but nope I feel very peaceful Probably my devil body loves it.

     Rias shakes my shoulder and points ahead,"There are the gates and the manor in the distance, I am so happy to see my family again!" Nice to see her happy, but then it started!

     My gear just activated on its own, freaking everyone out!......

     What the hell? Why is this feeling so strong? I begin to hyperventilate, and the group is in panic now.

     I am having flashbacks from my death in the park! The fuck, but it did not last long and my gear faded then my breathing calmed down.

     Rias and Akeno are surrounding me, inspecting my condition with magic. I finally hear Rias speaking,"Matsuda are you alright? What's wrong!" She is holding my shoulder tight. I feel a very strong pull from the house.....

     "I-I am OK now, something from the house triggered a panic attack. And I-I relived my moments in the park. Sorry I am fine, s-sorry for freaking you out..." I noticed a bit of sweat on my forehead.

     Akeno shakes her head to Rias saying there was nothing to find. Rias looks worriedly at me and I just do a sad smile. I am confused as fuck.

     We pull up to the massive home and get out of the car, then stand behind Rias as procedure dictates. We of the Gremory's don't mind skipping this but it is good practice for when we show up at events, so they still do it.

     What I see is an army of fucking beautiful maids lined in the back, no Grayfia!

     A tall man I recognize as Zeoticus Gremory, beside him is a woman looking like Rias but not the traditional hair color but denoting the Bail clan, Venelana Gremory. In front of her is a young boy with the same red hair as Rias, Millicas Gremory...

     He breaks protocol and waves excitedly and says,"Hi big sister Rias, miss me?" He is a cute kid, well his mother is hot. Too bad she is not here.

     Rias then hugged him and the family closed. We servants in the back just chill until we are needed. They really look happy. It is nice, now Rias can finally relax a bit!

     The group looks in my direction, but I feel like what I want is not here, but behind towards the house?

     Rias pulls me to her family and says,"Everyone let me introduce my new Pawn Matsuda Tanaka!" She seems proud of me huh?

     The three greet and I reply respectfully. Without the title of Red Dragon Emperor, her father and mother won't notice me more than a male playmate for the spoiled daughter. That is reasonable.

     I feel a tug on my gear again, behind me?!

     It seems everyone stopped what they were doing or saying to see the newcomer come up from behind and approach me. So I spun around to face...

     The woman in my dreams! She is the actual woman I hugged in the castle! My powers confirm this unbelievable truth! I am feeling a pull to her from my Sacred Gear like I need to be with her now.

     Grayfia Lucifuge stood directly in front of me with her hands clasped in front, and her signature stoic expression on her beautiful face as she examined me in front of her. She was wearing her french-maid uniform and her noble grace put other women to shame, she slowly had a smile gracing her lips and moist eyes, shaking everyone that knew her and the exchange of words floored even the head of the family..........

     "Your back?"

     "I am back!"

Gremory home

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