DxD: Matsuda!

I want to punch this idiot!


     Grayfia and Coriana stood behind me as the rest of our group was announced at the party door, unlike normal this time Venelana is on my arm while Rias is on the other. Venelana told me that this was because it is high society and not in the public view...This is her way of letting others guess our relationship without flaunting it openly. Well in a few months everyone will figure it out......

     Rias with Ravel at her side, split up from us. While Grayfia and Coriana went off to the sides for food and drink and to watch over us if we needed them. Venelana was introducing me to many devils she has known for some time and trying to build connections with me personally. I was embarrassed to find some Satan Gold fans among them.

     I had invited both Xuelan and Siris to come and meet with their old peerage and they both declined. Xuelan said she was only good friends with their Queen and Rook, but the others were just coworkers basically. While Siris lowered her voice and said, she doesn't like being around Ravel!!! Wow, that was unexpected. She said that she was always looked down on by her and some of the other girls for not being as smart as them....When I heard her say that I really felt bad for her....In my past life I was just as smart as she was...damn! So I just patted her head and told her....''No worries, I think IQ comes way after a good heart!" That cheered her right up.

     Lady Phenex finally came to meet us, and she is Ravel's mother.....Yup she is hotter than in the anime....But not hot enough to date her daughter!

     She welcomed us warmly ,"Lord Gremory and Duchess Venelana, thank you for coming! And thank you all for taking such good care of Ravel. Finding a good place for her is a weight off my shoulders."

     I return her good intentions,"It is wonderful to be here, and Rias just loves having her around, see the two of them are already gathering support!"

     Venelana supports me with some casual banter with Ravel's mother due to knowing I do not have much in common with them....especially after the match I had with her son. But my gear is telling me she has no grudge against me for her son's defeat?! That is good.

     I look over and see Grayfia having words with Riser's Queen and Rook. The Rook Isabela is subconsciously rubbing her belly? Maybe she is pregnant, well I told him to watch out! Coriana was called over to Rias for business I am guessing. Grayfia, noticing me, whispers to the Queen Yubelluna, who looks over and smiles at me while waving? I turn and look behind me and don't notice anyone important so I look back and both Queens are giggling at me? Not funny Grayfia...I will playfully punish you later my wife, tickle monster time!

     Riser after greeting Rias came over to greet me,"Lord Gremory, it is nice to see you again! Honestly when you warned me about the fertility rate I was skeptical.....But I ended up being overwhelmed! Six of my eight lovers are now pregnant..Sadly the last two are depressed for not getting pregnant with the others.....sigh." He looks like he has harem problems too! Damn why am I all of a sudden feeling sympathy for this bastard! Now that I think about it...He is just a pure-blood Saji?!

     I smile and say,"Yup that first week I call the [Golden Week] ha-ha....I won't sleep with some of my girls during that time if it's not time for a child!".

     Riser lowers his voice a bit and says,"Congratulations on your recent wedding!" Bro you know my gear is telling me you find my troubles funny like I deserve it or something!

     I just smile and say to the cocky chicken,"Actually she asked me! So as a good Underworld man, how could I turn-down one of the Devil King's requests!" Yup play it smooth."So who did you get knocked up with anyway.....Yubelluna looks like a nice woman, and Isabella was rubbing her tummy!" Riser looks at me funny then smiles.

     He said to me,"Matsuda, did no one tell you why you came today? And yes Isabella, Mihae, Karlamine,  Shuriya, Marion, and Bülent are pregnant but  Ni and Li need to activate their mating cycle, so they are trying. "

     I told him,"Yup we are here to talk about having a show duel before the Gremory vs Bael match as a way to have a proxy rematch or some nonsense like that, oh and you forgot to add your Queen to your pregnant list." Riser looks really amused for some reason like he knows the jokes answer and I don't.

     He shakes his head to me and says,"Yubelluna is a free Queen under my mother, she and Ravel both left my team when I was not participating for an extended period. With all my girls pregnant, how can I play games? So I will take my time and find a new game setup without doing it with a theme. That was the reason I was willing to trade to Rias in the first place. Also Ravel said Xuelan joined your team and is super happy...Thanks for taking her in..she was a good child. I learned martial arts from her father and he asked me to make her a devil."

     "Riser, are you sick man? You are telling me after all that fondling you did in front of me and Rias, you did not make Yubelluna your woman!!!!" I got just a bit loud at the end and caught myself!

     He smirks,"Do you force yourself on your servants? I DON'T, only low class devil masters force themselves, like that one rapist traitor! No Yubelluna is an actress that was a magician! She was my contract mage for a couple of years, then when she could not pay her part of the deal, she joined my team as my Queen to pay off the debts she owed for gaining our family's Phoenix tears. Humans can't normally get them so she contracted with me as her devil! Also the time for you to contract with a magician is coming in the not too distant future!" Yup I thought getting a human mage was optional, but a devil without a human mage is like not wearing pants in public...It shows you're a lazy devil.

     Riser smirked though,"I may not have bed her, but she is a good kisser and feels good in the hands if you know what I mean?!" Wow he is less like Saji and more like Issei now! But I can see his point, she is hot....Did not know she was an actress on earth and a magician. He then sighed and admitted,"But honestly Gremory, I was so depressed after you managed to get Rias and Akeno to love you! I had been trying for a while to have those two as my lovers! And I wanted to trade Yubelluna for Akeno in my game setup......."

     I just dumbly say to him,"Then why the fuck did you fondle Yubelluna in front of them if you wanted them? That was the reason they disliked you in the first place!" Oh my, I want to punch this idiot!

     He just looks at me like I solved his problem,"But I only did that with Yubelluna to show them I knew how to make a woman happy!" I just facepalm in front of everyone and no one knows why Riser could make me do that! Basically the reason why I have a nuts harem is because this fucker did not know how to attract Rias in the first place......I Give up! Riser is not a bad guy...he is just stupid! Calm down me...I may not have met Grayfia if I did not join Rias....Well whatever! No Yuuma killed me so this is my fault so I am as dumb as Riser!

     My facepalm seems to be the signal to the older women to bring in the group to the side hall.........

     When we all sat down, Lady Phenex asks,"So what did my silly son say to you that made you abuse your face?" Lady, we call that a facepalm OK!

       I admit my mistake,"It seems your son Riser and I are more alike than I first thought.........He and I are just eccentric men!" I look defeated!

     Lady Phenex and Venelana both took out paperwork from the rating game community and read aloud the highlights.......

      1 This was an optional bout for the two noble men.

     2 No sacred gears could be used or outside tools but one dose of Phoenix tears for just me.

     3 We can only use our own spells and special abilities from internal sources [touki, demonic power and the like] as well as close quarters fighting.

      4 There is a 30 minute time limit.

      5 No use of familiars. And only the Kings will fight.

      Lady Phenex finished with,"Riser is willing to participate in the match under those conditions. Whether he is the winner or is defeated again, will have no bearing on our future cooperation."

     Venelana asks me,"Son, can or do you have the ability to help those two Neko servants with the birth issue?" I stand and bring up my visor to scan them and nod yes....This is easy..If I cast my spell again then using senjutsu to stimulate their Ki path will bring them in heat cycle. The two cat girls looked really happy when I nodded.

     Lady Phenex then said,"Well then that is wonderful! I told Riser to focus on his family first before worrying about his game rating. Matsuda, your gift has fully given the Underworld new hope!And this will make things flow better....That means in one year he can get back to it! Well Lord Gremory take care of your newest Queen!" WAIT WHAT!

     I say,"Sorry, I have my Queen Grayfia, and Rias has Akeno, so I seem to be left out in the dark here?!" I am panicking a bit here and my girls seem to be amused, including Grayfia?

     Rias tells me,"Dear, this week we have been in discussions about getting you a second Queen....Grayfia is at that point where going into fights is a risk. So thanks to Ravel's advice we used this match opportunity to have our two houses get closer with trade and assistance!"

     I say,"I can understand this but I don't have another Queen piece and I don't want to lose my Grayfia!" I am panicking a bit on the inside!

     Venelana says to me,"Son relax we devils do this all the time, I will trade with Lady Phenex and then at your needs I can exchange Grayfia and Yubelluna So your team can operate at full potential....She is a strong Queen and won't drag your group down at all! Plus she requested this when you last healed them." What?

      Yubelluna bows to me and says,"When we last met, you had complimented me on the game we had...At first I thought you had a vendetta against me, but you clearly just saw me as the team's biggest threat! I was very happy to be recognized by you Lord Gremory. Also my friend Xuelan told me she was very happy in your peerage, so allow this humble woman to play the rating game on your Queen's behalf, when she is not able!" She does a bow....and Gulp!

     I look to my girls and they all nod, and I look to Grayfia then she told me,"My first choice would be Akeno for obvious reasons, but Yubelluna is loyal to her King and she follows directions well....Her Explosion magic is very unique and in demand for your group while I am in this condition." She rubs her belly. My gear is telling me two things right now...One, Grayfia wants more kids, and two she wants only the top Queen for me.......Well I was worried about her pregnancy!

     I then answer everyone by using Second Stage and Restoration on everyone but Coriana, then use my senjutsu on the two cat girls by tapping a point on their necks....immediately everyone saw their faces go red and there eyes glazed over a bit and are looking a Riser with hungry eyes!

      I smile and say,"All of you have been affected, lady Phenex, be careful you have been reset! Also all your pregnancies are taken care of!" I then sit down and wait.

     Venelana and Lady Phenex happily trade the Queen Yubelluna. Then Venelana traded her with Grayfia, at least till Grayfia wants to swap back. Grayfia will still be my personal maid as always. She just can't do rating games with me till a swap happens.

     Everyone sits down with smiles and Yubelluna stands behind me with a smirk of happiness.

     Riser says something to me,"I saw your video with Bael, and I assume you have gotten stronger....Please don't one shot me and try to make it look good! I will do my best to defeat you, but at least let me have a good performance to make up for my last loss to you!" he seems to know my strength.....but i think I can do this for this poor fool!

     I nod and say,"We will have to do a press conference and I think we should liven it up a bit, and go the hated rivals route! Let's go with it, we got drunk and I swindled your lover and Queen here off your hands, and now we have to settle it in the duel! I think the Underworld will only like our fight if we spice it up with gossip...However, the smart devils will know our two families are actually close!" I put my fist out to Riser!

     He tapped my fist and asked,"How did you come up with such a filthy backstory for a rivalry?!" He is impressed but confused.

     I smile to the group in front of me and say,"Oh I learned this trick in my human school we call it the [Motohama Green Hat]. so it works well!" I just smile!

      Yubelluna was planned back at the pool fight in the Rias vs Riser match! She made the mental comment of why was she not the heroin! Yup she was a magician and an actress in her human life! Waited a long time to fit her in!

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