DxD: Matsuda!

Play stupid games, Win stupid Prizes!


     As Rias, Gasper, and I come out of the building, we see Azazel fall from the sky and get buried in the side of the old school house! I look up and see Vali floating next to Katerea Leviathan? Once again I am reminded that events are not like the anime at all.....those two were not together in the show!

     Out of the rubble, Azazel walks out dusting off his clothing,"Kid, you good so far it is exactly as you said! Hey Vali......Seems kinda stupid to fight with crazy people that just want to kill everything, right?"

     Vali just shrugs and says,"Peace is for weaklings and wont let me fight the strongest foes! I like my freedom over here. Thanks for all the help but this bird will just spread his wings and do as my whims see fit."

     Katerea just taunts,"We will just have to reform this Godless world...Bla Bla Bla....too bad you won't be around to see it Azazel now die!" At this point Azazel leaps into the sky and the fight between the two seems to be exactly as the anime portrayed...Just more intense in real life......The Snake power she is using just feels like disgusting to me! I feel like being hugged by a steroid user that has not showered for a week! It is the only way to describe its aura.

     My group of three does not stay to watch this unfold and we head to the barrier the leaders erected to protect Grayfia while she attempts to decode the portal in the sky. I summon Roshi and put Asia and Gasper on his back, his barrier shields are no joke...so I do not have to worry about those two for now!

      Rias and Sona have combined our groups together and I am holding the large defensive Barrier shield in-front of the main casters, while our hand to hand members assassinate the Magicians one by one.

     Unlike the show there is no one just standing and watching one fight at a time...all these battles happen at once so paying attention is hard. In the distance I see Vali has started his fight with Issei...Fuck this is bad. I can't move to help right now and Issei does not have Ascalon in this life! Damn, who can I help right now?

     "Gasper! Do you think you can shut that portal in the sky down? Rias really needs it to be closed like yesterday!" I have to prod him because it seems he was not in a hurry to prove himself.

     "I will try Matsuda!" Gasper removes his limiter and focuses on the circle in the sky and shortly he is able to overload it, but like in the show he passes out. Asia fortunately holds him. I yell to Roshi,"Take them back to the leader's barrier and hide...it's going to get ugly soon." Grayfia now does not have to focus on the portal anymore. It looks like Azazel is about to end his fight. Tsubaki has gone into body guard mode for Rias and Sona.

     Oh fuck me I see Vali giving Issei his fucking avenger speech to piss him off....I gotta get there fast! "Rias, I need you to cover me now!...Issei is going to need my help....And everyone else will retreat to Grayfia NOW!" I will end up doing something borderline stupid!.....The aura the two dragons are unleashing won't let me get close either....So I will have only a small window to clip Vali's ambitions....I do not want Issei to shave off his life for that vanishing power...that is just stupid! He has loved ones that would be sad.

     While I was watching the fight between the two, Kala flew next to me and said,"Mat what are you planning?!" I cant smile at her because of my Satan Ranger form but I love her, for her care."My dear pull back now with the rest I am going to do a big move and I don't know how much control I have over my power yet....So I do not want any distractions...Now go my angel!" She looks at me in anger,"No! I will not leave your side....No suicidal moves for you!...So if you want to be a hero than make sure I don't get hurt!" I just roll my eyes because she is stubborn as fuck!......Why cant she just be a good wife and do what I ask!!!!!

     At this moment when Vali created two energy blast to throw, one was aimed at Issei and the other at us......FUCK HIM! Here I am not bothering anyone, just talking to Kala and this bitch wants to nuke me!

     Before the nuke can reach us, The voice of Morgan Freeman as loud as the two dragons' voice echoes in the area.......[Second Stage]!!!


     I infuse my body with all of Ascalon's Holy/Dragon-slaying power. Normally casting the spell [Reflection] is costly but its free now so I use it to send back Vali's nuke, unlike the Mirror Alice of Tsubaki, this spell only sends back the normal amount...But dumb ass is stronger thanks to sucking Issei's strength so ya sucks to be him!


     I throw up a shield over my body that absorbs damage at the cost of mana/demonic power...but yup it's free right now. I can now enter their close range! Simultaneously I use wingless flight with my wings and almost teleport behind Vali before his nuke blast comes back to him! My four wings stop my movement and he can see I have arrived behind him as well.


     Vali uses [Divide] on me and Albion shouts [IMPOSSIBLE! I can not divide him! Vali watch-out!]

     I cast [Sun Burst] and yes everyone gets the DBZ solar flare special! And Vali gets one kick infused with Ascalon's power in the wings on his back! Even blind Vali turns to face me!


     Blinded, in pain, and now pissed because his one trump-card cant halve me, he prepares to hit me....But wait was there not a Vali special inbound? Yup it hit him in his back. And dumb-ass turns thinking it was me....So I Kick him in his wings again while he is in pain from his own shot. His one wing which I hit twice is now cracking in half, reducing his speed.


     "How are you doing this!!!!" Vali throws a punch at me, and I counterpunch. I get thrown back due to his strength but his right arm is broken and battered up to the elbow thanks to holy dragon-slaying!


     I responded with,"I cheated duh!" I created 20 holy lightning lances and hurled them at him, he managed to deflect most of them but two still got him one in the waist and the other his left leg!


     [Holy Lightning]x6 from above the six magic circles form ready to drop the mountain smashing attack! Vali, seeing this, puts up a shield.


     As the bolts prepare to land, I do a dick move and cast you guessed it..[Sun Burst] With his vision impaired blocking the bolts will prove difficult.



     Vali does his best to block what he can but this holy damage is rough, even for him but he is holding on strong.....

     "ASCALON AWAY!!!!!!" As Vali blocked most of the damage he looked down to see a sword running thru his torso, due to the blinding spell and all the lighting he did not expect the sword attack, hell he did not even know he had a sword! Albion could not block this attack at all.


     Retracting my blade, I used the last of my power to dive into the earth and move horizontally to near Kala.


     One mangled arm, a nice hole in his stomach and wounds all over his body, Vali looked stupidly at the spot I dove into, there was no trace of upturned earth there?!?! While he looked around for another of my sneak attacks, I cast invisibility and rose out of the ground and carried Kala to the main group...Yup I am hauling ass, no need to risk my life right? He is fucked up and I did my job..Asia already healed Issei and Issei is going back in....I am a dick!

     My first plan that Kalawarna messed up was I was going to try copying Sirzechs move of turning my body into the body of Creation...but that might have ended poorly for me?!

     Issei managed to draw Vali's attention back to him but it was enough time to avoid the half dimension bullshit, because his partner arrived to break the barrier around the school.

     I kinda feel funny that Vali has almost forgotten about me...Oh that's right I drop my invisibility.

     "Issei pull back! And Vali thanks for the fun, let's not do it again!" Vali seeing me in the middle of all the super devils protection looks like he ate Precious poop! Issei returns to our sides, and Vali's buddy is a bit surprised at Vali's wounds.

     "Headquarters sent me because you didn't return when the mission failed, We are fighting the Earth Gods and The North Gods, so it is time to go!" Monkey boy said.

      I throw out a phrase I have been itching to say to him all this time......"Hey Vali, If you play stupid games, you win stupid prizes! Say hi to Odin for me!

      The two left just like that, Before I could catch my breath, I found myself under a dog pile of boobs! I cant even tell whose boobs are whose.....Holy fuck never did I imagine a boob pile! As the pile let me breath I noticed the last three girls holding me are Rias on my back Kala on my left and damn she broke maid mode...Yup Grayfia on my right and all three are holding me tight.

     Thanks to Kala I did not do something dumb again...OK she did good.........Now I just want to sleep.....but cleaning up must happen first! I say to the women around me..."I love you all and am glad you're safe!"

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