DxD: Matsuda!

Underworld Delights!


     The Gremory group made it back to Kuoh early in the morning and we began to prepare for the school day. Rose went to her new room and about fell over when her closet was full of high end products of the business lady style. Obviously there were other styles but I told Rias how she tended to be a conservative woman. Naturally the one to pick her wardrobe was Sakura! Coriana made some out of school clothing choices for Rose as well.

     The three teachers got their hugs and kisses then were driven to school in the car. School has become a headache for me! Why, because my little bastard turtle familiar! The legend of the Perverted Trio is stronger in this life than in the anime now! Rias just rubs my head and kisses me then says,"Well it has already made its rounds and the whole school knows we are officially married....and today I am going to proudly tell everyone how you knocked me up ha-ha! So prepare for even more drama my husband! My unfaithful husband that blackmailed me into a loveless marriage, where you force yourself on every girl fufufu!" Fuck she looks to happy...stupid Rom-Com light novels!

     Ravel complains,"Rias it is unfair....If I would have known I had to be in year two to go to Kyoto then I would have done that!" She is pouting.

     Siris follows with,"Xuelan is so lucky, if I was smarter I too would have gone to Matsuda's class!" She looks really sad.....Don't tell me she wants me too like how Xenovia does.....I won't even think about it!

     Rias on my left arm says,"Sorry girls, but that would have been too suspicious to have all of you go in there after all the transfers already....And as far as Xuelan was concerned that was my plan ha-ha." Rias did get me good with her, but I don't regret it at all...Xuelan really tries hard to make me happy.

     Xuelan on my right says to her friend,"Dont worry sister Siris, Mat has not said he won't consider you!" Oh look up at those birds flying overhead......whistle and look away!

     Ravel says excitedly,"So then I too have a chance?" she honestly thinks she has a chance...nope I definitely don't want chicken nuggets!

      Koneko flatly strikes her down...."Won't happen Hot Wings....Mat has standards......" Wow that felt like watching a prison room stabbing in action! She just looks mortified at Koneko's words!

     Murayama says to Siris,"Try lots of alcohol, that's how I captured his heart!" No girl drugging your date is very bad! And you're my past life wife....that's why.......

     Oh shit, Siris is giving me a warriors look like she will cut me down and rape me! Issei why have you not seduced this girl like you did with Kris?!

     We get to school and the year two girls get in there click and head inside. I walk up to the Sitri group and give my greetings. My four lovers kiss and hug me conservatively and Sona and I walk off to talk in private.

     Sona softens her face and rubs my cheek then asks,"Are you feeling fine after the fight husband? I only was able to see you sleeping and wanted to be with you?"

     No one can see us so I pull her in my arms and kiss her deeply then hug her and say,"I am very good and I feel even better knowing you worried about me! Also is Saji OK after his upgrade with his dragon sacred gear?" I then squeeze her butt as she opens her mouth.

     "Ah! Stop that in school! And yes he is doing much better, he just needed to sleep like you did. Also after your school trip, I want you to spend a week at my home, father and mother want to spend time with you!" She is blushing because she is the one that wants to spend time with me ha-ha!

     I kiss her one last time and say,"Yes my wife, and I can do some company-work with your father while I am there!" So the two of us split up and I pulled Saji to the side and we talked about his gear and the fight. I then told him to sneak out tonight because Azazel and the Gremory men were going to treat him to the legendary titty-bar! He fell to the ground and also kissed my feet?! Did Issei teach him that nonsense?

     On my way to class I received four love letters? I need to get a normal familiar to take care of school for me...Roshi is promising girls to take them out on dates and he never goes out with them so they just keep reminding me to call them? Half the school wants me dead and the other half wants to be in my harem.......sigh.

     I take my seat in class and I notice many of the normal students are just staying away from me....yup. I already hear the whispers of my marriage to Rias and forcing her to have my baby so I could get into her rich family....Well some of that is true right?

     Then the door opens and in comes a ravishing tall beauty with long silver hair and a pair of aqua eyes, she goes to the board and writes her name...[Mrs Rose White]...

     The class goes nuts and starts the barrage of personal questions. Rose, like in the show, tells everyone to call her..Mrs Rose. She likes to not feel old.

     I decided to mess with Rose because she is having it too easy here...I put up my hand and she pointed to me,"I think your husband is a very lucky guy, Mrs Rose.....If you ever divorce him give me a call!" She froze and went totally red. She hears the students talking and saying things like..."Oh no the Beast of Kuoh is going to force himself on a married teacher now!" Wait.....what the fuck? I am now the Beast of Kuoh!!!!! And damn it she is my wife yo-yo!

     Rose says sternly,"Mr Gremory please refrain from inappropriate comments in my class! I am happily married and would never date a student. Please be respectful in class!" I just gave her an apology to calm the rumors a bit, now the other boys know to stop dreaming. fuck Issei gave me a thumbs up!

     The rest of the day went mostly well....I had to turn down many girls confessing to me.....Roshi I am feeding you to Tiamat!

     Tonight Rias is taking all the girls including Rose, from both peerages to get familiars in the forest...Yup I am not going.

     After dark Azazel swung by and picked me and the boys up in his car and the six of us went to the Underworld Delights....on a school night!

     When we walked in the music and the dim lighting really calmed the six of us...and yes there are normal humans here but they are all men of influence here. The price to be a member and get into this elite club is staggering. Otherwise I would have seen my dad sitting at the dance stage with many Yen bills in his hands.....

     This time the hostess brought our group to the second floor that overlooks everything below and this space is meant for the VIP. We only sat down below before because Odin is very hands on cough!

     Speaking of father Odin, I already talked about my marriage to Rose and explained how in the future he would pass his position off to one of his son's and said son would have caused trouble for Rose and to make sure that won't happen. Hence Odin promised to make sure all of Asgard knew of their new Prince's wife publicly to prevent his troublesome son's actions! Odin knows I would start a war for my women. But Odin killed me with.....He has a Valkyrie that also needs protecting from his future successor....Odin is a dick!

     Anyway I was zoned out for a moment and it seems Issei found the girls he was making out with before and he already has her in his lap.

     Gasper has a redhead pouring him juice and talking with him....We told the staff no liqueur for him!

     Kiba is reluctantly having a black-haired hostess pour him drinks and is talking with her about who the fuck knows?

     Azazel is next to me with a big breasted woman who is pouring him sake. What about Saji you ask? Well he is currently tied to a chair on the main dance stage while each of the dancers take turns rubbing and grinding him...he is both happy and frustrated....But the smile and the tent tell everyone this fact!

     While I was amused watching Saji get some play, a pair of small arms wrap around my neck from behind and a young cutie voice said,"I am so happy my personal VIP came back for my attention!" She then let me go and came around to where I was sitting.....crap she is not wearing a kimono!!!

     I say ,"Hello Mittelt. It is nice to see you again, I hope you are doing well?" So what she's wearing is black lace bra and panties with a transparent black-teddy over it!

     She picks up the bottle of sake and crawls into my lap with a warm smile."Lord Gremory, I heard you crushed Evil God Loki recently....That really impresses me."

     Azazel smirks and says,"He crushed that guy in one hit....They don't make Evil Gods like they used to! ha-ha!" After Azazel said that a serving girl asked if I would like another partner.......

     Mittelt cruelly said,"Lord Gremory is too good of a man for the likes of you girls to tarnish his good name, only I will take care of him. He is mine." My gear is telling me she is proud and territorial. It seems she is protecting me from bad girls ha-ha.

     She then puts on her cute look and says,"Sorry Lord Gremory, the girls here are a bit cutthroat and opportunistic....I just don't want you to be served by a girl with bad intentions for you!" She leans in while apologizing, she smells good....no no no, bad thoughts!

     Azazel laughs,"That is so cute, Mittelt is actually protecting Satan Gold! You really are his fan huh?" Mittelt goes red and my teacher gives me a thumbs up.

     Issei has left? Mittelt seeing my face says,"Oh he went to a VIP room with Ruby! He should be back in a bit....She seems to like the Red Dragon!" She is hoping I won't be mad...cute.

     What the fuck? Gasper is sucking his hostess neck and she looks happy?! Bro I said smell the flowers not drain them!

     Mittelt giggled and said,"Don't worry she is a human with a sacred gear with regeneration so she can replenish her blood....we do get the occasional vampire here for business!" Wow Gasper is the only vampire I know of in this world....Are there a lot?

     My fallen buddy sees my face and says,"In the future you will meet real vampires, just like us there are good ones and bad ones. but vampires are even more blood purity freaks than even pure-blood devils!" Crap is there something with my old vampire soul that will cause me problems!!!!!

     A small hand rubs my face and Mittelt looks into my eyes and says,"Are you alright? your whole body went stiff...I hope I did not upset you?" Her eyes opened a bit wider and she smiled,"Well I guess only one part is stiff now?!"

     Kiba got up and said,"Gasper and I will see you tomorrow, we have homework to do and Saji just got pulled off into a side room by two women...So I will see you guys later!" Azazel and I wave off the two...Their mansion is close by anyway.

     Azazel picked up the woman in his arms and said to me,"Be back in an hour!" Then I see him go down to one of the VIP rooms.....He has lived like this for a long time...damn.

     It actually got awkward between me and Mittelt when there was no one else around but she then says,"I have not danced for anyone before...could I try it with you and see if I am any-good?" My gear says she is truthful about this....seems she knows about it because of the work they do here, but since she does not work the floor she does paperwork instead.

     I figure it's better than sitting awkwardly so I say sure. She was very excited and I said yes. And I underestimated my fetish a bit.......

     She faced me and stood and began to dance and twirl to the music playing. She made sure to make eye contact with me and a constant touch with some part of her body...My gear was actually capturing the dance and it was interesting...sadly I could see what was going to happen before it did ...Well not my body's reaction however!

     The problem was when both of her arms were on my neck and we both froze because little brother was in a full tent....sigh I hate being turned on by a woman one foot shorter than me and looking like she graduated elementary school!.

    She is nose to nose and says,"I am sorry, I was not trying to seduce you...I just wanted you to be happy with me." She looks like she did something wrong....

     I smile and hold her and say,"Don't worry right now we are just a pair of friends that are hanging out and getting to know each other...sadly this friend here is a pervert for little lady's! ha-ha. So don't feel bad, I have really enjoyed just being here and having some drinks."

     She then smiles and says,"OK I like your thinking....lets be good friends then and no pressure. But can I have one request as your friend?" I just nod to her.

     Mittelt smiles and says,"I wont cross any lines you don't want.....but can we be friends that kiss at least?" She has hopefulness in her eyes and I sense she is truthful here.....

      I nod and say,"I think that can be alright.....it's not a one night stand if its just kissing, so lets try it!" She did not even wait one second before her tongue was searching my mouth...damn.

     Other than kissing a Loli no lines got crossed thankfully.....This is just an innocent friendship....Yup! I am smart!

      Dont worry as of now I do not intend to make Mittelt a harem member, unless she has a huge request for her to be included...This is not Pokemon! The reason for this relationship is to establish a new location for meetings with Odin in the future and there was foreshadowing of the DxD vampire world in this chapter. This story will go past season four of the anime...so background must be laid! Thanks for reading!

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