DxD: Matsuda!

Kunoichi’s are HOT!


     As the power of Drunk Matsuda begins to fade.........I seem to be thrusting in and out of one of my lovers....My thoughts are not fully clear yet, but I am too close to finishing and hearing the sounds of a woman hitting her climax to care about how I got here! As my release came and the yell of my lover filled my ears, [Post Nut Clarity] came a calling! I notice the sun has begun to rise in the massive windows at my headboard side of the room, which illuminated the human woman under me with a dazzling smile on her face!

     I look down to see Raynare....I meant Kyouko, who is happily holding me and currently has her legs around my waist in a death-grip. She is beautiful and I am OK with this situation, especially because I seem to remember it was her drink that brought out my Heart Demon. However my current partner is not what is causing me to sweat drop!

     Nope and it is not the naked Aika with love marks all over her neck and breast that is currently passed the fuck out, with obvious signs of being inseminated by the only man in the room....No I can even handle this after all I have experienced in this life. What is making me terrified would be the new personal maid Grace, who is on my other side looking at me with a dopey look in her eyes.....And it is super obvious that I must have broken my promise to Rias!

     "Young master, is it my turn again? I have been waiting very patiently to have you inside me again......" Wow she is still wearing part of her maid uniform and I feel little brother tighten up inside Kyouko again!

     As I was about to recollect all that I have done using my gear, my side door in my room opens and a glaring Rias is looking down on the bed.....Yup I am frozen like a kid with his hand in the cookie jar.....or in my case, my PE teacher! Also the little brother that was ready to work hard went on strike and started to cower in her....."Good morning love...Um, I-I have just started thinking clearly and am trying to remember everything I know I did.......Just give me a minute and I can see what happened clearly...."

     Rias just rolled her eyes at me and said,"Idiot, I am not mad at you...I know you were drunk. I am mad at your personal maid right now, so let me handle this!" I just look at Grace and wait for Rias to speak...I can't replay my memories without meditation on it so it takes like ten minutes of focus to recall. So for now I just watch, oh and I get off my new lover!

     "As for you, I found out from the other girls what my father said....My Matsuda made me a promise to not lay a hand on the servants! So by sleeping with him while he was drunk you made him break his promise...Do you understand what I am saying?" Wait this sounds like I am still in trouble right?

     Grace lost her seductive aura and is in her servant maid mode bowing and says,"I am sorry young lady! I forgot my place when the young master pulled me into the bed....it was my dream to be chosen by him.....and I forgot my place! Please forgive me young lady!" Damn I don't like this...this was clearly my fault......

     Rias saw the look going on in my face and changed her tone with Grace.."However, if Matsuda is happy with you and you intend to stay by his side...due to his intoxication, I will overlook this issue." Rias looks at me and says,"Matsuda, do you wish for Grace to continue to be your personal maid?"

     I just nod,"I take responsibility for my actions....even if my brakes were cut...I will never refuse anyone who truly wants me....I do like Grace and I think she will be a fine maid. And Grace, I am sorry for forcing myself on you?!" At this point Kyouko, Rias, and Grace all give a bit of a laugh at my words?????

     "Mat you forced none of these girls, if anything they took advantage of you!" At this point Aika woke up and said,"Yup...Matsuda, don't blame them or yourself...I was the one that took advantage of you and I dragged Kyouko down the path of lust! Kyouko said while drinking how you made her feel,and she wished she had the courage to tell you...well I did not want to be the only girl to be in your arms last night so I pulled her with me ha-ha! Ms Grace only came to help you and after a while...well she was pulled in when the two of us could not keep up!"

     "Alright girls...it is a school-day and we need to get ready...Grace I will give you this one warning......You may be at Matsuda's side and be loved by him...but if any of the other maids get their hands on him....You and all of them will be shipped back to the Underworld...got it?!" Grace just bowed and said happily.."Yes young lady...I will swear to not let the young master be taken advantage of in the future!" Rias finally had a smile on her face.......

     Kalawarna at this time walked in from her bedroom and smiled at the scene,"Rias so you straightened them out? Great......Oh Kyouko and I will need to be driven in so we can get our papers in order before the classes start." I am just still just sitting here confused....damn I need to recollect the evening!!!!!!

     I stand up and said,"Wait let me fix this a bit....." I then go into my Satan Gold and second stage to cast [Restoration] on the group. Now all the girls are at peak body capability...then there is a giggle.

     Grace said,"Young master...you did this every hour on us and that's why we lasted the whole night." My gear vanished and my stupid expression caused all the girls to laugh at me! Damn I could do that! So I pulled off a Groundhog Day event every hour...........I can be the fucking Harem King with this killer combo! Thanks Big G!

     All the girls began to get ready, and the four women all gave me kisses and headed down to eat the prepared breakfast...Maids are awesome!  If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!

     Grace back in her cleaned up maid attire led me into my bathroom to get cleaned and ready for school. While she washed me she said,"Thank you for choosing me young master, I am very happy...I must confess...I fell in love with you at first sight!" When I gave her a confused look she continued..."It was the fight between the lord Riser peerage...Your act of Satan Gold brought back many fond memories of heroes to me...I was just amazed how you toyed and destroyed that proud man....Whenever he came to the house the way he looked at us servants was disgusting....So watching you moved my heart. I chose you as my Lord young master......I come from old Japan, I was a survivor of a ninja clan, I was the daughter  of the clan master. Unfortunately we were wiped out...and lady Rias's mother had saved me and made me her Knight. So now I devote myself to you, my Lord!" her smile was bright........

     My nerd heart only heard........"You are an honest to goodness kunoichi?! Oh my God, you are automatically awesome!!!!"

     Grace was truly surprised how happy I looked...."Yes young master...I was born in the 17th century! I hope my age is not bad for you young master!" I just pulled Grace in the hot spring clothes and all and hugged and kissed her...she was very happy but confused about my excitement!

     "Don't ever tell anyone, but one of my biggest fantasy's ever was having a ninja wife!" I let go of  her and then said...."Give me ten minutes..I need to remember everything!" using magic she dries herself and looks like she is in guard mode.....

     I remember what Aika said and her warning to the others.  Serafall just said....."Really?!" She gave me hungry eyes...but then she looked complicated looking at her little sister and was making a tough choice! "Damn, Sona can't lose it like this...Come on Sona we unfortunately have to wait for another time!" She then fled with Sona in tow to get the other girls from Sona's house and vanished!

     Kala stood up, gave me a kiss and said to Rias..."I have to teach tomorrow, so I will just miss this show...night!" she just walked off like nothing here was her problem. Damn she just abandons Drunk Me!?!

     I stood up and walked to Benemue and grabbed her bottle of liquor and took a swig and put the bottle down and said to her,"Damn you are a fine looking woman....I don't mind loving you, if you want me!......I love super big breasts! BUT I won't let you whip me alright?" I bent down to kiss her but she put her palm on my forehead and said with a conflicted look,"Sorry I am not interested in a drunk you!.....Go burn off that lust and maybe one day you and I can talk about feelings! Thank you for having me over Rias...Good luck with this mess......" then she got up and teleported away.

     Drunk me did not care and I locked on to white kitty....but she ran?!?! The fuck...I see lust in her eyes! Oh maybe I have to go to her room......Fuck where is her room?????

     Then my thoughts were derailed..."Oh no I think Matsuda will steal our purity that we have saved just for him!" I turn and see Aika holding down a drunk Kyouko! This is not why little brother stood at attention but the fact Aika was rubbing Kyouko's large breast from behind and my PE teacher was making lewd facial expressions....[TARGET LOCKED!]

     Rias rolled her eyes noticing what was going to happen and she told Grace to make sure the three of us made it to my room....well because drunk Matsuda probably can't find the elevator....So with a glint in her lovely eyes...Grace made sure we made it to the bedroom!

     Even after I put Kyouko on the bed and removed her clothing and had my way with her....She not once said NO! Yes I can see it clearly...she was very happy...she had no experiences in the first half of the night but after repeated healing the two girls became good fast....and during this catastrophe, I had set my eyes on Grace and grabbed her waist and said,"My heart wants you....be mine!" And all she did was smile and became a submissive woman....Funnily her being submissive seemed to make me want her more.......Damn she was super hot! I won't tell Rias but the two of them have the same style preference in bed!

     The only flaw of Grace was the fact she got very excited every-time I wore my Satan Gold outfit.......And now that I am recalling it...she made me say my catchphrase when I finished, in her....."Satan Gold has COME!"...Yes she seems to have a fetish! And yes she wanted me to wear my outfit while I did this!

     After finishing my recap of the night, I just turn my head to look at Grace...and she seems to be able to tell what I am thinking and she breaks out in a huge blush!

     "Sorry young master, I am your biggest fan behind Mrs Grayfia....and I was just excited, and I thought you would not remember!" Nice she is hot when she blushes!

     "If my Grace loves it that much....I will do it for you some times!" Now she has the look of a fan at a rock concert, in her eyes.....I then say "Alright time for breakfast and school! Grace please take care of me, my lover in the shadows!" She then gave me what looks to be an ancient Japanese bow of some sort...look's formal!

     Kunoichi's are HOT!

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