DxD: Matsuda!

I will die with you!

     *Knock* *Knock* *Knock* "Young master please finish immediately, The young lady is looking for you!" Grace is apparently out side the bathroom door and alerting me of Rias....Fuck I love my maid!

     Good timing because Xenovia and I are finishing at the same time apparently! She tightens her legs around me to insure I am as deep as possible and I can't help but release my pent up lust! "Ah! Grace...I-I am coming!!!" Alright the fields are fertilized now for a fast cleanup and clothing.....THE FUCK! "Xenovia, why are you putting your panties in my pocket?!"

     "I am getting off soon and I want you to remember me while you are gone....It's OK, Aika said men liked to sniff girls undergarments!'' She says this with such determination like it's a fact!

     "Um thanks for the trophy but I won't be sniffing them! And I can never forget you my lovely Knight!" We both exit the bathroom followed by Grace and come back to our seats....It was a smooth getaway.........WAS.......

     Koneko sniffs the two of us and says in her flat tone,"Damn, I should have thought of that! Well there is the train back!" weird but lewd!

     Before the train stops, all those getting off collect their things, and my conga line of girls give me their goodbys....I feel like a harem lord every time they line up! Koneko waits for the last...."Don't tell the other girls but last is best because I get a longer kiss!" As I am molested by the middle-school looking girl I think her logic is really good! Or is it the best for last?

     Finally they depart and I see Grayfia outside so I open up a circle to her...she of course accepts and looks to my window. I smile at her and notice something new...."I am happy, I can finally see you showing our baby, now it feels real!"

     [Sorry I tried to go to Sirzechs side so I can be with you early, but alas I have duty's here as well....I will keep the bed warm for you!]

     I blow her a kiss and say,"Oh that's right! Put Xenovia and Asia in the same room....They will feel better together.......And I can't wait to return to you!" The train begins to move for the Sitri domain at this point.

     [Good luck on your experiment...Although I don't care if your low or high class status.....I know it will make life for us better so good luck! And finally keep your hands off Sirzechs new future Queen...I cant afford for him to lose another love interest to you!]

     "What?!" I am dumbfounded!.....

     [You know he asked for my hand, after the civil war right? Well I turned him down waiting for you.....He was shocked that the man I waited for actually came after so long! You are a very lucky man to have captured this woman's heart so never forget that!]

     "I guarantee there are countless men that hate me for capturing your heart.....So you can't leave me! I will stay here a long time for you......Ah they are calling me. I have to go! Love you." we end the call.

     Azazel and Benemue sit with me and Grace. He says,"Alright kid when we get to the next station we will be splitting up and only you will be traveling with Sirzechs to a country manor...the three of us will go to the Sitri home and wait for you to join us for dinner. We will spend the night there then head back to the Gremory home on Sunday..then on Tuesday will be the youth gathering. Any questions?"

     "Benemue I did not see you in my visions, what will you be doing?" Both women at my sides look shocked at my words.....oops. I forgot to mention that huh?

     She looks at Azazel for answers, then says,"What visions and what are you talking about?"

     I look at Azazel and sigh,"Benemue you were not supposed to be at the leaders summit, Azazel decided to mess with my visions of the future by throwing in a wrench. you and I were never supposed to meet...Hell I never knew who you were but he did. In fact your being here as well as Grace is not in my calculations!" Grace's eyes open wide hearing such incredible words. I just pat her hands in comfort so she does not freak out. "So now that a lot of unknowns are present, I have to figure out how to handle all of these world ending conflicts before we all die...So nothing too important, just my everyday life now!" I shrug like it's nothing but the two girls are having internal conflicts and my poor life choice of a friend just opened a bottle of alcohol and is enjoying the show!

     "I am going to be joining the meeting with the Northern gods. And I was planning on observing you for a while......" Benemue did not want to say the last part but she did not want to sabotage me either.

     I smile at that and say,"Good, do you think you can fight Shalba?" Azazel spat out his mouthful of drink to the side...."What?!"

     "What you brought her into my life, so why not let her help if she wants?.......Did you not think how much fun it was to mess with the two of us? ha-ha!" I am laughing but no humor is there.

     "During one of my rating games I want you to replace Asia, and help to sneak attack the Khaos and Old Satan faction with me.....If you are willing.....And If you don't want to then fine...I will do it myself." I just sit back and wait.

     She leaps up and grabs me, freaking me and Grace a bit......"If you die I will die with you! So no, I won't let you fight alone!!!!" I will be honest with you...I almost missed all her words because my face is deep in her cleavage.....I remember in the pool I said I was immune to great big biddy's.....I have been proven wrong right now!

     Yup ten winged angel strength is not some thing this Great Me can handle........Fuck is she crying....damn.....Alright then the only thing I can do is hug back right?!

     She dropped to her knees when I hugged her and she is holding my waist and quietly crying....Grace just closes her eyes in maid mode and Azazel just shrugs like this was not his fault! After a while she fell asleep....Um this is new for me.....So I pick her up and put her in my lap?! Everyone stayed quiet for the rest of the train ride after that...And I am left holding the proverbial bag!

     The announcement of their impending arrival starts to wake this fallen angel in my arms, Benemue seems out of it. I just move her hair out of her face then wipe off the drool on her lips. This seemed to get her attention, noticing the small drool stain on my shirt. "When I woke up this morning I did not know my day would be this increasingly perfect! Good morning my Purple haired princess!" i honestly thought she would leap up and freak out even hit me but what she did just confused me......

     Benemue buried her face in my shoulder and held me tighter...Azazel was just giving me a thumbs up like he knew this would happen........In for a penny in for a pound...any woman that is willing to die with you must be a keeper right?! So I just stroked her back to make her feel comfy. Honestly it does feel like I have held her many times like muscle memory. I just have no memory of it. "Benemue just remember, you nor me are allowed to die, get me?" she just nods her head in my neck.....This woman is acting like a frightened 13 year old girl and not a leader of the Fallen Angels!

     As the train stops she picks up her head and looks me in the eyes....."Will you stay alive this time? No sacrifice? No leaving me?" my instincts make me shake my head yes.....She then puts her hands on my face and gives me a kiss that apparently was built up for 2000 years......I will just have to take responsibility for my past self.....Big G, I did not think what you told me back then would come true like this!

     She bites my lip as she releases me....ouch! Oh that's right she is a sadist! She was breathing slightly off and said,"That was for making me wait so long! Now go do your stupid devil crap and get back!" Benemue climbs off of me and smacks Azazel on his head....."That's for enjoying the show ass hole!" She goes from sweet big sister to domineering biker in no time!

     Now that Rias is finally gone I use my magic to drop this shit school uniform, and change into my battle coat and equip my gear on my eyes....I have to get to the point where I can wear it for like three months straight so the Underworld is perfect to do this training.

      All three of us get off and two groups are awaiting us. The one picking me up is Sirzechs in his bad ass cosplay looking outfit! And the other group is some maids and butlers of the Sitri house.

      We all greet one another and then depart for our own destinations. Time to wake sleeping beauty!

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