DxD: Matsuda!

I am Matsuda after all!

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     All right, after airing out the place and shedding a few prayers for my demised online friend, I cleaned up the mess and sent my pal off into the recyclable path to travel to another world like I did. After I concluded my self nonsense, I thought about what Big G told me about the changes in my body.... Wait, why does this sound like he gave me a lesson about the birds and the bees?

     Thinking of the email I said aloud,"Well since I am outback and no one is around, I guess I will test some simple things first!"

     The first thing I did was put my hand over the freshly cut grass and willed the grass under my hand to grow a bit. Moments later I felt a tingling sensation from my palm as four inch tall grass quickly raised to touch my palm. OK that was surreal but hey it works.

     This time I stand and look down at the same patch and will return to how it was before.... A second later it did just that.

     "Cool, that is nifty." I said out loud for some reason.

     This time I had the grass open up a three foot patch of dirt, and the grass moved like it was a group of trained ants. I then placed my hand on the ground and willed my hand to sink into six inches. Now with my hand buried in the earth I notice it as if my arm was a tree and it had been there for years with no disturbance to the earth. Getting a bit more excited I willed the earth wrapped around in my hand to rise from the ground as a one foot tall pillar.

     "Well that worked, Yes", however I noticed my breathing was slightly pressed like I climbed a flight of stairs.

     "So if I am seeing this right the more changes I make the more exertion my body pays for. OK so this is not magic then!" Following that I return the site to its previous look. That's cool one day I can restore a battlefield like they did in the show!

     Well since I do not want to exhaust myself for nothing I will just do small things and learn overtime. So then just two more tests.

     Now I focus on making a kunai, since it is small. I feel that same energy for a better word coming from my heart, spine and eyes, then a golden ninja kunai was formed in my hand. Now I feel like I ran up and down the stairs a couple of times in a row.

     Now it is time to test my regeneration a bit, so I poke my left palm with the light kunai......... What?! The damn kunai shattered?!

     I closed my eyes for a moment replaying what just happened in my head, then face palmed myself and said,"I am so stupid, duh! I am immune to light and holy damage!"

     This time I went into my house and grabbed the sewing kit and sterilized a needle, then went on poking my palm. After one minute the blood and the pin hole had vanished like a lie. From the mental calculation my eyes and brain are giving me, it seems I heal somewhere between 12 to 20 times faster than natural healing without magic, so until I am stronger this passive healing will not save me during a fast battle. Good to know.

     "It seems my tests have given me slight exertion and a small increase to my hunger. My guess is that healing passively needs nutrition. Let's carry snack bars in the future." The Great Me finds my deductions reasonable!

     Wait, I seem to have that urge to take a walk and find something interesting. Welp lets not overthink things and see where my gut takes me.

     So I lock up the house and head out to whatever adventure awaits. On a side note I will bring my bank book so I can buy a new computer for school, seeing how my last one was killed by Big G and porn!

     After closing the gate to the yard, my legs started my forward to the center of town. Half a block later a girl carrying some clothing, looking like Kuoh Academy girls uniform, was walking past me on the sidewalk. Yup it was Aika Kiryuu!

     It was very evident she was going to ignore me and pretend we did not meet..... sigh. Past self, your and asshole!

     So I stop where I was but do not turn around,I then raise my voice loud enough for her to hear me and say,"Hey Kiryuu, I am sorry!" When the girl was surprised and caught off guard, she turned around and what she saw was a 90 degree bow from the last person she expected it from, if the half open mouth was an indicator of her surprise.

     I turned my back to her once more and said,"That was the past me that made fun of you. This new me, that is becoming a man, knows what I said was wrong. You're not ugly, and your hobby of cosplaying was actually cool. I am sure as you get a bit older you will be able to pull off those outfits like the naughty nurse, cough, anyway we don't need to be best friends or anything, but you needed to hear this. Good luck in school!" I then started on my way again.

     Kiryuu then yelled at my back saying,"I think you have already changed for the better. Thanks....." That last part was said quietly but my new senses let me hear it, and maybe just maybe, I did not hear her sniffle a little.

     "DOWNTOWN HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!" I yelled this out loud stupidly with a grin plastered on my ugly mug, guess I am Matsuda after all!


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