DxD: Matsuda!

Vomit Princess!


     Five individuals come walking out of a titty bar. Odin in high spirits followed by Azazel holding up a warbling smiling Issei, then myself princess carrying a passed the fuck-out Rossweisse. Rias and Sona with their Queens came to me and then back away fast!

     Odin guffaws and says,"Hah-aha,The Vomit Princess proposed to my son by vomiting on him! Hohoho!"

     I sigh and tell the girls,"She is worse than Drunk Me and she apparently thought I was supposed to be her boyfriend-kinda after the hospital, so she drunkenly dressed me down, till I told her she did not accept.....Then she said she wanted to be my fiance and seals it with an almost kiss, and instead I am covered in her vomit!" And like magic we all turn to see Issei throwing up into a trash can!

     Azazel with a laugh and pats his back saying,"Let it out champ, you're a heavenly dragon! Show them that amazing breath weapon!" Issei unable to talk, just gives a thumbs up!

     Sona pushes her glasses up and says,"Husband, this is the first time I am questioning your judgment.....She seems like a failed Valkyrie?!" Both Akeno and Tsubaki nod.

     I know my words are useless so I just smile and say,"Well if she forgets about this night I wont bring it up any more so let's just go home!" So we head back.

      I asked Akeno about the battle with Mittelt and Akeno said,"Oh her? She and I fought in the air over the church and I did not want to destroy the building with you in it, so I used thunder on her a bit but she fled before I could finish her off and when I saw what happened to you she slipped my mind, why?"

     So I explained to the girls about what Azazel said and my meeting with her.....I was not dumb and did not tell them she was warming my lap....I am not totally stupid...Right?

     As I walked in with the passed out Valkyrie, a few maids came to take her and clean her up for me....Then my two nekoshou came to inspect my infidelity!

     Kuroka covered her face and said,"Nya? Did you do that to us on purpose -nya?"

      Koneko,"That's rank-yo! Did Drunk Mat have a problem?"

     I just sigh and tell the two cats what happened........Koneko was smiling like she was trying not to laugh at me, and her sister was rolling on the carpet smacking the ground making me feel dumb!

     Grayfia and Grace my only true loves are not avoiding me, taking me to the shower and cleaning me up.

     Grace finally snickers while holding it in as best she can,"My Lord, you are truly amazing!"

     Grayfia is double-cleaning me with magic to make sure I am pristine and she says,"Mat, I think you are being very kind to that girl. She is an awkward woman with no one to emotionally support her, even your other girls look down on her. So what is her true potential?"

     I smile to my main wife who knows me the best and say,"Some of her past research on a world ending threat will help save the world...My memories on this are fuzzy but she is a hero and does not even know it! Plus she is one of the greatest casters in this world......Yes she is a bag full of neurosis and emotional bullying harmed her, but her heart and brains are truly beautiful!" I then kissed Grayfia and thanks to my gear I kissed Grace as well.

     Grayfia smiles and say,"Then your Queen and Bishop shall counsel the potential wife and find out her intentions for you so you can focus on others before this fight!" Grayfia then left to take care of things.

     Grace came in front and I saw she was now fully naked,"My Lord, I can sense sexual frustration in your body, so your mistress in the shadows shall cure you....." I just turned into a pants-less Satan Gold and she smiled..............

     The next day came and today is the day before Loki will attack us, so nerves are high.

     I announce to all the members,"No more training for us! Today and until the battle tomorrow! I want everyone to relax......Watch a movie or read a book. Perhaps just sleep or play video-games!" I look at Kuroka. I then continue,"Many of us have different reasons for being here but hopefully we will all be friends in the future! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and for those of you that I have frustrated......I am mostly sorry!" I toast to the group with our morning beverages.

     I unfortunately had to turn down many requests to hang out due to still having a promise to keep, but the girls understand. I surprised Xuelan and Ingvild by telling them I had not forgotten my date with them and they looked very happy...I told them we would go to the same mall as in my rating game then take them to see the current hot movie. The two beauties scampered off in excitement to get ready together.

     Rose did not come out for breakfast so I went to her guest room and knocked. "Rose it is me, may I come in?" So I smile imagining her being in bad shape.

     The door creaked open and a sad looking Rose just opened the door to let me in, so I went in and sat on her two person seat facing her bed.

     She sits on the edge of her bed and I say,"Are you doing any better?" She is wearing white full body pajamas and she looks like she did not sleep, despite this she is still really pretty. She only nods to me, probably ashamed to talk. Well I don't think waiting to take the initiative will go anywhere so.......

     I got up and sit next to her and put my arms around her shoulder, and as I expected she froze stiff. So I tell her,"Just nod yes or no, you do not have to say anything OK?" She nods yes.

     I smiled at her innocence,"We will start with the hard questions first.....Do you remember what you said and did last night?" She nods yes, but looks ashamed.

     "Do you regret anything you said to me? If so, would you like to take anything back?" She is thinking hard about how to respond.

     She looks into my eyes and asks,"You died twice as children...and once as a young man to bullies?! Do you understand how I feel don't you?" Fuck, I did not expect that......My heart tightened for a moment there....Damn I forgot she was bullied....i did not think she would notice so much.......I think I zoned out there.....

     Rose wipes a small tear I did not notice and brings me back...."Sorry I don't remember it......." She then holds up her wet finger in my face.

     Rossweisse said in a normal tone,"You don't remember, but your heart remembers everything! I could tell many of your lives were hard....I can't imagine the harm you endured. So in your visions what is supposed to happen to me from the fight and after?"

     I shake my head and smile,"Nope, I will tell you after you make up your mind....I won't let my words change your view!" Yup I won't pretend she is the same Rose.

     She gives me a frustrated look. She then says,"I have already talked to Grayfia and Coriana, and they told me all about you......And you know a lot about me, I even noticed the name of the store after I left!" Wow she just pinched me and I blushed...well it was funny! She continued,"You made that store just to make me happy....I felt defeated when I left you know!"

     I stood up and gave her a small bow,"Sorry I was feeling playful when I did that, but I know what you have gone through and wanted to help just a little. I have struggled with money before.......So I appreciate your desire to find bargains, sorry!" That one was my true feelings and not my buddy.

     Rossweisse then says,"Prince, if you truly want this Valkyrie I will become your bride. I am not the most respected Valkyrie but I will try my best to meet your expectations, and I hope my reputation won't tarnish yours!" She is fully red now, cute!

I smile and say,"No it is I that does not deserve you! You don't know it but you're the strongest Valkyrie but lack the confidence.....In the future your mind will help save the world!" I just sat on the couch again.

     She mutters,"My research on 666?! You're the child of God so of course you would know!" Crap she is a genius, not even I would have put two and two together like her!

     I shoot up fast and say,"Don't tell anyone! If you alert the foes it will be worse!!!" She sees my panicked eyes and nods to me. So I calm down and sit.

     She smiles and says,"So I agreed to your proposal, so what happens with Loki? Also after?" She is boring a hole in me with her eyes.

     Sure why not? So I say,"My visions are...Loki is defeated and Odin leaves you behind getting fired. you then begged Rias to join her Peerage for the great financial benefits, and become her last Rook completing her peerage. Your group then fights the leaders of the Hero faction and you are defeated due to being drunk. You then foiled Cao Cao's plan with your group. later you fight in a major rating game for Rias vs her cousin Lord Bael, and Issei wins the match..........Then most of my visions after that are spotty.....But you fell in love with Issei and because you took too long to be married to him....one of my adoptive older brothers forces you to be married to him....Then I know nothing about what happens to you after that!" My friend said more but I don't remember and all that fan-fiction that made up shit messed with my facts....

      She ponders for a bit and then says,"Rias does not have an open slot. Issei is repulsive as a hero. Odin's sons are all annoying!" She then looks at me and says,"Oh but you left a rook spot open despite having many choices, so you wanted to wait for me?! But what if I don't want to become a devil?" She tilts her head thinking.

     "That's simple, don't be a devil! I can fill my Rook spot in a minute so the Rook is secondary. I will still want you even as a half-god! As far as wealth, don't worry I am a Gremory and I can find wealth anywhere! I am also the acting CEO of the Gremory Group so my job is secure, ha-ha!"

     I stand up and then say,"You have a lot to think about so I will see myself out, when you make any life decisions let me know and I will work with you...See you later Rose." Before I can turn to leave, Rose jumps up and hugs me.

     Rose then shyly says quietly,"I did not kiss you yet......" Oh she remembers the barf attempt.

     I lift her chin and place my lips on her and give her a soft kiss and slowly transfer my feelings to her. She then relaxed and leaned into me so I explored her mouth and taught her how to passionately kiss. I rub her back to calm her.

     I then stop the kiss before she runs out of breath and tell her,"Rossweisse I will be your hero, and you are my woman now! So just get married to me before one of my brothers wants to steal you from me! I am a pain in the ass but I will love you forever! Don't worry about money anymore...But keep shopping in the 100 yen stores if it makes you happy....and finally......Please don't drink anymore ha-ha!" She pushed me out of her room!

     Grace was waiting for me and I told her,"Please move my new fiance to one of the upstairs bedrooms of her liking, and thank you Grace for being awesome!" You guessed it, my gear said to give her affection....Thank God for Precognition powers!!!!!!


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