DxD: Matsuda!

I Proposed to a Vampire Princess!

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      After my ultimate shame had been distributed among my family, I just finished my day and went home. For the whole rest of the evening, the whole damn mansion spent time reading aloud all of my confession letters to a porn-star!

     So I hid from everyone at my parents house with Kunou, Koneko, and Sera! I just surrounded myself with dada love! My mother was surprised to see Kunou due to the fact I can summon her. naturally I just said she was dropped off till the morning. My mother was increasingly happy to have so much family time with me and the girls..

     Kunou had a sleepover with the girls like Koneko aka Shirone, and Phis,  the church girls. And thankfully no one would talk about that stupid letter with Kunou around!

     Kyouko, Kuroka, and Ravel were my sleeping partners for the night, and man they were definitely an interesting group of girls to be with at once. Even though Kuroka is so aggressive, she surprisingly ends up just melting and becoming a tame kitty, so all three girls were the submissive type. After the rough weekend in Romania, this ended up being just what I needed.

     The next day came and the breakfast table was interesting to say the least.........

     The most notable site was the addition of Valerie. First I fell on my face when I found out she slept in a cardboard box outside of my room?! She in her absent minded state told me that she felt a bit awkward sleeping in Gasper's room with Gasper and Tomoe. And apparently she felt more comfortable to be near me and she needed a coffin to sleep, and I guess vampires actually do use cardboard boxes to sleep!

     And when I asked her about why she did not have a room for herself she informed me that it is more comfortable to be closer to me. So I had the maids clear out one of the hall closets outside the room for her to put her box in. I can't exactly have her sleep in my bedroom after all. Ophis is the exception because she knows when it's time to sleep at the foot of the bed, and she is not affected by my nighttime activities the way Valerie and Le Fay would be.

     So yup, Gasper now has two flowers on each side of him, that are feeding him and making him blush. Kiba is happy to avoid harem mayhem, and Issei has Kris at his side, while his pregnant devil and fallen angel are doing fine at his parents house. The odd girl of Issei is the senior Abe at school. She had come to meet me one time thanking me for convincing Issei to not become a devil again. She confessed to me she had a slight fear of devils and the Underworld. Well she promised me a favor for some reason, but I won't cash that in so it's alright.

     While I was sending off my teacher wives, Rossweisse told me,"Matsuda dear, in a couple of weeks my grandmother is coming to meet you and I wanted to know if this is alright?"

     So I tell her,"How could I not want to meet the woman that raised my number one Valkyrie wife to be such an amazing woman, plus she is my grandmother now right? On top of that I do feel bad she could not be there for our wedding." I was rewarded with a tight embrace and a very happy Rook. So I sent them off for the day.

     Heading back into the house it was time to send off my daughter Kunou back to Kyoto. I prepared a magic Kotatsu table for Kunou and Yasaka to use for winter, and packed it with a few other gifts prepared for the two. I had noticed that Kunou had not been as excited to spend time with Issei as before. Sure she talked with him, but it was more like admiration and hero worship and less like love. Well I won't get in the middle of that shit anymore. I won't be my friend's wing-man anymore!

     Kunou ran into me for a hug and said,"Thank you father for letting Kunou come to play! I will tell mother of all the fun I have had. Also father may I ask you a favor?" Shit she is giving puppy eyes!

     I smile and scratch her fox ears,"Sure if it's something I can do for you I will." She gave me a happy smile and then told me.

     "Next school year Kunou wants to come to elementary school here in Kuoh, so I can be with my father and my friend. Mother said she was fine with it if father is alright with it. Please, please, please!" Behind her Phis is nodding for me to tell her yes, and I can see that Ophis loves Kunou's company.

     I laugh at the two's teamwork and tell her,"Sure, but won't your mother be lonely without you at her side?" Let's see what this fox will say?

     Kunou all proud tells me,"No problem! Father will give mother a new sibling for Kunou, and she wont be lonely anymore, plus mother comes here to visit all the time!" She has the grown up look like she has figured everything out.

     I ruffle her head and tell her,"Alright my trickster fox, go and give your mother a huge hug for me, and tell her to be ready for my meeting on Thursday night alright, love both of you and be safe!" I then reverse summon my grinning familiar back to where she came from!

     Well we then walked through the super cold morning to school and Rias and Akeno won the who is on Mats arm game. Well win is loosely applied, Rias pulled rank on the girls today with the excuse that they needed it, due to being gone for so long, sigh.

     When we arrived at school the massive group of ours split up in many directions. So I head over to the Sitri corner to meet my girls.

     Sona with hidden happiness smiled at me and said,"Greetings student Gremory, it is good to see you in class today and not your other side."

     I smirked at her trying to look proper in front of other students,"Student Council President, it's nice to see you on this nice winter morning."

     Done with her fake persona she warms up and tells me,"I and the others are glad you are alright, we heard how dangerous the enemies were. I am just happy you are safe." I can see it. So I pull her out of sight of others and hug her tight.

     I tell her in her ear,"I really was safe my dear, so just relax, alright?!" I can tell she was super worried while I was in that situation.

     Despite Sona being so incredibly smart and calm, she really is just an almost 19 year old girl. Her insides are very soft and she has a tough exterior only. To help calm her down I lift her chin and kiss her deeply, and I can feel her relax now.

     I told her,"Your servants did a wonderful job and made my work easy, so in a way I felt you at my side. Plus I am sure if I was in real trouble Serafall would have just turned the vampire country into an ice block! Plus I can proudly say I hit the son of the Morning Star with an attack! Well it's because I am 'The Great Me' right?" She just laughed at my stupid joke.

     She then pushed me away and smiled,"Stay here, I will send the others one at a time to greet their Lord, oh Great One, Ufufu." And for the next ten minutes each of the girls one at a time came to the blind spot for their embrace.

     After I escaped the clutches of the Sitri women I entered school. I however encountered an overly excited Motohama. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     With a lecherous smile he asks,"Roshi is that you?" I nod for fun, and he then continues,"Come with me, I have found those two twin seniors that ended you my brother! While they are on the stairs you can probably see up their skirts!" To be fair, Motohama does not know I am going out with the twins, he only knows they are off limits but not the exact reason why.

     So I walk up the stairwell going to the second floor and I see both Donna and Dianna talking and looking at their phones, probably watching videos of recent events or whatever girls do on the net.

     I smile at the two human girls that noticed me in alertness and say,"Good job for yesterday girls! Dianna, I shall reward you!"

     With a smile Dianna says,"Sorry you're wrong again, I am Donna." She looks like she is ready for a good ball kicking practice.

     I shrug and tell her,"Fine Dianna, if you don't want your kiss then maybe Donna wants it?" She puts on a huge smile and jumps into my arms and gives me a hot kiss.

     Motohama almost yelled,"Roshi what are you doing? You are crossing the line and going to get us killed!"

     Donna says,"Chill out pervert, that's the real Matsuda! My sister and I can tell who is who, so just chill-lax. Actually, why can't you tell your best friend apart from a turtle?" She puts on a female bully look common among Gyaru girls.

     Dianna then pushes me into her sister's arms for a kiss, and she tells Motohama,"Dont worry little man, we won't fall for some perverts schemes! We may look like this, but we are in the top 20 for the school in all grades." Honestly I am not even listening to their talk, I am focusing on the super small differences between the sisters.

     Motohama says in agony,"Damn it Mat, why did you come to school today?! It was the tit-hole day! Sob sob sob!" Donna getting her fill let me go.

     I pat Motohama on the shoulder,"Just go to class man, and wait for another time. And girls thank you for my morning greeting!" The girls wave then go to class themselves, and my devastated friend just looks sad and follows me to our class schoolwing, where our grade is.

     The rest of the school day was just slow and comfortable and it was a nice time to read and join in the gossip. This time I decided to actually find out more about the students around me. Perhaps I will regret it if I just ignore school life in the future!

     That night Mittelt came by with the promised books from Azazel. However my little fallen angel Loli would not give them to me until I filled her belly. Well I actually intended to do this in the first place, but I wont tell her this! And at this moment we are in my office on the couch and she is currently impaled on my little brother as we finished round two.

     With a stupid smile on her little face she says,"Mat, that Sacred Gear, Ingvild owns, has a lot of interesting functions. First her songs can put to sleep, control, weaken, or strengthen all dragons! Also there is a second function you were unaware of, she can actually control the ocean and the seas! However as it stands this power seems to not yet affect lakes. So think of it as a kind of salt water power."

     I kiss her and say,"I am really glad you could help me out with this. I wanted to also thank you for getting along with Ravel, Ruruko, and Koneko." I just rub her face with affection. This girl gives me the illusion of doing something indecent even though it's funny, because she is pretty old.

     She pouts,"I guess those three are cute enough to stand by me. Plus they love you so that is why I find them to be passable allies." I love how her pride won't let her just say she enjoys their company.

     I feel my little brother inside of her, wanting to reward her some more, so without warning I begin to move her up and down and she pants in joy. I decided to not heal her that night and let her walk in shame to her job. Oh yes she still at night runs the Underworld Delights. I hear from Benemue that all the workers there are thankful for me taming the little spitfire! It seems the employees are now treated better, ah-aha!

     After she left, I did reading on Ingvild's Sacred Gear and the vampire lore and history............

     After I finished the last book I look up at the moon and say,"Fuck me, I proposed to a vampire princess! And worst of all, she accepted! Why is my luck so good and bad?"


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