DxD: Matsuda!

Run it is Drunk Matsuda™!

     Before I knew it, I fell into a trap! As I walked in with Kyouko, Rias and Sona came up to this young teacher and greeted themselves warmly, then they pulled her into the group of women happily gossiping. My mother then raised her voice and said,"Mat dear, all the boys were sent up to the game lounge so go and entertain them! We women want to have some good girl time!" Kala just smiles at me and says,"I want to personally meet them all so go my dear, don't worry I wont make any girls disappear...." She then winks at me.

     The maid with straight bob-cut black hair, comes to my side and says,"Young master please follow me." Then she guides me to the elevator and we both enter. When we both were in a magic scanner detected us, she pressed the fourth-floor button.

     The cool thing about this house is the security features....for instance no unauthorized guest may enter most of the floors without my or Rias keys. So if Issei wants to peek around he may only go to the roof, first floor, and the fourth-floor. The office, third and top two floors as well as the basements are restricted areas and need magical scanning to enter each floor. With my pervert friends this makes me feel safe....I trust them but not that much when it comes to naked girls.

     The maid holds the elevator door closed for a moment then said to me,"Young-master, I was told to tell you by The Master Zeoticus Gremory, [Son, the ten maids in your home have all been hand picked for your request, Do not tell my daughter but all the maids are also there for your personal needs...Just consider them all your women!...I am looking forward to your contribution to the family!], And that was his exact words young-master! Also all of us choose you as our young master so please treat us well. Actually when we could only have ten of us come here, so many of the maids were sad....You are very well liked in the Gremory territory young master!" She covers her mouth and quietly giggles at me, I fell into his trap face! So this is what my gear warned me about....Ten hot maids ready and willing to be my women....I must stay strong damn it!

     The now 'hot' maid opens the elevator doors to let me out.....Now that she said this, I seem to notice her more than before...I think I can tell what anime I have seen a maid with her look, I think it was.....Kujō Miyuki from Shonin Sample, I think??? Damn you father-in-law! No, I made a promise to Rias! No maid touchy!

     "Also young-master, out of the ten of us I am the head maid, Please take care of me! We will be together for a very long time and I will learn all your likes and dislikes...So as to be an excellent personal maid like Mrs Grayfia!" She likes my wife so she is automatically good in my book!

     "Then please take care of me as well! Oh and what should I call you?" As we get to the entrance of the game room, she does her servant bow and greets,"My young-master, please just call me Grace!" fuck is she blushing.........Father-in-law your are the fucking devil!!!!!!!

     I enter followed by Grace, and what I see is......One corner of the massive room, a group of arcade game machines with the latest top games....In another area are two beautiful pool-tables! Then to the far right is a group of plushy two person couches surrounding a massive TV, like a mini theater...this must be for movies and sports games. And in the last corner is a full on fucking bar from a international restaurant! And currently there is one maid manning it as the bartender.....I love Rias so fucking hard right now! This is man heaven!

     Issei and Motohama are currently playing a two player fighting game. My dad and Kiba are playing a game of pool, so I go there.

     "I will play the winner..." I said to the pair. My dad looks at me with eyes of worship!

     "Son, do not wake me up! I am currently dreaming I am in the Playboy mansion and my son is Hue Hefner! Son, where is your silk robe?! you can't be the Harem Lord Without your Silk robes!" OK my dad is broken....This is definitely my fault, and to inflate my dads delusions...Grace arrives with a can of Diet Coke on a tray and says,"Young-master, I believe you want this right? Would you like me to open it for you....?" How the fuck can she make diet soda look sexy?! "Um sure, thanks Grace!"

     Kiba just sighs at me and my fathers antics."Hey Mat, make sure not to let the President see your face right now!" Oh right I forgot about Rias!,"Thanks Kiba you saved me there!"

     At this point my other two pervert friends join us and we use both tables and rotate players....All in all we really had a good guy bonding time. One thing I and the other four noticed was whenever they would ask Grace for anything she would point to the girl at the bar and tell them,"She will help you, I am only, young-masters personal maid, sorry!" Yup the look of disgust in your eyes says you are definitely not sorry.....Fuck is she a Yandere maid!!!!!!

     So far it has been like an hour and none of the girls told us to join them......Actually this is nice...plus I am currently getting a shoulder rub in one of the comfy chairs as we all watch a baseball game! My dad is drunk and yelling at the team he likes for getting their ass kicked. Kiba looks bored and would rather be training or making Trunks!

     Finally a few of the girls made their way into the man cave. There was Yura and Momo that sat on both sides of Issei...ah so cute! Katase had come with and she snuggled with Kiba in the chair. My mother came in smiling at me and said..."We have work and you have school so I am taking your father now...Love you dear...Oh and at first I was a bit disappointed in your lecherous ways...but all your women are lovely and mom approves now! Bye dear." and another maid guides the two out. Damn I forgot it was a school night!

     Crap then I think Kyouko will have to get home for school! "Grace, do we have a car to send people home?" I asked because I saw a big car garage.

     "Of course young master, all of the maids are capable drivers! Also I will be your exclusive driver for you as well. So if you choose to not walk anywhere, it will be my pleasure to give you a ride!" Why did her serious voice turn sultry at that last part?!

     After looking at a phone in her pocket, Grace whispered in my ear,"Young master, the young miss has asked that you quietly follow me down!" So I do so.

     We just quietly make our way down and my new maid brings me back to the main living-room. I am speechless at what I am seeing........Kala is drinking some form of cocktail and laughing with two women I know all too well.......Benemue and Serafall! In their three faction hotness, is Rias and an embarrassed Sona....The latter is currently in the clutches of her sister!

     "Oh! Matsuda come, look how cute So-tan is~!!!!!!" Serafall, not letting go of the rabbit that will escape if she lowers her guard, just pats the space next to her and Rias. I awkwardly move to sit there. I notice that the two Queens are missing and so is Murayama as well as Reya. I see Koneko and Aika talking with Kyouko, who seems like white kitty and the teacher knows each other probably from last year in the middle-school division...what a small world!

     Kala said to me,"Sona has made a couple of changes for you to take note of...First I will be your new English teacher starting tomorrow, I will be known as Mrs Tanaka, your cousin's wife. So indecent of you to lay your filthy hands on your own cousin's wife!" I just roll my eyes at her because my cousin is a fucking girls that is married! She laughs at me and continues,"Kyouko over-there is also being transferred to your school as of tomorrow.....She will be your PE teacher!" This was a bit of a surprise. I looked at her and I noticed she was drinking, it looked like soda but I could tell she was tipsy. Well she is at the drinking age. When she heard Kala tell me about her job promotion she just blushed????

     "So, Sona tells me you like to sleep in class because you're too good to pay attention..........We will see if you can sleep in my English class, my horny little cousin!" Why is the angel the one giving me fearful vibes over the devil and fallen angel there? Oh and it looks like Benemue is just drinking hard liquor straight...makes sense that is how Azazel drinks. She noticed my gaze and just put her arm under her enormous breasts while holding the bottle in the other....Does she not know how hot pushing up breasts are?!

     She just growls at me and says,"What? I was brought against my will...Who wants to see a jerk on a nice night like this!" She just turns her head from me like a Tsundere??? I thought she was a dominatrix?!

     Rias just whispers in my ear,"She does not hate you, just the past you for leaving her...sigh...She is having a hard time separating the two of you. Imagine meeting your reincarnated wife and she does not remember you!" I just do a massive internal sweat drop at that statement!!! That is the same thing with Murayama!!!!! DAMN!

     So I just now realize how much of an ass my reincarnation has been for long-lived beings....So I stand up in front of Benemue, I then bow to her,"Benemue I am sorry for what the past me must have done, and If I could slap past me, I would....He probably was an ass...If he's anything like me now. So I will apologize on his behalf!" I then take my seat again and sip my drink that I put on the coffee table.

     Does my drink taste very wrong? Kyouko just looks super embarrassed as she blushes and says,"Sorry Matsuda, but that is my drink you are drinking!" Why does she act like one of those cute anime girls giving an indirect kiss? So to put her at ease I just, down it all in one go, so she does not have to drink after me. She just turns red at my actions.

     Aika stands up and announces,"Oh no!!! Everyone that wants to keep their virginity needs to run NOW! Matsuda is a pervert featherweight drinker! And will sleep with any girl....And he just downed her Jack and Coke!" Aika is warning everyone with lewd eyes.........I seem to be losing my vision.....Hello Admiral Akbar, how~you~doin! I just heard girls moving from me like their ass was on fire.........So the culprit was.......Kyouko!

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