DxD: Matsuda!

Go to the Underworld, Again!


     We are currently saying our goodbyes to everyone in the ORC room. All of the maids are checking and double checking all of our bags to assure nothing is left behind....Of course Azazel is late, but that's normal. My three human loves are squeezing in their last kisses and then hugging the other girls goodbye. We brought two limos and two large cars for us to travel to the train station.

     The first limo Will be me and my five girls. The second limo will be Kiba, Gasper, and Azazel. As we finish loading the cars in the parking lot, two people walk up with bags in tow. The newcomers are Azazel and Benemue, both wearing sunglasses and black suits. Yup this is already different from the show!

     Azazel just waves and says,"Yo looks like we are right on time!" his partner just rolls her eyes at him knowing he made them late.

     Rias just points to the second limo and says,"That one's yours, let's go." Benemue just sighs knowing she got the dude car.

     Twenty minutes later and we unload at the station, both Asia and Xenovia came here before so they are confused....I am their designated guide to help them out. This is their first trip to the Underworld and my second. The maids take care of luggage.

     I make sure that the two fallen angels are behind me and take both of my girls' hands and talk to the four. "We will travel into the devil's train station from the human side and then go directly to the Underworld from there." Azazel just said,"Yup we fallen use a different way to go to the Underworld so this is a first time for us."

     All the others follow behind my group of five...Rias is testing me to be a noble guide and help my younger members out. We go to a small elevator size for about five people and my group went first, Rias gave me the key to open the devil access. So my group instead of going up the elevator to the human platform, we descend down at a rapid speed. It is hard to say how far down but probably at least ten story's or so.

     I send the elevator back up and take the group with me...."We are going to the third station for the Gremory train. Different families have different stations."

     When the five of us walked about ten minutes into a massive cave complex we arrived at the Gremory private train and servants were waiting for us to help us board. The train of course does not look fully like a normal modern train...magic runes decorate it. The symbol of the Gremory house and the Devil King Lucifer are on all the cars.

      As noble procedure dictates we are sent to the servants car in the middle of the train while Rias is expected to go to the front most car for High-ranked devils. Servants are not allowed in there.....This is the kind of stuff that makes being a noble a shit job! But just like last time I am sure Rias will get lonely and come to our car.

     Some facts to note about the train, first the train does not fly like in the show, we ride on tracks the whole way. Second, the car we are in looks more like a first class train interior and not an apartment! The seats are large and comfy but they are facing each other with tables in-between and there is an aisle....It is like the train in season four of the show. Just dark and Gothic.

     I have Xenovia and Asia take a window set so they can look out their window at the new world to come...I already saw it on the first run so I will be on the inside.

     Azazel just goes to the back seats and lays down to sleep, damn he is funny. Benemue just looks awkwardly on where to sit so I just point to the empty seat at the other side of the aisle and have her sit by the window....I then sit in front of her by the other window seat. We do not say anything but why the fuck is she putting her arms under her chest again? I think I just found the best seat on the train!.....Who wants to sit in the nobles car when you can sit in front of an oversized breast! Fuck I just had an Issei moment.....my brain must have issues.....or I am just oddly attracted to this woman?......Can a Soul remember past lovers??????

     "Why are you staring like an idiot?" Benemue said with squinted eyes.........I automatically responded with,"Because I am an idiot....Um no I had to look at something right? I can move seats if you're uncomfortable!"

     "NO! I meant it is alright, I get stared at often. So just look if you want........" She just looks out the window....but there is nothing out there?....And did she just tell me to google her tits!

     "Thank you! I was wrong about you......You are a very nice woman....Um I seem to remember apologizing to you then blacking out....I hope I did not make you mad!" I recalled everything and I will not let her know I know! Then I hear it... *pfft* Yup Benemue is holding in a laugh?

     She stopped and said,"The old you loved his wine......You cant even drink a bit.....I wonder if you are having karma challenge you?" Benemue is thinking of the past.

     "I do not remember most of it.....But this seems to be my 21st time reincarnating.........I won't do it again......This will be my last life. I have not told anyone else, but for some reason I feel you of all people should know my intentions for this life of mine." I just find myself looking out the same window with nothing out there......

     I smell something nice so I turn back to look........TO CLOSE!.....Two purple eyes are mere inches from my eyes. Her eyes are moist. "I know you're not him....But my heart still beats for you!" There seems to be a strong force pulling my face towards hers to lock lips with hers...her eyes close, then I.......

     *Cough* "Looks like we are all here now!" Koneko leapt into my lap as Benemue sat back in her chair like she was not tryin to kiss a 17 year old devil boy at her age! ha-ha she is cute and flustered.

     Akeno sat to my left and Grace sat next to Benemue. Gasper and Kiba sat in the two empty seats next to Asia and Xenovia. My maid just closes her eyes and waits for me to need her.

     Akeno grabs my arm and whispers in my ear,"Oh my, sweetie you almost had her too!" FUCK, Akeno your good.......I am red as hell...and everyone has great hearing right around me so the deep blush on Benemue confirms she heard her too! I say nothing as the guilty party.....At this point the train starts to move into the dark tunnel.

     After some time I recognized two individuals walking into our train car....It was Rias and an older man, wearing a conductor uniform. I remember him from my last trip! “Nice to meet you, all of the young lady’s new servant devils and the Diplomat's of Fallen Angels. I am Reynaldo, the conductor of the Gremory private train. Please let me scan you into the system.”

     I tell the newcomers it will just do a fast scan to make sure we are not in disguise, plus our evil pieces will be recognized in the future.

     The conductor followed with,“This is a device from the Devil world that checks and compares you. The fact that this train is formally entering the Underworld is important and therefore requires inspection. It would be a serious matter in the case that there are some imposters. In the current time, it would be quite serious if someone occupied the Gremory train.” He seems nice but really this guy is a ruthless devil if you were to be an enemy of the Gremory house.

     He then leaves Rias behind and Azazel speaks to us all....“The schedule is…First, a visit of introduction of Rias's new servant devils to the head of the family. Yes you have met him but that was unofficially. After that, there’s the [annual meeting of new young devils]. And then there’s your training in the new center at the Gremory home. I am mainly going along with you for training. While you are all at the Gremory house, I, Benemue, and Matsuda will be meeting with Sirzechs.”

     Rias was about to pout again but he continued,“We’ll arrive in about an hour. Since it seems that this train passes through the dimensional barrier using official means before it eventually arrives at the Underworld.”

     Rias pulled me out from a grumpy Koneko, and then brought me to some Empty seats...she then pats her lap! I as a real harem lord need not be commanded twice for this prize! She smiles and says,"Quickly you only have an hour to memorize my lap for our time apart!" I love the way this air-head of mine thinks!...She can be the best! I sniff then fall asleep on command!..........................

     An hour later.........[We will momentarily be breaking through the dimensional wall.]

     I reach up to turn off the alarm...*squish*...nice feel........*squish*.."Ah! S-stop that damn it!" Rias swats my head for pressing the best alarm clock ever! I sit up and comb my shaved head and smile! "Thanks Hun! Almost as good as sleeping in your breast!" She just gets up and leaves me all red....So I get up and go to the new travelers!

     The train came out of a tunnel that looks like a swirling black hole and we are officially traveling through the territory of the Gremory's.

     I then give the brochure tourist speech to the four new riders.....“The Underworld has the same surface area as the human world, but the population here is not the same as the human world. Even with devils, fallen angels, and other races, it isn’t that high. Since there are no oceans, the land is also spacious. The default color of the sky is purple and the moon and day and night cycles are artificial for us reincarnated devils!” I also add,"We should arrive at the Gremory station in about 40 minutes.....Alright I am off to the restrooms, so enjoy the sights!"

     As I left I heard Rias getting excited.....Rias pulls the two girls close and says,“Asia, Xenovia. Since part of my territory will be given to you all later, please tell me what places you want.”

     I just go and freshen up a bit...I was at school all day after-all...and the restrooms here are like five star hotel restrooms....after a while someone comes in and I hear a door lock.

     I turned to see Xenovia throwing her clothing on the sink then she started unbuckling my belt and pants....She then sat on her clothing and said,"Matsuda..Quickly get started..the environment of the Underworld will be excellent for making baby's...As my Lord this is your noble duty!" Did she do this to Issei on the Kyoto train too? Don't have to tell me twice!...I am already there pumping........Chou, Chou, Chug-a, Chug-a, OH I love trains now!

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