DxD: Matsuda!

My Youkai Familiar!



     So my school day never got better after the chaotic start! I found out that not only has Mittelt entered the class with Koneko, Ruruko, and Ravel but that damn chicken wing has not given up her pursuit of me!

     Apparently Ravel was stimulated by the arrival of the fallen angel Mittelt and now there is a strange four way Loli battlefield going on with both Koneko and Ruruko as allies?! Why, why is Ravel so fucking fixated with me? She is already Issei's manager and he even begged for her healing during the Rating game? She should see him as a shining Knight right?

     So why am I complaining about Ravel right now you ask? Well it is after school in the ORC room and Rias is making me temporarily trade Gasper for Ravel in my active peerage! This has happened because Gasper wanted to get stronger and has requested time off to go and train with Benemue like Asia did at the Grigori institute she opened outside of town!

     Ravel smiles at me and says,"My King Lord Gremory please take care of me!" She has a victorious smile after being able to say that. Rias is just smiling at me off to the side. My gear is telling me she just wants to put extra stress on me knowing Ravel annoys me!

     Coriana smiles at me and says,"Sorry Matsuda, I am too busy with all of the jobs I currently have going on for you. Between the Gremory business, the Satan Gold show, school, my devil work, and your domain affairs, I am really swamped! And the last thing I want to miss out on is our private time together. So Ravel taking the empty spot is the best choice my dear King!" Coriana still looks amused at my face.

     Ravel says,"Lord Gremory I will be very useful at your side you know! I am very efficient like big sister Coriana. Even in battle I can help coordinate plans and strategies for you. Plus Issei is your Pawn now right, so it only makes sense for me to be at your side right?" Can someone bring me a big bucket of ranch, so I can dip this hot-wing in it!

     Koneko flatly tells her while eating her cake,"Just keep your hands off my man, I am in a bad mood now that I have to beat off that crow from following my King! My big brother only eats chicken, not date them!" Wow, Koneko is super grumpy today!

     Ravel, not wanting to back down, says,"Look cat, if Lord Gremory needs me for anything I will do it so just worry about your empty calories over there, humph!"

     I look at all the Occult Research Club members and say,"Alright already, now we need to get the contracts caught up, with our vacation from our devil jobs done, I need you all to get them completed fast! I will be leaving early today, due to meeting Yasaka and Kunou. I will take them over to my parents tonight, and the two will stay the night at our home. So please be on your best behaviors.... That especially means you daddy Issei! Ravel it is up to you to manage your devil there alright?" I will keep her busy with Issei!

     Ravel pushes out her rather impressive bust for a Loli and says,"Leave him to me my King! Rose left me with a magic paper fan as well! Plus Kris is doing a wonderful job at whacking him around!"

     Issei begs,"Matsuda my brother please ban those stupid fans! I don't know if my intelligence can take it anymore! When Sona paddled me was only my ass that hurt, but now I wake up with headaches and I can't even look at breasts openly now!" He is teary eyed!

     Akeno standing next to Rias pulls out a paper fan and runs electricity through it and says,"I told you not to look at my breast right? Every-time you do, I will stun you! Only Matsuda gets to drool over them.. OK~!" She has that beautiful smile going! Yeah her boobs are really nice, crap did I just drool?

     Asia comes up and hugs me,"Matsuda I will miss you not walking home with us, please be careful alright?!" She kisses my cheek, man she is so cute! Thanks to that Ingvild and the other church girls swarm in for hugs. The more mature girls like Xuelan just smile and wait their turns. Man trying to leave for any event takes forever! But honestly getting to hug the most beautiful women in this world everyday is so fucking awesome!

     I manage to escape from the old school house, and make my way to the front gates. When I get there I see a crowd of kids that were leaving school stop and gather to watch something?

     What I see when I cut through the crowd is a purple Dodge Viper, parked at the curb with a sexy woman leaning against it, wearing a white one piece dress and high heels, I know this woman all too well! Yubelluna, my Queen, is there ready to pick me up like we planned, but she did not tell me what car she bought. She said she would surprise me. Yup that car looks really good with her looks and style! (A/N car image below)

     Yubelluna was looking at her phone ignoring all the men trying to get her attention, but when she saw me she put on the loveliest smile and waved for me to come over. As expected all the men were speechless at the fact this hot ass woman was here for me.

     When I came to the car, Yubelluna, wanting to show her claim on me in-front of the school, just wrapped her arms around me and gave me a not-appropriate kiss in front of the angry boys! She then opens the passenger door for me to climb in. When I sat in the sports car feeling a bit embarrassed for some reason, she closed the door.

     Yubelluna then climbs in her driver's side swaying her hips and puts on her sunglasses, and revs the engine of the Viper and peels off like she is running from the police! She looks at me with a naughty smile and drives recklessly, but not endangering any pedestrians. I just put my hand on her thigh and smile while I enjoy the rush of racing and breaking some laws!

     So with the pictures the students took, it appears the rumors about me have done a 180 degree turn! Now instead of me blackmailing girls for sex... I am apparently now a gigolo selling my body to rich women, well most of my harem are rich noble women in the eyes of the students, so I guess this rumor had some traction. I am actually fine being thought of as a prostitute for hot women!

     My Queen kissed me as I split from her and went to the receiving area to meet with Grayfia, Yasaka, and Kunou!

     When I came in Kunou ran into my arms and yelled,"Father did you miss Kunou?" I see my two milfs smiling at my interaction with my new daughter.

     I pat her back and say,"My daughter, I very much missed you! Your smile makes everyone happy! Have you been listening to your mother like you promised?" This really reminds me of my fatherhood days in my Earth zero life. Kunou is such a cute girl.

     She nods and says,"I have! And I love your home father! When can we meet grandmother and grandfather?" She lets me go so I can greet my other women.

     As I hug Grayfia and Yasaka I tell her,"We will go in just a few minutes alright?! Yasaka I am glad you have finally come. And Grayfia will you be staying as well dear?" I wait for her answer...

     Grayfia giving me a kiss says,"No husband, I am going back to the Underworld now. I just wanted to bring them here. Now that Yasaka is here she can set up her teleport circle and go between here and her home."

     I then see her off and she disperses in a bright silver light...........

     I show Yasaka and Kunou to one of the guest rooms on the first floor to put there things away and we all wore matching yukata and kimonos I had made for us. Thanks to Aika I had the perfect kimonos made for the two that are tailor fit for there body's.

     I then held onto Yasaka while the three of us went to my parents house with gifts. Yasaka also follows the Japanese customs of gift giving. My mother has been calling and talking to both girls so now they wont seem so unfamiliar when we arrive. Naturally they have both hidden there fox features and are acting human in front of my parents.

     When the door opens my mother started crying happy tears as she greeted the two blond beauties. We all go in and Yasaka is sitting at my side holding my arm while my mother has a hold of Kunou and the two are excitedly talking and looking thru my pictures.

     We brought Precious along and she is guarding Kunou from my father who is sitting in his own chair just in a trance at my new wife's unearthly beauty. I told my dog to be extra nice to Kunou and do what ever she wanted. Kunou has fallen in love with her too!

     Yasaka with misty eyes says to me,"Lord Husband, thank you for this warm family you have given us." She without shame kisses me in front of my parents. Meh I don't care, this is Yasaka after all, what fool would push her off them?!

     While Kunou is helping my mother in the kitchen, I walk Yasaka through my back garden and she was very impressed with the landscaping I did.

     While she was feeding the koi, I asked her,"Oh by the way how did the hunt go for finding me a good youkai familiar?" She smiles at me and tilts her head.

     Yasaka says,"I had found two for you at first, a large and strong oni and the other was a cloud beast! But I brought you another familiar instead, Ufufu!" She covered her mouth and looks like she is pulling a prank on me! Fox youkai are playful pranksters after all!

     I look around and ask in hope,"Great where is it? My black sage turtle is killing me!" I feel happy now!

     Yasaka hugs me and whispers in my ear,"Kunou chose your familiar so ask her! When she found out I would bring you some one to be your lifelong familiar, she refused saying she already found it for you!" She then kisses me with love.

     When I showed Yasaka my room she decided to lock the door and she assaulted me! She cast a noise canceling barrier. She was very hungry for my body, I meant that both figuratively and literally! I forgot she is a biter! Well it was only a quickie due to having supper soon. We both finished quickly due to being horny, and we cleaned up like nothing happened.

     The five of us enjoyed the family dinner and I was happy, well almost............

     Woof,[Good job mounting that fox bitch Alpha! I knew you were stronger than her! I hope you bite her back Alpha! You need to put a bitch in her place otherwise you cant make good puppy's!] Woof!

     Yasaka just pets the dog thinking she is being too cute! I think you would burn my dog with Fox-Fire if you knew what she was saying!

     Finally family night was over and the three of us are walking back to the mansion. So I ask Kunou,"Daughter, your mother said you have a good familiar for me, where is it?" While I look around Kunou jumps into my arms and smiles.

     She says proudly,"Father the only youkai good enough for you is me, Kunou! Quickly make the packed with Kunou! I am so excited father! I will be the best familiar ever!" Did I just die inside my heart at this development?! When I look at Yasaka she just proudly nods her head telling me to do it!

     "This is such a wonderful idea Kunou had! You get a smart and loyal youkai that can be summoned to you at anytime. She insisted on it, don't break your daughters heart, Ufufu!" Damn this mother and daughter definitely do not have human ideas! Kunou is giving me sad puppy eyes for hesitating.... Fuck fine, just like Tiamat, I do not need to summon her!

     So I do the same pact with her I did with my other two familiars, it has a clause in it that they may break the contract for any reason. I do not do life long pacts. however they can be with me for life if they want.

     Later I found this to be one of my worst mistakes of my life...........

Matsuda's new Familiar Kunou, with her mother!



Purple Dodge Viper


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