DxD: Matsuda!

Matsuda is going to Jail!

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     Uh? After slapping the alarm, I notice I am in my bed face down under my sheets? Wait, are those bat wings I feel from my back sticking out from under the sheets? I am still reeling from my dream um, damn I am still sleepy!

      Oh SHIT! I feel a sleeping figure in the bed with me. Is Rias naked next to me? Damn girl, I will teach you not to crawl in my bed naked damn it! I will just make it look innocent and reach over and pull her in, then direct skin contact! Why am I acting like a childish ass hat? Because I got a second chance in this amazing world and I am not messing up this time, hopefully!

     I slowly retract my super cool bat wings into my back, and prepare to pounce on my helpless prey. I am so excited! So I reach out and pull this gorgeous woman into my arms, like a smooth operator! Then I see two very happy brown eyes looking into mine and notice Rias did not shave?

     Woof [Morning alpha, I love you!]

     Followed by the damn Precious face cleaning, damn I woke up with a dog and not Rias. I am sad! I am not a Rias worshiper. OK I just find her a bit cute in an airhead way, plus even if you did not like her in the show, she is still hot as hell, loyal, and wealthy!

     Easily moving this big ass dog off me I ask,"Precious, why are you in my bed? Also who brought me home?" I ask sitting up rubbing my forehead to clean out the cobwebs.

     Woof [Alpha, two women carried you in and dressed you, one had red hair and the other had black hair. They looked over your body and they made sure everything was OK with Alpha. They even made sure to take a look at Master Kala's play-toy, so Alpha wont need to worry! Then they vanished in the red light. Then I protected Alpha. I am a good girl right?] woof. I just pat her as a reward. Wow, my little brother is making friends without me!

     "MATSUDA YOUR LATE FOR SCHOOL HURRY!" My mother yelled at me, it is nice to hear her nagging again. I love this world!

     After letting my dog do her thing, and placating my parents, the first thing I did while I was in the shower was call my Kalawarna.

     [Hello love I think you missed me to call so early in your time?]

     "I just wanted to hear your voice and know you are good. I love you so much it hurts, and I promise to always be careful going forward. I need to live so I can make you happy....."

     [I can tell something happened, are you safe and if you need me, I will descend now just say the word!] I hear the slight desperation in her voice...

     "Your husband was just a bit cocky and provoked a fallen angel, but I am alive and healthy now, but I was saved by Rias Gremory. I am now a devil, my plans just happened out of order. Sorry for being reckless." I sigh.

     [If she mistreats you in any way I will come and end her! I am upset just a little that you were in harm's way, but you are alright now and I am happy you called me. Please just do not ever drop your guard, even when you fight weak opponents. If you die, I will lose my sun in the sky. So do not go vanishing on me, plus you have another reason to live!] Why does she sound happy now?

     [Your unborn baby needs its father! Well you DID really work hard there ha-ha....]

     I instantly start to cry happy tears,"I -I am glad I did not die.... (soft sob) ....I would have not met my child. I love you and thanks for this gift!" Damn I am acting like a pussy right now but I am happy.

     [Good as long as you know not to go around and think passing on is your only option. I know you have some pain in your heart, and I will use all my power to reduce it. I love you and I gotta go... Gabriel and Michael have been forced to stop this gathering for the call... snicker]

     "Back to work for you then! I have school. Love and Peace-out!" The circle magic ended.....

     I smile at this development,"I am a dad again, this time I will remember his or her name!"

     On my way to school, I did a lot of thinking about random things like..............

     I now have full control of my new devil body due to both the dream and my gears comprehension. So no accidents like premature wing ejaculations like when Rias sleeps!

     Also my sun-strengthening negates my sun weakness, nice so I just always operate in full power mode. If I could manifest more than one pair of wings (A/N only half or full devils can) I would be a four wing (two pairs) in terms of base power. So I think I am at Mid-Middle-class strength! Not bad since I now have the raw power to clean Raynare's stupid clock, damn it's not like I can blame her. I was the one that walked into the lion's den, and she is the enemy. It is natural for her to kill me. Sigh.

     Enjoy your first round win, you won't have another. If you do not take the chance to run, I might have to end you. I do not want to kill even if I can help it, but I won't die and leave my family alone either!

     Then I see two clowns bickering and walk up to my two friends.....

     "Why are the both of you going at it early in the damn morning?" I asked the pair.

     "Motohama here does not remember your girlfriend Yuma and the fact you two went to have sex last night! Tell him he is crazy Matsuda!" Issei said desperately!

     "I told you, This guy only got it on with Karen, and I think you hit your head and had a bad dream bro!" Motohama said to his mentally ill friend in annoyance.

     I play dumb,"Who is Yuma? And what 'did you have sex last night?', Issei I think you are getting a titty deprived brain brother. let's go get you laid. I have some money put away and we can get you a hostess or something!"

     Sorry Issei but Sona is going to have to teach you this. I am not supposed to know all this, and it would break poor Motohama to think he lost his mind and I know you can take it Issei.

     Poor Issei just walked up to Sona and her group like his wife left him for another woman, and an ugly one too!

     "Hiya Pres and VP, I am super glad to see you two, and Saji, stop glaring at me for talking to your boss, down boy!" Welcome back my punchable face!

     "Why you little shit, come here and say that again!!!!!" Naturally I am taller than all these guys but, my wife in high heels looks down at me, my back hurts!

     "SAJI, that is not how you act at school, are we clear!" Sona is so strict with her peerage, that's why drunk me said hell no I am not going to get spanked by her magic, she is cruel!

     "That's right Snot-G, you need special permission to be an ass, like me right VP?" Why is she not mad? Maybe it is because she never had to go to the pool last week? But why the fuck is she blushing now?

     So I take my shot,"Um VP I think your dignity dropped in nine moves again....."

     What no change, no teeth grinding? I just look defeated, turn and walk away with a slumped shoulder. I hear ALL the damn girls in Sona's peerage giggling at my sad form. Can I cry now!

     After the sad looking Matsuda zombie walked into the school.........................

     Issei says,"Hey Pres I think something bad happened to him. Remember that girl I told you about, Yuma? Well he does not have any memory of her today, after his date yesterday.. And neither does my other friend, am I going nuts?" Issei scratched his head in confusion!

     Sona said "I will find out more details, later I will have Momo tell you about the magic used." She squinted at Matsuda's dispersing back, then thought about talking to her friend later. Yup Sona is a fucking genious and already knows what happened to me. How could I know finding a devil, even a new one was like breathing for her.

     I finally get to my desk-bed and lie down for a peaceful rest, but all good things must end......

     Golden Nuts asks me,"Hello Tanaka. Could I ask you to come with me after school to meet my club President?"

     Damn I knew this could happen but my evil side is coming out because my new co-worker had to draw the whole fucking classes attention with his BL sounding words, so!

     I wave him off and say,"Sorry I am not gay, I like girls! But my buddy Issei can totally help you out." and 3, 2, 1, 0.

     "I AM NOT GAY MATSUDA TAKE IT BACK!" Issei just demonstrated supernatural hearing, but all the class just took one step away from Issei! I am a trap master ha-ha.

     Cough and eye twitch,"No I am sorry. Rias Gremory, wants you to come." He smiles while waiting for my answer, not noticing his power over ice magic was at level 100 freezing the whole class in their ears heard, 'Rias Gremory WANTS YOU!'

     I just smile and say,"Sure!" Hello lots of new rumors... sigh. I think Issei fainted! MAN DOWN! MEDIC!

     Later that day............

     Much like in the show I just follow Kiba into the old schoolhouse, and damn it is so much bigger than in the show!

     Entering the Occult Research Club main club-room I start getting excited nerd feelings and also a feeling of comfort in my bones, like it was designed to make devils feel comfy...

     Lots of magic I feel... Oh the summon circle... I then ignore the middle school girl eating 'sugar', and stare at the circle like it was the centerfold of Playboy....

     Is Koneko looking disappointed for some reason? There are two important reasons why I am not talking to Koneko. Firstly, she is a Tsundere and I HATE that type of girl. The second and main reason I can't look at her, the young me and the me from the show was a true Lolicon, and she is giving me very obsessive urges that I WILL resist! No Loli on my Pole! The urge is like being an Alcoholics Anonymous member invited to a Vagus bar, pure fucking torture!

     I am broken out of my criminal thoughts by the sound of two iconic fuck-muffins coming out after toweling of Rias, probably to get me lustful for shocking news. Damn devil women! Kala gave me the restraint to resist all this beautiful evil!

     "Oh fuck this is super bad to have Rias and Koneko together right?!" I thought to myself!

     Rias just laughed and said,"So you know Koneko, and yes out-loud again?"

     Fuck fuck fuck fuck, now they are all looking at me while I am covering my fucking cursed mouth! Shit Koneko is squinting her eyes at me. This is bad, cute, no no no, not cute damn it!

     I avert my eyes, to Kiba? Fuck noooooo BL curse be gone!

     Then too Akeno? Damn no she makes my back hurt!

     The last devil, then just Rias!

     I just bullshit,"Ya she has a familiar named Shiro, cute little guy. Tell him hi for me!"

     Can't really pretend I know nothing of the supernatural, so just gotta white lie a bit, and blame EVERYTHING on my gear!

     Then to move Rias out of her comfort zone and put the 'balls' in my court. My pair of devil wings shoot out and I smile and grin, like a devil!

     Then the big Friends, Joey finisher,"I'm Matsuda Tanaka, the future greatest devil of the Great House of Gremory, How, you do~in?" And add the Playboy smile........

     The group's faces were so scattered and priceless, then a Flash of phone light decorated them all and more shock!

     Then hide the phone before they come to their senses! Now I have the superhero hands at the side pose.

     "HOW!?" Rias is so shocked like she got caught in Heaven stealing Gabriel's panties!

     I explain how my phone works,"Oh I just flip the screen and use the photo app, then point and click!"

     Akeno just broke her stupor and laughed, and what Kiba is laughing at, Rias? OK maybe we can get along after all, and I am not making any eye contact with a sexy white kitty!

     Rias furrows her brows and clarifies,"No, how do you know so much about devils and my house and who we are? If I did not turn you into a servant myself, I would think you were an imposter spy!" She is a bit shaken. I overdid it!

     I give Rias a 90 degree bow and say,"Rias Gremory my master and hopefully friend, I Matsuda Tanaka the holder of this worlds strongest Sacred Gear the [True Longinus: Eye's of Creation], ranked zero above the shitty spear, will be eternally grateful for giving me my life back!

     This gift you gave me will let me help many and take care of my loved ones! I will become the strongest devil in the Underworld very soon, and will fix all troubles in yours and your peerages hearts. None of my friends or family will need to fear in the future. Any adversities in your path I will remove it willingly. I am a pain in the ass and you will get mad at me for a lot of my behaviors, but in the end you will NEVER regret this day! Thank you!"    

     I then stand back up and see very calm and surprised faces,"Damn I overdid it again!"

     "Out loud again." Rias recovered fast, well even dumb girls can be clever right? Right? Well she is hot so she gets a hot pass!

     "Let's start with what you do know and how?" Rias asks a fair point. OK Rias is my manager.

     I retract my wings and let out my sacred gear, then sit next to Kiba, not looking at white kitty, and say,"First this is my Sacred Gear and it has the power of God, specifically Gods [Power of Creation]. Dont forget that I am the Great Me, and  I am a fucking genius. Even Sona is far behind me ha-ha, right Kiba?"

     Nice he facepalmed! I continue,"My gear's greatest feature is its power of [Precognition] one of many I have. This power has let me view some past, present, and future events that might happen in the future. Think of them as possible dreams, and no, I did not see anything you should be ashamed of."

     I thought,"Damn I saw everything, and I mean EVERYTHING!" I continue and say,"Any questions?" This should placate how I know shit!

     The girls cover their privates like it would do a damn thing anyways, then Rias said,"First out-loud again!" FUCK YOU DAD!

     She continued with,"I-I need to know, will I have to marry 'That' man?" Damn she has that fucking sadness in her eyes I hate to see in people, so lets do lemon-aid!

     I give her my punch-able face, cross my arms and say,"Do you like your chicken grilled or fried? Don't worry about that little bitch! He won't stand a chance, I am his perfect counter! Why do you ask my lady? This is why!" I know Rias was testing me by making her question brief to see if I knew Hot-wings in the future.

     So I bend down into my school bag and put on my silver holy cross and pull out Kiba's favorite Holy Bible, sit up and open it like I am reading, then with my other hand create a light spear covered in holy lightning. This just drained the fuck out of me, good thing I am sitting down!

     With my smug smile I say,"With the power of Heaven. The so-called Immortal Phoenix is a common farm chicken for me, and how do we put out a fire chicken? With holy water! Mwahaha"

     I put the shit away because my peerage all backed away like three asses were on fire and grabbing their foreheads, oops, anyway Rias says,"I can't kill him, his house will start a war!"

     I shake my hands,"Na that dumb ass will come looking for you in less than a year for a Game, he really was stupid!"

     Then I thought,"As soon as he thought he was going to get his wife stolen, he came running like a bitch!"

     Rias's eyes lit up and she asked,"Why would he feel like he was being challenged?! Who is it?" Fuck she looks excited for some reason, is it a girls fantasy to find romance that strong, or is it those stupid novels I have been selling her?

     I cover my mouth and think because, I JUST NOW realized, I sent Issei to Sona! Um, can I make lemon-aid here when I bring limes to the party?

     Rias pouts, cute, then squints her eyes at me like a bad boy. I am for sure!

     Then Rias says,"You have been very chatty today and forthcoming, so why all of a sudden do you shut your mouth and say nothing?"

     Did I just eat a Ghost pepper, because I am sweating badly and look like a criminal.

     She said,"Is it you? That's why you are quiet?"

     I blurt out,"Nope because if you know who it is you might fuck it up and then no Chicken fight!"

     I think-said,"Nailed it! Please believe me, Pleas, Pleas, just smile and be cool Matsuda."

     Rias crossed her arms under her big breast and asked,"You do seem to talk out-loud around me? Must you find me attractive? That's why you do it?" Rias, you're a narcissist!!!!!!

     I just say flatley,"No I think my dad cursed my mouth with black magic" Yes I am pouting. And I did not say which dad.

     I continue with my stupidity,"Oh and before you make that pretty head explode, do not try and change my name, it would be super bad for you." A little white lie wont hurt here.

     Her fun countenance was wiped from her expression and asked,"What why!?!"

     "If your soul can handle the backlash from the [Throne of God], in Heaven then go ahead. For your own good you do not need to know too much about this......

     ....I need you to promise me something. You took me in as your servant and MUST take responsibility, this will be very hard for you to bear. My identity is special, but I will protect you even from Heaven."

     I take a breath then continue,"Rias promise to never ever abandon me to anyone, even if your brother asked you to release me, do not abandon me, Promise pleas!" I do not know why I am saying this but my damn heart is hurting, why?

     From the other viewers in the room they see Matsuda giving his demand to Rias with golden eyes of light and tears in his eyes.

     Akeno confirmed the pain she saw at her home.

     Kiba was on guard because of Matsuda's change in personality. 

     And Koneko was.............

     I just finished what I wanted to say, and am waiting for Rias to promise........

     Why is Koneko rubbing my shaved head?!

     Koneko in her flat tone says,"It's OK you're a good-boy......." I look like a clueless lost child, and can't figure this Loli out.

     Rias just gives a warm smile to me and says,"I Rias Gremory give you my promise to not ever throw away my favorite new servant! Welcome to the family Matsuda Tanaka, Please take care of me......" Those words send chills down my lower back for some damn reason.. Kala I need help!


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