DxD: Matsuda!

Team Draconic Deus!

If you like my writing, and you like D×D, then try my new alternate story... [A New Born Devil?]

I can promise this is a different from what you are used to, thanks for reading all of my work.



     Well the rest of the week went by with nothing over the top. I can mark this up as a win!

     The only noticeable event was the fine dining event for the business leaders of japan. I of course brought my lovely Yasaka along.

     Aika was feeling playful and dressed Yasaka up in a real-life Jessica Rabbit outfit! I could not keep my hands off her that night.

     I stayed over at her home that evening and the two of us were working really hard on making a sibling for Kunou. She really spoiled me a lot that night, mofu mofu giggle!

     Friday morning Azazel informed our group that we would have a meeting that night at the school with many invited groups to discuss what the higher ups want to do about the new terrorist plans.

     So we went on with our daily life and I had my Queen and Coriana prepare anything we may need for the night's meeting...

     Rias had about ten of our servants attend the gathering when she found out how many guests were arriving. She is feeling a bit uneasy at what we encountered in Romania. Grace will be coming not as a maid but as a servant this time.

     It’s late at night at Kuoh Academy ORC clubhouse............

     The Gremory Group, Student Council, Azazel, Benemue, Kalawarna, Irina, Sister Griselda, Joker Dulio, Slash Dog Ikuse Tobio, and also other members such as Sairaorg Bael, Seekvaira Agares, the First Generation Sun Wukong, and the Vali team have gathered.

     Rias is on my left and Sona is on my right while our servants sit behind us in comfy chairs. We brought out extra couches for everyone to sit.

     Azazel starts the meeting,“This latest incident isn’t something we can take lightly or ignore, even those who weren’t cooperating with us until now are agreeing to have a discussion over this. That bastard Rizevim is trying to cause chaos to both this world and the other world with his dangerous ideals. He did cause such destruction at the vampire's territory that we can’t simply ignore.”

     He takes a moment then continues,“There is even a radical mythology that won’t think twice about sending their military forces into this matter. Chief Gods such as Odin and Zeus are giving their warning to that mythology, but I won’t know what will happen if terrorism greater than this incident continues. After all, the Evil Dragons from each mythology are causing havoc at once. And the one that is leading them is the actual son of the previous Lucifer. Outside factions who saw the previous incident of the Underworld’s monster crises as merely something outside their bounds are feeling that this incident is a serious issue. If 666 gets revived and starts a fight with Great Red, the world may collapse due to their aftermath.” 

     Benemue picks up from there,“The forces that weren’t that helpful till now, simply just observed this situation because their opinion was, [Since the Khaos brigade is doing terrorist acts within the Three Great Powers as their main focus, the Three Great Powers should be the ones dealing with them.] However, since Rizevim became a terrorist while having such dangerous ideals, no one can simply ignore him now.”

     Sister Griselda then says,“Michael is also negotiating with the other forces as a representative of Heaven. There are many mythologies that are pleading for our help. To add, there are forces who have calmed themselves down due to Michael’s guidance.”

     Azazel then raised his hand up and told us,“There is a suggestion coming from the higher-up of each faction. Since an incident happened where the territory of the two greatest factions of the vampires got taken down, each of the factions will be feeling anxious from now on. Every mythologies will have at least one very strong God in their forces, but they have to worry about how people will view them, so they are not able to go out and fight the terrorists. That’s why we are in need of a counter-terrorist team that consists of strong fighters that can fight Rizevim and his group head on while being able to move to such places right away.” 

     looking at all of us he says,“That team will receive the right to act freely from each faction. Yeah, all of you here had your names suggested for that counter-terrorist team with mixed backgrounds. The devils, the fallen angel, the angels, a vampire, the youkai's, a Valkyrie, a grim reaper, a werewolf, a human, and finally the dragons. You can say you guys are on a different level despite being a mixed team. Furthermore, it will be really easy to have you guys move.”

     Sun Wukong speaks up,“I also have no objection aye~. It will be easy to work with the youngsters rather than doing this with just an old geezer like myself.”

     Joker Dulio raised his hand and said,“I just thought we would need a name.” 

     Koneko mumbled out the name she remembered,"DxD!"

     Azazel asks,"Koneko, why DxD?"

     Koneko looks at me and tells everyone,“It can stand for devils, a dragon, and the word [Downfall] of a fallen angel. Plus big brother Matsuda mentioned this name from his visions.”

     Azazel, looking at me, understands and nods his head,“Well, we can also forcefully add any names starting with the letter [D], though it’s certain that we need a name. I see, [DxD] hmm. It may also be easy to remember it while having the meaning of protecting Great Red that is the [DxD]. I think that will be good, but how about you guys?”

     I tell everyone,"Actually this is the name of our team in my visions, plus the other worlds call our world, [Draconic Deus!] So the name shows we are protecting our home as well."

     First Gen says,"Draconic Deus?! Wow I did not know our world had that name, I see, I see." He rubs his chin in thought.

     Then after the group settled down, Azazel pointed at Dulio,“The leader will be, Joker, you do it.”

      “W-Whhhaaaatttt?! M-M-Me!? Why? No, no, no, seriously, why is it me? I think it should be you, Sun, or Gremory!” You backstabbing bastard! I don't want that role either!

      Seeing the look on my face, my angel, Benemue answers him,“It will be a bad visual on the team if a devil or a fallen angel becomes the leader. From any perspective, you have an image of us being the villains. For that reason an angel will have a good image and that will be good for us. There’s no loss for you to take the role. The biggest point will be that you are an angel that reincarnated from a human. You will have a good image from a human’s point of view too.”

     I give her a wink, implying she is getting extra love tonight! She just grins at me.

     Joker looks like he lost his soul,“F-For that reason only? N-No, I’m not good at such a role.” Sorry buddy, ha-ha!

     Sister Griselda also seals his fate,“Dulio, this is a very honorable role, you know? So you should do it. No, do it! Since you have the role where you have an image of being the [Trump Card of heaven], then you should do it. Also this will inspire many children”

     He shrugs with a defeated smile and tells everyone,“Umm, that’s how it is, so I will be the leader so please take care of me.” Everyone claps for the sucker!

     Azazel then looks to Grandpa Sun,“Will it be okay for you to become the sub-leader, First Gen? I’m terribly sorry for having you become only second in command.”

     After a puff of his pipe he answers,“It’s okay. It’s natural for the young one to become the leader. So I will have myself act more as a deterrent against the enemies where they would feel afraid.”

     After settling the leaders, Azazel then looks to the Vali team,“I will nominate you guys, the Vali team, to join DxD in order to become the man-power against the plan Rizevim is trying to carry out. By doing that, I will try to get rid of the distrust against you guys.”

      Vali then asks his partner,“Albion. That’s what Azazel is saying, but are you dissatisfied with teaming up with your nemesis?”

      Albion answers where everyone can hear it.

     [I don’t mind. By the way, red one this time let’s discuss the battle a thousand years ago.]

     Then from Issei's left hand the voice of his partner is heard.

     [Yeah, I don’t mind. Hey, white one, it sure is fun to talk about the past.]

     Vali asks confused,“You two are getting along quite well?”

     Albion then answers energetically.

     [We are not afraid of breasts and buttocks if both of us are here. Right, red one?]

      [Yeah, whether it's boobs or hips, bring it on! We won’t lose to such things!]

     Then both say at the same time, [[Right~]] I can imagine them doing a high five.

     Sona then asks Azazel,“But isn’t it quite a serious matter that Vali Lucifer and his comrades were part of the Khaos brigade?"

     While scratching his cheek Azazel answers“About that, that geezer Zeus stood up to take in Vali as his adopted son while knowing all about what he did.”

     Azazel looks to  Vali,“But it’s a different story if it’s Zeus. That geezer is one of the old Gods. If Zeus says he wants to take him in as his adopted son, then the Gods of Olympus and the Gods from the other forces aren’t able to complain against him that easily. Though it will come with a requirement and restriction, However you will be able to move more freely. Vali, are you willing to become Zeus’s son?”

     Chuunibyou puts on his cool act and says,“Tell Zeus I agree and I will cooperate when both sides will benefit from it. So I will act on my own other than that. I will leave Kuroka and Le Fay here most of the time. Though I will summon them if we are in need of them. Kuroka, Le Fay, I will leave this place to you.” 

     Disregarding the fact we are in a meeting the black cat leaps into my lap then firmly says,“You can leave it to us –nya.” I see, Vali just wants to dump her off on me, but he is probably concerned about her being pregnant too. Alright Vali will get a Christmas present then.

     Arthur says this to his younger sister Le Fay,“Le Fay.”

     “Y-Yes, big brother?” She stood up fast, all nervous.

     Arthur then tells her,“This is a good occasion. You should join team DxD, and also receive a pardon with this amnesty.”

     He then looks at me,“Matsuda Gremory, if you don’t have a pact with a specific magician, then can you please make a pact with this girl? If she makes a pact with you, who is a hero of the Underworld, then she will be able to return home.” 

     I look at Coriana and she nods to me,"Sure, later I will go over the details with Le Fay." Fuck, my gear just gave me a thumbs up feeling! I look to Le Fay and I see a blushing fan. Shit!

     Arthur smiles at my expression and tells me,“I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will definitely repay this gratitude to you.” What did you do to me bro?! Even the dense me can see your little sister has a crush on me you bastard!

     Issei asks,"So how are we all going to do missions? Will we have a secret base or something?" He looks excited to be in a new club!

     Azazel shakes his head with a smile and says,“You can act how you usually do. Don’t tell me you think all of you will act together all the time? It’s such a big group, so we can’t have all of you move that easily. Everyone has their own jobs and life to deal with after all. You can simply cooperate with those who can act right away when something happens by communicating with each other. This is a team for that reason. The thing is, we want to make a group of people that can cooperate officially.”

     First Gen looks at many of the youngsters and tells us,“I will train all of you from scratch. There’s no point to having formed this team if each of you can’t at least defeat a High-class devil or angel. I will eventually have each of you reach the strength of an Ultimate-class. Most likely from the reports Gremory kid gave us, this team won’t just function for only against the Evil Dragons of this incident. Even in the future, it will turn into a team that will go against enemies outside this world.” 

     Rias and Sona just squeeze my arms when I nod to First Gen. Kuroka in my lap, who had also seemed to calm down at this realization.

     I tell the leaders,"We, the Gremory group in preparations for this day, have built a ten story office and business tower near the school and mall here in Kuoh. This structure has underground facilities strong enough to train this group. The top two floors of the tower are designated for team DxD with a nice office room for gatherings. My business office is also on the top floor there so we can meet everyone there! Plus we can add some of your faction's businesses there to hide our base in plain sight."

     The real reason Rias and I did this is so bastards won't be showing up on our doorsteps left and right! I thought that was dumb in the anime. The Sitri group especially looks happy with the new DxD Tower reveal. They now can find me more easily, cough.

     To the training center idea, Vali smiles over-confidently,“I am aware that my Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive can even reach the Gods.”

     First Gen smiles with a smirk and busts his ego,“It will definitely reach them. In terms of power output, you will reach the Gods from each faction. But that’s it, right~? If you don’t have the stamina to maintain that, then it’s just a waste of your ability. How many minutes can you maintain your so-called Empireo Juggernaut Overdrive? Maybe it will be in terms of seconds? You won’t be able to defeat Evil Dragons like Crom Cruach in that state. You may be able to surpass Crom Cruach once with a single attack. But what will you do if you need a second one? Or can you even use the third one? If you ask me, both the White Dragon and the Red Dragon over there waste too much power.” 

     Vali looks embarrassed and does not counter the facts laid out. He is proud but not stupid, even though he can see his flawed thoughts. If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     First Gen says it while looking around,“I will train you two, the two Heavenly Dragons. I will teach you the way you must fight against the Evil Dragons from scratch. Especially the Longinus possessors and their masters may end up fighting God-class in the future, so I will train you to the point where you can even fight the Gods.”

     After twirling his pipe he looks up and says,“Well, the first thing we need to be concerned about is the great villain we have right now, Rizevim Livan Lucifer. I always think that the ones born with a Longinus had this fate from the moment they were born. The embodiment to destroy a God. I don’t think that the appearance of the Longinus is a bug in the system but more of an inevitable occurrence bound to happen to this world.” He looks to me to see what my thoughts are.

     I added my thoughts, however my voice sounded flat to me,"It's the self defense response to all the Evil Gods coming to us, it is not to kill the Gods of our world! If it was to kill our gods, it would have happened long ago! But because so many powerful Evil Gods want to annihilate all life in our world, the Throne of God has activated the world's defense to repel the invaders. That is why I have descended." My eyes were glowing gold while I spoke, and everyone was stunned to see a [Prophecy] coming from me. I feel a bit sleepy now. I just closed my eyes for a minute..........

Three Factions
Dulio Gesualdo (Leader)
Sun Wukong (Sub-Leader)
Brave Saints
Griselda Quarta / Irina Shidou / Kalawarna
Rias Gremory's Peerage
Rias Gremory / Akeno Himejima / Kris Gremory / Gasper Vladi / Coriana Andrealphus / Siris / Xuelan / Aika Kiryuu / Kyouko Sonan / Murayama Mai / Grace (Inu)
Matsuda's Peerage
Matsuda Gremory / Yubelluna / Ingvild Leviathan / Asia Argento / Ravel Phenex / Rossweisse Gremory / Koneko Tanaka / Xenovia Quarta / Yuuto Kiba
Sona Sitri's Peerage (Support Members) Azazel / Tomoe Meguri / Benemue
Sona Sitri / Tsubaki Shinra / Momo Hanakai / Bennia Orcus / Reya Kusaka / Tsubasa Yura / Genshirou Saji / Loup Garou / Ruruko Nimura
Sairaorg Bael's Peerage
Sairaorg Bael / Kuisha Abaddon / Misteeta Sabnock / Liban Crocell / Beruka Furcas / Gandoma Balam / Ladora Buné / Regulus
Seekvaira Agares' Peerage
Seekvaira Agares / Alivian / Bafeel Furcas
Slash/Dog Team
Tobio Ikuse / Lavinia Reni / Natsume Minagawa / Kouki Samejima / Shigune Nanadaru
Vali Team
Vali Lucifer / Bikou / Kuroka Tanaka / Arthur Pendragon / Le Fay Pendragon / Fenrir / Gogmagog
Heavenly Dragons
Ddraig / Issei Hyoudou / Albion
Dragon Kings
Tiamat / Fafnir / Yu-Long / Vritra


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