DxD: Matsuda!

Go Out in Style Baby!

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     "I think what I hate the most is not seeing... my... favorite... maid... ever... Grayfia..." As I finished my words, I noticed my body?

     Why am I able to think again? I am sure I died there in the park?

     I still taste the blood in my mouth and my chest is in pain! Ah this must be the last moment of calm tranquility before one dies!

     In that case let me crack my back and get up, this ache under my shoulder blades is super uncomfortable, (pop-pop) shit do I have four arms now?

     Time to open my eyes now and get up, for some damn reason I can move despite all the pain! As I start to open my eyes and stand up I hear..........

     Crying? My eyes finally look up and there is no night sky or park. I see the back of a teenage kid I know, Issei with a red gauntlet on his left hand yelling at naked women, standing around a throne?!

     [Partner um... He is not dead anymore? I think you can ignore the woman and kill him, again?!] Issei then spun around in shock and horror!

     The crying from the two girls have stopped. Who was crying? Oh it was Asia and Xenovia? Why are they crying? Did Issei hurt them? And why is Grayfia and Issei both looking at me in surprise?

     This is the strangest dream I have ever had in both lives. Oh I get it as the brain dies your fantasy must play to help cope with the body's trauma?! Maybe that's why I never remembered my death!

     "DEVIL? Why are you a devil now?THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!" Issei shouts at me pointing with bloodshot eyes!

     At that I look at my second set of arms.....

     Wow black bat wings! Wow it moves just like moving my hands or legs with no disorientation, cool! Best dream ever, must have been because I was thinking of Rias?

     Meh, I saw you Fake-Issei, gave me lemons last time so lets be a good host in my last dream ever!

   I tell a bad joke and ask,"Hey Issei, do you know what lemon-aid tastes like?"

     Dumb ass responds with,"Why the fuck are you asking stupid shit right now? I looked over your body and you were dead, dead, no coming back!"

     I activated my gear on my head, and charged up [Wingless Flight] with my bat wings and instantly appeared in front of the now wide eyed dragon pup and yelled,"Try the taste of lemon-aid!"

     Then my holy infused punch made contact with his jaw, and sent him over the throne and out the back wall to fields unknown.

     I turned to the throne room doors and sent a massive bolt of [Holy Lighting] into the door blasting it into shrapnel. Damn I love infinite mana or I guess its demonic power now, meh who cares!

     I took a look over the bevy of naked women and said,"Please all of you run as fast as you can and be free. I do not know how long I will live for, and I would like to save who I can. Oh and let me cast this [Restoration]" A bit of light and healing magic to clear up their minds and injuries. Back in the real world the amount of power needed for this would drain an Ultimate class devil dry, but here I am overpowered!

     After the massive golden-light faded, fully healed, all of the women started to run and leave the castle...

     I just stood there waiting for dick boy to come back for round two. Damn is that the fox woman carrying her child?

     Damn a young Loli should not be in a harem, he is disgusting.

     Fuck even Serafall is among them?!

     I do not know who over half of them are! They must be girls that joined Issei's harem after the 5 anime seasons?!

     One fucking angel almost ended my life how can one man take care of so many girls? If I was not already a dead-man-walking on my way out I might ponder this a bit more. With my rapid thought process I can think about so much and it has been like two seconds since I cast that spell!

     Why am I saving dream women? Because this is God's gift to me, to die with dignity. I did not like how the beginning of this dream ended, so I guess he is letting me do a boss fight to ease my death from the literal first boss of DxD?

     I noticed three naked beauties that have come to me, so I ask them,"Why are you three not leaving, go get out of here Asia, Xenovia, and Grayfia! I did not save you last time I was here, and I am already dead, so no need for thanks just live out your dream lives without regret! I failed to do it myself, and I was killed by that fallen angel whore so easily!"

     I felt a tingling in my rib-cage where Issei stabbed me with the sword, I look and see Asia crying and healing my wound?

     Xenovia then asks me,"How do you know our names?" Huh?

     I will chat with her, why not,"My father let me learn of you, the super hard and tough as nails swords-woman, with a super soft loyal heart! I really loved that about you." I smiled at her while my wound felt good as new!

     I tell Asia,"Thanks Asia, I hope you won't let bad people control you in the future. That devil you healed and the fallen working together was such a sad tale for me. If you find yourself alone and afraid, just try to be tougher, and do not trust those damn exorcists and fallen angels in Kuoh city if you ever go there! They want to kill you! I wanted to save you then but no dice, I got killed by stupid feathers. Oh one second let me do this real fast!"

     I put up my magic barrier, learned the hard way ha-ha, then wrapped holy lightning around my fist and wined up like a pitcher at a bass-ball game towards the hole and paused, then an angry Issei flew in the hole in his Balance Breaker Scale Mail and, you guessed it! That punch met face and he went flying out the hole again. Home run baby! Dream fights are actually fun when [Second Stage] gets unlocked!

     I turn to the girls and say,"Anyway he won't take too long to get back so get out of here. I think we are both going to use our life ending moves now! You need to be far away from here. I am glad you girls were at my side at the end of my life. I don't think I want to be here anymore. I am tired... Sigh"

     The two church girls were crying at my words, why?

     Then Grayfia said,"I will remember you! And I will wait to meet you again, so don't give up and live one more time!" She then gave me a tight hug and so did the other two, why?

     A dream before I go disappear, but my heart does feel better now! I won't tell them they are just a dream I am having and ruin a moment ha-ha! Their embrace is warm and I can smell them, such a real dream. Huh, it's funny but I did not like the anime Asia, she was whiny and just kinda drawn plain. But this real warm Asia is drop dead gorgeous. I think she is Italian if I remember right.

     And damn this Xenovia seems emotionally weak like you have to protect her from the world. Was she not a tough spit fire?

     And finally Grayfia, my last thought in the park was of her. I don't want to leave her, but my end is here. Well lets try asking cough,"Grayfia, I-I have one final request before I leave this world. um could I give you a k-kiss?"

     NAILED IT! Plus I am going to die so her husband wont know right? OK this is my first and last official dosh-bag move, but it's a dream so it's all good right? Right?!

     Grayfia said nothing but extended her own devil wings and pulled me in for a kiss. It was passion squared, and the best kiss in like 21 lifetimes!

     I have no regrets anymore! Yay me! Then she let me go and grabbed the two girls and began to fly......

     Her last words to me were,"That's my first kiss, so you have to come back to me!"

     This is the best dream ever, and what is the first kiss? How did you not kiss your own husband? That's an awkward secret hahaha! Meh here he comes, let's end this!

     It comes crawling on all fours getting ready to cast Issei's Incomplete Juggernaut Drive! Wow, that pressure is really intense, without my holy barrier I would fly to the horizon! Then it came!

     [I, who am about to awaken,Am the Heavenly Dragon who has stolen the principles of domination from God I laugh at the "infinite", and I fret over the "dream"I shall become the Red Dragon of Domination And I shall sink you to the depths of the crimson purgatory!]

     In a booming multi-voice melody of incoming destruction, wow if I was not already going to die, I might shake in my shoes!

     He is so big and massive it's kinda terrifying! Well it is time the ex-harem is well out of the blast range.......

     I infuse my voice so I can be heard over this loud dragon,"Well God, Big G, Thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me this one last chance to be the Hero! It was not the ending I expected, but I am satisfied now. Make sure they all live well even if I am gone. Thanks! Oh, and Amen!" I know the ex-harem can hear me but it does not matter. I needed Big G to know my last words.

     "Connect to the Throne of God" I say in a warm happy smile, because I am going to go out in style baby!

     Then the loud booming voice of my Sacred Gear is heard throughout the realm.


     I activate Heaven's strongest anti-building spell and point,"Target the castle and use [Heavens Wrath] at full power to vaporize this location, and exterminate the dragon!"


     I give the monster in front of me some last words,"You're not Issei, or the Red Dragon Emperor!"


     I continue,"You are the monster named Sorrow, or I like to call you Regret!"


     Everyone including the warped dragon looked to the skies as a massive pillar of golden fire descended to the castle......


     I smile and let go of my anger and regret and leave my last words,"Goodbye cruel world........"


     The dragon roars in defiance to the strike from the Heavens. And I swore I heard women screaming something to me I can't make out, but it's all over now........ Goodbye everyone.


     And nothing, just endless darkness...

     Then a distant voice can be heard coming from very far away in the darkness. It's a girl's voice saying,"Not today......."

Issei's Incomplete Juggernaut Drive!

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