DxD: Matsuda!

Damn, I am in the Dogeza House!

     Dogeza (土下座) is an element of traditional Japanese etiquette which involves kneeling directly on the ground and bowing to prostrate oneself while touching one's head to the floor. It is used to show deference to a person of higher status, as a deep apology or to express the desire for a favor from said person.


     If you are guessing that I am currently in the entryway of my home surrounded by pissed women and Doing a perfect Dogeza, then my friend you know what happened at the pool! Well it is a lie to say all of my girls are pissed.....Only three of them are glaring at me...the rest are eating assorted movie snacks and expecting this outcome.....

     The angry group is led by the Redhead, shocker right!!!! and she has two helpers, Asia and Koneko! My lovely maid has vanished!

     Rias just taps her foot and says,"So you just accepted Reya and Ruruko just like that? Will you find a woman EVERY time we let you go out?!" Um clearly my track record shows the answer is yes?!

     Asia just stutters out with teary eyes,"Matsuda, am I not enough for you?.....I-if you need to explode, just explode in me and not those poor girls!" Wait, does she think I forced myself on innocent girls!!!

     Koneko,"Incinerating her body will get rid of the evidence I think? Only way to get rid of a rabid dog!" The fuck is wrong with you!

     I dare not retort to these crazy girls' comments........But I have to do a Koneko intervention for sure!

     Rias just glares down at me and questions,"And what does the accused have to say for himself?"

     I just keep my posture and bite the bullet......"I am sorry for disappointing you......I just did not want to break their hearts.....It seems I liked them more than I would openly admit......They both have been trying hard to get close to me and the more I pushed them away...the more my heart felt uncomfortable......When I was 16 I swore I would not have more than two wives.....My resolve to reject women that love me is bad..just look around...I am the worst......I do not love any of you less..My feelings for each of you are still the same as ever! If you want to punish me then do so...but those girls did not make me choose them so do not get mad at them please!"

     "Sister Kala, what do you think?" Rias asks Kala, who is eating ice-cream, her thoughts on dealing with me....

     Kalawarna just smiles at this site of young lovers having their first fight...."Well since you asked.....If you want Matsuda to be firm and reject love...Then after he and I were a couple.....How would each of your hearts have felt if he coldly told you he will only love his first wife and no others? I am the wrong woman to ask, because well I was first. I am happy  Matsuda loved you all...I have many cute sisters and Matsuda is not trying to kill himself any more!....So Rias where would you be right now if he rejected your feelings?" She just keeps eating her cookies and cream........

     Damn, I just heard a giant microphone drop somewhere in the cosmos! Every woman here went very quiet! They looked at one another and did a moment of reflection......

     Koneko muttered."OK, I will just fill her locker with rotting fish......." Um gross but better than death!

     Asia says,"If my husband says they are good girls....I will be their friend too!" When Asia bends over backwards for me, it just makes me love her more, such a big heart.

     What killed Rias inside was Kala's comment of me being suicidal...She had heard about it from Grayfia, Asia, and Xenovia. Rias just started crying and held me in her arms,"Silly boy, we just don't want you to pick the wrong woman.....I do get jealous, but I forget that you also tried to reject me...even though you loved me....I remember our talk when we first recruited you.....But looking back on it, I am glad you accepted me. J-just don't be sad alright!....Promise you won't ever leave me....Tell me if you are tired and need rest alright?"

     What just happened with these girls?! I am sure I was just standing on the burning pyre and the torche was inches from lighting me up?......Um why the fuck am I now being praised?! Is this anime logic and I am the only normal....well mostly normal person here? Or are Earth 0 values just plain different......Well looks like I will just roll with it and make lemon-aid out of the pile of lemons! I missed how Kalawarna pulled me out of that dumpster-fire! When I got up and looked around I noticed Grace standing behind me like she never vanished! The other girls came in for a group hug.....Um I will just go with it!

     OK, new rule....NO MORE HAREM MEMBERS! In hindsight this is like an alcoholic swearing off drinks than planning a trip to Vegas!

     The rest of the school week went as expected.......Koneko and Ruruko kept trying to push each other out of the way , but Koneko the ever evil Mate, would just say to her rival,"Back of homewrecker, only I am able to take his lollipop, you virgin puppy! Find another bone!" however like any thug, Ruruko just got even more physical with me when no one was looking. Somehow someone at school took a picture of me with two loli's tugging on me...And I had a lewd look on my face that I clearly do not remember making! I looked like I was living a dream of dragging the two little girls into my molester-van! I was unaware the photographer was that bastard Saji....He got me once!

     Reya with her sexy eyes would just hug me everyday and whisper the same thing.."You and I are still alive after the harem found out so this means it is alright to sneak into my home at night......" Yes, five days straight of this is withering my resolve a bit..........She also likes to nibble on my ear while saying this....She is a devil!

     During this last school week, I made sure to take all three human girls out as much as possible due to them not seeing us for at least a month...All three of them will stay in the mansion with Kala, so they will have a comfortable summer. Our home is a resort after-all! Aika said she would spend the whole break finding and making outfits for everyone and fill a room as the 'Cosplay for Matsuda' room! Um I am so glad I have taken in Aika...she is a good perv! She will also do workouts to improve her body and I did not forget to modify her body like I did Murayama....When she becomes a devil, she wants to be in the best shape to be stronger! She will be a caster type..but I wont tell her that!

     Murayama is going to use the training center in the basement and train with one of the maids that is a swords-woman. She says she wants to be ready for the day she can be a devil at my side forever...and she wants to be a strong Pawn!

     I gave Kyouko some training documents I got from Azazel. She will train her sacred gear during this time...Kyouko will increase the gravity on Aika and Murayama to help strengthen them and herself. Unfortunately my magic cannot modify Kyouko to the peak, due to her sacred gear making her stronger than normal humans. Kyouko has changed for the better, after two weeks of being my lover..she has calmed her heart greatly and is acting More like a lady in love than a timid school girl. After she found out I could not resist her in daisy-dukes and a tied farmers shirt...this has become her house wear! She is already turning into a devil!

     Asia and Xenovia have been extra happy with me as of late....They like to pray during our lovemaking......Um I think Michael would become a fallen angel if he knew how these two were praying... *COUGH* Big G this is not my fault I promise! Asia has been working on ranged healing ahead of time, so her training camp won't be as stressful. I also let Xenovia use my Ascalon, because I think in the story she used two swords sometimes? I do not remember...Oh I think it is the Kyoto trip she needs the sword!

     The two big talks I had was with Akeno and Koneko....I respectfully discussed their family members they will both most likely encounter. Fortunately It was not as bad with them and they only agreed to give them chances based on believing in me.

     Akeno cried in my arms quietly the whole night when I explained about her fathers situation...from what I can tell he was lured away and he not only lost his wife, but he lost his daughter too....I explained I thought he was a good man. She really took it hard, so all I could do was hold her that night.

     I pulled off Koneko's hair clips and explained her sister hid the data on super-devils here...She was floored about this...So I made her new kitty clips and we safely stored the clips for later....I told her that her sister was good in her heart but she will be tough to deal with in the beginning....Her mentality has been polluted with all those power junkies. So I do not know if things can or will go well with her.....I sadly said, if she tries to take her, I would even kill her sister first...So Koneko promised to not go with her if she threatens us. I love Koneko more than any hot catwoman any day....And yes I will kill Kuroka to save my Koneko....I hate this but I must have this resolve. Koneko just mated with me harder than ever that night!

     Now it is time for the events of the show's season 3! I hope all my lovers make it through this in better shape than going in......But the show is not reliable anymore..so I will just punch my way through whatever comes my way! I will have or leave any regrets and just be as happy as I can!

     The final school bell on Friday afternoon has sounded....Time to Go back to the Underworld!

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