DxD: Matsuda!

Prince of Asgard goes to the Hostess Club!



     Four individuals are standing in a Greek amphitheater, looking at twenty-one figures in my dream world. Rossweisse, Odin, Coriana, and myself. We are particularly looking at the Marvel Thor who was my past life.

     Odin has been examining him for a while and Rose is looking around in amazement at all the strange people in the stands. Coriana is just holding my left hand for moral support.

     Odin's magic left eye is then covered again and he just smiles at me,"Mat it seems the looks are slightly different but his aura and connection to my blood is identical to my son Thor! That is why the replica Mjölnir is connected to you.....Your current body has no connection to me but your soul is almost the same as my son....So you too would be like soul twins from different times....It is sad to see you die in Ragnarok though!"

     I tell him,"I only have vague knowledge of that life of mine and no real memories of most of my life...I only have a few hours of cut images letting me see some fragments of that life, but I feel the emotional connection to my new hammer!"

     Rossweisse asks a good question,"Is that life how you know me?"

     I shake my head no,"No you did not exist in that life! My memories of you have come from my gear when I turned 16, but it seems you are not the Rose I was looking for!" I just smile and look at Odin,"Shall we go back to the others?"

     Rossweisse asks first,"What do you mean I am not the one you were looking for?" She scrunches her brows together.....

     I just smile and say,"Oh, it is because I fell for the Rossweisse in my visions, but you clearly are different from her, so that's why I am sorry for putting pressure on you. I realize it was insensitive to claim to be your future husband without getting to know the real you first. I was just excited to meet you and Odin at that moment and jumped the gun!"

     I take a breath to think of my words,"For example in my visions my wife Rias was supposed to be married to Issei, but Rias was not having that so I realized my visions can't be turned into facts of our current world! Plus even after my confession, you have shown no signs of interest so I have decided to not pursue you anymore......"

     Odin laughs and says,"Good, I am glad you can see the big picture and not think your visions are the absolute trust in the world, this means you won't be tricked into a set life path! So boy what do you say to my offer? Become this Old man's adopted son, you are overqualified for this honor?"

     I then bow to Odin,"I Matsuda Gremory would gladly accept this honor, please take care of me!" I stand up and say,"I am not versed in all of what I need to know but will learn! Also I hope this will not cause issues with the family...adopting a devil I meant....?"

     Odin laughs,"No not at all, I have already sent words of my intention plus all your information back home....So now boy, I Odin of the Aesir, recognize Matsuda Gremory as my son, you are now a Prince of Asgard!" He then clasps my right forearm with his and a magic pattern with his mark then it fades. "Ther now I will call you son, and just call me father! Hohohoho"

     As the four of us faded back into my VIP party-room everyone there witnessed the glowing rune on the inside of my forearm and it faded.

     Rias and Sona are at my side waiting for the conclusion to our dream trip. Coriana was holding my hand and Odin and Rose had their hands on my back then removed it when it ended. The two then sat in front of my couch near Azazel and Baraqiel.

     I just smiled and said,"Thanks father!" Then Odin just laughs at everyone's looks.

     Odin says to me and the group,"Now to celebrate our adoption we will go to Azazel boys titty bar and you can't say no! Hohoho!" I just smile awkwardly because I have all the best boobs in this world, mostly!

     Azazel says,"Perfect, he always refuses my invitations! And if his wives feel uncomfortable they can come too ha-ha!" Rias and Sona have the hell no look.

     Odin says,"Bring that brat Issei along with you, the faces that kid makes are hilarious!" Odin looks truly happy knowing I can't say no.

     Rossweisse says,"Odin I will be coming along so you do not do anything to prince Gremory and shame his wives. This would be disgraceful if it got out!" Rias and Sona relaxed hearing that I was getting an annoying chaperone.

     So our group and the peerage's bodyguard squad departed for the titty bar......I will be very uncomfortable but would disappoint Odin if I did not at least go. Issei was so happy....But he failed to see Momo, Yura, and Kris were giving him fed up looks...

     Before I walked out the front door both Kuroka and Koneko were sniffing me and the black kitty said,"When you come back we will see who dares touch or mate -nya!" Koneko is just nodding her head with her sister! I was not going to do anything but now I am afraid!

     All my girls that came as bodyguards and are staying outside for Odin's protection just give me the [Be Good] look and I nervously smile! This is my first time in this life to go to a hostess club and one run by fallen angel girls on top of it...In my past life I went a few times only when my pervert friends would pay for me....I would not give my hard earned money to strippers on Earth zero......But the clubs are a bit different in Japan.

     So the ones that went in other than me were papa Odin, Issei, Rose, and Azazel! I gave Azazel a dirty look because the shop they opened is across the street from my family bookstore!!!! Azazel just laughed and said they were protecting my family in the dark....So I say,"Thanks for that!" Then we were guided to a VIP booth on the front of the stage area. We sat on three large lavish couches with tables for drinking in front.

     Odin is sitting on the center seat by himself and Issei with Azazel are to his left, while myself and Rose are on his right. A lot of overly developed fallen angel women are serving guests and Issei might get a neck injury from looking around like a bobble-head doll! Although most of the women look as good as Kalawarna, I don't seem to be interested in them knowing what their job is....That's why I gave up on porno's.

     Azazel, seeing my eyes just passing over the girls, looks like he expected this, and he remembers the call he made in the training hall and he smirked evilly again! my gear shook and I looked at my shit fallen friend and he just grinned at me like a winner! Admiral Akbar lets just jump to light-speed!

     I passed on the girls trying to sit and pour me drinks so they went to the other men, but not without offering their 'service' to Rose! OK, the look on her face is great! Oh crap I hope she is not drinking...actually if Rose drinks I won't have any worries about anything right!?! I am smart!

     Each man already had two to three girls serving them and one wiping Issei's nosebleed! Damn Issei you're sniffing their boobs but how many men before you already did that?

     Odin while laughing says to a newcomer,"Hays Lil Missy! Your girls are doing a great job for this old man! Hohoho! That's right, girls stroke Odin's beard ha-ha."

     I hear a young girl's voice to the side and see a girl with blonde hair, styled into twin-tails and blue eyes, standing at 4 feet 9 inches! She is wearing a mini Japanese kimono that smells of seduction. She is criminally hot! I am alarmed for two reasons.

     The first reason is my Loli fetish just made my body go into freak mode, but the second reason is this girl is very much like that fallen angel girl Loli that hung with Yuuma. The girl seeing me look at her does a deep bow to me and says,"I am very pleased to meet you Lord Gremory! I am one of your biggest fans as Satan Gold! I am the madam of the establishment and it would be my honor to pour your drinks. Perhaps you will accept my company, I do not pour drinks for guests normally and will make an exception this once."

     Azazel gave me a thumbs up and said,"I know you don't like working girls and you have this secret hobby! So I had this angel come here just to pour drinks for you!hah-aha" he just downs his sake.

     Issei sees the little girl....who is probably hundreds of years old, and he then says,"Teacher I did not know you had a Loli working here? Why does my buddy have the dumb-shit luck?!" Says the guy with three pairs of breast inches from his face...sigh , I need new friends.

     So the small blond woman sits next to me and pours my sake. I see regret and sadness in her eyes, but she seems very happy to be able to pour my drink. What an interesting combination of feelings from her? Perhaps she is a real fan so I ask,"So you have seen my show...I am very embarrassed about it sometimes ha-ha!"

     She gets a real happy look in her eyes and talks like a happy 13 year old girl at a boy band concert,"I truly think the fact you are willing to do that for the kids even though you are so incredibly strong really shows your kind heart.......not many men nowadays are as kind as you. I have followed your career ever-since you became a devil. Your background, when the underworld found out, amazed me. And my boss Azazel thinks very highly of you!"

     My partner Rose on the other-side looks gloomy while she is drinking, man I have a bad feeling about what a drunk Rose will do?! Is this the fear I gave others as Drunk Matsuda? Crap and I am sitting next to her!

     Odin has an overly developed woman in his lap and she is topless and he is rubbing her chest and she is putting on the fake look of enjoyment. Odin sees me and says,"Son, you got two girls next to you, pick the big one or small one and have fun! hah-aha!" Wow he just told me to assault Rose or the Loli...My new dad is a bad influence on me.

     While I am amused at my new father the blond girl slides into my lap with her back to Rose so I can't watch Rose, then she fills my cup again. She has a real blush on her face.....So my two choices are. One...Push her off and look disgusted, or two just let her pour drinks.....My gear is not warning me of danger so I will roll with option two then!

     She then reaches into her robe and pulls out her personal card all in black,"This is my personal VIP card so you can always contact me! This card also makes it so you will pay for nothing here...you are my most valued customer, Lord Gremory! I am NOT one of the working girls here and do not attend anyone...but I want to attend to you whenever you come here! I am very sorry from the bottom of my heart for all I have put you through in the past! Please accept this small gift and rely on me please!" Her eyes have tears in them? Why is she sorry?

     So I look at the card....[Underworld Delights, for your every desire and fun!-VIP Black card holder, Issued by the Owner, Mittelt]

     My body froze and I just looked stupidly at the card in my hands. Then a voice from across from me speaks,"After you told me about what happened I captured her and investigated everything. Mittelt Was lied to by Ray and she was unaware of everything concerning you and Asia, just like Kalawarna.....Well she did do some crimes and has been disciplined for insubordination...Now she is forced to run this establishment. She found out who you were and begged me to let her meet you and apologize for what Yuuma did to you...ha-ha and she really is your fan! I am not telling you to forgive and forget but I will let you make your own choice just like father would do right?!"

     Wow! I thought Akeno killed her?! So I look into her eyes and see what my gear detects....She seems truly sorry huh? And there is zero ill will. I will ask Akeno later for the details. I won't ruin Odin's fun being an asshole here.......

     So I smile and hold up my empty cup and say,"Seems you forgot to top me off Mittelt!" She gets the biggest smile on her face with relief and says,"Yes my Lord!"

     So about an hour has passed and Odin is face first in huge knockers and Issei is kissing the woman currently in his lap...he is drunk as fuck!

     Mittelt during this time has excitedly asked all kinds of questions about my Satan Gold and me becoming a pure-blood devil.....She even managed to get me to agree to go out for dinner together due to me being tipsy! And I have had a chubby under this Loli for a half hour but she seems to know I don't want to be pleasured like my other friends so she just talked to me...we exchanged circles and she had me take a picture with her in Satan Golds lap and autograph her Phone!

     Then it happened.............................

     The woman on my left I ignored all night and frankly forgot about stood up and pointed at me and was slurring!

     Rossweisse blurted,"Prince, how dare you ignore me!! You are like all the other men!.....You don't want me after telling me you want me!!!! You said I am your girlfriend, you ignore me! You said you will be married to me? Why aren't you proposing then?......Do you like me or not?!" She is not done publicly yelling at me but my gear says act fast or it will get bad for me.....

     I put Mittelt to the side and whispered,"Sorry, got to stop her now!" She just nods in understanding and vanishes....she knows she is the trigger for her anger so she ninja vanishes!

     I just grab the drunk Rossweisse and pull her in for a hug so she won't fall,"I thought you did not like me! Was I wrong?"

     Rossweisse says,"Men are stupid!"

     I answer,"Yes I am?!" I pat her back gently.

     Rossweisse babels,"You said you were my boyfriend!!!"

     I smile at everyone's amused face watching my dilemma,"White Rose it is not official until you say you agree.....And you did not say yes yet?!"

     Rose stills for a second trying to recall things,".....Oh?!......Yes!"

     So I clarify,"So will you be my girlfriend or my wife?!" Meh she is drunk so let's go one step further!

     Rossweisse thinks and says,"Yes both!" Hot damn! OK sorry Mil-tan but your fate lies elsewhere.

     She then hugs me and tries to kiss me to seal the deal...I am excited........Then she puked on my chest! and passed out!

     Odin just laughed his ass off and said,"Congratulations son ha-ha! I am the witness to the greatest proposal ever in my years! Hohoho!!!"


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