DxD: Matsuda!

Looking for Loki!

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     Venelana after listening to my declaration, switches gears on me,"Son dear, let's talk about your peerage plans! It seems you will easily get fast tracked to the High-class noble rank. So tell me what are your plans?" She just crosses her legs and gets comfortable listening to me.

     "What I have confirmed is.....Grayfia as my Queen and pillar, Grace and Xenovia as my Knights, Asia and Coriana are my Bishops, And I have 3 human girls waiting to join me...One is a sacred gear user, she may take up to two Pawn pieces I think or one due to not being strong. So I have 4 to 5 pawn's available and one Rook available...my last Rook is being saved for a possible future woman I have seen in my visions. So that is my current plan." My face looks unsure about one or two piece assignments.

     Venelana suggested to me,"Well we are considering what to do with Kris and Ingvild, so why not get to know the two girls and see if they would fit your group. We have not decided where to place them yet and this is the perfect time to consider them. You do not need to take them if they do not meet your requirements, but I do know Kris is a close quarters fighter...before sleeping she was learning from some of your old Japanese masters that are now in our Gremory territory. She, like Rias, seems to have a bit of a fixation with your culture, correct Grace?"

     "Yes lady Gremory, I have trained with her in the past and her skills for a younger devil are adequate for my young master to consider. I think she would be comparable to Riser's Chinese Rook in martial arts if she were to become a Rook herself....." Grace gave her a solid evaluation. And Grace is better at martial arts than me so that is good to hear.

     Venelana continues,"I am not sure about Ingvild's fighting ability but she has a large amount of demonic power so I feel she would not be a waste to invest in as well."

     I ponder this and say,"If mother suggests it then I will seriously get to know the two and see if this is something they will want then. Thank you for guiding me on this subject." I then remember something about the birth rates and say,"Oh mother, would you like me to heal you again if you too are trying to get pregnant again?" Yup she said lady Sitri got pregnant but did not even say she did.

     She covers her mouth and laughs a bit,"No need dear...Your father is a bit of a drinker and he forgets who he is sleeping with sometimes, he thinks we have already tried. So I am OK just waiting a bit for him to get his other mistresses pregnant first then I will try later." She just looks amused at her childish husband's antics. Well to be fair she has had three kids already and that is a lot of a non fire-bird devil woman.

     She taps my leg to get up and leave with her toe,"Now go, your girls will get anxious without you...Have fun tonight ha-ha."

     So with that I head off for my night of pleasure and fun! First stop is Coriana's room for some one on one training!

     The rest of the night into the next day went as any pervert would hope for. And I woke up in a tangle of cuties! Coriana,Grayfia and Grace however stayed in their own rooms in mine letting the Orc girls get their fill of me. Koneko is the ultimate winner of king of the mountain and has claimed that final position when consciousness returns.

     Venelana told both Ingvild and Kris to accompany Rias peerage as possible recruit's. Also the two had been asleep for too long and needed to get out and mingle with the other devils. Sadly the two girls will be looked down on because of their half human side, however both girls were happy to know my group did not care about their heritage. I also was not aware that Venelana had both girls watch my fights and read about my history and personality...I found this out later.

     So the whole day was dedicated on the girls dressing up for the big event tonight. I convinced Rias that a mid-class promoted devil should not be seen dead in the school uniform. It would end up shaming both Sona and Rias....Yup I just make shit up like there is a difference from mid and low so wearing what Issei is wearing will lower my rank...I hate the uniform...I even hate it on the girls!

     However my master plan blew up splendidly...The older women dressed me up in the Underworld style clothing and I feel like I stepped out of time wearing something only a count from a vampire movie would wear but in Gremory red...sigh. Grayfia and Venelana both think I look devil manly......

     Grayfia left early with Zeoticus and Venelana to some gatherings with the parents. I guess they will go party with the older generation first...Bet Azazel will be there.

     Gasper was taken to the girls dressing time, and Kiba and I were left alone in the lounge just having some small talk and few maids attend us, while Grace hovers over me ready and eager to serve....I wish I did not learn what her real name was...Now I just imagine her cosplaying a wolf girl....Aika will have fun with that when I tell her to make it for Grace.

     "So Kiba, how have things been going with Kat?" Let's find out what mess Drunk Me caused.

     Kiba had a warm smile and said,"It is going great actually....I had told her about me before we left and she seemed happy about knowing there was a supernatural world. She is taking her training seriously now that she knows I could be in danger...it is really cute that a human wants to protect a devil like I am a poor girl in jeopardy." He just warmly smiles thinking of her.

     I try to sound wise and say,"In my opinion she is already saving you....Look your happy and smiling. That is proof that a weak girl is protecting your heart! The same is for her friend. I am happy I found Murayama in this life......I was very happy that night I realized I needed her! I think it is funny that those two friends found us!" Kiba and I just air toast with our juice. My gear gave me a nudge and I said,"Also I am happy to have found my Grace!" Gear says good job! (sweat-drop)

     Out of nowhere Issei comes into our room and looks happy. "Oh thank God! ouch, I got lost looking at all the hot ass maids and I have been looking for help!"

     He sits down and I signal a maid to serve him then ask,"So what brings you here?!" With the rating game happening I am surprised he came....Oh did he come with the dragons?

     After drooling at the maid he says,“Ah, Pres will be going to the meeting place along with Rias and I came as a bodyguard for her here. So, Pres went to meet with Rias and after that I ended up wandering aimlessly around the mansion, until I arrived here.” WHAT Sona is here!?

     I ask the obvious,"So why did she not tell me she was coming?" Oh crap he is grinning. I said the wrong thing......

     "Bro, she is COMING for you hah-aha! No seriously, don't let her know I said that pleas! Anyway she came to surprise you....She has been working hard and we catch her looking at your image a lot....So ya." Oh that is so cute.

     I then ask,"Thanks for telling me, also who else camealong?" I have a bad feeling about Loli's fight breaking out......

     He smirks..."ALL of your girls are here ha-ha!" Why are all my friends assholes? Oh because I am one too!

     After a while a whole bunch of sexy girls came to the waiting area to meet us......It is both peerages plus Kris and Ingvild. Coriana is dressed to be with her peerage....She still has to do events with them till I trade, so she will go with and then hang with her other team. All of the girls are wearing the same types of outfits they wore at the last part. The only major exception is Sona is wearing a super hot short red dress....Um she definitely wore it for me! The two half devils are wearing white ball gowns for nobility and it makes them seem pure...well except the large amount of cleavage shown.....gulp.

     All of my girls from Sona's peerage took turns with light kisses and hugs, due to not seeing each other for like three weeks.....I do regularly call all my girls one by one while I soak in the tub. So don't think anyone is getting neglected.

     Saji and Issei take the initiative to meet the two new hot chicks....sigh. Well they are not my girls anyway so if they like the two boys more power to them!

     After our short meeting...........We heard and felt the massive sound of something flying in the garden along with a soft tremor in the ground.

     Everyone was alerted to possible danger and I just say,"Don't panic that is our ride to the event location!" Grace was allowed to go with us since she will be my Knight shortly. She is going in her maid outfit though...but I like it.

     When we step out back, what everyone looks up to see is...Along with old man Tannin, there were 10 dragons about the same size as him!

     "Matsuda we are right on time, is everyone here?" Most can't tell but he is smiling. I can read it in his eyes....

     "Sona, my other wife to be, is bringing her group along if that is OK?" I know with all the dragons here there will be no problem.

     “Sure kid. When you all ride my back, I will put up a special barrier around you. That way, your hair and clothes won’t get messed up by the wind. Since those things are important to women. Also you and the host of Ddraig can ride on my head!” So we all pile on and then take to the air to the event.

     [Good to see you again old friend, the view from up here brings back good memories!] Ddraig said in reminiscence.

     “Ha ha, that is an experience to remember, Ddraig. However, there are only three mighty dragons that are still active left, including myself. No, since I was reborn as a devil, the only real ones remaining are Ophis and Tiamat. The rest have either been sealed, or have retired. Yu-Long and Midgardsormr never come out onto the surface anymore. And You, Albion, Fafnir and Vritra have been sealed into Sacred Gears. Throughout time, strong dragons have been suppressed. Strong dragons are a fearful existence, after all.” He says this in slight sadness.

     Issei jumps in excitedly and asks Tannin,"So cool you're a dragon and a devil...how did that happen?!"

     “There is a certain race of dragons that can only live by eating the dragon apple. The fruits that grew in the human world have become extinct due to sudden environmental changes. That fruit only grows in the Underworld now. Because dragons are hated in the Underworld. They are detested by both devils and fallen angels. There is no way they would give it away for nothing, right? That is why, I became a devil and so the territory that grows the fruit was all made my territory. When you exceed a high-class devil, you can receive a part of the Underworld from the Devil Kings. I had my eye on that place. And thanks to that, they avoided becoming extinct. I also did research on how to artificially grow the dragon apples in my territory successfully. It is a special fruit, so the research takes time. Still, if it lets there be a future for that race, that's my reason for living.” He just proudly tells his backstory.....

     Issei just declares,"My reason to become a devil is to be a harem king! Just like my buddy here!" he just slaps my shoulders, and I can't even deny his words right now!

     “That kind of thing is fine while you’re young. If you are male, it is expected that you come to want women and power. Just do not overdo it, but it is fine if that becomes the driving force that moves you. However, Issei Hyoudou, it’s so wasteful to just make a harem your final goal. If you become strong, it’s natural for females to approach you. The problem is after getting both women and power…It may still be too difficult for someone young like you to understand.”

     Yup Issei heard none of Tannin's sage advice, well at least I understand this....I want a long and happy life making my women and family happy..that is my end goal! As long as I can do that I will just pass happily with no regrets!

     We come to a city with a large area and Tannin pointed out the event site in the distance...It looked like a scene from the anime...almost...It was a large building with a forest and hills near by for a view of nature.......and on its other-side a large city of modern design....I see a lot of casino lights and bars, huh and tity bars too...makes sense it is the Underworld!

     Spot lights are shown on the flight of dragons and we are guided to a large area for large devils to land. We then get off and meet up with the group. Tannin says his goodbyes and he will see us after the event. I turn to see Yura combing Issei's messed up hair due to riding on Tannin's head with me...ha-ha. I don't have that problem..My pimp shave always lets me look good!

     Two massive limos pick up our groups but Sona and Tsubaki ride in my limo with my group. Naturally my two noble wives each take an arm.

     Rias while we drive to the event, explains to the unaware of what we are doing here,“This is an annual event. If anything, it is more like a gathering for the members of all the distinguished families to meet. We, the next family heads, are just extras, while it's really a party for our fathers and mothers to enjoy themselves. In reality, they have made reservations at the nearby facilities until the fourth or fifth after-parties. Proof of that is that they arrived at the meeting place separately from us. They probably gathered together before the young people arrived and may already be three sheets to the wind.”

     Sona is so cute, she is squeezing my hand and trying to hide her happiness in front of everyone. I am glad She wanted me!

     We have finally arrived and many limos are letting out other nobles, not just peerages....Looks like this will be a huge party.....But why does this seem like I know this set up....Azazel said there would be no peace talks tonight, but my gear started to tingle with both the side quest and danger when we got out.....DAMN!

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