DxD: Matsuda!

Shotgun Wedding!


     We of the ORC went home to get ready for school. Well a bunch of bull shit went down after we kinda won.....First Rias's brother came with his peerage ready for a fight. But once he found out what happened he calmed down a bit....Of course he grilled me pretty good for letting this happen....Apparently the Great Me forgot to cover my tracks of orchestrating the no call ahead of time policy. Damn I got busted, but on the other hand he gave me a compliment on handling everything without the hand holding of the Devil Kings. So since he should end up being my brother in law in the future I gave him a small heads up about incoming peace talks and the fact Michal and Azazel will be on board if he pursues it.

     Sirzechs looked behind himself at the maid waiting at attention and said,"Grayfia, I will be spending time with Rias for about a half hour. Could you please make sure young hero Matsuda is not bored.....I will be back." No please for all that is right do not leave me here alone with Grayfia....please no come back ha-ha she is coming to me.

     "Hello my loving wife, how are you this fine morning?! I-I told you I would be in a battle....right? I-I was very safe......." Grayfia just reached out for me and pulled me into her embrace. She just held me tight and said,"I was very worried you idiot!I don't like you risking yourself. I know why you did what you did, but my baby needs its father....so do not ever leave!" Damn I think she is shaking....I just hold her back and say the only thing I can,"You love me the best, I am too lucky to have you in my life! Don't worry I can't die....I have not had near enough Grayfia-inum!" FUCK she just pinched me!

      So she and I just held each other and talked...a few kisses too, can't forget the important things. Grayfia told me that Rias' mom and dad seem to support me and Rias marrying each other but still need to be High-class status for the actual wedding. She also spoke up for me saying that any devil other than me who was engaged to Rias like Riser would be killed in a rating game by me regardless of who they were.....Damn Grayfia knows me well!

     "Grayfia, in the next seven to ten days when the peace talks and fight happen, you will be able to meet Kala."  Even though I hope for the best, having a harem is not as easy as those anime and fan-fiction make it out to be....I just feel like an ass that I have all these beautiful women at my side and they can only have one man, me in their life.....Well that is just how this world works, but I know I am not half as bad as the anime Issei was...I hope?!

     "Kalawarna and I are actually very excited to meet each other, we are the older of your wives so the two of us have a lot in common....She and I will help run the younger girls. So don't stress about your harem dear. I can see it in your eyes that you feel like you are letting us down.....You do not know it but compared to other devil men...You are the kindest and most honest...You only want to love us...That is good enough." She just rubs my face with a smile.

     I just put my face in her cleavage and took a deep breath....."I do not deserve you....no really you're to good for me!" So we just stayed like that till it was time for Sirzechs and his peerage to go. Sona and her group fixed the school and we went to get ready for school.

     My girls and I just had a group bath and relaxed, ate a meal I made and went to start Friday at school.

     School started like any other, the non supernatural world oblivious to the fact everyone almost died in their sleep......Wow I just realized the real world feels less real once you are in the know.......I am thinking too much...The worst part is I cant remember everything that is coming up.....I think Gasper is released and parents day...Oh snap the swim episode......but damn I have made everyone but Xenovia my lover, so it won't be as impactful....and I won't have Xenovia's first time be in a pool room, nope! Oh and the Karaoke party is tomorrow! Damn I will not do a duet with Kiba nope! No boys-love, for me!

     Sona and Tsubaki look extra happy for some reason! When we walk by, Sona says to me and Rias,"Matsuda, after school I shall give you my request as you promised me...See you later!" At that moment Tsubaki came in front of me, put her hands on my shoulders and kissed me on my lips....IN PUBLIC!!!!! "Don't keep me waiting any longer, and hurry after school!" She then stood back into her place blushing...I am confused and look like an idiot....oh wait this is my normal face, I just nod at the two and walk in under the many greeting of the other students......Where are the fucking bad rumor's....I don't think I like being popular!!!!!

     Rias just cutely says,"I wonder what she wants from you my dear?" Yup, she and I will freak out later...........

     Looks like Kiba was waiting for us to show he actually looks legit happy! "Good morning everyone can I walk to class with you?" We part from Rias and Akeno who go to a higher floor and it's just Kiba, Asia, Xenovia, and I......."Matsuda thanks for everything bro! If there is anything I can do for you just say it!"

     "Actually there is something you can do for me! Tomorrow you will come to the Karaoke party with us! There are some new people joining us and one of them requested you! Take one for your friend, OK?" Murayama told me that Katase is coming for him...and if he is not there she will be annoying as fuck! Sorry Kiba, even if we are friends I will still sell you down the river! I managed to get rid of Aika on my buddy Motohama, so friends must be sacrificed to the lower back gods!

     "Sure man, I have nothing going on! Send me the info and count on me." Then he left for his class....Xenovia said,"Matsuda, I am going to skip that this time...it does not sound like my thing, plus I have shopping plans so I will just see you at night." She just gave me a quick kiss to pacify me ha-ha, she is learning. She just wants to avoid shame.

     "Aika said it will be fun....and she said we will go bowling first....I don't know how, but it still sounds fun, Matsuda please teach me OK?" Asia just looks super excited....."Sure I will, my little sunshine!"

     Inside the class the clicks talk in their circles, and I am shooting the shit with Issei and Motohama...and they are super excited about tomorrow! On the other side I see the five girls....Aika, Asia, Xenovia, Murayama, and Katase. This group of five seem to be a friend circle, were they all like that in the show?

     Issei is excitedly talking about the boy to girl ratio and the odds of getting lucky are great! Motohama is telling us about all the personal info of every girl that is coming and their dating history...Damn he is surpassing his scouter parameters! All of a sudden there were five new silhouettes looking down on the pervert three......

     "Yes Kiba will come so stop staring daggers at me Kat" She is giving me stalker vibes.......

     "Matsuda, Asia said you were going to teach her bowling...Please teach me too OK?" Murayama shyly asks.

     "Damn if Matsuda the strike king teaches you we will never win!!!!!" Motohama dramatically grabs his head in fake anguish....

     "Sure, then the three of us can get one lane and I will help you two out...sounds fun." Past self I have come back from the future to slap you now prepare to be hit!

     Class finally started and the day went on with out a hitch......Except the white kitty pulling me into an empty class for a quickie.....Um that was hot as fuck! I am a proud Lolicon now! Come on, I know everyone would be on the Koneko boat!

     At the end of the day I made my way to the Student Council room for my meeting with Sona...................

     When I got there everyone but Sona and Tsubaki was missing like they were all chased away. The chess table was put away but on the table were two tea cups ready to drink and Sona pointed to the chair across from her. Tsubaki is sitting at her desk just watching us talk.......

     "Alright Sona what's up? This seems a bit formal just to fulfill your request...." I just asked a probing question.

     "Matsuda Tanaka, I want you to marry me!" She just nonchalantly drinks from her tea like she did not just hit me over the head with a folding chair at a wrestling match.

     "Huh? W-what d-did you just say...I think I heard wrongly?" Devil hearing just is not what it used to be!

     "You heard me clearly....You're going to be my husband......My life partner.....My other-half.....my Soul mate......My moon in the Underworld......my true love....Just like you promised in the letter....I know you're shy and don't want to beg or seem desperate. But you meet EVERY requirement I want in a husband....I do not mind you marrying Rias rather it is because that would nullify your promise to me! Tsubaki before my fiance tries to wiggle out of his promise. What were his EXACT words......." Sona also passes a copy of my fucking drunk letter to me so I can remember all of my stupidity!

     Tsubaki happily reads a note,"Please Sona give me my request and I shall do anything for you that won't cross my bottom line as a member of my peerage and the ones I love.....So just ask me for anything!" Fuck your my girl why are you happy about pimping your love out to this crazy devil!!!?????

     "Now my dear I want to hear the right response to my request......DO NOT disappoint me darling! Right Tsubaki?" Damn she is bringing her into this......Do I hear Jeopardy music in the background.........Oh I got it! I am so smart!

     "I do not think your parents will accept this,so w-" Sona just curb-stomps me with,"They said yes and are coming to meet your parents!" Is my eye twitching....how many fan-fiction motherfuckers would love to be in my shoes, but I am close to death here, her cooking alone is enough to say hell no! But if I say no will her fucking crazy sis-con hurt me? I bet in her mind right now she is thinking 'How are my nine moves bastard?' yup I can't think my way out of this..........sigh....I made my bed now I have to sleep with it!

     "I am blessed to have such a brilliant woman who wants me, even as a reincarnated devil...I hope you wont regret being with me.......I will be happy to be your husband." NO I FUCKING WON'T!

     Sona then gets up from her chair and sits in my lap....She then pulls my face to hers for a super inexperienced first kiss.....She then pulled back and said,"Husband please take care of me!" I really want to lie and say that I was forced into this but, Sona and I both know the bulge under her is selling me out!.....Maybe it won't be too bad! Right.....?

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