DxD: Matsuda!

Meet the Sitri’s!


     Sirzechs said to me,"I won't be staying with you at the Sitri's. I must get back and deal with this new information for the sleeping illness, I will also add the information Serafall claimed to entice the other noble family's....If all goes as you planned, I can see your mid-class promotion happening in this month and when your results are felt, it will not be too hard to believe you can be promoted to high class after the voting is carried out.......

     It is very devil-like to hold the cure for an incurable illness and the hopes of a population explosion for the Pure Bloods. This will make Rias happy." He just has an evil smile on his lips....

     Sona's home looks like a wine vineyard estate with many lakes and ponds. When we pull into the main courtyard I see many fountain statuettes shooting spurts of magical patterns in it...like water that rotates in an infinity loop over a mermaid basking on a rock. The limo stops at the front of the enormous home.

     The door opens and we step out to be greeted....Well most of this is for the Devil King. What I see is a long line of servants standing on each side of the walkway in a bow. I also see Lord and Lady Sitri standing with Sona.....and she is wearing a shoulder-less dress of light blue. The family of three do their greeting and small talk with Sirzechs. Sona comes to my side and takes my left arm.

      Azazel and Benemue are going to leave with Sirzechs for the night, while I stay here..then tomorrow the two fallen will pick me up on the way to the Gremory home.

     As the three go to depart, Benemue says to me,"Good to see you well.....Here take my circle so we can exchange schedules!" The translation I got from her words was....[Call me tonight or you won't want to see me tomorrow!] yup I best call her tonight!

     The three climb into the car and pull off now I am here with my new family. "Father, mother, and Sona....I hope you are well! And I apologize if you waited too long for me to finish my devil work!" Lord Sitri was pleased with my words........but Lady Sitri just pulled me into a milf hug!

      "Nonsense you must be hungry...dinner is set and we can talk over a family meal!" Most of the servants are dumbfounded why their strict lady is being so warm to this fiance of her daughter. I was truly clueless how much of a stern woman Sona's mother was....I have only ever seen her warm and caring side...Even to this very day in the future....I only found out she was stern through servant gossip in the future.

     As I followed my two new in-laws to be, my gear picked something up with Sona's father....."Father may I ask? Have you been tired as of late?...Perhaps sleeping longer than normal?" Is this a coincidence? If I am not wrong he has the beginning of the same damn sleeping illness I just cured!!!!!

     He stopped walking in shock and looked at me and said,"Now that you mention it...I have! Why what is wrong?"

     I just told him..."You have early stage Devil Sleeping sickness." At my words He, his wife, and Sona looked like the souls were going to leave their body's! "No, don't look sad, this is fine!...I just cured Lady Bael from her sickness...So I will just cure you too....Can't let my own father die right?!" I just smile like a devil.....

     "WHAT! Can you cure it?!" Lady Sitri just grabs my shoulders and I nod yes.

     "No problem! Gather your favored servants around and I will heal everyone....Oh but be careful..any woman healed by me will have more children as well!" I added in that last part because we need test subjects to prove the birth part. Sona just grabs my arm tightly in happiness that I can save her father! Damn she is crying...alright wipe tears mode activate!

     Shortly we are in the greeting room with many servants around and the full Sona peerage...It seems the lord's other wives are here too....I know what they are here for! Sorry new father...I wont heal your lower back pains! After the overly dramatic light show ended everyone felt revived.

     Lord Sitri feeling the sickness leave just broke his formal facade and gave me a huge hug! "You have truly contributed to this family son! This house will forever be grateful for your help, I am glad my daughter fell in love with a talented man......Anyone that badmouths you in the future will be insulting every Sitri member!"

     "It is time for the family meal! Everyone, let's celebrate!" Yup I saw her rub her belly! RIP dad! Clearly they had some doubts in the backs of their minds about how Sona would be looked down on for having a reincarnated husband...But I just blew all of that away with Power and Strength!

     The lord is at the head of the dining table with his wife to his left and next to her is Sona, followed by me and then Tsubaki. Across the table on the Lord's right is the rest of Sona's peerage.

     I see Issei in a daze and say,"What is wrong with you bro?" Issei is brought out of his stupor and looks embarrassed. Why, because he is burning a hole into my new mothers breast with his milf hunter eyes! I then say,"Guess what your new nickname is amongst the Underworld?" Nope, I am starting this rumor...

     "What are they calling me?!" He looks excited! And Momo and Yura down the seats listen in for their man's new name....Hell even Sona and her parents listen in.....

     I just let it out like it's the coolest thing ever! "THE BREAST DRAGON EMPEROR!" Silence prevailed till the tinkling laughter of Ruruko filled the table and then the eaters held their mouths closed at Issei's frozen face! Momo and Yura want to run in embarrassment because they know his obsession! Sona pinched my side in embarrassment! "Ouch! What Sona?...But it is true! Dress Break is famous!" I totally look serious!

     "Mat, have your parents been well since the last time we had a meal with them?" dad asks...

     I just smile and say,"Indeed, I recently moved into a new home next to them, so now they have an empty nest and they can still visit anytime....They also asked me to tell the two of you hello!"

     After some more small talk Sona's father and I went to his study for a more personal chat where he told me about what will happen with our marriage...especially with me also marrying into the Gremory's home. I then told him about the plans I have for a speedy promotion to hasten things along so Sona won't have to wait forever....She can't very well marry below High-class. Oh and yes my beautiful ninja-maid is standing with the lord's butler on the side. She will occasionally top off our drinks.

     "Son are you in need of anything...do you need more maids or bodyguards....perhaps a second home in the human world?" Sona must have told him about my maid and home from Rias and is having her father probe me for my desires.

     "No father, I am not heavy into material things, all I want is for Sona to be happy, also no need for servants. I have many beautiful lady's around me and having more will be troublesome.....I am embarrassed to say that Tsubaki, Reya as well as Ruruko are now my women, so I have my hands full." I just make sure he does not fill my plate to keep up with my Grace at my side....I only need her!

     Pretending he does not know to give me face, he says,"That's fantastic. I am glad you have taken some of Sona's girls into your harem....I am looking forward to you making the family grow!" Um, did my gear just do the side quest bullshit just then? "jasper please take Matsuda's servant to her guest room then lead my son to my daughters room." ALERT ALERT ALERT! Is this not like breaking some kind of noble etiquette or something?! No he just doesn't want me bailing on the family....Just like Rias...You can't un-cook the rice! "Have a good night son! See you at breakfast or lunch."

     "This way young master!" Grace and I followed the butler....Why does this feel like I am going to an execution and not going to lay down with my wife to be?! My gear is buzzing! We stop at a guest room and then my Grace gives me a hug like she will never see me again but silently and reluctantly goes into her room. She knows she can't embarrass me here...I will give her lots of love later.

     Finally I arrive and knock on the door I was led to....A moment later a blushing Sona in a white night gown opens the door and silently waits for me to walk in....So I do and close and lock the door. What I saw when I turned around made me want to eject my four wings in Satan Gold form and fly as fast as I could!!!

     On Sona's bed sitting there in a wide variety of lewdness were three beauties wearing different outfits. Tsubaki was wearing an excessively short Japanese style robe for seduction in the color of red. Ruruko was wearing green striped panties and a bra going for the loli look! Her hair was down and straight, plus the blush on her face just made me want to commit a crime! What made her look even more criminal was she was purposely holding a small teddy-bear to make herself seem younger!!!! And finally there was Reya leaning on her side looking like she was half asleep....She is wearing......NOTHING!!!!!!

     Reya's giggle snapped me out of my daze while Sona held my left arm and incidentally in her cleavage...She is blushing hard.....Um speaking of hard, when did little brother get so big?

      "Looks like Mat wants to run from a big meal...But little Mat wants to stay and play!" Reya just used her finger in a [come to me] gesture, and my damn legs actually brought me to her along with Sona! She stood up in all her glory and undid my combat outfit with skill....before I knew it I was bare.

     I just sigh in my mind and say,"If you don't run now, by morning anyone in this room will not be pure anymore!" My only answer was three giggling women and Sona holding me in shame and determination! I just now realized.......UNHOLY HELL A FIVE-SOME!!!!!!!!!

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