DxD: Matsuda!

Take in a Stray!


     When I woke up the next morning, I was being observed by two pairs of eyes, the first being brown and the second being blue!

     I smile due to being held down,"Good morning Kala and Rias, sorry if you worried but I feel great!" I then hug the two.

     Rias just squashed my face into her breast and said,"Good! Coriana said you discovered some hard lives so we were all worried about you!"

     Then my forehead was poked and Kalawarna said,"Take off from school today and spend time with your daughter, that will calm your heart! That is an order." She then gave me a big kiss.

     "You girls are to good for me, but I am willing to show my past to you all if you want to see?" I wanted to be honest and let them know what I once was, but Rias and Kala both shake their heads no.......

     "It is enough to just know what they look like through images you create, " Coriana said there were some she won't ever forget and it was best to not show everyone. Something about not seeing you for who we love now but who you were. This is something Benemue had to deal with and that is only one past life let alone 20!! So just be our Mat and put it behind you..." Rias said in a no nonsense order!

     Benemue from the couch in the room said,"She is right dear, let your past be the past, just think about how to make us and your baby's happy......You can't change the past but you can make a happy future, so I, Coriana, and Grace shall help you babysit!" She just bounces her crossed legs looking all sexy!

     "A day off from school sounds great, I shall reluctantly listen!" Kala beats my head with a real pillow and gets up.

     I do join all the girls for breakfast and see off the school group, but Aika that shows up and pouts that I would stay home so after getting her kiss from me she went behind Ingvild and molested her chest in my direction....Um did Ingvild look like she is enjoying that?! Then Aika whispered in her ear.

     While blushing, Ingvild walked up to me and said,"I was told when leaving I should hug the young master goodbye?!" Aika is behind her giving me [say yes] signs!

      So I think fuck it and open my arms and say nothing......Ingvild then gave me a short hug and then ran off to the other girls. Aika is going to get a nice wing-woman pounding tonight! So I wave them off and drag Grace in with me. I gave Grace a hidden kiss because my gear alerted me to her needing my attention.....Did Grace reincarnate from my Elvis life?!

     So I ended up spending the day with my daughter and during every nap, one of the three girls would get some daddy time for themselves. Coriana definitely made it up to me for last night's Twilight blunder, she was extra aggressive!

     Grace made me take pictures with Sara with my Satan Gold going for the fans.......I think it is for herself but it is all the same!

     I worked with the maids and made one of my better restaurant meals for all the girls and invited my girls from Sona's side to join too. We had a blast! I told the girls I would go work on some missed devil contracts so the party ended, well it is a school night too. As I was about to leave, I was stopped at the door by a nervous Ingvild.

     She muttered,"Um, Mat don't forget....." Then she gave me a hug again. Then ran off to the church group, and yes that annoying Irina is here too! That's why there was no hanky panky...She is a cock block!

     Aika said to me,"Walk me home, it is scary out there!" She is full of shit, but she is doing good work for her man, so she must be spoiled.

     We made it to her house and she just brought me straight to her room and locked the door,"Master guess what I am wearing underneath, if you get it right you win a prize!"

      I smile and take off her clothing super fast and hold her then say,"Nothing!" She then excitedly removes all my annoying clothing and pushes me on the bed. She does not even worry about foreplay and shoves me inside and shivers. She then reached for something besides the bed and put it on her head!

      She tilts her cowboy hat and says while on top,"It is time to milk this bull!" We had an exciting hour before I left for my devil work....I can't believe I almost passed on loving this fun girl!

     After a few hours of completing a contract...which I have piled up the equivalent of five years of other devils, I am walking home when I bump into the last man I expected to see on the streets of Kuoh....... It’s the refreshing smiley faced Bikou! This time he isn’t wearing Chinese armor, and he appears dressed up like a modern young man. I mean, why is he here?!

      I just casually throw out a comment while I grab a drink from the vending machine here,"Glad I did not toast you back then! So what brings you to a small devil city?"

     He seems kinda surprised I did not fly into some kind of rage but like meeting an old friend,“Well, I came to accompany my partner.” Bikou looks back.

     I was looking for Vali but when I saw who it was I spat out my drink barely missing the monkey! It was none other than Kuroka! She just smiles at my reaction. and she does her cutesy paw wave at me, so I just wave back....“I hear that you will be having a Rating Game, and your opponent is the next heir of the House of Astaroth~nya.”

     I just smile because this is a little like the anime....but with no Vali?! "Yup, and I will kill him there, with or without Ophis snake in him!"

     Kuroka just looks shocked to hear my cool words so I continue,"I really appreciate the fact you would be willing to tell me after our play-fight before..."

     Kuroka looked speechless but said it anyway,"Play fight~nya?"

     I smile and say,"I already told your sister before we fought you would act like that, so I just acted back.....Of course I know you love her! And so does Koneko, that's what she is going by for now....In the future She will accept her old name, just give her time!"

      Kuroka says while getting closer to look at me,"So you don't hate me~nya?" She was expecting a whole different conversation tonight, not this easy going guy.

     "Nope, I know you guys are what they call anti-hero's working from the dark, so I don't hate any of your team, I even like Vali!"

     Bikou then asks,"Then why did you attack Vali so Ruthlessly?" Now he is curious!

     I smile,"Two things, first he was going to use his dimension dividing ability soon, and my pregnant wife was in his area, so I had to stop him from doing that! And second just like you two, I held back! If he was not going to affect the mother of my child, I would never have done that...Don't mess with a man's family!"

     Kuroka asks,"Then why did you throw me at the end~nya?" I blush a bit at that one!

     *cough* "Sorry when I am in that form, I am unable to feel my emotions very-well so my gentle side was suppressed, I would never do that normally!" I give her a small bow, because I would normally never throw a hot girl like that.

     She then shattered my cool side,"I once long ago told your sister I loved you both and wanted to bring you two back together, but I changed my mind, I would be disrespecting my wonderful white Kitty accepting a woman willing to taint her in the hands of the Khaos brigade, So I am sorry for this [Second Stage]~nya?!" She then squints her eyes at me and I look off at the amused monkey! "So what was that all about little man~nya?"

     I just try to look cool again and sip my drink then say,"That was all an act, so just ignore it!" Fuck my mouth, how did she memorize all that!

     "You never did say how you control life power so well for not being a Youkai~nya?" Now she is an inch from my face with curious eyes!

     "It is instincts from some of my past lives, I can restore life and many other-things, Oh and if you tried to charm me back then....I can't be!"

     "No wonder~nya!" She gets a mischievous glint and pulled down her robe for a peak, HOLY FUCK she is showing me her nipples!!!!!

     "Oh my so you are not fully immune to my charms~nya! Then make a baby with me~nya?!" OK, that puts cold water on me and she knows it.

     "I would love too but I mate for life, So no hit it and quit it for me, besides are you not wanting a dragon for your kids, I know Vali turned you down like a dumb ass, but there are two other dragons too?!" I just shrug, at the loss of the chance to mate with her.

     "You know about him turning me down too, and dragons are nice but the amount of chakra in your body is more powerful to me than dragon blood~nya?!" She thinks for a bit and says,"Can I meet my sister~nya?"

     "Sure, let me call her now!" As I call Koneko to sneak out for the meeting I sit on the bench by the vending box. Kuroka looks at her companion like she is dreaming how easy this is.

     While we wait Kuroka sits next to me and the monkey leans on the light pole and shortly Koneko shows up and plops in my lap looking at her sister.

     I smile at Koneko and say,"She is not trying to take you so I will go talk with him while you chat with your sister alright dear?!" She looks at me and I nod that it is OK.

     Bikou and I just sit on a roof looking at the stars.......He finally asks,"Why does it feel like we are playing in the palm of your hands?"

     "It is just in your head don't worry, just keep doing your thing.....Well until your first generation gets a hold of you...Then I wish you luck!" I don't know what will happen but let's see him squirm. Yup he is sweating, ha-ha!

     Looks like the girls are hugging so it will be time to go! I get up and use my wings to fly down next to my white kitty and smile at her crying face, so I wipe her tears.

     Kuroka looks at how we react and says,"Hmm, I think I will join your mating family~nya! Also I hear you can make lots of baby's~nya!!"

     Koneko looks and says coldly,"Get your own Lolicon, he is my mate!" Wow I have not felt awkward about this in a while but monkey just looks entertained.

     Kuroka then leaps to my other side and rubs her face on my chest and tells her sister,"Sorry, he already said he loves me and I can mate for life~nya!" Wait, she is kinda right, why does this remind me of a time that Johnny Cochran could not get me out of devil jail?! And why did Koneko look like she is remembering something?

     "Mat, you did say you loved both of us in the training camp now that I remember right! And you said it was forever!" The fuck happened to get your own man!

     "Kuroka does not have those kinds of feelings and they are one sided, what you and I have is tested!" I kiss her to calm her.

     *purr* "So cruel, I even let you see my boobs~nya!" Fuck it is Shrek cat eyes! Look away!

     A tug on my arm from Koneko and we talk with our eyes,[I think she likes you, you beat her!]

     I look at the black cat waiting for a response and sigh,"Let's exchange circles and get to know each other first........" Both kitty's seem to know this is as far as I will go with this for now. So Kuroka hugs her sis then goes for a big boob filled hug with me, but before parting she licks my cheek!

      "Little sister, Matsuda is not using his overflowing chakra to strengthen his body! So train him~nya!" Kuroka seems to have felt more from that lick than I thought!

     "You mean I can use it like Sairaorg does?!" Kuroka just nods yes! Holy shit........So I must use my healing powers from day seven! All this time I thought it was simple regeneration and healing magic?! Apparently I was in my own world too long and a kiss broke me......

     She then runs off with her wooden sandals clicking in the night, but Kuroka's voice is left in my ears,"Get super strong and give me lots of baby's my mate~nya~ha-ha!"

     Koneko looks at me and takes my hand then says,"Sorry to ask you to take in a stray, I love you for that!" I just picked her up and we made out all the way home!

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