DxD: Matsuda!

Matsuda you bastard!

     While I am enjoying my fellow men getting harassed by their women, and I am avoiding lower-back ache-glares, Coriana comes into the room leading a group of VIP's.

     The guests are the Devil Kings, Serafall Leviathan and Sirzechs Lucifer! Following them is Azazel and the Sitri peerage! My living-room feels small all of a sudden!

     Everyone but the non-devils immediately bow to the two Devil Kings. Serafall ignoring everyone scans the room and when she sees me she gets a huge smile and bolts at me like a missile!

     As I catch the flying devil-missile wearing her business suit, I am showered with kisses all over my face! When she is done letting out her overflowing joy she has her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms around my neck and she stares into my blue eyes with her blue eyes.

     She excitedly announces,"Mat! Mat! Guess what?! You did it on our wedding night! We have our baby in my belly! Great job honey! I am so happy I could even save Heaven and be friends with Gabriel!" And she starts kissing me passionately in front of the stupefied crowd.

     One asshole points at me and laughs out-loud saying,"Matsuda welcome to the daddy-boat you bastard! hah-aha" SMACK! And Kris reminds him he is still holding his pregnant wife... Oops!

     Due to Serafall being the pregnant one here everyone overlaps there congratulations at once,""""""""""CONGRATULATIONS!""""""""""

     Seeing Gasper watching my actions I tell Serafall,"My wife Serafall, thank you for giving me this wonderful happiness! I love you dear!" Since her butt is held in my hands I do a subtle squeeze and kiss her after those words. Damn she has happy tears in her eyes. I did not realize she wanted this child so badly!

     Serafall says to me,"I didn't even tell Zechs or So-tan, I wanted you to hear it first my husband!" Yup both of them look shocked too! Serafall climbs down out of my arms and says to Tomoe,"Sona told me you also had happy news and I am here to bring you into my peerage so you won't have to battle! So just go to school and take care of your baby!" Serafall gives Tomoe a peace-sign.

     Rias with a smile greets our guest,"Brother, Azazel, and Sona what brings you all here tonight? Well we had three baby announcements this evening!" Sona straightens her glasses while Azazel is enjoying the current show!

     Sirzechs says,"Well not knowing all of the good news going on, we actually came for formal Underworld business with Kiba, Akeno , and Issei!" Azazel nods to that.

     Sona tells Rias,"My peerage and I came with my sister about the issue with Tomoe. However, go do your formal business first then we can catch up afterwards OK?!"

     So the three mentioned devils and the three leaders along with their Kings, Rias and I all went to the VIP room for our talk.

     Serafall throwing all decorum out the window is sitting in my lap like a certain Koneko. The maids served us all tea and the talks began.

     Sirzechs takes out three documents and passes them to Kiba, Akeno, and Issei.

     He then says,"Although all three of you have qualified for High class ranks, you will first have to take the Mid class promotions first, then after a while take the High class promotions. These are your recommendation letters. The exam will take place in two weeks in the Underworld. There are three parts to the test.... 1 A written essay on what you wish to accomplish with your rank increase. 2 A practical combat evaluation. and 3 a written test! Just ignore training for the practical test due to you guys being too strong for Mid class strength."

     Issei asks,"Um what if we fail the test? Will we be stuck as Low class?" I actually told them about this but it seems my idiot friend was looking at breast again... Sigh!

     Serafall is reclining in my chest and says,"Nope! As long as you don't do something horrible, you can keep trying! Its the recommendation letter that is important!" My hands are on her belly and I am sniffing her freshly shampooed hair! I see that's why she leans back....

     Azazel answers a few of their non-important questions while I resist my urge to fondle the Devil King in my lap!

     Issei says,"CRAP! And not only do we have to study for this test, but we have the end of term school exams to study for!" Issei just realized his amount of sexy time just got cut to almost nothing, ha-ha!

     I tell them,"The two guys are in my peerage now, and only Akeno remains in Rias' group so we will both go to the Underworld on their test day! Also you guys don't worry about the test, it was easy! Oh and Serafall my love I meant to ask...... Why in the Underworld did you put questions about your Magical Girls show in the tests?!"

     Serafall with a serious face tells me,"But husband if you don't know anything about your Devil King then do you deserve to be a noble? Wink! Also I knew we were meant to be when I saw you had all my questions right!!!" Then she kissed my face.

     I sigh and say,"I really hate that you just made so much sense there, or is it because I love you?!" Azazel gives me the look that she obviously brainwashed me to think her behavior is normal!

     Sirzechs and Azazel both said there business was done and the two men left for other matters. But before he left Azazel told me and Rias,"After this weekend I will be bringing a special VIP with me, but you have to promise to not fight this person OK, sorry I can't tell you who they are yet, but be ready alright, see you two later!"

     Rias looked at me and I just shrug because I have no clue who he is bringing to meet us?! Rias looks happy that I do not know, weird!

     We went back down to where all the chaos is going on!

     Serafall and Sona took Tomoe to the side to do the piece transfer so now Sona has her Knight piece empty, and my gear says that Sona was happy about that empty spot? Oh she must be getting a new Knight? So Tomoe getting pregnant was great for her! I wonder who Sona's new members will be?

     I look to see Kalawarna and Yubelluna both staring at each-other with their arms under their boobs, and I could swear that I see sparks of electricity connecting their eyes?! But my powers are not detecting any hostility.... Wait, what? They are having a challenge to each other about which one is the more attractive Hot Big Sister type?! They are both grinning at each other and now the two are walking to the elevators pulling Aika with them? I sometimes don't understand women!!!

     While I was distracted with the hot older woman battle, I was hugged and kissed by a white haired beauty. I forgot my surroundings and returned the kiss Momo was giving to me..... I then feel a tap on my shoulders....

     Issei is standing there looking at me in shock,"Y-You bastard!" Oh I fucked up!

     I immediately bow to Issei and say,"I am so sorry Issei! I forgot to tell you.... It just happened. I-I back in Kyoto.... I accepted her at the bond-fire.... Please forgive me!" My face is so truly full of regret for hurting my friend like this in front of everyone.

     Issei could no longer hold it and,"Hahahahahaha! The look on your face is fucking priceless, hah-aha!" *flash* Issei just took a picture of my stupid face with his cellphone, um what is going on?!?!

     Momo giggles and says,"Sorry Mat, but I talked to Issei after Kyoto and told him about my feelings for you already! I knew you would not want to hurt your friend, so Yura and I already sat down and told him our feelings, sadly he only asked for this one favor from us! Sorry Mat." Um, wait what about us?

     At that moment I was turned and kissed by Yura Tsubasa and she slipped me the french kiss, um I love those the most! Issei says,"Matsuda you bastard!" I stupidly turn to face him with an odd look and then *flash* I hear him say,"And now I sent it to my mail to save this for future uses, brouhaha!"

     Yura shyly tells me while pulling her hair behind her ear,"You did call me cute, so this is me asking you to be my boyfriend! Please Matsuda be mine?" This is the first time my two lifetimes are really fighting each-other! The current me is a big-hell-no, building an even bigger harem, but the past life me.... REALLY-REALLY  likes Yura, and she is even more beautiful in this life! *flash* Issei looks even happier looking at the third blackmail picture! but the Gods heard my inner crying and a massive SMACK cracked, cracked his thick skull and Kris pulled away a crying Issei!

     I turn to Yura and say,"I won't let you or Momo break up with me ever! I don't just casually date, like some guys! If you can accept this then I will be your man." This time Yura uses her exceptional strength to constrict and kiss me again, and she looks misty eyed? Well my gear told me she liked me back when we were training together at Sona's home and during the time I autographed her scrapbook full of my pictures.

     Yura holding back tears says,"I thought since I was not as pretty as your other girls, I might not move you, sorry I had doubts." Momo pats her back with a warm smile directed to me.

     I blush and whisper in her ear,"Um, actually I saw in my visions that when you wear one piece tight dresses, you can look even more pretty than other women! I like athletic girls very much, especially ones that can fist fight" Yura is still-frozen and completely red! I think I may have shut down her brain!

     Little did I know, Sona already told them they could not leave me like they did Issei, before they even asked me. Sona knows my weaknesses!

     Sona fakeing a displeased voice just tells me,"So it seems my husband the [Great Me] came back in time to make all the Sitri women his! Well you better take good care of my girls. Otherwise your wives will be very unhappy!" My gear is telling me my wife Sona is full of shit and I was beat in nine moves! I fell for her chess trap and I now am responsible for all of her girls.... Damn smart wives are dangerous! She then says with a smile,"That one night a week will be interesting won't it dear?!" Damn devil!


Yura Tsubasa

Yura Tsubasa


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