DxD: Matsuda!

Winner by knockout!

     Sadly it seems my story has attracted criminals! Due to readers like for this legal Loli, I have pulled the trigger on her story-line... I also have sent the data of all Lolicon's that voted 'yes', to the CIA, FBI, NSA, and NASA! So if the police show up knocking at your door let them in, and give them doughnuts, OK?! Thanks for reading!

Reader feedback?! Do you like Mittelt?
Hell NO, she is super-lame! Votes: 2 -5.7%
I want to be a proud Lolicon! Votes: 31 -88.6%
The harem is too big already! Votes: 2 -5.7%                  Total voters: 35


     Yet another confession from a girl I actually want to be with, but took on a weird development to get to this point, I am happy. It seems my girls caught on that Momo and Yura have just joined their ranks and we're now pulling them in their circle. Right now with three newly pregnant women in the room I have gotten some peace......

     I have noticed the cute monster tamer girlfriend of Issei has just realized she is the ONLY human here, ha-ha! Seems she is afraid of devils but is OK with the angels. Seems she is with Issei due to his dragon side. Plus I heard he broke her engagement like he did for Rias in the anime. I guess when you do that for a girl they want you afterwards.

     Saji comes over to where I am drinking my whisky and says,"Bro when are you going to put up your closed for business sign, on your harem help wanted, ha-ha!"

     I just down my drink and Grace pours more and I say to Saji,"Your totally right bro, but I have a weakness for girls that want me! Sigh, I keep telling myself that I am too easy! If you were me and Yura just kissed you with puppy eyes and wanted to be your woman, even knowing your harem was stupid big what would you have told her? Please my friend give me wisdom so I can change in the future?"

     Saji looks at me and says,"You're right man, I probably would not turn them down too!" I laugh at him and he looks at me questioningly...

       I smile and tell him,"Actually in that alternate world from a year ago, you had at least two girls from your peerage pine for you and you ignored them because you wanted your King so bad, and Sona wanted nothing to do with you romantically, so those girls abandoned you in the end and you had nothing. So no you definitely would have turned them all down if you had my luck!" He looks stupefied he would ignore hot girls like that!

     He realizes something,"Is that why you keep taking me to the Underworld delights, so I can experience women?!" I nod at him!

     I say,"And don't worry since I don't pay for anything it's not prostitution and those girls just want to make babies with you, ha-ha!"

      Saji asks me,"So do you and that fallen Loli get it on together?"

     I shake my head no,"We have not crossed that line. I do think about it and she seems to truly like me, but I think of Koneko and Ruruko and feel a bit guilty. I am not sure if she would fit in with us devils. Plus she was there during the church battle and I don't think a few of my girls would feel comfortable with her....."

     Saji smiles at me like he finds me funny and says,"So what you're saying is you're going to be like me from your memory's and ignore a girl with feelings huh? I guess you and I have something in common after all!" Wow, did Saji just say something with wisdom and challenge my thinking?

     All of a sudden the message board for the school pinged on those with phones with the app. I decide to look at what it could be and I see a picture of me with a really stupid look on my face with the heading of [The Beast of Kuoh!] I notice some of the school girls look at it too! Oh fuck Issei just ruined my rep even more with that ugly look of mine!

     Issei is over on the other side of the room slapping his knee at me and pointing......OK he got me there and I will accept this shame for dating his ex-girlfriends. I can be a bigger man and just like with Venelana, I will own my crime. I just shrug at his prank. But just then my gear twitched so I looked up at the crime being committed....

     Yura calmly walked behind the laughing Issei and grabbed his waist and performed a perfect German suplex! The room went quiet as Issei stopped moving and when Yura stood up dusting off her hands many in the room clapped at this display. My mouth was open at Yuras brutality on Issei! When Yura went back to the girl group she blew me a kiss and a wink!

     To be fair here Yura was in the picture and everyone will guess I am dating Issei's ex, so I can't even feel bad for my buddy here! Koneko is standing over Issei doing a wrestling ten second countdown for him to get up!!! Hah-aha! Koneko in a flat voice declares,"Winner Yura by knockout!"

     Saji witnessing Yura destroying Issei says,"I think you were right to tell her you will date her..... If you said no, that might be you there!" Actually I think all my girls are just scary in general!

     Kris is poking Issei to get him up but he is not budging. Ruby says worriedly,"Is he going to die?!"

     I just yell out-loud,"Yasaka put your clothes back on or he will see your naked breast!" Like I cast a resurrection spell on my idiot buddy....

     Issei leaps up with bulging eyes and says,"Where, where is that foxy mama!?!?!" And like clockwork..... SMACK! And Kris put him back down on the ground. Honestly she is getting technique with her flick of the wrist..... Shit did I just have a Harry Potter flashback!!!!

      Well the night finally came to an end and Issei's harem all went to his room to nurse his broken heart for needing to study. And it seems Tomoe is spending the night with Gasper.

     I saw off my Sitri harem with hugs and kisses then I made my way  to bed..........

     When I walked into my room I about fell over, due to the sight of two mature women having a competition of super sexy outfits! When they saw me come into the room I heard a third voice call to me!

     Aika adjusted her glasses and announced,"It seems you both have equally excited him and he keeps getting bigger when he glances back and forth at the two of you! Ufufu!"

     Both women are wearing the identical red dress that Yubelluna wore before but one has her angel wings out while the other her bat wings! It is the perfect combination of Heaven and Hell! The angel with blue hair and the devil with purple hair and both are in exact poses! I can't decide which one is hotter! I think I will pass out at this decision!!!

      I know what they want but I will not fall for that trap sooooo,"I pick all of you!" Aika smiles at that answer and I throw her over my shoulder and toss her on the bed!

      Aika used her Dress Maker ability and made a sexy turkey outfit on herself since it's November and yells,"Master stuff this naughty turkey!" I pass the two hot older women and dive onto my naughty class rep and I stuffed that turkey like she asks!

     Kalawarna says to Yubelluna,"Looks like you and I will need to team up around here with all these sly little girls around. We lost this round, but...." She starts taking off her clothing...

     Yubelluna follows her and removes hers as well saying,"It's the only victory she will have tonight, lets show her what a mature tag-team can do?!" And the two approach each side of me....

     When my gear warned me of predators approaching, I had finally finished off my turkey!

     When I saw my mature beauties approaching me with sly smiles I knew I was in-trouble! That night I was not allowed to heal and I forgot that Kala was the one that taught Rias and Akeno the shrine rape method! My Queen learned how to crush her King that night, although she was gentle compared to the damn angel....... It was the best and worst night for this Harem King!

     The next day we all went to school like normal and as I expected........

     [Wow the beast was captured ruining another girl and some brave man caught him in the act!]

     [That's senior Yura Tsubasa from the student council right? I can't believe he has black mail on everyone!]

     [Remember his desk-full of panties from the volleyball team? Wow how come he is not expelled?!]

      Rias kisses my stiff face and waves,"Well if you're my beast then I must be the beauty right, fufufu!"

     I smile at her joke and say,"Then I will have to blackmail you some more right!"

     Akeno hugs me and kisses me and says,"Forget Rias, come to my room tonight, I will do anything you want, you married man. Just don't tell my husband alright handsome!" She winks at me and then when she is in the middle of everyone she puts on a reluctant face and says,"Fine Matsuda you win, I will spend the night at your home, just don't show my parents those pictures!" She runs off to Rias while fake crying.... Damn she is good!

     Azazel just walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder,"Kid I find your situation kinda funny! Your just like me. You just have a fun life where the humans see you in an almost comical way! Also do you know who I will be bringing over next week?" He lifts an eyebrow.

     I put my hand on my chin and say,"Nope, but based on your words I have guessed a possibility? It will ether be a Old Devil Faction leader, a high level Sacred Gear possessor, or Ophis! Shit and based on your body's tremble it seems to be the last one damn it....... So I guess the Khaos brigade has finally made there move on her then?"

     Azazel just takes a deep breath,"You are no fun at surprise party's kid! Yes but dont tell anyone anything, even your girls. This is super under the table."

     I shrug and tell him,"Honestly it seems the only thing that surprises me these days are my girls.... It is like my Sacred Gear warns me half the time only!"

     Azazel smiles with a naughty smile and says,"Oh then I guess you have not met the new transfer student yet?!" He sees the confusion in my eyes and starts to laugh and walk away while waving...

     My gut feeling tells me that Azazel just screwed me somehow and I am not sure what he did. While I was in thought about what he is up to I hear a voice of a young girl behind me...

     The familiar sounding voice sent chills up my spine,"Excuse me big brother senior, I am new to this school and need help finding my classroom! Could you please take me there?~♪" I turn my head to see a short 4 foot, 9 inch tall blond girl with a black bow on her head and black stockings, wearing the Kuoh Academy girls outfit standing there with her hands behind her back!

     I smile with my voice slightly higher than it should be,"Hi Mittelt, what are you doing here?" Shit you know that feeling when your one night stand that you gave a fake phone number too shows up at your house saying she is pregnant? Well that's how I am feeling right now! Why is my stripper here in public?!

     [Hey new girl, don't talk to that guy, he is a sexual pervert! If you talk to him he will make you sleep with him!]

     Mittelt looks at the girl who said that and growls at her,"Mind your own business bimbo! Who asked you for your retarded advice?! Huh?" Damn she is cruel to nobody's, ha-ha! That girl ran off embarrassed.... She then puts on her happy smile and says,"Thanks for taking me senior! Please take care of me~♪!"

      Koneko sensing something wrong with the Loli force jumps in front of me and says,"Back off crow this is my man! Why are you sniffing around my mate?!" Koneko has half closed eyes ready for a fight.

     She bows with a smile and says in her cute voice,"I am Mittelt of the Grigori, serving under Governor Azazel and am posted here at the school to help with the work of artificial sacred gears with the Sitri peerage! So I am assigned here at school to help out my boss! Please take care of me! And I need Matsuda to take me to my classroom 1-B!"

Koneko says,"Follow me crow girl, that's my class! Dont bother my man anymore, Humph!" As she follows the pissed Koneko, Mittelt blows me a kiss in front of everyone! Oh so that's what Azazel meant damn!

Mittelt at work in the Underworld Delights!


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