DxD: Matsuda!

Coriana is not coming, DAMN!

     As I walked to Sirzechs I gave him the bow for Being the Devil King. He then smiles at me,"I hope your trip was good?"

     "It was, thank you very much. I escorted the Fallen Angel's and increased our commitment to one another!" Yes with drool, a deep kiss and boob diving!

     Sirzechs smiles at my attempts to follow noble custom's. "Well everything is arranged, Misla Bael is stable with no change." We get to his car and what do I see...a maid that looks like that one lieutenant from the show Bleach, with the orange hair and huge knockers holding the car door open for us...This has to be the maid Grayfia told me not to flirt with! Meh Grayfia is still ten times better!

     We sat in the car and I pulled out an envelope and passed it to Sirzechs,"Big Brother you have done so much for me, here I must repay your kindness." At first he did not expect much but when he saw the contents of the envelope his eyes bugged out in surprise! His maid was shocked I called him Big Brother too.

     What I gave him was all the photos of Rias that I have been stockpiling for him...Like her crappy disguise when she walked into my dads book shop...and when I first joined the peerage..the snapshot of all four of their shocked dumb faces! Plus I took shots of her reading light novels while she thought no one was looking and many others like drooling in her sleep. Yes Rias will kill me later but sacrifices must be made!

he just puts them away for later and we just had a quiet ride after that.....Damn his new maid is hot!

     We finally drive in front of an old looking villa in the countryside and are let out of the car. When we step out I see.......

     The older butler of Misla Bael, I also see a young maid with luxurious long black hair there as well. Finally I see two other younger devils I recognize. Sairaorg Bael and his Queen, Kuisha Abaddon.

     My eyes ignore the four unintentionally, and I search for the one I wanted to meet in real life......Coriana Andrealphus! She is nowhere to be seen...damn she just has a lover or is in love with Sairaorg. I told Sirzechs to not have her show up if she was not single......You know what this is good...I have way to many fucking women who love me.....Shit I just picked up another on the frigging train too!

     My eyes then land back on Sairaorg,"Greetings lord Bael! I have wanted to meet you for a long time! You are as impressive as I remember!" Also they have already greeted big bro while I was daydreaming.

     Sairaorg just raises his thick eyebrows and says,"Rumors says you have glimpsed the future, is that right?....So is that how you know about me?"

     I just reply pointing to my shades,"My gear, the eyes of creation have given me insights, but it's incomplete....I only saw an alternate time! And no I am not your match....Your raw strength is a massive wall to climb so please don't expect much from me!"

     Sairaorg laughs,"This from the man who sent Vali the Vanishing Dragon packing!"

      "You're wrong, that was a sneak attack, and I ran soon after.....I am just built to counter his dragon.....Him and one other ass-hole I will kill!" seems I did not notice my gear had shimmered there a bit. "Your mother has waited long enough to see her son, let's go lord Sairaorg!"

     "Yes, let's go and thanks for doing this!" I just smile and don't respond...my reasons for doing this were purely selfish, and now that I think of it I was being dumb with my request....sure Coriana Andrealphus is incredible but it is not like she will just fall in front of me like in those fan-fictions.

     The black haired maid said,"Please young master follow me. My name is Iris and I will serve you while you visit us today." Well maybe this was not a total waste, this maid is pretty at least! Damn I am turning into Issei! But my gear is telling me to talk with this Iris.........Well I will leave in a couple of hours anyway, and I will never see her again.

     Sairaorg asks,"Penny for your thoughts....you seem distracted?" He is fucking with me he clearly saw me checking out his maid.

     I just sigh and move closer then whisper,"My gear is telling me to flirt with your maid and it is confusing me....I have the power of foresight but things are never clear for me....." His smile grew bigger.

     "Sorry for not meeting your request, Coriana is a very shy girl." Damn I am turning red.

     "No, I am just glad she has someone in her life...My visions did not show me her personal life.....Honestly when I made that request...I was in the middle of fighting a small war, so my brain was not thinking clearly. Please don't tell anyone OK?!" I look embarrassed.

     Sairaorg smirks and asks,"So if she showed up, what would you have said to her?" He is more gossipy than a girl!!!!

     I just look up at the sky and say,"Please be my Bishop!" No I would not have said that only a moron would take that request seriously!

     Sairaorg laughs like a mountain at my words,"You know she is a mixed heritage devil right?"

     I just look at him stupidly...."So what? All the girls around me have three faction differences....I am a devil that only looks at a person's heart, Just like you only look for strength and talent!" Man I hate supremacists...My daughter is a half breed after all! Hell, my future child with Grayfia is of mixed heritage too!

    "Sorry if I touched a soft spot......"

     Sirzechs clarifies..."Sairaorg, he is having a mixed heritage child with Grayfia, so that is why it's a soft spot for him!"

     Sairaorg is amazed,"So the rumors are true! The Ultimate Queen is your woman.....Wow and the rumors of your fertility must be true to have happened so fast." I tripped at his words, and he just laughed again....fortunately we arrived at his mothers room. I just want to go hide!

     Sirzechs and a few officials from the higher-ups are here to record this event for if it works, I will become Underworld famous overnight....Its like walking on the moon for devils! The middle aged looking butler is running some equipment to record as well.

     Sairaorg and his Queen stand on the left side of the bed. Then Iris the maid takes my hand and guides me to the right side of the bed to get a better look. When she took my hand my gear sent messages up my spine like it wanted me to be close to her....I inadvertently gently squeezed her soft hand.....The fuck is with my gear!!! And she is making my heart flutter?! I feel like I have met with my music idol and she is taking me backstage!!! Apparently I was not the only one that felt something...Her eyes got a bit bigger and she gently held my hand.....The fuck!!!

     I pull my hand back while my face is embarrassed! *cough* I just say,"Sorry Ms Iris....My gear acts strange at times...so ...." I turn my head to face Sairaorg's mother and place my hand on the top of her head to see what my gear can determine...."Oh this is a natural affliction and not a curse! This means I should be able to remove and bring her back! Everyone who wishes to benefit from my magic step forward...This is a free be!"

     I go to the foot of the bed and activate my Satan Gold balance breaker. This gets a lot of attention because most have only seen me on crystal displays.

     In my modified voice I say,"Second Stage!, [Restoration]!!!" After my few second chant was completed the entire room was filled with white and gold light.

     My gear fully vanished to save my energy. I can tell she is opening her eyes, the others can't see this till the light fully fades, but I walk to the door and step out to the waiting area to sit. I want son and mother to not have a, savior to thank, hovering around.

     Misla was sitting up when everyone noticed and she was looking at a crying,"Sairaorg my son! You are so big now!" She pulled the life support out and jumped to her son...She is in peak health like she was not at death's door just a minute ago. Sairaorg was just holding his mother hoping she was not a dream and he was really holding his tears but shit happens! His Queen was crying too....So was the Butler and the maid Iris. The observing noble devils that came to watch were speechless. Sirzechs looked at where I went and was glad Rias found me! If this can be cured then clearly the revitalization of devil women's wombs is not far fetched either! Hell, even Sairaorg's mother can now have more children.....that is amazing!

     I am just chilling listening to the commotion in there......"Thanks for this amazing gold-finger Big G! I understand now how you said I need to figure things out......I love my life here in this world!" I just close my eyes and relax...after all I will be here for a while.

     A while later I smell a nice fragrance as well as sweet tea, so I open my eyes to see Iris with a tray of tea. "May I offer you iced sweet tea, young master?"

     I sit up and take the tea...Actually I loved sweet tea in my past life and had not had good cold tea in this life! Out of nostalgia I rub the cold glass on my forehead and relax thinking of the old days. "This is good tea thank you Iris!"

     She giggled watching my actions and she said,"It is inappropriate for a servant to ask, but may I hold your hand once more? I felt something and wanted to see if it happened again?" Well her long beautiful black hair and blue eyes are alluring and her figure is nice....Can't go wrong holding her hand right? Damn why am I turning into Issei!

     As my hand extends my gear is back on my eyes......She takes my hand in hers and........I don't want to let her hand go! How can just holding her hand feel so good....Oh maybe it's a devil power she has? Her eyes seem slightly unfocused but she is not unconscious? Maybe she is just deep in thought? She does not look in pain. Soon her eyes just stare into mine and her thumb is gently rubbing the back of my hand....Um this action feels kinda lewd why?

     "Ms Iris are you alright?.....I am afraid if we hold hands any longer I will have to marry you!.....Well I don't think I would mind, but I am concerned for your future!" I just have the urge to tease this sexy maid! Hey look at that she is blushing....but she has not let my hand go? Is she getting some kind of power up like Issei's boob power?! Fine I will turn it up a bit....So I rub her hand with my thumb like she is doing to me....This is fucking fun!.....it is like foreplay!

     *cough* The two of us are brought out of our high?! And we look to see Sirzechs, Sairaorg, Misla, and Kuisha. Iris quickly hides her hands in-front like a good maid should and tries to calm her flushed face.

     Kuisha covers her mouth and says,"Should we come back?!" Now I am blushing......

     Sairaorg just gives me a thumbs up and says,"So you like my maid huh ha-ha!"

     His mother scolds him,"Sairaorg, that's not how you treat your benefactor!" I can foresee gratitude and nonsense so I'll stop it here!

     I smile,"No need for any thanks or gratitude....I had a really nice glass of sweet tea as payment, so the only thing Sairaorg can do to repay me is try not to punch me too hard in the future! Just live with no regrets and we are square.....Sirzechs, is it time to go?" I won't call him Big Brother in a setting like this! He just nods.

     I start to follow him and stop....I turn and say,"I came to meet a beautiful woman....and I did, please take care, Iris!" I smile and then follow my big bro to the limo!

     After the limo left the four individuals are happy at the developments........

     Sairaorg smiles at Iris and asks,"So how did it go with him?" His queen has the look of a gossipy girl listening in.

     Iris smiles and says,"He moved my heart, and he unlocked the powers of my devil blood!" Everyone was shocked, well his mother is out of the loop.

     She continued,"I could feel his every feeling for me, as Iris and Coriana! He did not lie, he really just wanted to meet me." As she finished her sentence her disguise faded to show herself with blond hair instead of black, and her eyes went from blue to red. Her silly smile stayed the same! "His sacred gear truly betrayed his heart to me and he had no clue!"

     Sairaorg sighs,"Guess I need to start looking for a bishop replacement eh?"

     Coriana just said,"If he will have me it would make me happy...Yes."



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