DxD: Matsuda!

Sairaorg vs Matsuda!


     Gomorin City................

     It's been two days since the drama with my friend and from what my maid Grace has told me the two girls broke it off with Issei.......He did not go to find them due to being deep in breast valley.....Ruby is really large in that department and it seems Issei chose breast over love...sigh. Well none of my business.....

     I am currently going over Gremory Group business tasks with my right hand Sakura and Coriana. Grayfia is resting while Grace is pouring me coffee.

     Sakura tells me,"When you arrive at Kyoto, I will be there to tend to your needs and will do site checks to improve quality. So I will come by with anything company related."

     I smile at her and say,"Sakura dear you can stop by even if you have no work, so don't be a stranger....but just make it at night due to needing to be a tourist during the day. Also when I give you the order to leave the city go alright?!" She just acknowledges my directions.

     I then get a call. it is Venelana so I answer,"Yes my love, how is your tea party going with Rias peerage?"

     [Fufu, so cute dear! It is over now but Sirzechs is coming in a while and wants to meet everyone, so that means you too. So drive over and see me, I meant the Devil King!]

     I smile and have gotten used to her flirting,"Fine, I will have Sakura finish things here and the rest of us are coming now! Mwah!"

     So I get my girls Grayfia, Coriana, and Grace and have one of the maids drive us over. So 30 minutes later we pulled in.

     We are escorted in and in the corridors we see a few devils. Rias and her full peerage plus Venelana, Millicas, Chysis, Sirzechs, and Sairaorg Bael

     My group comes over and we properly greet the Devil King. Then I say,"Greetings young master Bael! It is good to see you well, ha-ha I have seen this moment before...."

     Sairaorg laughs joyfully and greets me,"Good to see you well Baron Gremory.....So much has happened to you since your promotion! The biggest shock is not being Rias Pawn anymore...I feel let down."

     I look awkward,"Well we tried to put the 8 Pawn pieces back in but it seems my body has too much potential to become a servant again. Sorry, but Issei overhear can definitely give you a workout later!" I just smile. I am glad I don't have to fight this nut case!

     Sairaorg smiles and says,"Oh and congratulations, I hear you're expecting a number of children ha-ha!" He is not really trying to start anything.....He actually does not know about Venelana yet! But he seems to see a few awkward faces...

     Sirzechs may not have any ill will towards me but he still got me...."Sairaorg, since you can't fight Matsuda in your rating game, maybe you guys could have a friendly exchange here in our training center?!"

     Venelana covers her mouth and giggles,"Mat my son, why don't you impress your mother with a bit of a warm up....I have not seen you fight in a while....." Shit why do my women like seeing me get beat up?

     Rias rub's her belly with a smile and says,"Oh look daddy is going to spar with uncle Sairaorg!" Lots of people started to laugh but I saw Venelana and Grayfia holding their belly's too! Shit looks like I got to get beat up if all three girls want it.....

     I just say,"My women won't respect me if I decline so let's go!" So he and I go to the center and everyone else goes to the stands for safety.

     Sairaorg has taken off his noble jacket then stands in the middle, and I put up a finger and say,"One second I need to take off my training clothes first." I always wanted to do this since I was a kid in my past life! All of my training clothing have magic circles on them to increase gravity on just myself! I have been wearing the clothing ever since after my training with Tannin. hell I wore them even in my fight with Loki......But Sairaorg is a monster and I need to get max power in the beginning!

     I pull off my wrist guards, shoes, pants, belt, and shirt. Just like Goku in DBZ, each piece of outfit made a loud sound and slight vibration when it hit the ground. Without my strength to hold it up the full weight is released from it! Grace runs out to me with gym pants and a tank-top! I am fighting with my bare feet...This guy only fights straightforwardly and I can now use my martial arts at full ability!

     I run my Touki through my body at maximum output and crack my neck then say,"I am ready, just like this or do you want Satan Gold?" I smile calmly at him ready for a first strike from him.

     Sairaorg,"I know you know me, so you decide!" He puts his guard up.

     I shake my head and say,"Then no balance breaker! Sairaorg here I come!" Most of the crowd saw me disappear and the ground I stood on depressed one foot!

     Sairaorg blocked my kick with a kick of his own,"Ha ha that stung a bit! Here take this!" he tries to move at high speed to land a punch on my back but even without my gear out I can see it! Well using my Senjutsu! I just used a back kick to block his fist then try and sweep his leg, but I knew he would jump back so I then charged forward but I stopped because I was doing a feint! As i thought he threw a punch in a direct manner......But I have never shown anyone but my girls my jujitsu skills and grabbed his wrist!

     I pull back his wrist into my belly but kick with both feet into his! I dropped on my back and only took one punch but he took two kicks. He tries to forcefully pull his fist back and I follow elbowing him in his knee! Knowing he will land a kick on me I release him and roll away and stand.

     I rub my stomach where I took the hit and my regeneration is working! I smile and say,"That stung a bit!" Most of the group only saw a one second exchange due to how fast we moved.

     Sairaorg looks like he took damage too, due to the energy in my body so he says,"So you mastered the use of Touki? It is fun to find someone as strong as me! Let's do one final exchange before we stop for the day?" He looks happy!

     I smile and say,"Alright cousin! Let's put our hearts in it then!" This time the whole center of the arena explodes around our feet sending debris flying everywhere!

     The two of us meet in the middle and I do not do sneaky moves like before and the two of us throw a barrage of knees and punches and elbows. I finally feel like a protagonist...I know how strong this guy is and to be able to trade Blows with him without us pulling out final moves is an Adrenaline high!

     Whenever he throws a rounding punch or side-kick I will strike his limb with a straight elbow or knee. Due to him being taller than me whenever he throws a straight punch I send him a front kick to his stomach! The secret of Karate is to count straight strikes with circling ones, and counter circling ones with straights! Sairaorg has fighting instincts like a feral lion but I have the powers of precognition. He is stronger in pure power but my skill and speed make me a technique type!

     Within these short five seconds we both have traded like fifty blows and at the end we both strike vital points at full power and the two of us go flying to opposing ends of the arena! Each of our body's make an indentation in the walls and rubble falls on the both of us.

     Issei yells."HOLY FUCK THAT'S NUTS!" Then he says to Rias,"President, I have to fight that guy?!" Rias ignores him and is watching my wall.

     I pull myself out of the rubble and snap back into place my dislocated jaw with a snapping sound and then spit out a few teeth and blood and stagger a bit....This is OK, unlike my human life I can regenerate my teeth in about two minutes so no big deal!

     On the other side Sairaorg kicks off the debris and is laughing! He stands up and his left arm is hanging out of its socket. He then painfully popped it into place.

     I say with a bit of a whistle in my speech due to the missing teeth,"Thanks for letting my wife's team see what to aim for!" I warble over and put out my fist for a fist bump!

     Sairaorg taps my fist and says,"Well that little exchange would have been different if you never healed me back then! So thanks....."

     I just look at him stupidly and say,"Crap, I forgot I healed you back then damn no wonder I hurt! Oh and thanks for showing me how to train with Touki!"

     Sairaorg rub's his left arm and says,"Guess we both slipped up ha-ha!"

     I start to laugh with him but,"Ha ow ha-ha ow!" My jaw hurts like a bitch! I then use my [Restoration] on the both of us so we will be in top shape....Now I need a shower!

     When we get back to the group Issei is looking at Sairaorg,"Wow I will have to train twice as hard to catch up with you!" He has stars in his eyes!

     Sirzechs looks at me and asks,"So you stepped into Ultimate class strength?" I just smiled at him....Actually I just did thanks to that fight with Sairaorg and then healing right away! I am at the lowest level of it but it is a huge feat to be as young as me and hit Lower, Ultimate-class!

     I smile and say,"My secret is loving strong women! I have to endure ultimate pinches almost everyday!" And when I stepped away from Grayfia most everyone started laughing at me!


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