DxD: Matsuda!

Issei is killing me!

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     "Smart people are the best! I will start off by saying every single person in this room but one, wants to make peace, so doing a silly dance just wastes your time..."

     Since I will not have a bigger stage than this I just add a little more..."I have friends and lovers in all three factions....So I am one of the top advocates for peace here. The plot last week was also incited by the Khaos brigade....plus all of my warnings to each of you will be proven in the next hour or so.....So That is my personal opinion! I also trust all the leaders at this table right now. And I have high hopes for everyone here." I then give a bow and sit down.

     Michael asks a less serious question to me,"Young Matsuda, I heard you chose to become a devil and was not forced, may I ask why you choose this path?"

     I actually blush a bit at this question...."If I told you it was because my father asked me to give Rias's breast a big squeeze, I don't think anyone would believe me right?!"

     Rias' eyes opened wide at what I said, because she suddenly remembered how I answered her back then with the first time I squeezed her breast! And of course everyone sees her blushing red face!

     I continue with my own blush,"Well My personal reason, is the women I love are here, and my father sees all three factions as his children anyway....even if it looks like some are getting the short end of the stick, it was all for us to come together as one family in the end.....I love all three factions...Well I still hate ass holes. So Yup I love being a devil, and I love my angel wife and all my devil wives as well.....So my reason to be a devil would be one thing......LOVE!"

     "Ha ha, kid you're great.......So you want peace to love women........I can understand that ha-ha!" Azazel smacks the table in laughter, to lighten the stiff mood. I just wave to Kala So Sirzechs can understand who my wife is. She just blows me a kiss stunning the Devil Kings!

     Serafall asks the obvious question now,"How can an angel be married to a devil? And without falling?" She is looking between me and the four golden winged hottie.

     Azazel answers..."Kalawarna there was actually one of mine ten months ago, but due to crazy circumstances she was allowed back into Heaven, and she can't fall anymore thanks to loving the right man!" after he said that the most surprised in the group would have been Benemue, Apparently Azazel told no one anything.

     Sirzechs just lets out his breath he was holding...."It seems many strange things are now happening all at once lately...Like the abundance of sacred gear users appearing this generation."

     I say..."Ah that is easy to explain actually......The world is producing them to protect from incoming dangers.....It is like white blood cells trying to defend against foreign invaders. The system is operating as intended...including all the balance breakers. All the top Longinus appeared at the same time too!"

     After that the conversation turned to the finer points of what combining forces of the three factions would look like....The biggest change from what I remember from the show was the arguing and finger pointing was reduced a lot. Finally Rias's brother asked for the detailed report of the battle last week and what the conclusion was, I just squeezed her hand as she got up due to her being nervous.....While I ate and drank refreshments from Grayfia, because frankly I am trying not to fall asleep like Issei....Yup I see drool!

     I was also caught off guard because while my head was trying to stay up right I caught Benemue watching my actions.....Damn I had never heard of her name from the show, or my friend from Earth 0, So I don't know why Azazel brought her....She looks like the super serious woman though......I felt a bit playful so while she was looking at me I just wink at her. Fuck did that mature lady just blush? I think she did not notice her stare until I teased her....Meh, let my brain listen to Rias......

     "And that concludes my report on the event......" and like the show Sona verifying the report and the two Sis-cons are super happy.....I just realized Rias and Sona did not need to be here and those two Devil Kings just wanted to show off their little sister....How did I never notice this when I watched the show?

     Michael gets to the part where the leaders want to hear from the White and Red dragons........................

     Vali was retarded..."I just want to fight strong opponents....bla bla bla bullshit......."

     But the next part almost made me jump out of my chair to stab Issei with Ascalon!

     Issei puts up his arm and declares,"I just want to be a harem king like Matsuda!!!! And have an even bigger one than him!" he is smiling like a winner, while his two girls at his sides are blushing in embarrassment!

     *SMACK* Aloud face palm echoes in the room as my arm wanted to punish me for bad life and friend choices in life......The whole fucking room is chuckling, and I don't know if it it is at Issei or me, or worse both! Sona just pats my left hand in condolence and Rias smiles ashamed and rubs my head.......Can the Khaos brigade attack now and help me out of this shame?!

     As if the World heard my prayer, my gear began to give me warnings of impending doom.....So I stood up fast and cast a holy spell of [Binding Chains] on both peerage members and my magic wrapped everyone up in gold light, the four leaders were expecting this...well except the random angel, Vali, and poor Benemue.

     Shortly after the entire area was affected by Gasper's power...looks like all went as expected. Once the power was done freezing the space, I undid my spell releasing everyone.

     "Looks like some fish has entered the pond..........." I say with a smile, everyone looked out the window to see a giant teleportation circle in the sky dropping Magicians into the school for their assassination attempt on the leaders.!

     Azazel, hearing my key phrase, said to Vali,"Since you love fighting, go ahead and greet our guests, would you?!" Vali did not want to go out because he was waiting for Katerea Leviathan. But she is late and even he can't fight all the leaders here if he refuses so he reluctantly jumps out the window and starts his half- assed attempt to look-like he is helping.

     "Sirzechs now that our traitor has left, it is time for me and Rias to go save Gasper with your help.'' We waited for Vali to leave before we Castled over, and before Katerea Leviathan. "Azazel remember even if you cut off a limb, I can fix you up later! Have fun fighting Katerea Leviathan! And watch out for Vali's sneak attack!"

     My two older wives look at me with worries and I just smile at them to relax. Then Sirzechs , being surprised about all my secrets, just said to me,"Please protect Rias." I just smile at him and say,"She is my reason for becoming a devil and I love her too much to let her go.....So don't worry, I will take good care of her!" As a sis-con it is hard to let another man take her away, but as the Devil King he just smiles and says,"Good Luck!" Then he pours his power into the circle, and the two of us swap with the white Rook piece that just bounces to the floor in the conference room....................

     In the old school house.........................

     In one of the large classrooms a small boy in a girls school uniform wearing a bear head, is tied into a chair with magic restraints and under him is a magic circle fluctuating and forcing the child's sacred gear to go out of control. Normally Gasper's powers can only be used on things he can see, but when it is pushed to a near balance break state he can even freeze things he can't see.

     Five female Magicians surround him observing and controlling the circle to maintain its functions. At the other end of the room by a bookcase, a red Gremory house circle appeared on the floor alerting the women. From the magic teleport they can see a man in white, black, and gold armor. He is of course world famous...Satan Gold and behind him is the beautiful redhead and sidekick Rias Gremory!

     As we show up I do my dumb ass pose and announce our arrival to the villainous women! "I Satan Gold have, COME! And I have come with Rias Gremory, my amazing heroine! We are here to save world peace and rescue a brave man in the making!" I have not dropped my guard and have a barrier shield ready for these sluts...I know from the show they love magic bullets. I say to Rias..."Rias can I?" she smiles and says,"You may!"

     "Promotion to Queen! Now I, Satan Gold, have been filled with the power of Rias's love and shall vanquish your tiny tits!" As expected a hail of magic bullets strike my redyed barrier, my gold colored circle rotating in front of me fully deflects all their attacks..these women are at only mid-class devil strength so they stand no chance at my lower Ultimate strength with my balance breaker and promotion.

     After they stopped firing to see what they did, a super fast Ranger came out of the smoke and gut punched one of the chicks so hard she collapsed in her own vomit...."Dont eat before battle, boys and girls!" I say with a pose that shows me covering my nose.

     The other Magicians freak out and one of them puts a knife to Gasper's throat! "Don't move or the half-vampire dies!" So I put my hands on my hips and say,"Gasper? What do real men do to Shameless Bitches!?"

     Gasper's red eyes in his bare head light up in excitement for this moment....."We Freeze, Fondle, and Suck them dry!!!!!!" I just give him a thumbs up in my pose! This is something both of us practiced the other day for his brave showing for Rias!

     At this moment the bear-head falls to the seat and bats explode everywhere, the Magician girls are stupefied as the shadows from their feet reach up and grab the thighs from under their robes...yup that was my bad for teaching him that....As they try to shake off the bats and remove the hands grabbing at their privates....They froze while having there blood sucked! I am so proud of him right now! I still have not told him the Underworld will see this gory finish ha-ha!

     Rias just sighs at our antics, and I grab Gasper's permanent marker and draw dicks next to all their mouths, then I go up to each of the frozen girls and give them super hard spankings they will feel when they wake up! Gasper the whole time was making perverted sounds while punishing the women....that was all him...nothing to do with me! I then say to Rias,"My lovely, beautiful, and sexy assistant...Please process the criminals! ha-ha"

     Rias reluctantly does so...I think she hates it when I am Role-Playing as Satan Gold! But Grayfia LOVES this so sacrifices must be made! Gasper finally calms down and we high five each-other! I say to him,"I bet your new Big Sister will want to reward you with a kiss for saving the world, little friend!" Gasper just blushes like....well a girl! Rias came up and said, "I sent them to the Underworld for prosecution, now let's go help the others!" She did this as evidence of the crimes of the Khaos brigade.

     The three of us step out of the ORC building and what we see is.........................................

Benemue does not have an image on the wiki but I searched the net and found someone that looks like her....I have not seen or heard of the anime she is from, I just chose this look for her.............


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