DxD: Matsuda!

Powers of the Youkai, Nya?!


     As we exit one of the two grand elevators, we see a massive party-room or ballroom for eating and dancing. And yes I have learned all the formal forms of dancing in the Underworld...All nobles must know this. As my two groups are brought in by me and both Rias and Sona, we meet with three devils I am all too familiar with. Greetings young master Sairaorg Bael, his mother Misla Bael, and his Queen Kuisha Abaddon! I formally acknowledge them and for those who don't know them to know their positions now.

     Coriana kisses me and says,"Pick me up after the party, handsome!" Then she scampers off to his Queen's side to gossip. Yup she definitely is lying about the handsome part...But girls in love are blind to the truth!

     Sairaorg slaps my shoulder and laughs,"I see you are treating her well, she looks very happy! Also hello Rias and Sona, I hope you two are doing well!" I guess after two weeks with Tannin I must have toughened up a bit because that shoulder slap was only half as painful.

     While the other talks, Misla Bael takes my hands and says,"Thank you once again for giving me my life back, my son has been happy again. After I learned all the trials he had to go through alone, my heart was broken. But thanks to friends like you and Rias he was not alone. Please come to our home one day so we can thank you with a meal." Nope! I will stay away from all the lonely milfs!

     "I would be happy too one of these days! Also you should say hello to Venelana, if you haven't already!" I think it is a rule for all noble devil lady's to be hot as fuck...And there go hang with your sister-in-law, that will keep you away.

     We finally find a place for our two peerages to sit and claim our own turf in the social territory. Kiba and Xenovia are in charge of chasing off the unwanted men from Asia, Kris, and Ingvild. And the latter is not using her real last name but that of the Gremory's for now anyway. Sona, Rias, and I all three split up with Queens to talk with other nobles, I have Grace as my +1.

     It seems I have greatly underestimated my popularity thanks in part to Satan Gold and my healing deeds! I am being swarmed by mature women trying to find out about my healing schedule and younger devil fans. Grace stayed glued to my back in-case of assassination attempts.

     In front of me was a girl wearing a dress. She was staring at me really hard. Who was she? Oh yeah,"Hello Hot-wings sister!" Ravel Phenex

     "My name is Ravel Phenex, hm this is why low-class devils are troublesome!" she does her snooty tsundere nonsense.

     "That's Mid-class your royal highness!" Oh she did not know that she was blushing in shame.

     "I see, that is very fast, but expected from the one who took down my brother so easily." and her pride is back...Honestly I do not know much about this girl and I hate Tsundere types.....If you like something then say you like it already....sigh. “…Thanks to you, he has been depressed. It seems that his defeat and having Rias stolen away by you was a great blow. Well, since he had always relied on his immortality and got cocky because of it, it should have been a good lesson for him.”

     "First of all I did not steal Rias, She wanted me, and I beat your brother for trying to put his claws into Akeno. So do not make me look like the bad guy here and if he can't get over a lost match, he is not as strong as a devil as he spouts. Damn that guy has a lot of nice girls around him and he is still depressed after all this time....meh I don't care! you should just go and be a good sister and cheer him up." I am not Issei and have no intention of making buddy's with a guy I envy for having a hot Queen!

     “About that, I have recently finished trading, and now become my mother’s servant. My mother traded away an unused piece she had in exchange for me. Since my mother said that she would trade me again when I found someone whose family I want to become part of, I am essentially a free Bishop now. Since my mother doesn’t participate in the games.”

     "Ah too bad I already have two Bishops, otherwise I would have offered to take you in, oh that is life I guess." I put on a fake look of loss. Nope my Bishops are ten times better than a silly bystander! The only thing this girl has going for her is she is currently in my Loli strike zone, plus I remember her mom's looks in season four and she grows into my second strike zone...But I have two Loli's that love me already!

     Isabela comes up to us and says to Ravel,"Young lady, some of husbands friends would like to talk with you." Ah yes I remember her After the lightning storm, I punched her in her back to knock her out. I just nod to her showing no hard feelings.

     "Well then young lord Tanaka I will meet you again in the future, good luck on your next match." I just wave the two girls off and sigh in my head....Nope I will avoid you like STD's! I would rather wake up on a married woman than pursue you!

     I continued to be swarmed by milfs for a while then it happened...........

     Purr [Lots of tasty food, but master wants me to gather information, but I smell fishy!] a black cat is hiding in the shadows. Ah that's the thing that makes Koneko leave the party!

     I slip away from the milf net and tell Grace to protect Asia and the girls....She does so without complaining...this part of her I love...she goes into follow orders mode the best! When Loki attacks I need more protection around them.

     With my invisibility on I activate Satan Gold and snatch the cat before it can escape. I hold it firmly by its scruff turn off Satan Gold and say,"Don't worry little one, I won't hurt you and I will bring you back to your master!" The black cat stopped its attempts to flee when It noticed we can talk to each other.

     Meow [You can talk with me like, master does why?] I decide to fuck with this cat a bit so Kuroka will go bat shit later.

     "That is because I am the Cat-girl King! Your master's sister is my life mate and I mate with all the beautiful cat-girls out there! This is why I can talk to all cats!" I am really having a hard time keeping a serious face here! I then walk and get a fish for the cat and feed it to him in small pieces. At this point Koneko comes to my side and looks at the cat and I just silently nod. Her face gets serious and we both walk to the elevator.

     Meow [Thanks for the food and thanks for taking me out! I also smell she is like, master?!] Koneko only hears the purring and meowing but she knows I am talking with the cat.

     "Yes she is your master's little sister and she is my mate as well, say hello to her!" Koneko just hears meowing coming from the cat.

     After we get outside,"OK Kuro, point me in the right direction, and we will meet her." So the three of us travel to the forest.

     Koneko says,"I am nervous!" She is holding the arm that is not holding the cat.

     I am just honest with her,"I am nervous too, my love....I know your sister will put on a tough act and be a bitch to say it nicely.....Just remember my promise, if she takes you I will kill her." Koneko has hardened her heart about this, and has chosen me over her sister if it comes down to a hard choice. I then stop to kiss her to comfort her heart. She has her ears and tail out just in case.

     Appearing soundlessly, was a woman wearing a black kimono. With her black cat ears and twin tails, it was Kuroka!

     “Big sister is very impressed that you came this far with this black cat that sneaked into the party-nya.”

     I let the cat go to Kuroka and her eyes grew in surprise when her, familiar, communicated the events to her. I am currently in my battle coat and my sacred gear is on my eyes. I just smile at her.

     “Don’t make such a scary face. I just had some minor business to take care of. I heard that the devils were holding a big party here, you know? That’s why I was a little interested. Nyan” Big sister waved her hand like a cat and winked cutely! So fake!

     "Hey Vali's sidekick won't you come out too?" I gamble and assume he has come.......

     "Wow I am impressed you noticed!" A voice that I had heard from somewhere before spoke out. Then, a man wearing Chinese armor came out, it was Son Goku Bikou! Vali’s buddy! Is this the terrorist attack with Loki aimed at the party hall!?

     He then says,"you can come out now we can detect you! Even if you erase your presence, it’s useless. With people like Kuroka and me who know senjutsu, we can approximately detect you with just a slight variation in the flow of your spirit.”

     From behind us Rias comes out of the bushes.....and everyone just sees me facepalm myself! Rias looks guilty for following and getting caught! I purposely did not want her here so they could not have a hostage.......sigh.

     Rias came to Koneko and said,"You found me because of senjutsu?" If I did not love this airhead I would give her the magic paddle!

     Monkey boy is happy to talk,“Yes, senjutsu is different from magic and sorcery. The biggest difference is that senjutsu stresses the importance of something called chakra, the aura that is the great original power that flows into a person's spirit, in other words one’s life-force, and turns it into a constant current. It is a power that is both similar yet different from the magic of devils and the light power of angels. Its direct destructive power can’t match that of magic or the power of light, but senjutsu can make use of the unknown part hidden within plants, animals and people. For example, if one learns senjutsu, it’s said that they excel at reading the flow of someone’s spirit, of their aura, and that they can also grasp the movements of a faraway target to a certain degree.”

     Kuroka wanted to be smart too and said,“We can also control the flow of spirit and can reinforce both the interior and exterior of our bodies, or disturb the spirits of all the surrounding trees, make them bloom, or make them wither, nyan. Senjutsu is a skill that manipulates the flow of life, after all. We can disturb our opponent’s spirit, and inflict damage to their life-force by cutting it. Because the methods for repairing the disorder to one’s life-force is limited for the magic of devils and the sorcery of magicians in comparison, this attack method almost always results in death, nyan”

     My eyes grew big and I blurted out,"Koneko, why did you not tell me I have been using senjutsu ALL this time?!?!" I just look at her in shock...ALL of my animal and earth and plant powers seem to be the power of senjutsu!

     Koneko says in a flat voice,"Mat dear, it's your power and I thought you knew already....Ever since that day on the mountain temple I could sense it on you!?"

     I just look really stupid, I thought I only had powers from demonic power and using only my stamina, I did not know I have been using chakra all this fucking time!!!!!


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