DxD: Matsuda!

Kyoto Sirzechs Hotel!


     I can finally reach for her and I cry out,"YASAKA!" My eyes are blurry due to the tears I felt watching her capture!

     I feel some soft arms holding me and Koneko on my stomach looking into my face,"Big Brother are you alright now?!" Rias is wiping my face and the tightness in my chest is lightning as I realize I am reaching my arm towards the ceiling. I notice the four women around me looking worriedly at my behavior.

     I wipe my face and try to smile......"Sorry I saw someone being captured by the users of Annihilation Maker and Dimension Lost....."

     Rias asked,"Youkai princess Yasaka? I think you mentioned her before........Do you think it was a dream or real?" At this point Grace hands me some water.

     My gut tells me that I witnessed the actual kidnapping of Yasaka,"I am sure I witnessed it....But I could not save her....And she was talking to me but I could not hear her words." At this point Kalawarna and Grayfia came in and heard our conversation as my yell alerted them.

     After some other talks I felt fine and we began to get everyone ready. After having a filling breakfast all the students that were not going to Kyoto left for school. I gave my goodbyes to my parents and everyone staying behind. My mother insisted on staying at home and she took Sera for a few days.

     Rias is the only one that stayed behind to take us to the train-station. She did not let my arm go even once...she is so lovely. We met up with Azazel at the train and we all took our bags from the servants and we the peerage members all gathered.

     I said to everyone including the three female teachers,"Take these special Identification papers. This will allow us to enter the shrines of Kyoto without taking damage and prove who we are, keep them on your person at all times....This is a rare opportunity to see places we devil's normaly can't." Everyone did as I told them.

     Rias says to her peerage members,"Matsuda is going to be your King while you go to Kyoto and has my badge to promote Issei. listen to him as you would me Now go and have all the fun you can!" Rias waves them off and holds me behind.

     Rias buries herself in my chest and looks up into my eyes,"Will you miss me?" She looks so cute and not like a major powerful devil ha-ha!

     I just kiss her deeply for a minute then tell her,"If you absolutely can't stand it then ask Grayfia to bring you to me. But yes I will miss you. I will be safe and try to make sure we all come back safely. I love you, my adorable wife!" We then part and I carry my luggage onto the bullet-train. As the train moves to leave the station I wave to Rias through the glass.

     I then move to put my bags in the overhead locker, and I help the other girls around me put there's away before I take my seat.

     Shortly after the bullet train had left Tokyo station..................

     I was sitting on the last row of seats on the window, with Coriana at my side holding my hand. Ingvild and Asia were in front of us. Across the aisle were Xenovia and Irina’s seats. In front of them was Xuelan and Murayama. Issei was sleeping and Aika was doing class rep stuff near the front of the car. The scenery outside the windows was changing quickly due to the high speed of the bullet train. Xenovia and Irina were happily chatting away as they looked out the window.

     Coriana mentioned this was the first time she rode on a human train, and I told her it was the same for me. While I looked outside for a while, I then heard light fan-girls screams coming from the front. I looked ahead, I saw Kiba was coming from the train car in front of ours. Once he saw me, he walked over to my side. Kiba asked,"Mind if I chat for a minute?" So Coriana smiles and crawls into my lap making an empty seat....This woman is hot!

     Kiba sits with a grin at me and says,"I wanted to know your itinerary once you get there. So that there’s a plan in case of emergencies. Ah, after all we are in different classes. We will be starting our tour from Sanjuusangen-dou."

     Coriana hands him a paper from her bag and says,"From the temple of Kiyomizu-dera, then Ginkaku-ji, then Kinkaku-ji. With effort we will finish the most famous places in the first two days, then we can take it easy the third day and advance from Tenryu-ji."

     Kiba nods and replies,"Tenryu-ji? Our class is planning on going there on the third day too. We may very well meet at the Togetsu bridge. What about the last day?" Damn Coriana's soft bottom is making me chubby!

     I told him,"Just end it around the Kyoto station and gather souvenirs. By the way, Irina wants to go to the Kyoto Tower."  And now she is moving her bottom in my lap to excite me!! Coriana you're not a devil but a succubus!

     The schedules for each class were prepared beforehand and handed in to the teachers. The students were even required to create travel guides for their own class to use. Having made our arrangements, Kiba got up from his seat and returned to the train car where his class was.

     I then take Coriana's hand and she follows me to the restroom! For about fifteen minutes I held her in my arms while standing and making love while she put her hands on the wall...Don't want to put her on a nasty surface! After her belly was good and full we made it back to our seats and she was smiling happily. Coriana is happy due to the fact this will be her only chance to have me alone....The other girls will be all around for the rest of our trip. Coriana is the hardest of my girls to make love to because she will only do it alone with me....Well it is because we go in and out of a dream world.

     [We are arriving at Kyoto presently.] The announcement sounded. As the bullet train stopped at the platform, we took our luggage and got off.

     The roof of the Kyoto train-station was covered by a huge atrium! Inside the station were many escalators. It was truly a massive train-station. It doesn’t lose to Tokyo at all! As a major sightseeing destination, it was natural that the ancient capital would have built a station on such a massive scale. It was crowded, totally packed!

     Assembling together, Aika took out the travel guide, and confirmed the locations,"The hotel is near the station... Just now we exited from the west checkpoint... Walking in the direction of the bus station, and then taking a right..." I almost forgot about this event!!!!

     "Ah! Pervert!" A woman’s screams were heard in the station! "Breast's..." A man was making fondling motions furiously, but was restrained by other male passersby. I see this is Issei's pervert potential gathering power? I wonder who it will summon?!

     The hotel was  also easy to find by following all the other students who wore the same winter uniform as us. A few minutes away from the station was a massive high class hotel. Its name was the [Kyoto Sirzechs Hotel], also nearby was the [Kyoto Serafall Hotel] with a sign saying, 'Under Construction'. I have no comment considering I am married to both Rias and Sona...I have a lot of hotels in Kyoto!

     All of the students gathered in the massive lobby into our individual classes four in total, led by all four teachers. Although the staff did not come to me due to this being a human field trip, I noticed every employee acknowledge me with a slight head nod......And wait is that Sakura behind the reception desk? Yup her blushing face when I looked into her eyes is unmistakable ha-ha!

     The staff came by and double checked every student's ID and gave them a key with their assigned rooms. There were floors separating the boys and girls in the hotel. Sakura personally took care of me and handed me my penthouse key, it is cute to see her hide her emotions from the staff. With a grin on his face I saw Azazel hand Issei his key, oh man this will be funny! As a side note...Apparently this is the same damn hotel as in the anime...So I would have ended up here anyway!

     The four teachers discussed what to tell the kids so Rose stepped forward and said,"There is a 100 yen shop in the underground shopping center of Kyoto. If you need anything, please go there. You can never be too careful with your pocket money. If you start being a big spender in your student years, you will grow up into an unreliable adult. Money is what makes the world go round. If you buy useless things, you will run out of money soon. So please, buy at the 100 yen shop, the 100 yen shop is Japan’s treasure!" I just smile at my silly Valkyrie!

     Azazel is face-palming. The conversation with Rossweisse must have made his brain go dumb!

     Kalawarna, seeing Azazel's look tells everyone,"Please take note of the above points. After putting away your luggage in your rooms, there are free activities until 5pm, but please don’t wander too far away. Best to stick to the area around the Kyoto railway station. Please be back to your rooms by 5:30."

     We were then sent off to go to our rooms after a few more instructions on good behavior were given. We then all went to our rooms. I helped some of the new girls with their things. The rooms the Kuoh students were staying in were large western style bedrooms, with two massive beds and a full view of the scenery around Kyoto station from the window.

     My group of ten went to Issei's room two floors up from the other students and what we saw made all the girls giggle. His room was the exact same as in the anime! Yup it looked really shifty like something you would find in the early 80's. My buddy just fell to the floor crying. I then explain to him about this room being for a special supernatural private meeting and all the barriers in the room. Issei still looks like he got kicked in the balls! Instead of blaming my wife I said to Issei,"Azazel insisted you get this room, hm maybe he found out about all those girls you slept with using his face?" Issei's body froze in horror at the thought of getting caught by Azazel and he just smiled and said.

     "I love this room, it is the best!" Issei just convinced himself he got a penthouse room! All of the other students think I am sharing this room with Issei under the excuse of keeping the perverts away from the other students!

     Aika says,"In 15 minutes we will gather down in the lobby and we will get our first site out of the way, so let us visit Inari-sama for the afternoon!" Aika's glasses were glowing in excitement! This was the true beginning of our Kyoto trip!


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