DxD: Matsuda!

Lending a helping Hand!


     Inari station was one stop from Kyoto station, and after getting off we were able to see the visiting road leading to Fushimi Inari.

     Having just arrived, Xuelan and Coriana took one of my arms each, and the church trio, Murayama, Ingvild and Aika were already enjoying the Kyoto atmosphere. As Asia and the rest chattered away, they appeared to be no different from ordinary school girls. Issei looked like he was a bit preoccupied with something...maybe it was the loss of his [Possibility] the breast grabbing zombies have been on the news!?

     We made it to our destination. Passing through the last torii, there was a huge door. On each side was a fox sculpture resembling a stone lion. "Exorcism statues, normally they would have a presence that repelled existences like devils, but thanks to the passes, there’s no trouble." Xenovia looked at the stone fox-statues as she spoke.

     With slight hesitation, we passed the main entrance without issue. Walking further along, we reached the main hall. Continuing, we found the steps leading up the Inari mountain. We took photos as we went along, and began climbing the mountain path through a thousand torii. Shit this is the part in the anime where Issei runs off!

     I say to Issei,"Hey Issei, while on this mountain I give you the right to promote if needed!" Thankfully he just nodded and did not realize I was preparing him.

     We were checking out some little stores at the rest stop half way, while continuing up the challenge that was Inari mountain.

     Xenovia and Asia were touched by the scenery of the Fushimi Inari mountainside, while Aika was snapping photos of the view. However, there really were tons of red torii no matter how far we advanced. Written on them were the names of companies or shops. They must have made offerings to the divinities at Fushimi Inari to make wishes. I think I will have to get the Gremory Group up here if we aren't already!

     Issei, looking motivated, said to us,"Sorry, I’m going to head to the top first." Then ran up the steps at full speed. Wait, in the show did he not go down or sideways?

     Aika snickered and said,"Issei probably saw someone with big boobs!" My gear is telling me to go after him!

     I get serious and say,"Coriana you're in-charge while I go after Issei, Xuelan, Xenovia, and Irina follow me! My Pawns may be promoted if danger comes....." All the girls listened properly to my commands and the three fast girls followed me up the mountain.

      At the top of the mountain was an old shrine. And Issei was confronting a group and before we got there we saw and heard......

     With blonde hair, her eyes were golden. She looks to be the age of a primary school student. But clearly not human from the fox ears on her head. Similar to Koneko’s, but that furry mass behind her must be her fox tail! I assume she is Yasaka's daughter Kunou! This is like the show.

     "Outsider! How dare you...! Attack!" At Kunou's command, out of the trees flew down many youkai with black wings and crow heads, dressed like mountain hermits. There are also some others with fox masks who dress like priests. "Give my mother back!" She demanded with conviction.

     Issei being confused says,"M-mother? What are you talking about? I don’t know who your mother is!" Issei seeing he is outnumbered remembered to ...."OK, Knight promotion!"

     Kunou growls,"Don’t lie! My eyes cannot be deceived!" What, that makes no sense what she is saying?!

     While Issei is using his speed to dodge and parry attacks, our group finally arrives. I used my plant manipulation while running here to make sturdy blunt swords for the Knights.

     I yell to the little fox,"Kunou, the ones that have your mother Yasaka are Cao Cao and the Hero faction, I came here to help!" My gear is saying she does not believe my words....sigh she is young and sad.

     Kunou looks disdainful and mad,"Is that so, you all are the ones who kidnapped my mother! Unforgivable! Unclean devils! You have tainted this sacred place! I will not forgive you!"  Looks like we will fight then........

     "Issei, Xenovia, Irina, and Xuelan, remember this is Kyoto no killing. Though they attacked us, it would be bad if we hurt them or damaged the surroundings, just driving them away is fine." I then use my Satan Gold and start to do light punches on the tengu, so they won't fly away and get help.

     The three Knights do their job fast to knock out the fighters. Xuelan despite being a Rook is super fast as far as Rooks are evaluated...That is why she is physically considered to be Queen strength.....In my past life this was one of the things I liked about her style. We have sent flying over half their forces in a blink of an eye, much faster than even in the show...I think we overdid it?!

     Feeling terrified at our power, the attackers begin to retreat. The girl glared hatefully at us and raised her hand,"Retreat. We don’t have enough numbers to beat them. Damn, evil devils. I will make you give my mother back!" Leaving behind those words, the girl and her followers disappeared like a gust of wind.

     After returning, we reported to Azazel, Kyouko, Kala, and Rossweisse. I fully tell everyone here about what Cao Cao and his group are doing here and when I expect to run into them.......I glare at my wife Rose and tell her,"Do not under ANY circumstances drink alcohol on this trip and pretend you're pregnant! In my vision you were easily defeated by trash due to vomiting!" Rose just blushed at my words and a brave few giggled. I then gave her a hug and told her I still love my Vomit Princess!....I was given a smack to my head...and everyone laughed.

     Azazel said,"We were invited to a closed restaurant for dinner by the Devil King Leviathan and she told us all to come in one hour." We all then began to go get ready.....I however followed my PE teacher to her room to help her get ready.......For Naughty Teacher and Bad Student play! Kyouko looked like she really wanted that hug I gave Rose, so I wanted her to feel loved as well. She rewarded me with an A+. I am so glad I found her that night! I think she would have been brainwashed and used by the Hero faction if I did not come by that night.......

     My group gathered at the back entrance of the hotel for a staff only door to leave unnoticed.............

     The Gremory group quietly slipped out of the hotel and followed Azazel to a restaurant on the street corner.

     Kalawarna said,"The [Dairaku] restaurant, so Leviathan is in this kind of place." Serafall Leviathan had entered Kyoto.

     At this point, passing through the path filled with the traditional Japanese atmosphere, a single room appeared. Opening the door Serafall was quietly waiting for us, sitting in the seiza posture, and wearing a glamorous kimono. Damn she looks good in Japanese clothing even more than cosplay!

     She caught me taking a second look at her outfit and said,"Hello, brother and servants of Gremory house, it’s been a while!" Serafall always greeted us with such joy and enthusiasm. The kimono suited her very well. Her very long hair was tied up today to match the kimono.

     "Oh, it’s the Gremory's." Saji and the other second year Sitri girls. They had come over first I saw, oh I think there may have been a scene like this in the show but I only saw season 4 one time sadly......

     Issei was happy to see Saji,"Yeah Saji. How’s Kyoto? Where did you go in the afternoon?" Seems like Momo and Yura are not as eager to see Issei right now, but they just act normal....I feel so bad for those two girls. I think the fans of the show did not really favor Yura, but I actually thought she was cute.

     Saji sighed as he spoke,"We’re the Student Council. We spent the whole afternoon helping the teachers." That really was tough for them. But as members of the Student Council, it couldn’t be helped.

      Kala smiles without real happiness and says,"Oh, is helping us out that bad?!" I think anyone with a dragon inside them is a blockhead..........Shit I have a dragon in me too, kinda?!

     Saji back-peddles,"No Mrs Tanaka, helping you out is great!" She might be an angel but she is more like an elegant gangster!

     "The food here is really good. The chicken dishes are exquisite. Issei, you and Saji, you dragons should really eat up. And brother, dear your seat is right here!" Serafall is patting the spot next to her right....and she is tapping really close to her like she knows I will sit further away! Fuck I can tell she is mad at what Sona did to her!

     So I squeeze in next to my sister-in-law's spot......Why am I squeezing you ask? As I sat down Reya moved over a smidge to make sure I was pinned in-between the two.

     Serafall poured me a cup of sake and said,"Phew, So-tan stole you away at the wedding and I was sad! Then I came to where you two had your honeymoon and I found out you two went back early....Mat brother, your sister feels very sad!" Holy fuck she was going to crash a honeymoon?! I am internally freaking out here...Serafall is an adorable Yandere! she is a Satan-class threat.......I have to watch what I say here.

     I down my sake, and say,"Sona was just very excited at our wedding, and as for the honeymoon, it was because Loki attacked so we both needed to be there....If I would have known you were looking for us I would have given you a heads up! Also how is moms pregnancy coming along? Well I will see her in a week or so so no biggie ha-ha!" Reya with a smile fills my cup for me. Oh and is she rubbing my knee? Reya is a black-belly woman for sure! So I put down my cup again in nervousness.

     Serafall puts on a lovely smile and says,"Oh brother is coming back to father and mothers house? So-tan did not tell me....I think she is keeping us apart on purpose brother?!" She looks up at me and rub's my head and then said,"At least my brother tells little sis what's going on....you're a good boy! Oh and I saw your fight with young master Bael, that was a manly display!" Crap now she is holding my left arm and is pouring my cup...Reya looks sad her job was taken.

     Issei said,"It was a great fast fight! Also Lady Leviathan, what brought you here?" Good transition Issei.....So glad you're here!

     "I came here to secure the cooperation of the Kyoto youkai forces." She is in charge of foreign affairs, doing her job dutifully, negotiating with the youkai forces. But then Serafall put down her chopsticks, her sexy face was in a frown. "But... It looks like there is an unusual situation. According to reports from the Kyoto youkai, their leader, Yasaka, went missing a few days ago." 

      I tell her about Cao Cao and what he is doing in the city, this is also for Sona's group to know as well. Serafall pours me another sake cup and says,"Yes. I heard your report from Azazel. I fear... that is the situation."

     Azazel drank heavily and downed his sake, then said,"So Yasaka of the yokai has been kidnapped. The ones responsible won't move till day three!"

     Serafall just sighs and says,"No matter what, this situation cannot be disclosed. We must solve it ourselves. I will continue to attempt to get the youkai to cooperate."

     "Understood. I will act alone. Really, these terrorists are bringing their trouble all the way to Kyoto." Azazel downed another cup and cursed. Without a doubt, it was due to these terrorists making him lose the opportunity to go play with the hostesses. "If anything happens, I will call you guys. However, this is your precious school trip right? We adults will try to handle the situation as much as possible. So you all go enjoy Kyoto for now."

     "Yes, the Gremory group, as well as Sona’s servants. Please enjoy your time in Kyoto. I will also enjoy myself!" It looks like Serafall is the one who wanted to enjoy Kyoto the most, she and Rias are the same! She then told her sister's peerage,"Don't forget what Sona told you guys....Mat is in charge so do as he says....My sister's husband won't be ignored, OK?!" Fuck did I just see an illusion of a Reaper behind her?! All of Sona's group rapidly shook their heads yes!

     During the meal I have been chatting with Serafall and Azazel about what the members of the hero faction have for powers and abilities and every-member has listened intently. During the meal I have been rubbing Reya's leg under the table because if I am not doing that she rub's mine. She has been topping off my drink as well while I eat and explain things.

     Unfortunately I was so engrossed in my conversations I did not notice that when Reya went to the bathroom someone else sat in her spot to pour me drinks.....My gear is defective for not warning me about this change!!!!

     While I was molesting Reya's inner thigh and I could tell she had a quiet orgasm under the table, I could tell because her panties got wet! I happened to see one of the girls walk into the room...It was Reya?!?!?!

    My hand froze and I could imagine rusty gear sounds as I turned my head slowly to the right to see a blushing Momo biting her lips! Oh fuck me what did I just do! Azazel just gives me a thumbs up and winks at me, apparently he was the only one to notice me!


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