DxD: Matsuda!

That lollipop is lewd!

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      "DOWNTOWN HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!" I yelled this out loud stupidly with a grin plastered on my ugly mug!

      As a small truck was passing by me the driver then yelled back,"SHUT UP NO ONE CARES WHO YOU ARE!" Wait, that bastard just flipped me off! Whatever.....

     As I walked into the heart of the city, I noticed it differently for the first time even though I have lived here all my life.

     "Huh I remember that big ass clock from the anime! Right around here somewhere is that bat-girl's location for handing out flyers." Welp I do not see her here, I think she probably works nights and only came out to give Issei that life saving flyer. Well If I become a devil I will do it like the later girls in Rias's peerage, and not bleed out like a sorry little bitch.

     Hm it seems I should go towards the market area? Well, I am hungry after all, two birds and all that they say.

     Five minutes later I found my favorite skewer stand and had my fill of teriyaki sticks and a few steamed buns.

     A moment later I heard what sounded to be a young boy's voice and kittens meowing. Meow [Hey big brother can you help me get some tasty fish? My master told me it was very bad to steal from humans, but they just waved me off, and my tummy really really really wants that fishy!] meow?

     After the dog meeting and the email from Big G, I knew exactly what was going on now. So I searched for the culprit. There he was sitting on a low wall at the edge of a building staring at me with big golden eyes, damn its puppy-dog eyes too! The cat, no kitten, was small and white with a collar around its neck showing it had an owner.

     I found this a perfect time to test something out. I know I can speak out loud and be understood but can I do it telepathically? So I thought [Can you hear me, little one?]

     The little kitty nodded its cute head and said meow [Yes but you are really quiet and it's hard to hear you.]

     Good to know, it is probably because I am still weak. I then said to the kitty,"Well since you helped me out here, I think I owe you some fish, come here." I reached out and put the kitty on my shoulder, and walked to the fish store.

     Sitting on a bench on a roadside with a forested hill at our backs the little foodie ate a whole pound of tuna.... damn. I ask,"So who is your owner?"

     The small white cat said, meow [I'm sorry big brother but I am not allowed to say who my master is, but my name is Shiro!]

     "Well Shiro, it is good that you are obedient and listen to your owner, that makes you a good boy." I said as I held the little fur-ball.... lots of purrs followed.

     Meow [Big brother Matsuda, let's go up the hill. There is a pretty place I want to take you where I play all day!] The little guy points to a stone path leading up a hill in the woods. Damn I think Shiro just wants me to carry him to the top...... Wait, I feel a tug from up there?

     Looking up I see so many damn steps, so I will just count this as training and begin the climb..... To my surprise, I feel some form of power flowing from the stones and trees in this hill. I am not fully aware of barriers and magic circles, but for some reason I feel that the more I surround myself with this magic I get a better understanding of how it works. As I reach the top and pass under some temple gates, I realize it is a classic Japanese temple, and it's modest and homey.... But that's not what grabs my notice the most. I think my heart stilled for a moment there because of who I see.......

     Akeno Himejima is there sweeping the leaves of the temple walkway, you would think my first response would be to go all fan crazy over arguably one of the sexiest 2D women to grace our weeb hearts. But no, I was not able to enjoy what I always dreamed of from all of those damn fan-fictions, why? Because when I saw her sad eyes my eyes freaked out and my heart hurt, due to feeling what she was currently thinking of.......

     The pain, the loss, the betrayal of family. At that moment it felt like I was once again stabbed by that damn spear in my side, while on that cross! I erased those memory's so why am I feeling this pain?

     I heard a distant sound in front of me, then felt a rough sensation licking my face. Then I clearly heard the meow [Big brother are you hurt?] Huh?

     My vision cleared a bit and at a distance I saw Akeno with wide open eyes, but she quickly schooled her face and said,"So we have a visitor?" She then did a graceful bow in her red and white Miko outfit.

     Thanks to Shiro I noticed tears running down my face and I wiped off the rest, also schooling my face. I then said to cover up my embarrassment,"Sorry you were doing such a good job sweeping, I ended up with some dust in my eyes ha-ha~!" I then held Shiro out to Akeno and said,"I just wanted to bring Shiro back to you."

     She then had a sneaky crescent eyed smile on her face and asked,"How did you know my cat's name was Shiro?" AMATEUR MISTAKE FUCK FUCK FUCK!

     Oh wait I got this,"He has a collar right?" My face probably looks like I need to take a massive dump in her eyes.... damn.

      "Well I need to get going and hit the computer store before it closes, see ya!" And that boys and girls is how you make a smooth getaway!

     "I am Akeno Himejima, what is your name kind sir?" Shit did I just hear a record scratch sound SFX there?

     "Um, I am Matsuda Tanaka" While waving and beating my feet, I ask myself, 'Should I go to another school?!'

     After a few minutes of Matsuda making a new record on a downhill run...........

     From the temple walked out a short and beautiful girl with white hair and golden eyes sucking on a lollipop, made her way over to Akeno and picked up her cat and sniffed him for a moment.

     Akeno said,"He said he was returning Shiro to us and he learned Shiro's name on his collar." All the girl did was show Akeno that Shiro has no name on his collar.

     Akeno just lifted her eyebrows and said,"Oh my?"

     Shiro responded with a happy [MEOW] Then both girls looked at Shiro in surprise then down the hill.

     Akeno said,"It was very brief but when I first saw him, just for a split second, I could have sworn his eyes were glowing gold, and they were full of pain........"


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