DxD: Matsuda!

Old man Tannin, invites me to a BBQ!


     *Brahe* *EXPLOSION* "God damn it Tannin I was in the middle of masturbating you asshole!" Seeing the enormous mouth open again for another fireball launching I dive left!

     *Brahe* *EXPLOSION* "Damn it old man my clothing is gone!....I only have my Satan Gold to cover myself!" Yet again his only response was you guessed it FIREBALL! I duck and roll!

     *Brahe* *EXPLOSION* "OK OK OK, I get it already, but the other day you shot at me while I was taking a shit! You did that on purpose damn it!" This time I create a ten foot spear of light and throw it at the next attack because I ran to a high cliff-face and have no where to run!

     *Brahe* *EXPLOSION* As the spear destroyed the fireball, and I dove into the rock of the mountain to get away from this crazy fucker!

     "Oh that trick again, well let's test your lava resistance!" Tannin laughs at my poor attempt to run from this Ultimate-class devil dragon!

     *Brahe* *EXPLOSION* An even hotter breath began to melt the rock away and cook me while I used all my endurance to escape like a drowning rat...I popped out to the surface exhausted and panting.

     Tannin came to my almost cooked body and pokes me and said,"Next time just use your Underworld Dreadnought!"

     I sputter in-between gasps,"If I do I will just pass out after and who knows what you will do to me this time?.....Waking up in the middle of horny dire wolves almost made my soul leave me damn it!!!! I almost got the soap dropped on me like in jail! So no thank you, I will not give you that much entertainment again!!!!"

     "I was watching and I would not let them do that, but you should have seen the look on your face, hah-aha!" he just flies off to do his dragon shit!

     I just lay there naked looking at the purple sky and the fake moon.....My two week training ends soon and I can finally look for one of my girls....I have found the whole sleeping alone shit old after the first day....."I promise on my life....I will never complain about not having private time again....Harems are the best!!!!! Shit I would even break my promise and impregnate a married woman right now! And I can't release myself........" *sob*

     So what brought me to hell...well other than a train? I breezed through my mid-class test with top marks shaming some pure bloods there...Gold-finger baby! Then I returned to my Gremory home and delivered the two new half devils....and damn both Kris and Zeoticus Gremory just cried together! The anime cant show you all of this kind of stuff. Asia and Rias, my only girls in the house, took care of Ingvild Leviathan, at least till they decided where to send her...She needs to be protected both physically and politically.

     Grace and Coriana decided to take some business ideas to the lady Venelana. Not long after, both Azazel and Tannin had come and I was truly kidnapped with no preparation time and flung into the wild mountain range....And here I have been for almost two fucking weeks!

     One day I got so mad at Tannin for sneak attacking while sleeping that I unlocked my Underworld Dreadnought on him.....I was able to hold my own for a bit but when my roughly ten minutes were up I collapsed due to demonic power exhaustion.....And that's when he rewarded me with the [dire wolves in heat alarm clock]....I will have nightmares forever on that one! Normally I could talk to them and tell them to piss off but thanks to mating season that was a big nope!

     Seems like my Underworld Dreadnought is different from Satan Gold, instead of giving me a perk like second gear, the giant armor instead makes everything only cost one tenth the normal power requirements and my output is also about ten times stronger. Without promotion my strength should be about peak ultimate in that form. The problem is the ten minutes, if I only fist fight...If I cast spells or use demonic power it reduces the time I can stay in the form. From what I can tell though it seems to be on par with the other drives, well unless Issei boosts to such insane levels.

     I stayed awake the whole night guarding against the sneak attack that never came. Finally Tannin comes back to pick me up after my prison sentence is over...I grab some leaves and make underwear out of them so as to not show up totally naked! I then sat on his head and we fly to my home.

     Tannin tells me,"There would be a party held by The Devil Kings before the games start, and my family as well as the other young devils also seemed to be invited. In other words, there is no training time left for us."

     I roll my eyes and say,"Yup this was fun, being with my harem is almost as good as training in the mountains!" I guess he did not hear my sarcasm or he ignored me....

     “Yeah, I also had fun.  I have lived a long life. That’s right, do you want to crash the party by riding on my back?”He seemed happy to do this.

     “Really? Count me in on that pimp ride!?” Fuck yes riding on a dragon to the gathering will be so much fun! Almost made the two weeks worth it...almost....

     “Yeah, it is no problem. I will take my group and come here on the day of the party. I will contact the Gremory's later for more information.” He then throws me to the ground like a sack of potatoes in front of the front doors and he just flies off like he did not toss their young master!

     After spitting out dirt that made its way into my mouth some soft hands helped me up from the ground. I see Grayfia and Grace helping to dust off my filthy body and they are both holding in the laughter at my disheveled appearance. But I see amusement in their eyes!

     Rias and Asia rush over and just as they were going to hug me they stop and see my look, and laugh at me...Yes even my pure Asia is chuckling at me.

     "Young master lets get you cleaned up and fed quickly...phht" Grace almost held it in, she leaked out that little giggle at the end though.

     "Thank you Grace and a new change of clothing while you're at it please!" And as anime logic would have it a gust of wind helped to remove the last of my leaf underwear.....and now many maids are giggling! I just walk in the house like this is normal....I will just ignore everyone...I left my dignity back on the mountain!

     In the showers Grace was helping me wash off all the nature I collected, and finally my built up lust overtook me! I turn and hold my maid and not caring that she is getting wet in the shower I just kiss her passionately,"Grace I have not been able to release my stress, if you do not run from me now, I will ravage you like a beast!!!"

     With a glint of excitement in her eyes her clothes vanished and she put her hands on the wall to brace herself and I took that as the green light. Then I grab her slim waist and thrust into her womb! Damn the first go happened that fast!!!! I was so built up that I filled her up in one thrust...damn!....But it's all good I can't stop! Little brother, let's conquer this maid!!!!!

     An hour later and a happy maid later, I arrived refreshed at my first real meal in weeks. All of the other ORC members also returned at the same time and we are talking about our training sessions. Coriana is at my right and Rias is on my left and the others are around the large table....we are in an informal eating area outside on the patio. It seems the two half devils are here as well. Kris is next to Rias and the purple haired girl is in-between Asia and Xenovia. Maids surround everyone and are delivering food and drink to us. Grayfia is sadly not here.......

     Kiba says,"My training went well...I just focused on relearning the basics and I played around with the idea you gave me about summoning out nights from my balance breaker like summoned beings...Still do not have a handle on that for now!"

     Xenovia inputs her achievements,"Because Durandal fully accepted me, I worked on the ability to transfer its aura to other swords...I also was able to give the aura to Kiba in a few trials. I practiced some duel wielding on the side too. And I also studied the best positions for us to work on for baby making!"

     Asia blushing says,"I have fully learned to heal an area as well as heal individuals from a distance!"

     Gasper says,"I have learned how to go into the women's department and buy dresses by myself!"

     Rias just boasts about,"I have learned all of the past rating game strategies for our group to use, and I now have even more confidence to take down that thief!"

     Koneko looks and says in her flat voice,"I can now blast bitches with my ranged blasts! I call it the [Loli Buster]!!"

     Akeno just gets up and cries and hugs me then says,"Father and I made up, but I told him if he tries to get in our way I will never talk to him again, so he gave his blessings.....Thank you for telling me about his feelings...I love you!" She then just kisses me...Rias for once did not get mad at Akeno, but I never knew the real reason Baraqiel said yes was, Benemue threatened to castrate him if he said no....

     I of course told them all about my fun and exciting wilderness life....all alone...with no one to love...and missing my wives....

     Koneko just says,"Calm your tits horn-dog, we have needs too...We will have a slumber party tonight!"

     Coriana whispered to me,"I missed you too so sneak into my room for you and me time, alright dear?!" I just nod in the hell yes affirmative!

     At this point a milf has entered the field followed by Grayfia..........

     Venelana Gremory calls for me to follow so Grace and I go with Grayfia and the lady of the house.

     We sit on a couch together and the two maids get us drinks. Venelana sips her tea and smiles then says to me,"So I have very good news to report to you son. It would seem half of the concubines of my husband and Lord Sitri's harem, as well as his wife, have already become pregnant. This has surpassed all expectations since on average it can take up to ten years for pregnancy....The higher ups conclude for a short time after both the man and woman are healed by you the chance to almost hit human standards for a brief time." Holy shit this is big...this means for a short time they have about a 50/50 chance!

     She continues,"This information has already spread to all three factions faster than the news of the peace treaty! Pure-blood devils as well as powerful fallen angels are begging for you right now!" She leans in like she is not letting others hear..."This means two things...First you are the most desirable devil in the underworld right now, and secondly...our enemy's will want you dead. So make sure to stay alive for all of our sake. When Rias first brought you into the family, I admit I was a bit let down...however, you have surpassed my wildest dreams for your potential. You my son are the Gremory's new shining star and you will have a big burden to bear." She kisses my forehead then leans back to where she started from.

     Holy shit! I now know why Issei from the anime fell in love with her....She is a true devil....As much as I dislike her traditional ways....I felt enormously proud to be complimented by Venelana!

     "Mother, I promise to do my best for the family! Count on me......" I puff out my slightly larger chest due to my training camp with Tannin!

     Future Tanaka here.......I hate me at this moment in my life! If I could only slap myself for those words!

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