DxD: Matsuda!

The failed Harem King!


     After the events of last night, Saji expressed his thankfulness for giving him acknowledgement for his hard work in the battle with Loki. But when Issei asked him what training he did...Saji just started to cry and would not talk about what happened at the lab. I was unaware that Issei had been talking to one of the fallen leaders and to Saji during the fight.

     Saji said the two women drug him into a VIP room and left him tied to the chair and basically forced him into sex.....well just like me and Akeno, he had the strength to escape so the boys, meaning us had no sympathy for him...plus the smile on his face was dopey as hell...Later Azazel told me the girls only did that in hopes of getting a hybrid dragon baby! Fair enough!

     Looks like Ruby and Issei are going to be a couple now and she quit her job to be in his harem...This was OKed by Azazel....He said he is happy that our group is taking in girls from the fallen angel faction. Well I have Benemue, an actual leader class. Sadly she has been too busy and only gets to drop by once in a while now.....Azazel apologized due to it being his fault for being at the school and training the gear users. I told him it is alright because Benemue is happy with her work.

     Without me to make the familiar forest go nuts, the girls more or less got normal animal familiars! Normal is good, better than my Roshi, that's for sure!

     Father Odin contacted me and said he made all the announcements to Asgard and had a heart to heart with his sons...All three were surprised that any of them would have done that to me in the future! Yup when someone goes back in time and says you committed a crime it is unbelievable too! Odin told me that he will be sending me a comprehensive book collection of history, important people, and magic for me to learn. He also laughed and said to take good care of the delivery girl???? That is a future me problem!

     After school today I am in charge of taking all the year two students of all peerages and the four teachers to go to our mall in Tokyo to shop for the Kyoto trip that is happening in one week! Sakura has already made the school's arrangement for us to stay at the Kyoto Sirzechs Hotel. Naturally all the staff there will treat me like a normal student while I am there. Rias is going to give Issei that old trashy room like in the anime! I however have the Presidential Penthouse reserved for me...Perks of making Rias your wife, chumps!!!

     We have all gathered at my house for Grayfia to magically transfer us all to the private room in our Gremory mall. Issei is with Kiba, Saji, Momo, and Yura. Reya is with my teachers and with the girls from my class. When I suggested to Irina she should hang out with her old friend Issei, she just had an unpleasant face and said she wanted to be with us....I must have accumulated too much bad karma lately!

     Kalawarna grabbed Rose and Kyouko and told me,"Dear we will coordinate our things together and we will meet later, mwa bye!" And they all vanished.

     Reya took my left arm and said,"The other girls have got more time than me so let's make this a date Kay?!" All the other girls, seeing her actions, could only agree and they all went off as a girl group, but Grayfia followed in maid mode.

     I said,"Sorry dear that you have gotten neglected lately!" I kiss her and hold her waist.

     Reya just shakes her head,"Nope don't feel guilty! First I was not supposed to have anyone in the first place...Second I accepted you had a harem and I am good with this level of intimacy. Plus when I get lonely you talk on the phone with me." She just looks up into my eyes and smiles with her sleepy eyes.

     In a nutshell the two of us bought everything on our lists, Rias said I could not have maids do it because this is an experience for us. Reya did pull me into her changing room for undergarments and she managed to convince me to make her belly full. She was very daring! When I came out I just blushed at Grayfia's smiling eyes while she waited outside. I gently squeezed Grayfia's butt while no one was looking and got pinched...but my gear said I made her happy!

     When we finally met up again, I had to catch a rushing Ingvild and Asia. The two girls could not wait to show me the things they picked for the trip. I wanted to be really happy but as usual, ass holes are going to do stupid shit to test my patience. Kala, noticing my expression, hugged me and asked,"You're worried about the trip right?"

     I just nod,"Yeah, I feel like the world wants to take my happiness away......" I just don't know what to do about Cao Cao...is he like Vali and ultimately a misguided hero? But all of his actions of sacrificing gear users makes me want to end him?!

     Coriana lifts my face and says,"Come with me for a second......" And me and Kala with Coriana are now standing in my dream world but the sun is bright and beautiful clouds decorate the sky?!

     Coriana tells me,"Baby, just stop trying to anticipate everything and live in the moment! I brought us here because your sad mood will make everyone worry...It is my job to guide you, so listen to me now! Just do what you can and don't do what you can't...That is what you told me right?"

     Kalawarna smacks the top of my head and says,"This is what your dad said to do when you get moody!" I rub my head and laugh at what big G told my girls to do!

     I smile and say,"Thanks girls, I am lucky to have you taking care of me!" I just hug them both.

     Coriana tells me,"Also Mat you need to stop trying to push Irina and Issei together.....She does not have romantic feelings for him. So let her be friends with who she chooses alright!" This is the first time I have ever been scolded by Coriana and so I take this seriously......

     I just look sorry and say,"Ah, I see....I am trying to make people have feelings that I am used too.....Thanks I will stop then!" Coriana nods and we fade back to the mall.

     A lot of us head back to our home and I have Grace drive me and Reya, Momo, and Yura to Sona's home...........

     Momo and Yura start asking me uncomfortable questions about Issei and I have to tell them sorry! I say,"Sorry girls, Issei is my friend and I did tell him to not break your hearts by dumping you!....But I wont get involved in any love disputes you guys may be having.....Well Issei plans on having a large harem and I can't tell him not to do that....I have too many girls to throw stones at Issei!" I look guilty and I am sorry for them, but they fell for him without my interference.

     Momo tells me,"It's like yesterday's news with him.....He got married to Karen and she is living at his mom and dads house. Now he is dating a woman named Ruby...Plus he is dating that girl Abe! So what should we do to get him to notice us?!" Yura is nodding along with her.

     I shrug and say,"I can't help you...My girls just tell me when they want me and I do everything I can to make them happy." Reya just tightens her hug on my waist and smiles.

     Reya tells her friends,"I told Mat when we got to the mall I was lonely and he spent the time making me happy...That is how you do it girls!" She looks satisfied.

     Yura sighs and says,"We have tried but he is always preoccupied and tells us later.......He even forgot we had a date last night!" I look guilty as fuck right now!

     "Um sorry girls I made him go to a guys night out for Saji and I did not know he had plans with you!" I am sweat-dropping right now...damn is this my fault?

     Momo tsk's her tongue,"No he was doing his homework with Ruby......" What homework with Ruby....Um they were studying tits!

     Reya defends her man,"Mat won't betray his friends so don't be mad at him alright girls....just pull Issei to the side and demand him to explain and treat you better....and if that does not work then dump him like Ruruko did!.....She said it was the best thing she ever did!" RIP Issei, sorry bro I did not know you were neglecting your girls......Maybe it is because he has game in this life he is not appreciating his girls like he should?

     Well the uncomfortable car ride ended and we got-out.....Ruruko did a flying leap into my arms and started kissing me violently! Reya said to her friends,"See he does not complain or push her off...he just kisses her till she calms down fufufu!" Crap sorry Issei I slipped up!

     I finally got to hug and kiss my wife and soon to be wife. I talk for a bit then Grace and I depart. I then call issei......

     [Um this is a bad time bro..."hold on Ruby, I am talking to Mat!" Sup what do you need brother?]

     Cough,"Well it accidentally slipped that we were with Saji and Momo and Yura don't seem happy.....um bro you need to pay more attention to your girls and make them happy or they will leave you! A harem king cant have a revolving door ya know! I get married to my women to give them security, like what Karen did with you. Think about it." Ok this is all I will do for him.....

     [No way Matsuda, Sona would kill me if I did that and then neglected them.....Sona is scary!]

     "Well stop what you're doing and get over there now and make it up to them, your women want love not sex! So go and love them." I just roll my eyes at my dense friend.

     [As soon as I am done doing what I am doing I will head over there......Or maybe tomorrow! Got to go.........]

     I heard that he is in the middle of sex with Ruby.....sigh. Well none of my concern well unless Sona gets involved!

     Grace smiles in the rear view mirror and says,"My King save, the love for the other girls...just give me my sex!" I just smile at this troublemaker.

     She then asks,"Mat, why did you try and help those two girls with Issei when you said you would not?" Grace looks confused.

     I smile and say,"There my wife's servants and Issei is my friend so I had to do this much....Plus it's my fault Issei is more lecherous in this life.......He did not lose anything so he is not appreciating the wonderful girls that love him.......I feel bad for Momo and Yura........They deserve a better Issei! Maybe they will break it off with him and date Saji...who knows?! Issei is a failed harem king in this life!"


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