DxD: Matsuda!

Rias x Issei!

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     I am currently about to arrive at school holding a large paper-bag with lots of freshly grown flowers, and two future sexual predators at my other side. As we enter the gates Issei does his best imitation of a loyal dog fighting Saji for the best spot next to Sona!

     I calmly start at the far end of the student council pulling out a single white rose and handing it to every member with my [please punch me] smile, this action of course has frozen every student and Sona's peerage into my actions. Sona gets my last white rose and a slight head nod and a "Goooooooood Morning Pres!"

     Then I stand in front of my new girlfriend who is totally back in ice-cube form with a bit of blush, and I pull out the last two dozen beautiful red roses placing them in her arms and say,"Dear Tsubaki, please join me for a homemade boxed lunch for two, at lunch, later beautiful!" And finish with a wink!

     It was so quiet in the area for a moment one could hear the footsteps of the leaving offender. Then all hell broke out......

     The most amazing thing was the two dumb dragon's giving me death glares for stealing, Tsubaki from their clutches, of course while crushing those poor flowers they held.

     Sona had a gentle smile on her face while Tsubaki just stood there tightly holding her flower trying not to break her serious mask, just as planned! Tsubaki is not a girl that can handle public displays of affection, so I will save that for closets and the like!

     So I of course made it to class and finally heard decent gossip about me for once, well better than Pink Zombie! You know shit like...

     "He was too bold!", "Do you think the VP likes him?", "Matsuda always pranks the VP, this is normal.", "Is Matsuda cool now?", "We need to protect the VP!", "HE BROKE THE CODE!" Yup, that last one was Issei coming into the room.

     My desk mate Kiba, shook off his non-harem, sat down and lifted his brows at me and was just shaking his head with a smile. He then said,"So what did you do to piss off the club Pres?"

     "The fuck you talk-en bout Willis?!" I am caught unaware about why Rias is pissed at me? I literally have not seen her in like five days or so. I am innocent!

     "Not sure really? I just saw her talking with Akeno and she was grinding her teeth all mad muttering your name!" He shrugs like he can care less, but I see the glint of hoping I get what's coming to me, that bastard! I think it's bible day bitch!

     OK future me let's pay attention to our Spider Sense today, don't want a blast of destruction in my head! Damn no nap today!

     So Motohama, Issei, and I entered the lunchroom together. They won't leave me alone because they know I invited Tsubaki for lunch. Damn pair of hemorrhoids!

     It looks like Tsubaki has just arrived. How can I tell? Every student's heads are moving as one like they are at a ping pong game. They are anticipating if the fourth most popular girls in school will sit with her bully! I wave my hands to get her attention and she holds back a smile but I see it in her eyes the happiness. However I hear crying and sighing as Tsubaki sits right next to me, and I mean shoulder to shoulder. Yup the masses must accept the truth!

     My friends are sitting across from us, most likely for a better view, fortunately Motohama is a nervous wreck so no problems from him at least! Issei however is glaring daggers at me and wants to see if I am blackmailing her.

     As I set up all the food I made this morning, I ask,"Tsubaki dear, how did you sleep, oh and mom said hi?"

     "I had a wonder-full night's rest, and it is so nice to hear her ask! Oh is this shrimp tempura?" Tsubaki said it like a wife having a meal with her husband. Yup and there goes Issei! Damn is that a soul escaping his mouth?

     We of course had polite chit-chat and secretly held hands under the table, so lewd Tsubaki! She even had the nerve to give me a peck on the side of my face before fleeing! NICE!

     The rumor-mill was truly ablaze and I think Tsubaki wants it too, that is what my hunch is telling me.

     I am about to enter the Occult Research Club and I got minor threats going, probably Rias pouting but not enough to be violent. I hope!

     I walk in and sit to Kiba's right across from Koneko, while Rias is in her chair looking out the window. Akeno is currently pouring tea for Rias, giving me a naughty-boy smile. So I am going to break the ice!

     "Matsuda reporting for work, President!" I say and wait, and wait, and wait?

     I whisper to the VP,"Akeno so does this mean I get a day off again?"

     Rias turned her head to me and said,"No you do NOT get a day off!" Looks like Rias finally got her thoughts in order.

     Just like dealing with my past life wife I tell her,"Um President, I do not mind admitting to anything I do wrong, but if you can't tell me why the hell you're mad at me. I can't do anything?!" I just smile.

     Pouting Rias says,"Sona called me last night so excited that you and her Queen are dating, and no one told me!"

     For me this jealousy was Rias's only bad side, but most women are like that really. She is just more Tsundere about it, sigh. We are not even in a relationship!

     With a tired smile I explain,"President, I could not have told you first because this just happened yesterday. Tsubaki came to see my garden and met my parents, one thing led to another and now we are a couple. I did not think having a relationship was against the rules?"

     I shrug because she is being childish right now. I know she has insecurity and thinks Sona will honey-trap me, so....

     I stand up, walk to her desk, look down at her cute pout and say,"You know I am not a dumb man, and I know how to keep feelings out of things like rating games, and no Sona will never steal me or buy my loyalty from my King. My promise to you is rock solid, I will NEVER betray my kind and smart King. So please just relax and trust in your Pawn to be there for you OK?!"

   I smile and then say,"And if this is because it was unexpected that I jumped into a relationship. I have decided to break my rule and I will tell you who your soulmate is!"

     OK her eyes looked in my direction just a bit, so she wants love and she took it out on me and got it! She is smart at the wrong times.

     "Do you want the bad news like this or in private?" I thumb at the group......

     Rias sits up and breathes in and says,"We are family so no need to hide it, please tell me." Yup that look of anticipation won't last trust me!

     I sigh like this is the hardest thing I will ever say,"His identity WILL be a huge shock to you so do not get too happy. The man you are supposed to live for, with, and marry is none other than. The Red Dragon Emperor, Issei Hyoudou".

     Welp since NO one is moving or talking I go back and sit down.

     "W-what kind of joke is that?" Rias looks so sad.........

     "Damn I told her she should not know, damn." I sigh.

     "Out loud and Is this real?" Wow I feel like a doctor giving a bad health result.

     I close my eyes and admit,"I fucked up the timeline, and I cant fix it! Issei Hyoudou was supposed to be your pawn and not me. He was supposed to die by that bitches hands! I got drunk one night and sent him to Sona. When I was drunk I think I must have been jealous, and wanted to be your servant and not Sona's!"

      I am currently giving Rias a 90 degree bow in shame.....

     "Please forgive me and I will accept your reasonable punishment. I will also beg Sona to let you trade me if you want. He is supposed to be your husband and I messed up!" I was never going to tell her I messed things up, but my stupid curse made me confess everything, damn it Big G!

     I hear nothing from anyone,I get it! I made a huge mistake, and I can't fix it...

     No do over, no second chance. I actually have felt super bad for this.

     All of a sudden I am lifted into Rias's arms and she hugs me?

     "Silly boy, you said it yourself. You see possible futures. Maybe I am not supposed to be with him this time? I want to choose who I want to be with my own heart, not get my life chosen solely on visions that can change. Otherwise it is like an arranged marriage right? I want it to be my choice not fate!" She is still rubbing my back.

     I think to myself,"Damn sometimes Rias is smarter than me, and her chest smells so good!"

     Rias smiles and says,"Out-loud again and thank you! ha-ha"

     "Fuck she is laughing at me!" Stupid curse!

      She lifts me to look in my face,"Out-loud, and what really made me happy is, that drunk you chose me and no one else. That is why I am not mad, and do not forget I promised to never abandon you! Who wants a temperamental dragon when I have my new favorite servant. Plus Sona can bite a pillow since she can't have you hah!" She is a devil.

     "In the future I saw, I now know why he fell for you, and it was not just because of your body! You are truly a good person at heart. I know out-loud!"

     After clearing the air, I began the fucking bullshit flyer duties. WHO MAKES A GENIUS STUFF ENVELOPES!?

Issei and Rias

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