DxD: Matsuda!

I killed two birds, but did not throw a stone!

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      It's Monday and time for school. The weather in Japan is very cold right now, and the weather report says we should expect snow in the next few days.

     With Rias gone, of course we are being all driven to school in nice warm cars! I am not an idiot to walk in the rain without an umbrella! As usual the whole house misses Rias but wants her to have a nice long vacation during the bad weather! I am loved by my walking crew, ha-ha.

     Issei and I talked about telling Motohama the truth about us, due to him being our long time friend. He was also almost dragged into our troubles, well his girl was and I would like for him to understand why things are weird with his buddies. Issei however does not want to tell his mom and dad, I too hesitate. Plus I have a good Yakuza background going and I think its pimp-sauce!

     This morning I got up early and made hot bento boxes for all of my Sitri girls due to missing out on the pool gathering. I like to do thoughtful things for my girls when I can. Plus getting a ride makes bringing them a breeze. All my Sitri girls were very happy to get a hot meal for lunch and rewarded me with affection, well enough to not piss Sona off that is. Saji also got lunch but he had the leftovers, cough!

     I tell Yura,"Wednesday after school let's go meet your family like you wanted to do before OK?" A very happy Yura just hugged me so tight I thought I felt a rib crack there!

     Yura says to me,"Matsuda, thank you for remembering my parents. I know you're busy and I did not want to be demanding."

      I just tell her,"I have stolen their daughter so it's only right for me to meet my family right? Whenever you need something don't feel like you're bothering me just tell me and I will do anything in my power to make it happen."

     Ruruko puffs her cheeks and says,"Yura don't bring him to meet your parents! I was so embarrassed when he met mine... My mother fell in love with him and my dad got so drunk with him and it was so embarrassing for me..."

     Ah yeah her dad was one of those street thugs gone honest and works in construction now. But Ruruko learned to be tough from her dad!

     Momo smiles and says,"My father was so happy to meet Matsuda finally and when he found out he was going to be a grandpa he gave Mat's mom a company vacation around Japan, Ufufu!"

     Momo has a dopey love look when she sees me now that she is a mother. How did I know that because of me the next school President was all in the bag with no opposition! Momo wanted to be the President in her senior year, but it would be shameful for the school President to be pregnant.. Oops!

     Even Sona joined in on the conversation,"Whenever Mats around my mother becomes a different person altogether, none of us can figure out why she likes him so much!" I think her mom acts perfectly normal?! I am still unaware how strict of a woman she is to everyone when I am not around!

     All the girls and even Saji just nod 'yes' to Sona's words. I just wave goodbye to all of them and go to class for the day. Mittelt is now hanging with Ravel and Koneko trying to apologize for not being able to stop the kidnappers. It is strange that all the Loli's are now getting along after last week's event. Well I guess a good thing coming out of a bad event is a silver-lining! I will take anything as a win here!

     While I was walking up the stairwell I was ambushed by someone, well two of the same looking someones!, Dianna and Donna Daniels!

     Donna asks me,"Are you alright Matsuda? Everyone other than you guys have forgotten about what happened last week."

     Dianna adds,"Aika filled us in that the school was affected by hypnotism to forget the explosion. We were wanting to know if you're good?"

     Wait! Back the fuck up, these two were not affected and Aika did not notice this was strange? I look at each of them and to their surprise I cast a small spell to see if my hunch is right! Oh they are surprised not because of the spell but the fact I am holding their hands.

     I smile at the two blushing girls and tell them,"Ah it seems the reason you did not forget the past week event was because you two have Sacred Gears in you! Congratulations girls." The two look confused about Sacred Gears, so this means they have not activated theirs yet?!

     Ah I forgot to let their hands go but when I was about to pull my hand back, both girls had firm grips on my hands like they did not want to let me go.

     Dianna asks,"Last year at the start of school, my sister and I always had laughs at the things you pulled off. My favorite one was when you had lip marks during the entrance ceremony and made our VP mad. We were also amazed to find out you were still just a normal human back then from Aika."

     Donna follows with,"I loved your video of the Pink Zombie walking through the city, it is actually my wallpaper! Ufufu! And you were human then too right?"

     Dianna takes over,"Even if you're a devil now, please give us sisters a chance OK! We won't disappoint you Matsuda!"

     Donna thinks and adds,"If you don't like our gyaru look, we can go back to our normal style?" I almost imagine these two trying to sell me a car or something.

     I remember my Saturday meal and tell the two desperate girls,"No, don't change your look! I think only you two girls pull it off tastefully. As far as giving you girls a chance... How about you two girls give me a chance?!" I see their eyes light up for my words and I sigh at my luck with girls. Little did I know that bastard Odin's blessing had something to do with attracting women!!!!!

     Both sisters give me a hug and kiss on my cheeks at the same time like synchronized swimmers. Then they both say at the same time, overlapping their voices,""Bye boyfriend, we will be late for class!"" Man watching these two girls makes me want to buy and chew some [Double-mint Gum]! Well I have some human twins I can call my own, and now I am curious how twins both have sacred gears? And how did the Khaos brigade not detect them before?

     Aika spent the school day teasing me about the twins but she told me she thought they are nice girls. Then her twisted side came out and she demanded to be their managers for future careers in modeling or acting! Aika wants to cosplay the shit out of them, sigh all my girls are broken right?

     Later after school, I sent all the ORC members that needed training home to train with the two new house guests, and all others went to do devil work.

     The only two in the ORC room at this time doing work are me and my Queen. Yubelluna was in the middle of pouring me tea and rubbing her breast on my shoulders when the magic circle started to light up, well none of the others should have come back so fast so who is it? Yubelluna just clicks her tongue, getting her personal time interrupted so soon.

     Two devils I recognized and did not expect to see together let alone here in my room standing in human world clothing. Roygun Belphegor and Rudiger Rosenkreutz were standing there looking like a perfect married couple at a movie awards show!

     I stand to greet the two Ultimate class noble devils,"Rudiger Rosenkreutz I am very surprised to meet you today, come sit and have some tea?! Miss Roygun Belphegor, I believe this is our third meeting. You should have informed me of your arrival so I could have welcomed the two of you better!"

     We all sit down and the two are across from me, but its obvious they are not a couple due to the distance between the two. My Queen gave each of them tea and snacks while we chatted. Then she stood behind as a noble edicate dictates.

     Rudiger takes a sip of tea to show he is not rude and says,"Sorry this meeting was at my request and Roygun is helping me as fellow rivals of the rating game. I was very impressed with both your show and Rias's display back in the youth game, but I had to stay neutral during that event!" Yup this guy was the referee that all the devil women lost their panties over ah-ha! But this guy looks like he has not slept in weeks?

     Roygun elegantly puts her cup down and says,"Matsuda forgive me but coming here was my idea! My friend has a request that is important for him and when he and I spoke, I thought of you. The topic is about Rudiger's child." She then looked to the man at her side to continue....

     Rudiger tells me with the look of a man with no hope,"My son is a half devil.... He since a while ago has suffered from an unknown sickness that the human and devil world cannot cure. The problem is... He has a sacred gear that is slowly killing him due to his illness. I intended to buy one of your healing vouchers, but lately they have become unaffordable, even for me."

     Roygun adds,"I would have given him the one I had when I met you but we had no idea at the time how rare they would become. So due to his son's current condition I brought him here." Huh, Roygun is actually doing this for a half child and she is serious too!

     I ask to confirm if there are lies here,"So an unknown illness is affecting your son and then his sacred gear is draining him and the two are unrelated? How long does your child have left?" If it's his gear killing him I can't help.

     Rudiger tells me,"They are indeed separate! I think he only has two weeks at most......" Wow so soon, and he is not lying to me.....

     I put my tea down and stand,"Yubelluna tell home we will be running late tonight and they should go on without us."

     Yubelluna says,"Yes master!" She then calls from a cell phone and the two devils on the couch look stunned at my words and actions....

     I say with a punch-able face,"Lord Rosenkreutz um you will have to take me to your son, I don't know where to go!"

     Rudiger asks,"But what do you want?" I know he is talking about payment but I can't help myself.

      I say,"To be taken to your son of course?!" I think he finally caught on to my words and shook his head and then waved me to the teleport circle and began to set it up for the four of us.

     Rudiger has us stand in the circle and I realize I am sandwiched in between hot women! Oh I just noticed that Roygun made her horns vanish, and I see it's not an illusion. So I guess that's kinda cool. I had imagined those horns getting in the way of some fun-times! We vanish into the light.

     After many teleports I noticed that the time was now day time and I think we might be in the country of Germany, makes sense based on his name.

     A limo then picked us up and took us to a local high end hospital for the wealthy. We made our way to the pediatrics department and into an ICU room. When we enter I see a blond human woman who is sleeping halfway on the bed with her child who must be ten or younger. He is frail like the wind will carry him away.

     The mother is woken up by her child's words,"Your and angel mister!" I just nod to him and don't deny him.

     I walk to the kids' side and tell him,"My wife Kalawarna and my baby Sera are angels from Heaven and I am here to make things better!" The mom seeing her husband does not interfere with me.

     He smiles and says,"Angel's can have babies? Wow mister angel!" I show him a picture with Kala in her new six golden wing state and her halo. The kids' eyes go super round.

     I tell him,"Now I am going to cast God's holy healing on you! And you should feel better! So watch Heaven's magic OK?" He nods and I then hard cast [Restoration] and when the golden light fades what is left is......

     A healthy young blond boy that looks like he never suffered a hard day in his life. Except for my Queen and Roygun, his family was speechless and crying happy tears. I just like during the sleeping sickness event stepped out of the room and am sitting outside.

     Roygun followed me and asked,"Why did you agree to heal this child? You are not like many other devils."

     I just give her the stupid look and say,"If you thought I would not, then why ask me in the first place?"

     Roygun smiles and says,"No I was hoping you were different from other noble devils and would not turn your back on this child. I am glad I was right about you...."

     After a while Rudiger came out and bowed to me and said,"If there is anything I can ever do for you just say the word!"

     I smile and tell him my request,"The only thing I want is a teleport back home or it will be a long walk, ha-ha!" This one act of kindness changed the future!


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