DxD: Matsuda!

Lets wake-up the Underworld!


     After being forced to go to my room by my harem, and forced to procreate with them, and forced to give them all attention, I reluctantly, with lots of effort, enjoyed myself! Who am I kidding......I loved every second of it!

     While I was being held down by two to three girls at a time, the other girls would just play board games and the like?! This was highly out of my expectations...I found I was just a side game for the girls!

     Coriana asked me to wait just a bit for our first time together, she was not ready to have her first time in such an environment. However she gladly took notes on what I seem to like and dislike....This might end up biting me later! I of course told her to take as long as she needed. Honestly I am in no hurry. Even if she wanted to wait for a year I would be fine. I told her I would accept her no matter what. I even told her how long Tsubaki and I waited.

     Benemue however was extra needy due to her having to go to the fallen angel side for Grigori matters that she needed to handle. But she threatened me, no requested me to circle her often. She is so cute for my oldest girl!

     Because the two would not be doing intensive training, both Coriana and Grace will attend me when I travel with Sirzechs. A maid and a secretary, I can now die happy! Both women seem to have formed their own click, they seem to be talking heavily about my future as Satan Gold!

     I called Sona that night and told her I would not share any information of both teams with each-other....but I did tell her my girls are not dress-break material and Issei and I agreed about this back when I made the strategy guide. She just thanked me for everything and wished me luck on my devil duty's! She told me that my mother was promoted to a higher position in their company with flexible work at home hours. She wanted my mother to have time to spend with my kids. I just thanked her for this great surprise.

     The next morning, well I have not slept.....We are saying our goodbyes to the Gremory family.

     I am currently looking at my new father in delight...."Seems you have been busy?" Yes he looks like his empowered women have rung him for every drop of baby batter in his body...I swear his eyes are even sunken a bit! I am so glad I have the every one hour reset!

     "Ah son, nice to see you this morning. I hear you will be traveling with your big brother for some devil credits...I also hear you will take your mid-class promotion this week?" He tries to look strong. I bet his lower back is in pain!

     "That's the plan, and since there are only so many sleepers with the sleeping sickness, I am saving the more profitable womb renewals for my mid to high promotion credits...Well we need to see your and Lord Sitri's progress the next three weeks too!" I just give him an encouraging pat on the shoulders.

     Venelana just takes my arm and walks me and my two girls out to meet Sirzechs and she talks as we walk,"I am preparing A nice domain for you in the territory. It will be near the borders of the main estate here, so traveling will only take a half hour by car. I am reorganizing the lesser nobles of your domain. You will have many experienced aristocrat devils under your care, so you will not have to be too hands on. But remember it is your responsibility to take care of all your citizens and make the land prosper. Do you understand me?" Holy fuck! My gear is warning me of  a major side quest feeling.........It seems I will love and hate this arrangement Venelana has planned!

     "Yes mother count on me to do my best!?" Well at least I won't be in the boonies. Something is fishy but I can't figure her out?

      She greets Sirzechs and the three of us get into the limo and await our agenda. A short while later he climbs in and we are off.

     "Here is a list of the devils I saw with issues during the youth meeting, feel free to blacklist any of them..." I look to Coriana on my left and she hands him a folder she made. Grace is on my right with her eyes closed in maid mode.

     Sirzechs looked over the list and noticed how the comments and or glares were broken down....He took special note of the ones giving Rias bad vibes. "Got it! I will take a few of these off and tell them they are on the waiting list. Also we will be traveling on the train, so you three will have the servant car just for yourselves for the next few days. and our last stop will be your mid-class promotion...I assume you memorized all the questions?"

      "I have memorized all tests given in the past 500 years so no problem, as for the fight...they are silly enough to let me promote, and with my light based magic and weapons...there is no devil opponent under Ultimate that can be my opponent...So I think it is a done deal."

     He just says,"Great, then take these seven days as a vacation then, this is a great chance for you to see all the different territories too. Ah, it seems we are here at the station. Let's go." We take our bags and settle in........

     Coriana is only going to wear her iconic secretary outfit in the human world or during interviews for me...She said she prefers her skin tight black outfit for casual wear...She just likes it probably due to her bloodline...The outfit tends to distract opponents....Then she whispered in my ear..."Plus you seem to really like it right?"

     "I LIKE!" I unintentionally blurt that out like a dummy and she just giggles....Then my gear warns me....so I just put my hand on Grace's thigh and the tingle vanished....My gear is the only reason little brother is not getting stabbed I bet! Yandere is no joke!

     We hit a few hospitals in neighboring domains and I would heal many devils that had been asleep for long periods of time. There families were of course super thankful and we were building up a nice reputation for myself...I absolutely did not heal groups of devils like before due to making this a business. Coriana also kept a detailed list of who and when I healed devils...She said that we do not want them reneging on me in the future. Any family doing so will get blacklisted from the repopulation plan.

     During this time I was able to treat both girls to meals and dates in between work and travel, this helped deepen our relationship a lot. On the third night Coriana could not hold back anymore and we crossed that final barrier....She had told me later that she was just too jealous of Grace getting all my attention at night...I was kinda speechless but I was still happy.

     Coriana and I had a bizarre connection due to her power and my gear....It seems while we made love to each-other, we would slip in between reality and the dreamworld at intervals...This was very bizarre for us both because the scenery seemed to change from where we were from places like the beach and back again...It was unreal. Our eyes would just glaze-over and it was uncontrolled. Like one second you're entangled in a bed then all of a sudden we are in a rainforest, then we would be back in the bed after a while?! She also does not like other girls around when we are making love, she is shy!

     I have to thank Sirzechs for this tour of the Underworld, it was like a honeymoon rather than work!

     On the last day of healing Sirzecks told us we would be healing important individuals that have been hidden from the underworld, but are important nonetheless. I just smile at him and shrug, because one devil is the same as another to me.

     So in this last batch of patents, there were a few that stood out from the rest....there were two half devils among them. I looked at Sirzechs and he smiled.

     I said,"I did not know sleeping sickness could affect half devils? I was under the impression it was only pure-bloods?!" This caught me off guard a bit...

     Sirzechs just sighs,"The sad truth is most devil family's won't pay the huge cost to keep half devils alive.....They tend to die instead. I think it is silly but that is how most of the nobles see it."

     The first half devil is a woman in her mid twenties and attractive, she has long red hair and looks like a sleeping princess. The second woman looks to be in her late teens with purple hair, she too is attractive.....I think the two girls are probably saved due to their beauty....Well I am not prejudiced and think even half devils are cool.

     Sirzechs smiles at my look and says,"The girl with the red hair is a daughter to one of fathers old human mistresses that passed away many years ago. The other is a girl from the original Leviathan family."

     "Oh like that crazy bitch from the Leaders Summit? Does this mean this girl is an enemy?" I thought the family was rejected.

     He smirks,"No this girl has no connection with them, she has been asleep for about a hundred years. The supporters that hid her only revealed her to me after seeing your work. They probably never would have revealed her otherwise thinking she would be targeted. Go ahead and wake them up!" he just warmly smiled.

     So I do my thing and then both girls that are on adjacent beds with me in the middle sit up. I just give them both a smile and say,"Welcome back to the world lady's you have been cured from your sleeping illness and It will never bother you both again....At least not as long as I live!"

     The redhead sees Sirzechs and leaps into his arms crying..."Cousin Zechs!" The woman is just balling her eyes out.

     As for the other girl I just say,"Hi I am Matsuda Tanaka what's your name?"

     The girl who is surprised that I am so friendly just says,"I am Ingvild Leviathan, thank you for curing me!" She is a pretty girl. Her voice really hits a nice tone.

     The redhead finally calms down and Sirzechs tells both girls about their circumstances and they talk for a while. I just sit with Coriana holding my arms with a big smile looking at me. Grace is in maid mode to the side, I ended up taking a short nap, while they continued talking.

     I woke up after a short while and I realized who the redhead reminds me of...Erza Scarlet from that fairy-tale anime....Yup but she is real life! Just make her wear armor and boom she is a cosplayer! I do not know who to compare the purple hair girl to though? Oh she has orange eyes, that is strange right?

     The redhead seeing me awake comes in front of me and bows a bit and says,"Thank you young master for your grace!" I stand and pick her up in embarrassment.

     "Please don't, we are family right? This is what I should do!" I look at Sirzechs and he just shrugs like an ass!

     She bows again and says,"Young master, just call me Kris Gremory, and I will be in your debt!" I just mentally face-palm....What is with this chick? Oh she has been asleep for some time so perhaps she is not used to modern men!

     Then the purple haired girl comes to me and does a curtsy and says,"Thank you young lord for your aid and compassion!" My secretary is stifling a giggle at my wanting to run from these girls.

     Sirzechs says,"These two will travel with us while we take you to your exams. Ingvild and Kris you will be under the care of the Gremory family from today forward. So let us all depart."

     "Hello, I am Coriana Andrealphus, future Bishop to my king here and his assistant, if you need anything just ask!" Well now I don't have to deal with them.

     The group of six boards the train under guard and heads to the examination center for my stupid mid-class promotion....I don't care about this rank because if you're not High-class it does not matter....But when the baby's start flying I will be in demand!

     My only concern is my fucking gear has been buzzing a side quest for a while now!

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