DxD: Matsuda!

She is a Prostitute!



     After my heartfelt moment to comfort my girl's worries, I go to where the leaders are converging for the aftermath report...Sadly Grayfia went back to maid mode.

     Now that the serious things are out of the way, Kalawarna is holding my left arm and is refusing to let go or let ANY girl move her....Damn she is hot! So the leaders currently talking are Michael, Sirzechs, Serafall, Azazel, and Benemue. When I arrive, Azazel pretends to wave to me with his missing arm...fuck he is funny!

     "Hey kid, you were right about my arm!......That was interesting. Suicidal terist are really dumb, aha!" he looks tired to me though.

     "Hi everyone....In one hour gather all that took part in the battle, and I shall restore everyone with my [Restoration] magic...Even if you're not wounded, I will heal the hidden injuries of the past as thanks for everyone's hard work!" I smile at everyone.......Why is Kalawarna glaring at Benemue? Oh that's right she was part of the fallen angels in the past! I think they must know each other. So I squeeze Kala's hand to relax her.

     Michael says in surprise,"That's one of God's miracle spells! That has fallen from use....I think no one can cast this anymore!"

     "Ah, I have learned all of Heaven's magic! Sorry if I failed to mention this before. It comes from my sacred gear. I have to wait an hour for my gear to let me use my second stage to cast it, or I would pass out from its power cost!" Sirzechs has already felt the magic so he is not surprised.

     Serafall was surprised and asked me,"Can that magic even restore a woman who lost the ability to have children!?"

     "Yes, as long as it's not a magic curse or a curse in general or in better terms a debuff, it can cure anything living to its peak state.....So theoretically a woman's reproductive state would be restored!" I am not following where this is going.......

     Serafall looks super excited and blurts out world shattering thoughts....."So a devil mother that has given birth to two or more children should be able to bear more children after your magic?!"

     I just stood there dumbstruck like all the others.......Serafall's brain works differently than others....So I never even thought of using it like this!.......My dream of being High class in a short time has just come one step closer!!!!!! Well assuming this is true!

     "So I can have all the children I want with you husband!?!?!" Holy fuck Kala's eyes look dangerous.....Damn women love having children! My life will be hard! She continued with another stab to my lower-back,"And coupled with your higher fertility, we could almost repopulate with just your harem alone!!!!"

     The glints from all three factions do not look good to me.....So I say...."I can not endlessly cast this magic....So if any devils request it from me, then treat it like the sleeping condition and I will only do it for combat credit...I want to be a High class devil as soon as possible!...So if your rivals want baby's, then get to promoting me! ha-ha!" I got baby's on lock-down! "My sister-in-law is the freaking best! You get all the healing you want for yourself!" I just give her a goofy dreaming smile!

     "Oh and now I have a request for you Michael.....Please relax the punishment for Xenovia and Asia to be able to say prayers to God....This is something you can do as a sign of our peace right? Or I could do it if you like!"

     Michael just freaks out and says."NO PLEASE DON'T! I mean I will gladly take care of such a small issue when I return.....Just relax and do nothing!" Kala pinches my face with a look of being fed up with my teasing, Everyone but Azazel seemed confused why Michael was losing his shit there....

     Benemue just looks at me with suspicion and says to me,"Do you remember me?" I look at her like she was a porn star and say,"Were you in any AV video's? If not, I don't know who you are?....I think I would remember a big sister with um.....such a large.....Presence?" Azazel just can't hold in his laugh and slaps me on the back.

     At my words and at Azazel's reaction, Benemue exploded at me,"NO YOU FUCKING ANNOYING BASTARD! You are such a fucking jerk as back then!!!!!" Wow this chick is pissed at me!?

      Azazel smirks at the two of us and drops a bigger nuke on me than being tail-slapped by Great Red..."Um kid, you see she has a bit of a past with you, you seem to have forgotten....." So this bastard brought her because of that! "She used to follow you around under a disguised identity, and well had some personal connections with your past self.......She did that to make you fall to temptation....but she ended up liking you in the end, she fell for your charisma!" I just look at the two of them like a clueless idiot.....

     Azazel looks like he will pull out popcorn soon and Benemue is just daring him to open his big mouth....."Back then you would know her as.....Mary Magdalene!" Benemue pulled out a horse whip out of nowhere and started beating Azazel.....You know those S and M short rubber sticks with a flat square on it!

     "YOU MEAN SHE WAS THAT PROSTITUTE?!" Apparently out of my shock I said something unnecessary, and I ended up getting swatted with the horse whip, and fuck Kala is stepping back and not saving me from this crazy bitch?!?! Azazel can't eat a bag of popcorn due to only having one arm, but that smug bastard looks like he wants a bag right now!

     "I was NOT a prostitute you jerk! How dare you of all people say that to me! I will kick your ass like I did back then.......I loved you, you sack of shit!" Benemue declares something that stuns everyone but Azazel......I failed to block the whip anymore and it hit me in the face hard....Well she is a ten winged fallen angel after all.......That was the last thing I remembered as I was knocked the fuck out..........

     About an hour later, a disoriented Matsuda woke up.............

      "Did I die again! The fuck is going on...were is the truck?!" I see a few worried girls around but the rest of the people standing around look entertained.....Don't look away while laughing Kiba!

      "Good timing young Matsuda, You woke just in time...We have gathered everyone here as you requested!" Michael smiles at me while saying this.

     Yup everyone is within twenty feet, so I stand and say..."OK first I will cast the magic and then someone can fill me in on what happened to me!" I know what happened but I am too ashamed to even believe that crazy woman, plus that was not really me anyway...so any beef between those two has nothing to do with me....and what's up with her whipping us...that's nuts right?!........

     I then go into Satan Gold form and use the magic [Restoration], the ten seconds of second stage, is barely enough time to cast this magic, due to it having a chant like the Juggernaut Drive...So I can't cast this in battle if I am being attacked. My magic flashes with gold and white energy and revitalizes everyone...Azazel's arm sprouted like, well magic! For beings so strong they need stronger healing to recover limbs due to being so evolved...Simple healing just wont work.

     Everyone was amazed at their body's and the unknown problems leaving them. Many not knowing how it currently had affected there lives.....Why the fuck is Serafall looking at her belly now?...That is strange right? And now Grayfia is hugging her? I better not ask........I have too many problems to worry about!

     I ended up getting a lot more thanks from those I did not know.....It is nice to change peoples lives for the better. Most everyone split up to finish the repairs to the school...apparently Kiba was talking with Michael about ending the bad holy sword projects and he agreed to it. What is that conversation in the anime? Damn can I trust anything.......

     I look up into the sky for some reason and what I see is a beautiful full moon!.......Oh fuck this answers my familiar question...it seems this is the night to go get one....Why do I feel I dodged a bullet by not going to the forest?

     Sona, Rias, Kala, and Grayfia approach my figure looking up.........Rias asks,"Why are you staring at the moon?"

     I look at them and smile,"Because it is beautiful.....Just like all of you!" I just feel in a good mood...there should be nothing major happening for at least a month or so, I hope?!

     Grayfia smiles at me and says,"Sadly I must return to the Underworld with Sirzechs, but you will come to me during the summer break." she looks at the others,"So I will leave him in all your hands girls." Before she walks off I kiss her belly and she goes bright red, and pinches my side before fleeing!

      Sona gives me a hug and a kiss then says,"It's morning so go home, we will be done here soon and I will see you on Monday morning." She too walks off.

     Kala looks at Rias and smirks...."I call his left side and you get the right in bed, got it?!" Rias just got demoted in the Pecking order...well she is older and wiser....

     Rias just obediently nods yes,"We get to leave now, so let's go home Mat!" Both girls take their sides like the bed order and we start to say goodbye and collect Koneko, Asia, Akeno, and Xenovia. Gasper is living with Kiba now in his large apartment.

      Kala tells Michael that she will be living and staying with me from now on, not like Mike can stop her...she said,"I will collect Sera in a few days...So I will be your point of contact for Kuoh...Thanks Michael!" Secretly Michael is glad she is leaving heaven...An angel that can't fall has been a tyrant up there! The bastard is actually praying for Matsuda in his mind!

     Finally we talk to the Azazel group...He is preparing to go home to his penthouse in Kuoh as well. "Hey kid, I will be staying....but I guess you already know that right? Well if you need me just come on over or call!" He waves bye to us and his fallen comrades to the side. He just whistles an unknown tune........

     Benemue watches him walk out the front gates and looks at me with a complicated look,"Sorry for hitting you!" She looks really embarrassed.

     I just say,"Huh, I don't remember being hit though......maybe you're confused...anyway thanks for fighting, take it easy!" I pull my girls to leave.

     But Benemue just asks a strange question,"Is your favorite color Blue and your favorite number seven?" I just nod not knowing what this sadist is thinking.

     She just puts on a big winner's smile and says,"See you next time, man of reincarnation!" Why does my face still hurt at her smile?!


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