DxD: Matsuda!


Dreadnought: literally (one who or that which) "fears nothing,"

You can see the Underworld Dreadnought in the item section in the glossary!

     Kuroka says,"How can this human turned devil use the powers of the Youkai, Nya?" she looks deeper and she too senses it in my body!

     Bikou says happily,"Really! you are full of surprises, first you injure Vali then you are able to use our powers, Oh I think you are an interesting devil!"

     "Tell me then if this is senjutsu?" I wave my hands and the bugs surround the two and the tree Kuroka is sitting on begins to grow slightly and the grass around monkeys feet wither and return to the earth.

     Both of them freak at my control of being able to do all three feats effortlessly. Kuroka exclaims,"How are you doing that?!" I just smile knowing my gold-finger is the fucking best...I guess this is why I am immune to outside mental influences! I was also unaware that one of my past lives was a wuxia cultivator and part of the control came from that old me.

     "So did you two bring Loki here to attack the gathering?" I am done socializing. My strength is back from my little display earlier and I see combat being inevitable...My gear is sending me warning signs.

     “No, we did not come with Loki?! It’s just that a standby order has come out in the Underworld. Me and Kuroka are off-duty right now. When the order was given, Kuroka suggested visiting the party. Since she likely wouldn’t return easily, I came along with her too. Okay? Kuroka~, let’s go back. Since we can’t participate in that party anyway, it’s a waste to stay here.”

     “Yes, let’s return. But, I’ll take Shirone with me, nyan. Since I didn’t bring her with me that time~”

     “If you bring her back with you of your own selfishness, Vali might get mad, you know?”

     “When they know that the same power as mine flows within her, both Ophis and Vali will want her, right?”

     “Well, that may be so.”

      "No Kuroka, Matsuda told me everything you did for me, but I will stay with my husband! Thanks for your sacrifices but I choose him and not to be a terrorist bent on killing everyone! Plus if you try to take me he wont stop like he did with Vali, I told him he can kill you if you force us!"

     "First Koneko and I hid the super devil hair-clips, so if that is your aim, no dice babe! And if the two of you can't beat Vali in his Juggernaut drive then I can kill you both!"

     “Do you really intend to make me and Kuroka your opponents? This time, we will take this girl, so it will be fine for you, right?”

     "Opponents?, brouhaha, no I will show you the power of the strongest sacred gear God has ever created, and then tell Vali I am sorry for sending off his mate and monkey!" Knowing what Kuroka will cast on us. So I have already prepared a cleansing holy field spell to block her poison mist. I am feeling Adrenaline pumping through me all the time fighting Tannin....Maybe I will be a battle junkie? Nope Lolicon over battle baby!!!!!

     Kuroka, fed up with my taunting and threats, cast a space barrier to lock in the fight, this is where I cast the purification field. I am also in Satan Gold form now!

     “…Kuroka, so you learned the skill to control space?” Rias said this while making an angry face.

     “I have fairly picked up on how to control space. If I use the essentials of barrier techniques, it’s relatively easy, after all. I covered this entire forest with a barrier and isolated it from the outside world, nyan. That’s why even if we do flashy things here, it won’t leak outside and devils from outside won’t come in. You’re going to get pleasantly killed here by us and say goodbye, nya” Then she frowned and said, "Purification, nya?" Her shock at predicting her next move made her worry a bit.

     Then a large thirty foot long dragon flew overhead and said,“When I received information that young lady Rias and Matsuda had come to this forest and I quickly came to look, to think I would be sealed in by a barrier…”

     At this point Monkey boy leaps into the air on his flying cloud and uses his extended blow to fight with Tannin in the sky like in the anime.......

     Kuroka puts on her fighting face and we are about to begin, but I put up my hand and say some final words to her,"I once long ago told your sister I loved you both and wanted to bring you two back together, but I changed my mind, I would be disrespecting my wonderful white Kitty accepting a woman willing to taint her in the hands of the Khaos brigade, So I am sorry for this........[Second Stage]!"

     As the voice of Morgan Freeman counts down for me to hear..................

     [10] I use my earth powers to surround and drag both Koneko and Rias underground well out of the way, I slide them to the end of the space barrier where the damage won't strike them. Kuroka cast her Kasha, multiple big wheels that are covered in black flames. at me and I just put up a multilayered shield in front.

     [9] As the two girls were pushed away, I then used the forest around us to grow explosively to wrap around Kuroka and distract her, her vision is impaired but overall this attack cant hurt her, in the meantime I eject all four wings and fly into the air above her.

     [8] She simultaneously casts her own shield and starts to blink with illusion magic to keep the light spears she knows of from hitting her.

     [7] At this point I cast my final spell before I go big or go home! I cast six huge [Holy Lighting] bolts that will fall on this area, but she notices even with a teleport she cant get out of its massive area so she puts up more shields to block what she can.

     [6] As the bolts begin to fall to the ground I use my well, now it's my last spell ha-ha, [Sun Burst]!!!! All I hear and see is Kuroka cursing at me, and the two guys in the sky are broken from their fiery fun as they too got blinded...oops!

     [5]   [["I, who have fallen from Heaven"]] Everyone hears a loud three person chant echo in the battlefield, and Tannin says"Hot damn Kid let me back up first ha-ha!" Tannin fly's a bit back because he knows what is next, he just pushes the monkey back to me.

     [4]   [["I, who sheds God's light to cover the Firmament"]] The cat and monkey hear the chant and are getting a bad feeling....

     [3]   [["When love and hope is stolen"]] When they look at me they see a bright sun colored aura shooting from my body like a Super Saiyan!

     [2]   [["Sorrow and Regrets shall cover the lands"]] Kuroka shoots as many fire wheels into me as possible forgetting my shields I cast before are temporarily running on infinite mana and monkey boy swings his staff at me hoping to stop my chant.

     [1]   [["And I shall sunder-everything down with me!"]] The two don't look so good right now.......And Tannin is laughing his ass off....he remembers loosing his leg and tail to the form before him....and he is an Ultimate class dragon devil! Yup that's why he tossed me to the wolves!

     [0]  "For I am the [Underworld Dreadnought] !"

     My voice Is robotic and deep, the feeling of an ancient beast ready to rip the world in two is reverberating in their hearts...The glowing eyes of the Dreadnought feels like a predator coming to reap their very souls. I am currently wearing a mecha-like suit of armor like a Gundam, that is roughly twelve feet tall from head to toe, It is also equipped with six large sword wings on its back each with the powers of Ascalon!

     I look down at Kuroka who has an open mouth and uses my visual powers of calculating the opponents paths and used my first Drive ability! [Light-speed]

     Basically this is an instant line of sight teleport, only walls and barriers can stop the path of travel. I then reach and firmly grasp her in my large left hand and reach back and grab one of my wing blades like a sword. I point it in the air and direct the remaining five wing-blades  to fly and attack the surprised monkey! While firmly holding the black cat with only her head peeking out of my fist, I look up and use [Light-speed] to appear high above the poor monkey-man to the max height of the barrier and then I call back my blades to merge with the one I am holding.

     Tannin yells to Son Goku Bikou,"Word of advice, if you want to stay alive, put up your greatest shield...this next attack can't be fully dodged!" He then laughs thinking of his partial dodge!

All six blades merged together like liquid metal and formed a gun-like rifle that radiated both holy-light and dragon-slaying power. Kuroka was watching this craziness      at point blank range so she could not miss a bit...She also found that this grip on her had the ability to stop all forms of teleport [Dimensional Anchor] so she felt helpless right now.

     The problem with me going into Underworld Dreadnought is it also removes all forms a fear from my mind, this is actually a bad thing because I tend to think like a computer just calculating the best outcome for defeating my enemy....This mentality makes me feel bad when I leave the form....I am super emotional so not being able to use my emotions feels like not having a little brother to have sex!

     The barrel of my magic cannon points and locks on to the sad looking monkey......But I just calculate his escape paths and activate the weapon......[Orbital-laser]!!!!

     Six magic circles of gold counter rotate and light up on the tip of the barrel, then a beam from the tip of my rifle to the earth below my target is engulfed in a solid beam of gold light ten feet wide...This laser beam lasted for five seconds! It also followed his poor attempt to step out of its area following him strafing the land under him...He is not faster than a laser sadly.

     This one attack drained half of my demonic power at the reduced rate and thus cut my time in this form to half....but it's totally worth it!

     From the smoking hole he is now standing in, he has seen better days one eye is closed to burns and the rest of his body is mostly blackened...wow he is tough, but if I put all my strength into it, he would have died for sure....That was half power after-all! While he is trying to stand and breath I then hold out my left arm and point my rifle barrel at Kuroka's hot and frightened face.

     In my gravelly and loud voice I say to her,"Because killing you would make my kitty sad....I will give you this one chance to scram! If you try to take her by force again there will be one less hot kitty in the world.....If you want to get to know your sister as a sister then let's talk, otherwise scram bitch!" I then unceremoniously throw her into her partner that just got up and the two are in a messy pile on the ground....I point at the two slowly with my rifle again and slowly light up one magic circle at a time like a countdown for them to run!

     As the two sadly ran into the portal to flee, my armor fades from my body and I fall to the ground unconscious.....Fortunately Tannin caught my body.......He then sees me sleeping and laughs and says,"Damn brat why just only half power, on them?...You used all of it on me...damn kid ha-ha!"

     Koneko and Rias had come out a while ago and witnessed the transformation and fight, they both flew to my sleeping body and hugged me...Tannin says,"He is fine he just needs sleep, his gear wont use up life span as long as he is in control, so stop crying and just watch him, ha-ha."

     When the barrier fell the authorities surrounded the area to investigate and Tannin settled everything.....I just took a nice breast nap with a Loli blanket!


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