DxD: Matsuda!

Thanks for letting me do this Big G!


     Benemue immediately came over to the mansion when I told her that Yasaka and Kunou had arrived. Well she is also coming to take Gasper with her when she is done visiting. Honestly my heart was broken when the three of us returned to the mansion. Why?

     Because almost every damn person swarmed my two nine-tailed foxes! Seriously I only have a couple of my girls even remembering I am still alive! Well Kunou is so cute and all the older girls just want to hug her. And Rias and Akeno are just in-love with Yasaka due to the Japan fetish.

     Actually it makes me feel good that those two are so liked by the house. There is no prejudice for them being Youkai at all.

     So out of all my waifu the only ones to choose their man over fluffy foxes is Grace, Yubelluna, and um I guess Siris? Yup that last one is kinda hard to comprehend.

     So everyone is currently in the fourth floor VIP room and I am sitting at the bar with Yubelluna on my left and Siris on my right. Grace is behind the bar acting as our bartender with a smile on her face.

     Kiba and Gasper are playing pool, and I sent Issei to his room with the question,"Are you done studying? And that's my wife you're drooling at!" He ran fast when he saw my serious look.

     Yubelluna comforts me,"My Lord, it's good for you to not always be the center of attention! Plus look how happy that mother and daughter are to have so many family members swarming them. Also it looks like Kunou loves holding your daughter Sera." She takes a drink of her own whisky.

     Siris, finishing her mug of beer, looks to me and says,"I am here for you my Lord, I will not leave your side!" I just smile at this warrior woman that is so much like Xenovia it's funny.

     I ask Siris,"By the way Siris, where are you from... Um I don't know much about you and I am sorry for that?!" We get our drinks refilled and she smiles at me for asking.

     Siris tells me,"My father was a man from Turkey and he married a Chinese woman. I was born in Turkey but my family was sent to work in the country of Iraq. Well it was not a peaceful land and my family did not survive. I ended up joining a group of freedom fighters and learned to fight. I sadly grew up with a lot of soldiers so I was unable to learn the finer way of being a lady. As you can see, like my namesake I like drinking beer and fighting. I also don't care about a Knights honor!"

     Yubelluna continues for her,"She, like me, likes to use any method that works to win, we will do or perform any order you want from us! We may be looked down on by the more noble straight forward opponents, but we will carry out your orders my Lord." She takes pride in her loyalty. Siris nods to her words.

     I shake my head with a smile at these girls,"I too use underhanded tactics, but never threaten the innocent alright! And like I told Yubelluna, I don't want you sacrificing yourself  if there is another way, it would definitely sadden me! As a Gremory and a former kind human, I want to protect the women around me. You are all my happiness. If you girls go and die, then my happiness will be gone!" Huh, I feel like my past lives suffered this kind of fate and my soul is branded with the pain.....

     Grace in front of me just gives me a warm smile like she understands me, then I noticed a kiss on both sides of my face and I was brought out of my daze?! Apparently both Siris and Yubelluna kissed my cheeks while I faded there...

     Siris says to me,"Sorry for that my Lord! I know touching my King without permission is forbidden, but I have seen the face you made on many soldiers on the battlefield and I was worried for you...." She is right, for a servant in noble houses to lay there hands on their masters is a crime, just like the separate train cars. But she knows I am not that kind of devil.

     I down my whisky and smile then tell them,"Apparently I have died on many battlefields in my old lives and from many cultures. World war 2, I was a samurai, I was even a king, and many other tragic lives, that I have mostly forgotten. So yes, I think, I still have trauma....." I feel a tight hug from my back with her breast squished tightly and I can tell it is Siris hugging me to give me comfort. She is saying nothing but transmitting her feelings of the battles she lived through. I think she may have almost died too when she was reincarnated, that is what my gear is telling me.

     Yubelluna smiles and says,"Siris, this is not like you to show anyone kindness right? Wow my Lord can even melt her icy heart? Well it is not like I can't understand that too...." Grace just smiles at the three of our interactions. She too has seen much death.

     I just pat Siris arm gently and say,"Thank you for that! I am alright now, I just sometimes overthink about the past and future. I won't break down so easily. I just need to live for everyone's happiness!" She still has not let go of the hug, but it seems the hug is for herself and not me now. I think I have failed as a King not getting to know all of my servants?!

     Siris before letting me go says in a small voice,"Make me stronger so I don't have to sacrifice myself to keep what I want, I too have lost so much, and you my king can understand my heart!" She blushes then starts to down another mug of beer. I just smile at this silly mercenary.

     I say to all three women,"All three of you have shown me I need to be a better King, so come to me with any hardships you may have and I will help how I can!" All three just give me happy smiles at a silly devil that cares too much.....

     Grace says,"My Lord, you have already made me happy, so just keep loving this maid of yours!" She just wants some Satan Gold time!

     Yubelluna admits,"Honestly you are treating me too well.... Now I can never leave my King. It is not fair how well you have treated me.... So now you are stuck with me, fufufu!" Yup she was easily spoiled....

     Siris with a drunk look on her face says,"Lord, I will try to improve as a woman so I can attract you! I too wish to earn a place at your side in your heart!" She said it clumsily but I understand. Sigh, I can tell she will find a way into my bed. I should try to learn more about her then.....

     I just shrug my shoulders and say with an 'I give up' tone,"I must be the only devil King out there that lets his servants just do what they want, huh? Well then do your best Siris. Just remember if you succeed I won't let you go and I will train you doubly hard to ensure you stay alive." Siris just has the stupefied look on her face because I gave her crazy plan the green light. Yup I give up trying to kick girls out of my harem..... Well I will fight off that damn chicken wing though!

     Yubelluna looking at her Knight friend's frozen face says to me,"I think you broke her my Lord, she obviously did not think about her plans very far ahead. Well it looks like your fox wife is finally free so go to her my Matsuda!" I kiss her for telling me to go and I go to Yasaka's side.

     Yasaka holds my arm, as I sit at her side and said,"Everyone is so nice to us, Lord Husband! I will love spending time here. Well one day I will be able to pass on my responsibility to Kunou, then I can be at your side at all times!" She kisses me due to being satisfied with her day.

     Kunou sees me sit down, climbs into my lap and says,"Father, Kunou has had a wonderful visit today! Everyone is so friendly." Koneko looks like she lost her soul seeing Kunou in her spot....

     I whisper to Kunou,"If you want to make Koneko happy and share my lap with her, then your friendship will be stronger!" Hearing my suggestion she moves to one leg closer to her mother than pats my other leg for Koneko.

     Koneko, not missing out on the offer, climbs up and then offers Kunou some candy she had.... Damn that is so adorable!

     Yasaka puts on a fake pout and says,"Why does she listen to her father more than her mother now?!" I just feel really happy right now with all of this warmth! Then....

     Azazel came into the room with his business smile and one of my maids gave him a cocktail. He then came and sat in the middle of everyone near me...

     Azazel then greeted Yasaka and the rest of us, but he then said,"Heaven just announced that the system God left has recently released the tight restrictions on the reproduction of pure angels!" This news floored everyone except a certain me that is looking elsewhere and Kalawarna. Azazel smirks at me knowing more than most about me.

     Rias so surprised blurts,"But I thought pure angels stopped being born after he died?!" Rias and the others know about my connections with heaven but not many know I can run the system as well as God if I have the power to do so. I did make other minor changes while I used my [Stage Two] ability of unlimited power. Only Michael and I however know what we did.

     Azazel covering me says,"It seems it was a bug in the system God must have put in as a fail safe! All of the Underworld and other Mythologies are in an uproar for this change! In return this even means more fallen angels will be born in the future. Also many angels have fallen recently after the change. When Heaven investigated why they fell it seemed that they were using loopholes in the system to be traitors to the Khaos brigade!" Fuck am I blushing.... whistle whistle!

     Kala, not caring, says to me,"Mat why did you not tell the Archangels about the traitors, but had them expelled instead?" Looks like I can't totally hide my involvement..

     I just smiled at her and told everyone,"I did not know who the traitors of Heaven were. So I told Michael to make any angel who helps the terrorist with selfish desires to fall, and to bypass items or rooms that block the system. If I would have mentioned traitors of Heaven without a plan, they would have fled while causing harm." I don't know when the traitor angels do harm in the story, but I remember my friend mentioned that there was a way for bad angels to not fall, so I changed the system a bit.

     Irina busted me due to forgetting what I told her in the past,"So you really did keep your promise of helping the angels' reproductive issues, like you promised! Darling, you are Heaven's blessing. Also darling, I am ready when you are!" She has her hands in a praying pose and her eyes are looking dangerously at me! Well she is one of many girlfriends I still have not slept with along with Ingvild, Momo, Yura, Brynhildr, and now Siris?! And she is the first to call me 'Darling', um actually I like that one!

     I smirk at Azazel and say,"Oh and there will be surprises for the fallen angels as well!" My face looks super punch-able right now! Azazel looks shocked I did something with the fallen angels!

     Azazel actually looks startled,"Kid what did you do?!" He did not even cover for me and looked scared I messed things up....

     I smile and tell him,"A fallen that tries really hard to repent, can earn their way back to Heaven! Although it is really hard to do so. Their heart has to truly regret and repent for the reason they fell." One person came up to me, and I excused myself from my lap holders to hold her...

     Benemue just hugs me and cries and says,"My love you don't know this but this is something you wanted to do in your first life! you will encourage many fallen that still miss heaven. Also will our child be a half angel-devil now?!" I nod yes! She is just very happy while crying.....

     Akeno stands and walks to me,"Does that mean like when I was a child, that half fallen can also become half angels?" The room froze in utter shock at the implications of what I did!

     I warmly smile at Akeno and explain to everyone,"Sadly if you are a devil it wont work, but for all those innocent children like yourself back then, should not be branded for being a kind child! This was a mistake by my father! At least as a human I see that as a flaw. So half fallen children can more easily become angel humans, if they are pure enough!" Benemue, Akeno, and Irina are now all hugging me for doing something unthinkable for children?!

     Azazel with a serious look on his face tells me,"I have not respected many people in my lifetime as much as I respect this simple choice you made! You even changed what your father decreed because times have changed. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the children that have suffered. Man you do some crazy things kid... Thanks!"

     I say to him,"You're wrong, if he did not want me to change things, I would not be able to! He just told me to do anything I wanted! And I wanted to help all those Akeno's out there!" I felt Akeno tighten her hold on me after I said that!

     Kunou, not understanding this heavy talk, says to everyone,"My father is the best!" I just ruffle her hair while many laugh. Thanks for letting me do this Big G!


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