DxD: Matsuda!

My new frenemy, Riser!


     After Yubelluna said her goodbyes to her friends and ex-masters, our group departed when the party ended.

     While we were returning Rias asked me,"Why are you and Riser such good friends all of a sudden?" All the women smile and listen in.

     I know Rias won't understand but I tell them,"Because I was wrong about him! He is not the villain I thought he was, but a spoiled guy that did not know what the woman he pursued wanted! So he is just like me and my two idiot friends. Riser just grew up under too good of conditions and had not failed at anything...till I came along! However, thanks to him having a loving family that supports him, he is able to correct poor life choices. Thanks to Riser, I have fallen in love with women I adore...So you can say, I owe him at least this much to be his friend...."

     Venelana smiles at my words and kisses my cheek,"I am glad you can use your logic so well and analyze this much! I was worried if our connection with the Phenex would strengthen or weaken?! As usual, I can fully trust the direction you and Rias will carry our family!" I believe any lingering doubts Venelana had at me manning the helm is now fully gone in her heart, this is what my powers of insight tell me. Seems she was a bit nervous. She is holding my arm even tighter now like she will not let anyone take me away from her....even Rias!

     Rias just sighs and says,"Mat why is your only normal friend Kiba? Well if you tell me he is an alright guy now, then I will treat him nicely in the future."

     Ravel speaks up,"Lord Gremory, thank you for understanding my idiot brother and befriending my family!" She bows but I just wave it off....I am not going to chat with hot wings!

     Yubelluna smiles and states,"It seems I chose the right King to follow! I have heard that even as a King you defend your pieces strongly. Master, please take care of me." Shit! She needs to stop bowing to me...I keep thinking her boobs will fall out of that outfit!

     Looking away from Heaven I tell her,"When I am out in public, I may call you servants or pieces, but that's not what you are to me! You are all my lovers, wives, friends, family, and the ones I want to protect! So don't call me master when we are like this, but just call me Mat or Matsuda. Got it!" I just put on the 'I think I am cool' face.

     Yubelluna, unlike Aika, just agrees with my words,"Then I shall just call you Matsuda in informal times then, fufufu...." Oh crap and she has the fufufu giggle like Venelana.....This is bad for my geek heart!

     After returning Venelana home to the Gremory mansion, the rest of us return back to Kuoh..........

     As we return we are greeted by most of the residents of the home. I asked Grace to call everyone to meet our new member.

     While we all sat in our now getting cramped living room, the first person to recognize and come to Yubelluna was Xuelan. She gave her a hug and asked,"Yubelluna it is great to see you again, did you join our peerage?"

     Yubelluna finished her hug with her friend and said,"I am Matsuda's reserve Queen and am currently filling that role as his Queen right now, this way Mrs Grayfia can focus on her child." She waves to Siris as well.

     Issei looks like a fish out of water and can't breath or speak properly! I forgot that Issei has never seen Yubelluna in person in this life. So I think in his mind he is currently being squished inside her exposed breast! Yup I see a drop of blood there!

     Issei came out of his stupor and ran next to Yubelluna for a handshake, while she shook his hand he said,"Hi I am Issei, the Red Dragon Emperor! It is nice to meet you. Whatever you do, don't fall for Matsuda....He is the enemy of all women!" He is desperately throwing out curses to make sure he has a chance with my new Queen. Do I care? Nope, if she likes my brother like Kris does then I would not complain. But if he hurts my Queen I would kick him in the nuts every-time I see him!

     As if the universe heard my thoughts.....Koneko played the scene on the TV of Issei summoning Kris and poking her breast! Um Koneko you're cruel right? Koneko in her flat voice says,"Nope...The enemy of women is definitely this Breast Dragon on the TV right girls?" Shit this is Koneko from the anime right here!

     Yubelluna giggles at Issei's destroyed look, then she asks,"My King, do you seem to have strange powers like your friend here?" I shake my head in denial and she says,"Oh that's too bad then......"

     Koneko hearing her words changes the video to the [Big Bang Cannon] testing! Yubelluna covers her mouth and says,"Fufufu, it seems you have an interesting move there?"

     I am next to Issei on my knees in disgrace and embarrassment! Rias and Kris both look like secret-camera victim's off to the side in full shame. Koneko you are a bad kitty!

     After a while everyone introduced themselves and we had a small welcome party for Yubelluna. I told her to get with both Coriana and Xuelan to get her room and get all of my group's secrets, so by tomorrow she can get up to speed with everyone in our group.

     The next morning when Yubelluna saw me, I noticed she had been crying last night? When she saw my confused look she came up to me and hugged me tight? Behind her I see a smiling Coriana and Xuelan?

     Yubelluna let me go and said,"Sorry for that Mat, but when I heard everything that has happened to you in your long life, I realized I didn't really know you like I wanted. From now on I will be your devoted Queen! Just let me know what you need in the future. Also is it true that you had visions of me in the past?" She was truly surprised, eh?

     The four of us sit on the couch in my room and I told her,"I only had a few visions with you involved.......The true reason I took you out so fast and ruthlessly was, in that life, you gave Riser a victory by taking out members with skill and timing! You had the keen intellect to wait till your opponents would drop their guard and eliminate them! You took out a Queen, Rook, and Knight all on your own! I also know you hate your name of [Bomb Queen], even though I think its awesome!" She looks really surprised at my words.

     Yubelluna asked,"So when you admired my skill, it was also because you got to see my good side too? Also, if you really like my nickname, then please use it....I was unaware that you found it a fitting name." She just warmly smiles at me then. It seems she is serious about accepting her nickname she hated, only because I like it....Then I will call her that!

     After our chat ended we all had morning breakfast together. Unfortunately it is a school-day and I have to attend before Roshi gets me expelled!

     I summoned my familiar to me and instantly his eyes fell upon the Grand Canyon! Yes he is fixed on Yubelluna's cleavage! I say to the pervert turtle,"Hand over all the copies of your crimes now or I will send you back to the the familiar forest to play with Tiamat!" Roshi hands me a bag thick with crimes of invasion of privacy! (A/N Matsuda is unaware that Tiamat lives in the human world and not the forest, she only goes there for a nap during the full moon and to hide treasures!)

     Yubelluna was told about my stupid turtle so she does not even hide her breast from him. I glare and say,"What surprises at school should I expect from my loyal friend?!" Roshi can only hear half my words do to hypnotism of boobs....

     Roshi without thinking says,"I stole all the girls' underwear from the volleyball team and they found it in our school desk....That's the only thing...Oh and I told those two hot senior girls that we can go out in the future! That's it, I was really good this time! Oh and that one teacher was sleeping with a student, and the pictures are in there too! He was working really hard!"

     Rias looks at me and says,"Mat we need to get you another replacement for this so-called Sage, I am really wanting to hit this guy for making me look like a fool!" Roshi was brought out of his boob high and sees the red aura enveloping Rias and runs out the front door in panic!

     We all hear his parting words,"Uh I gotta go my wife is giving birth right this moment! Good luck everyone!" And he blurred off!

     Xenovia says,"He really is a Sage! He knew when to run and who said turtles are slow? I might not even catch him?! Also I remember him saying he was single? I did not know he was married....." Oh my clueless Knight, don't believe anything he says!

     Issei complains,"I told my slime to get underwear too but he just eats it, so not fair! Your familiar sets up dates too! Matsuda I hate your damn good luck!" Rose hands Kris a paper fan and then Kris swats Issei over the head!

     When Kris was going to give it back, Rose told her,"Keep it, I have plenty thanks to working for that bastard Odin! Oh and you can put demonic power into it so it hits harder like this..." She swats the back of my head and I look at her funny....."If I can't discipline your turtle, then I have to hit its master!" I know Roshi is driving her crazy in class so I shall accept this punishment on behalf of my troublesome Roshi!

     She was happy I did not correct or scold her, so she pulled me into a nice hug and kiss, as a reward for being a reasonable man. OK, the smack was so worth it! When Rose gets affectionate in public, this could be considered a rare occasion!

     Yubelluna smiles at everyone at the table having conversations amongst each-other and the lively atmosphere! She definitely did not feel the relaxed life like this since she was a human.

     Yubelluna bows to Rias and says,"Thank you for bringing me into such a warm family!" And Rias just smiles seeing another Matsuda victim in progress.....

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