DxD: Matsuda!

Pool Day, with the Sitri Peerage!


     When Azazel and I came to the ORC room the crew had already gathered. My two hot teachers had clubs they had to oversee, then a maid would pick them up later in the evening.

     I seem to have forgotten to tell Rias about Azazel becoming our advisor and trainer...oops! So he just explained to Rias that the night the last day of school comes we would all travel together. Azazel said,"Just like Asia and Xenovia..this will be my first time entering the devil territory through the front door...So I can't help it, Plus this was all your big brother's plans! So long as I am with you, I will help your sacred gear users develop to their full potential!" he just shrugs like he does not care!

     Rias looks pissed at both him and Sirzechs! Rias then asks,"Why will we be departing that evening, normally we go the following Monday?"

     Azazel just smirks,"Oh that's simple...Matsuda and I will be traveling to the Sitri domain for business with your brother, then after a couple of days we will meet you back at your home in the Gremory territory!"

     "What ?! Why? I will come too then!" looks like Rias was just told she had two days left to live! Wow, such a big reaction.

     Azazel just smiles and pours cold water on her,"No we are doing a secret experiment to see if we can earn Matsuda credits to become a High-class devil as he wishes! Your brother said to do your duties as the next head of the family. Plus we must greet the Lord and Lady of the territory while we are stopping by!"

     Rias just tackles me and say with tears almost coming out,"Matsuda dear, I don't want to part! I think you would miss me right? You wont have your King as a hug pillow! Two days without you is too long!" This reaction in the anime was kinda dumb, but when your on the receiving end it feels really nice, so I just kiss her and say,"Rias, if you want to marry me this is the fastest way...Otherwise it would take a long time!" I see her reluctance, but despite her silly side when it comes to nobility she has to succumb...Life for noble devils is tougher than it looks. Politics in a medieval type of government sucks anywhere.

     "Fine but I insist you take Grace along for security...She is strong despite her looks!" Rias says this but in her head she is thinking [And she can keep those gold diggers away!]

     Azazel says,"What am I chopped liver? I can protect him just fine!" He does not really care but it is about pride as a man to at least speak up.

     Rias just squints and says,"You're a bad influence on Matsuda, so yes he needs his Grace! Plus he needs a hug pillow or he will get lonely!" Wow she is absolutely right on both points! Azazel just shrugs...he can't retort either.

     So in a nutshell the rest of the school week went by without too many snags...there was some harem hi-jinx here and there. I managed to take out all the girls for small mini dates with two girls at a time and give them different levels of affection. I did a few contracts as well. Kala and Rias have been in my bed every-night, with other girls alternating in and out as well, so every morning has been interesting. I still have my haunted alarm clock!....Rias swore to the Heavens as she said she threw it away, and the next morning it played...[To Hell with the Redhead!]

     When we leave to go to the Underworld for the month Kalawarna will go to Heaven and bring Sera back to live in the mansion and with my mom and dad. She told me not to worry about her wings because they wont grow out till around the age of 8 years old as a half angel. And 8 maids will stay back at the mansion and two will come with us, one of the two being Grace the other is Rias's personal maid.

     Grace already asked Venelana if she can be traded to me when I get my peerage set, and apparently she was very happy I wanted her as my servant....I guess this is like finding a home for an adoptive daughter? So this means both of my Knight spots are now going to be filled, my Rook slots are up in the air...and I have 3 to 4 Pawn pieces accounted for. Asia will be one solid Bishop spot and I am not sure about the second one. My Queen is a no brainer as well.....Ultimate or nothing baby!

     When Friday rolled around I was stopped by Sona and asked to attend her peerage pool party for the last week on this Sunday....She also said this would count as the date I promised Reya. Sona also said she and Tsubaki would be wearing matching string bikinis, my impulse kicked in and I yelled "Sign me up!" I was also told to drag Gasper along as my chaperone. All of a sudden I felt like my little buddy and my little brother might be in a little trouble!.....But in the end Sona is my fiance, so against my better judgement I agreed.

     "What they invited you and Gasper? Why not me?!" Rias does not care that she was not invited, but she just does not want me in the hen house of the other farm. Yup her jealous side is going strong....She forgot about last year's promise....But I feel nervous too.

     She turned into 'calm' Rias with her thumb on her chin thinking and with squinted eyes,"Take Grace as your driver and servant! Sona can't deny this!" Rias just has a big victory smile, thinking she outsmarted Sona! Well I really don't mind...I like having her around and walking sucks!

     Grace was thrilled at this for totally different reasons than Rias.....She showed me her maid bikini! I did not know they made this shit!!!!!! Just imagine a black silk bikini with white-lace on all its edges and then a wrap-around pool skirt done like a naked apron!!!!! Damn water maids!

     It took the whole Saturday to satisfy both Rias and Kala before they reluctantly sent me off to enemy territory.....I feel like I will be a political prisoner in the Underworld one day! Gasper was super nervous too.....He is wearing a schoolgirls swimsuit with a pool skirt on his waist....I just ignore this because I will be stuck with Mill-tan one day...So I just considered this training for my mind! I do not believe in forcing him to change...He is hurting no one with his style.

     Well my ninja maid and Gasper both follow me to the pool section...Grace has brought a small cooler with things for us as well.....She wants me to only drink her beverages, due to the use of Drunk Matsuda!

     Every peerage member is in sight now and they are setting up chairs and umbrellas for those that are not swimming. Tsubaki is the one to come to me and greet me, she gives me a happy hug and kiss then takes my left arm and walks to where Sona is sitting.

     Tomoe is wearing a matching suit to Gasper, thanks to me giving her a heads up, and offers to bring him to a heavily shaded table by the pool. After looking at me and getting the nod to go with he takes her hand and is off to his doom! RIP my little buddy......She will be good for you....I hope?

     Tsubaki brings me to the seat next to Sona and she sits on the other side of me. Grace like a professional vanishes behind me ready to serve.

     In Sona's innocence she says,"I am glad you came!" She is so adorable to not realize what she said. I responded,"I am glad I came too." I am sure I heard Tsubaki giggle a bit.

     Sona holds my hand to show affection and says,"I just found out from mother that you will be spending the night at my home....I made sure to get home in time to be at your side." she squeezed my hand....Being with Sona is like an innocent first love, but with a Princess. I just smiled at her hidden excitement...then true terror struck like a bolt of lighting on a clear blue sky. "Also when you visit, I will personally make you some of my cakes for tea...My sister  just loves them." NO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAVE ME!!!!!

     "I can't wait to try my lovely bride's cake!" Maybe we will be attacked by Big Red before we get to her house! Please Big Red just finish me off now!

     Tsubaki grabs my other hand and pats it in condolences...I see pity in her eyes....So she has been a victim too?!

     At this point Issei and Saji both come up and say hi to me......Issei gives me a fist bump and Saji says,"Sup Tanaka? Um, who is that lady behind you?" Issei already knows about the Yandere maid...well not that she is now my lover, but he is ignoring her...Saji on the other-hand only wants to hit on my women and not the ones around him! Sigh, this guy.....

     "Oh this beauty behind me is my personal maid Grace. She was Venelana Gremory's Knight before becoming my maid." Grace says nothing but I can imagine a tail wagging behind her after my compliment of her looks. I  just hear a quiet *tsk* from Sona for not giving me a personal maid first. She is kicking herself inside for not predicting what can make me happy. I feel bad for her but I don't want to ask for things from her...then I would lose some face as a man right?

     Saji just looks so defeated......Why can't he find love he thinks I bet..but he could have tried hitting on Ruruko or Reya before they started crap with me. He then says,"How about the three of us do some lap racing?" Tsubaki just smiles knowing my swimming skill but I am OK just having fun...In fact I will let him win...just for fun!

     So I depart from the beauty's and join the beasts! We had a good half hour of non-stop laps and Saji did not do too bad thanks to his Rook piece. Issei is the worst off though, but it was just for fun anyway. While we were just splashing each other I was grabbed from behind with a soft hug. and Issei was tackled by Yura and Momo....Saji was tackled by.....damn no one!

     The breasts on my back were nice but definitely not Tsubaki's....."You forgot to come find me and say hi before your laps....Am I that forgettable?" Yup it was Reya on my shoulders and now her legs are wrapped around my waist so she does not have to swim to be on my back. I turn my face a bit to see her head on my shoulder. "I had to come and show these guys how to swim, plus you're not forgettable...I am just shy! And my maid is watching my every-move to be reported to my fiance...If I am being naughty or nice ha-ha."

     I see Issei holding Yura in the front while Momo is hanging from his back and they are using him as a boat....I am just speechless at the sight. Reya says,"The two of them are actually helping him train a bit...He runs back and forth in the shallow end to strength train and keep his balance..It looks funny but it has helped his foot work in fights!" I would have believed her if it were not for his lewd-balls face he is making.....I think they are just powering his gear!

     While I was distracted with the boob-dragon training another ball of energy leaps into my front like Yura is doing to Issei. "Hey Issei, let's race!" Ruruko, who is currently glued to my front, is challenging the other threesome to a race back and forth...Issei, not noticing my awkwardness yells,"I will kick your ass Matsuda!!! Let's go!" Something is wrong here but I can't put my finger on it....Fuck it lets race ass-hat! "Fine, how many laps?" I say in defeat.....

     "Ten and the loser buys dinner!" I am fucking aqua-man bitch! "Sure sounds good, prepare to pay bitch!" How stupid I was.........

     So my first lap was pro-sauce....BUT something happened as I was bounding around the water....I forgot my biggest weakness even worse than [Drunk Matsuda] I for better or worse........am a Lolicon and I forgot about this little woman bounciness on my torso....did the soft melon's on my back bother me? NOPE...I am immune to big ditty's! However the loli in my arms has triggered super bad core reactions both I and Ruruko are keenly aware of and my speed has slowed to normal human speeds...Why because little brother is helping to keep Ruruko in place by providing her a seat to rest on!!!!!

     As my face turns red, I am not sure how to handle the situation...There is no sexual contact...we are wearing swimsuits after-all, but do I stop and admit defeat and pay for the meal for everyone...or do I ignore this and just man-up?! I decided to ignore it and try to use my water power to help move me along........

     I was doing great for the next lap till Ruruko started flexing her thighs?!?!?! Is this girl seriously using my pole to master-bait while I am racing? Then Reya asks in my ear,"What seems to be wrong honey?"...Um, what lap am I on again?....My head is not thinking clearly right now.....and by the looks of it Issei is starting to get a bit ahead of me?

     What the actual fuck? how did my swim trunks get pushed down a bit.....Oh no my little brother is loose! now Ruruko is riding bareback...well her suit is on.....but how can I be sweating in the water?....I need Koneko now please help? Or do I want help....Damn Loli in my lap!!!!

     Ruruko seems to have noticed the despair in my eyes to not alert anyone what is going on and a glint of naughtiness is in her eyes! While I am internally freaking out she seems to have moved the cloth of her  bikini bottom to the side and now the parts are rubbing raw.....No penetration just pole freaking. Then she whispers in my other ear that Reya is not on..."You're my boyfriend now right? I think after all we have done, I should be your girlfriend now right?" What lap am I on....My brain is telling me to do very bad things right now, and I do not know what the right answer is? Damn, I used to watch the show and yell at Issei for his indecisiveness when Akeno would be doing this shit...........

     "Maybe if I put it inside you will say yes?.....It will be are little secret!" No wait.....I want to but I don't too?! I think fast and bite the bullet....."As your boyfriend I wont do it in the pool!" I whisper angrily! My lolicon heart won, and my no harem heart is getting kicked to the curb....Sigh I found that with my [Restoration] I can cheat my way through never having back pains again......If these girls love me without any regrets......then I should at least date them first.......Rias will kill me later! I think any-man that wants to come to the world of DxD and cares about girls' feelings, is just setting themselves up for lots of hard work! I remember when I first turned 16 thinking two girls tops was my limit......Can I slap me on my last birthday?

     As I know I lost, because Issei is yelling in happiness...the girl on my front is vibrating with an orgasm.....yup she just officially got her rocks on on my little brother and he got no action....damn! Her face is so dopey....and then she kisses me.....My maid looks alarmed, but I give her the I am OK look....this included an eye-roll for myself! As soon as Ruruko let her lips go they were snatched by Reya.........shit, I am weak!

     Ruruko was kind enough to make sure my trunks were in place before getting off my body and then Reya climbed off my back too......What the fuck did they just high-five?! I am not as smart as I think I am right?!

     Saji just leaps at me and is holding me underwater to drown me in frustration......I heard him spouting....."You bastard not Reya and Ruruko too!!!!!" I do not have the heart to tell him I don't need to breathe underwater....but meh I will let him vent till Sona kicks his ass!

     Apparently he was threatened and he pulled me up and he said,"See he is fine he is not even blue!" I do a fake pass out and Saji freaks out and shakes my shoulders,"Stop it you bastard Sona will kill me! Alright tell her you're alright and I will buy the meal tonight!" Life instantly kicked in and I stood-up and yelled to Sona......."I am good now dear!" I pat Saji on the back and say,"Thanks bro!!!!"

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