DxD: Matsuda!

Admiral Akbar,”Its a Trap”!



     Well it is officially Sunday morning and I arrive at my home with all the girls in tow. Kalawarna refuses to let me go and now the girls are just snickering at me now. Why because the fact I become submissive with Grayfia and Kala......yup I am pathetic. When we pass the front gates, Kala points to the shrub in her angel likeness and rolls her eyes at me but the smile she is trying to hide did not escape my vision! All of my smart girls just now realized the angel over there had been Kalawarna all this time and were amazed I never said anything about it....What should I say 'Hey look at my hot angel wife' Nah, I am not that dumb!

     When we all walked in my mother and father were just coming out of their room and when they saw all the girls they lit up in happiness! Kala was finally pulled off me by the power of the mother! Then the two lady's went to the living room for a family chat and a picture showing Sera. My father sat in his chair just broken...ya her beauty is too much for that mortal man to endure......I think after meeting her and all my girls, dad might stop looking at porn.....Those girls in the magazines just look like trash compared to his new daughters.

     The happiest one in the house however was in fact Precious, seeing her master again just shot her full of happiness! I am so happy no one can hear her doggy talking, because she is currently telling Kala about EVERY girl I have slept with and where to find them to put them in their bitch places......Dr Doolittle, I am so sorry I made fun of you in my old life!

      While I was busy making breakfast with Asia, Rias came in behind me and said did you notice when we came home? The new mansion my parents got for you and me......WHAT?! I looked stupidly at her, almost burning what I was stirring. She giggles.....Yup I just went and turned off the illusion array that hid the work being done...It is all ready. Rias just holds up two pairs of house keys, one for me and one for her.

     Seeing my disbelieving eyes, she just smiled and said..."When we talked about our human home together, I immediately called father and had it done...It is right next door and we have ten servants trained in child care and normal work for maintaining the home....It is six stories tall with three sub floors! I told my dad to have it ready upon the completion of the Leaders summit!" She just squints her eyes at me waiting for the inevitable praise!

     "Asia please take over, I will be back in a few........" I grabbed Rias's hand and took off....I told everyone I would be back shortly.......I pulled her behind while she laughed at my excitement! I imagined it would look like what it did in the anime...and it was even grander if that is possible....Our new home takes up the whole block minus my parents house. I drag Rias once again and enter.....Ten beautiful maids, five on each side greeted us as we charged in. "Greetings young lady and young master!"

     I wave at them and say,"Thanks and at ease everyone...Where or what floor is my room?!" After being told it was on the third floor I pulled my Rias along again....I burst into the room of my dreams and froze for a second taking it all in...Rias had NEVER seen me so excited and was in a daze! With mad joy in my laughter i strip Rias of her clothing and mine and princes carry her into the fucking enormous bed!

     Not understanding why she was about to be taken almost against her will, Rias asks,"And why are you in a rush to make love right now during the family breakfast?!" Rias is not against my actions but curiosity has her mind.

     "Do you want any of the girls to beat you into breaking in, the house or bed before you, my bride?! I think I owe you this much to give this first time to you!" then I kiss her on the lips and watch her brain catch up.....

     With realization in her face and knowing Kala was restrained, she immediately assumed her favorite position and said ,"Hurry damn it, we can be gentle latter!", And that's how Rias finally got a one up on all the other girls......Damn she was super hot that morning!

     An hour later a refreshed Rias and the new lord of the mansion returned to the commoners home to explain almost everything to everyone...and why we forgot our phones....cough.

     "Mom and dad, Rias's father gave us a new home right next door to you guys and I and the girls will be moving in there. We even have a gate inside connecting the homes yards. Now dad can get a good night's sleep, and dad, Precious will be moving with us too!" my dad jumped up in the air so happy that the curse of [sick balls] was lifted!

      My mother asked,"But what about my grand-baby Sera?!" I calm her and say, you can spend all the time you want with her, Rias also had a few maids come to help take care of our kids! So tonight I will invite some close friends and will have an open housewarming party for all of us! Everyone was pumped and we began moving our things with the servants help....When my dad saw the ten maids his soul almost left his body...He asked me if they were my women too and I told him no...He just clicked his tongue at me like I failed him!

     So the layout of the home is like this........

     An elevator is in the building.

     1st floor....Kitchen, living area, guest rooms.

     2nd floor.....Office, servants quarters, baths.

     3rd floor.....Master bedroom (mine) kinda like Issei's in the show but more modern.....My room has a small kitchen, massive closets, huge bath, Japanese hot spring style. And two other connecting rooms one for Rias and the other for Kalawarna. Naturally, Grayfia will be with me when she is here!

     4th floor.....Another massive entertainment room and storage supply, and another bathing area.

     5th and 6th floors........Are for my wives and lovers.

     Roof......outdoor garden...and my powers will rock here!

     Basement 1.........Large training area, that converts to a movie theater.

     Basement 2.........Massive heated swimming pool. Bikinis year round baby!

     Basement 3.........Storage and a Library.

     Damn this place is fucking huge! I honestly got lost....What I described is only half of what you can imagine...Like this did not mention all the closets laundry rooms bathrooms and even more......All the furniture is the highest quality.....Damn any one who said marrying Rias was bad can go and fuck themselves right now! I love my rich princess! Oh shit and I have another one too......damn I hate myself for being so lucky!

     I of course invited Sona, Tsubaki, Aika, and Murayama! Damn I have so many lovers now.....I am almost afraid I might forget one one of these days....Man harems are hard work! Maybe I will tattoo all their names on my arm so I wont forget!

     I also invited Kiba, his girl Kat, Motohama, Issei and his two girls and I even invited Kyouko. I invited the latter because I don't like hiding anything...she knows I am a devil anyway. Since there are some normal's coming, we do not talk about supernatural things...Like my folks will be there....Thank God I made Rias get servants! How did they do all that house stuff in the anime?!?

     Before the party I told all my girls who was who and what they knew. And yes I ended up using magic on my folks telling them the six story mansion was normal...I had no choice....My parents were not as dumb as Issei's....sadly! When the girls heard about Kyouko and I explained about her looks and what not, they were surprised, and Kala confirmed that the look on Ray was indeed not her true form...the Yuuma one was it. I also explained that as a sacred gear user I would like to recruit her as a Pawn when I get my High-class promotion...most of the girls thought it was good, but they still want to meet her....damn girls are scary! I did not invite Mil-tan because Issei and Motohama would explode and ruin the night!

     Everyone accepted the invitation....but there was a slight snag. Sona said Reya was with them and if she can't come they might have to pass........I smell a trap, but I said it would be great!..............Stab me now!

     So as the host, I am at the front gate meeting everyone as they arrive...Rias is in charge of greeting at the house. The first to come was Kiba and Kat....Yes Kat was stupefied to see my new home..Kiba not so much..this is a normal house in the Underworld for the Gremory's Hell they might call this a servants quarters!

     The next person to show was Aika who was wearing a red summer sundress to her mid thighs....She lives right across after all. She hugs me and whispers in my ears."Today, I am wearing no underwear master!" she squeezed my little brother and walked to the house giggling...damn.

     Now the next victims are Motohama and Issei with both Yura and Momo at his sides. Issei just drops to his knees with Motohama at his side....Life is leaving their bodies and the two girls just look defeated by their man's actions. After some normal banter between fellow pervs the four go in.

     I am starting to feel like the guy from Fantasy Island greeting freaks! Soon my headache arrives...Sona, Tsubaki, and Reya. Sona says,"Damn Rias beat me, I was planning on getting you a new home first. I am sorry as your fiance I am not doing my best!" She seems disappointed.

     I pull her in for a hug and tell her,"I am not with you for material things, plus it is just a human home....we live for so long this will just end up being a fun memory...As long as you love me what do I care about things like this!" As I kiss her she seems happy...but if she knew how I acted with Rias she would pass out....Yup I love my fucking home!

     Tsubaki came up to me and gave me a deep kiss and embrace....um I am feeling like the girl here now...easy girl! She and I trade "I love yous!" I did not see Sona behind me giving Reya a look........

     Reya, seeing the sign, just walked up looking like she was going for a casual-hug........She wrapped her arms around my neck and went in for a kiss??????? She was inexperienced so she did not get in there when I backed my head up a bit and looked around. "Um, what are you doing Reya?" She is giving me sad eyes, for stopping her.....

     Sona sighs and says,"Matsuda, Reya is shy and does not know how to approach you....She asked for advice so I suggested this to get your attention. Please do not be upset with her....This is normal in harems and peerages dear. Also Reya is not being forced to act like this."

     I just look at Sona and the sad Reya and say,"Reya, I am not interested in casual dating, but if you would like to get to know each other first instead of just jumping in, then I am willing to know you better...think of it as a cooling period.......You might find me to perverted or lustful for your liking and once a bridge is crossed there is no going back.....So if you want to try dating first like Tsubaki and I did, then I am good!"

     Reya lit up at my words then jumped at me again....This time her aim was spot on and she managed to get her tongue in there....I just mentally sigh at this seductress....I do really think she has a lustful figure....but I will take my time before making her a wife! She finally pulled back with a big smile and said,"See did I not say, you know what we girls want to hear! I will do my best to make you want me Matsuda!" She then follows her King and Queen inside.........Harem world is a pain in my ass...no I meant lower back!

     I thought that last one was my big surprise.....NOPE!.........Murayama gets dropped off by a taxi and she pulls out two big suitcases....I am dumbfounded right now....yes we made love, and I want her to be hear, but just how did she get this idea?! "Mat I am here! Please take care of me......" She dropped her bags and leaped into my arms and kissed the hell out of me........I am confused...then I hear a laughing succubus behind me....."Lord husband, I told her to pack and move in with us! Come Murayama, I picked the room next to mine on the highest floor!" Akeno just gave me a deep kiss then took her new little sister away........Damn she is good!

      After a while the last guest had arrived...She looked very confused! Kyouko was wearing a pair of bluejeans and a light blue blouse perfect for the beginning of summer. She was stupefied at the mansion in front of her, I can tell she was using a GPS to find the house. When she saw me at the gate waiting for her, she finally smiled and pointed..."THIS is your new home?!" her smile looked awkward.

      I point to the smaller home to the side.."That's my parents house where I lived till today, now this monster behind me is my new home and I welcome you to pure chaos!" Thinking about everyone inside, this poor girl will run for the hills.

      "Why do you say that?" She seems confused.

      I just decided to be honest....."To be honest about half the women in there are my lovers or wives and I did not want you to feel uncomfortable.....So if you want to run now is your chance." I hate my honesty with girls...I would rather just lie.

      She just starts laughing with a beautiful smile,"Your awkward face is cute!....Not like your heroic confident face, you had when you brought me back from death.....I cant judge you now can I? Besides, you trusted me enough to bring me into your home. I want to see what chaos is in your life. ha-ha!" She grabs my elbow and we walk to the mansion..........

     All of a sudden my gear started warning me of non-hostel danger!..Fuck my gear is saying..[DO NOT GO IN YOU WILL REGRET IT!] Kyouko just smiles at my nervous face. Why do I hear Admiral Akbar in my head!

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